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Messages - clandestino

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Bordom
January 12, 2005, 06:24:56
Quote from: mister jingoIf during that period you ever get restless and feel a need to stop, then stop. If you force yourself and become increasingly bored, meditation will turn into a chore.

I agree - try to block the distraction out. If you can't, then stop and try again later.

Whilst you don't want it to become a chore, a level of discipline is required. Try once in the morning, & once in the evening, for 5 mins. Try this for a week. If this seems easy, do it for a month. Regular practise is important IMO.
Its like going to the gym; doing a huge 2 hour stint, once every 3 or 4 months, isn't going to improve your fitness !
Hi Red Catherine !

I'm not sure that I agree with you when you say :
QuoteMeditation and clairvoyance are 2 prerequisite skills to AP

Whilst individuals with clairvoyance may (and may not) experience more AP success than your average Joe, I'm not sure that this means it is a pre-requisite.

Having said that, I am not clairvoyant & my recent "Out of Body" attempts haven't been maybe you are right !  :D
QuoteNice bumping up an old post there

hear hear !

I agree, it is natural to be revolted by things that are so far displaced from one's own experiences.

However, accepting homosexuality as a part of how men & women co-exist, in terms of love (not sex), is a different matter. It shouldn't create any revulsion at all.

Time and time again, I see people who don't accept gay men/women. It soon turns out that those people have never even met, let alone know, anyone who is gay.

The Old testament is quite homophobic... but I'm not sure about the new testament ?

kind regards
thanks Kodemaster for pointing this out ! I'm not the most computer-savvy person around here, but I believe that Adrian & EOL007 will know whether or not any action needs to be taken.

Kind regards,
Welcome to Astral Chat! / what does it look like?
January 03, 2005, 20:31:19
Hi Peacespirit,

Please explain more to us about this "psychic boy".

Quotethen one day in edinburgh is born again an ubiquitious God.

Where's Douglas (Gandalf).... I think he's an Edinburgh lad, like myself. I wonder if he knows anything about the psychic boy?!

Kind regards,

Its still there ! About 10th from the top, as I'm typing these words.

Kind regards,
Try the following for a few days....Perhaps 4 or 5. Its probably best to try it at the weekend ! (taking a nap in the afternoon isn't very popular with most businesses, hee hee...)

Mark's patented* Jump-start to astral sight

eat light meals. no snack or junk food, no sweets or coca cola !
do strenuous physical exercise, enough to make you tired / sleepy e.g try running a few miles each evening.
don't drink alcohol.
sleep for only a few hours at night, perhaps 3 or 4.
Have a short nap in the afternoon.

It is not a method....but it may cause an involuntary projection after you awaken, or just some symptoms e.g. astral sight, arms floating from your body. At the very least, you'll have some very vivid dreams ! I reckon that this combination of exercise & lack of sleep puts the mind slightly out of sync with the body, which occasionally gives you a window of opportunity to project.

My intention is not for you to practise this technique all the time !! Instead, I hope that you'll experience some OBE-related symptoms. This will then give you renewed hope, & perhaps you will be inspired to continue practising, perhaps from Robert Bruce's new book. If not, give it a break for a few months and come back to it when you feel the time is right.

Kind regards

*Not really.
Hello there !
I also got frustrated, though having said that, I did have some success with Wave 1.

I got frustrated because :
a) I wasn't sure if I was following the exercises correctly, E.g. was my walk-through scenario "good enough" ? To what extent was I still aware of my physical body ? My constant analysis of each failure didn't really help me. Using wave 1 became a bit of a lottery, perhaps I had a 1 in 50 chance of having an OBE or getting close. This low success rate, combined with my inability to identify the factors that differed between each success and failure, slowly consigned Wave 1 to the "not-listened-to-that-often" shelf !

b) My expectations, looking back, were perhaps too high. I approached the exercise as if it were a cookbook recipe. Surely if I had all the ingredients in place, at the right time, I would succeed consistently, I thought to myself ! But this didn't happen.

Anyway, keep us all updated with your experiences ! I'll let you know when I begin again with Wave 1.

Kind regards,
Another easy test for gravity change is simply to go & weigh yourself !

(though, I must admit that after the dinner I've just eaten, this test would prove VERY inaccurate, heh heh.)

Hi there TheJza !

I'm sure you were using Wave 1 a couple of years back, at the time I began using it ?! Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else. I haven't used it in a while, I simply can't get the free time these days....This will change soon though. And when it does, I'll be hot on your astral heels, I hope ! hee hee.

Hi Frank, hope you had a good xmas !
Quote from: FrankWhen you create the structure of your rundown, you only need to create just enough detail to engage your senses. No more and no less. In other words, you need to see your immediate surroundings, smell the flowers, feel the cool breeze on your skin, hear the birds singing, and so forth. But you don't want to create something too detailed that you get lost in the creation of it!

I recall practising Wave 1 & putting 95% of my efforts into "visualising" a scenario. Not only that, I was always looking to improve the quality by adding in details !

At the weekend, I was fortunate enough to awaken in the "right" frame of mind for practise. I simply imagined my non-physical hands "feeling" the environment, whilst at the same time I tried to engage my other senses. Hey presto, within seconds I was fully concious and standing who knows where, somewhere within the "astral" !
QuoteHey, if enough people think that something will happen... they might make it happen...

Good point!
Welcome to Magic! / hello
December 29, 2004, 04:16:00
Hi there gentlesavage.

Magic, from one point of view, is simply the process of harnessing the forces of nature in ways that aren't commonly understood.

As such, it would be foolish to assume that there is no risk involved. During our day-to-day lives, we place ourselves in risky situations all the time, the difference being that we can confidently assess the risk. When undertaking any activity that involves an unknown risk, it is wise to proceed cautiously. The same commonsense advice applies to magic.

Quotei stick with the whole psi balls, etc.. gang.

With regard to psi-balls / manga etc, I would suggest that the Astralpulse isn't really the right forum for that kind of thing......There are plenty of existing forums that talk specifically about "psi-balls". But if you are looking for discussions on OBE, religion, metaphysical concepts, magic, dreams etc, then you are in the right place !!!

Kind regards,
Welcome to Members Introductions! / heya everyone!!
December 26, 2004, 23:23:42
Hi Pete ! Welcome to the astralpulse. Hope you enjoy it !

Try sifting through some of our older posts as well as our current ones, within the OBE discussions board. Some of them are excellent !


Welcome to Dreams! / Not recurring, but continuation
December 19, 2004, 03:45:09
Hi Nay !

I've had plenty of recurring dreams too, but none like that !

Usually, I'll fall asleep again, back into the same dream-world I experienced earlier that morning. Whilst other times I'll wake up from a dream with a sense of de-ja vouz, & later realise I had been in the same dream place weeks or months earlier.

I've never had anything like your recurring dreams...sounds fantastic !

How consistent are the you recognise exactly the same places and people ?

When I have recurring dreams, I see it as strong personal evidence of the reality of our non-physical lives. In "the art of dreaming", Castaneda discusses how our perception of reality is a fixed point, residing in one place in our souls. Every human perceives from the same point, hence we see the same physical world. When we learn to shift this fixed point to a new position, we perceive a different reality.

So, from Castaneda's point of view, you are repeatedly shifting your focus* to the a new place, but the same place each time, hence you are perceiving the same world each time you dream !


* I'm sure Castaneda had a distinct term for this ....can't remember what it was off the top of my head...!
Quote from: TeomimIn reply to your post, Yes i beleive that the astral planes are physical, but NON-spatial. there is a diffrence.

Hi Teomim !
Well, the astral realms do not take up any "space" within our physical universe*....However, during an OBE, one can (on most occasions) clearly percieve that the astral environment has spatial dimensions. E.g. I may be able to float upwards and bounce between beams of a church ceiling. I can swoop back down to the ground. Therefore, I am moving through spatial dimensions.

So, IMO : I believe the astral planes are NON physical, but spatial !

Kind regards,

*Based on our physical perceptions.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Webroot Spy Sweeper
December 17, 2004, 02:39:15
thanks for the tip !
Welcome to Metaphysics! / spirit guides=useless
December 15, 2004, 03:14:37
Great post, a rational person, I don't believe everything that people tell me. Instead, I look for personal evidence or proof. With respect to the matter at hand (channelling / the paranormal /etc), this proof may be objective or subjective.

Whilst I disagree with Aryanknight's semantics, can I put some words into his mouth?!

"If one of you channeled an angel or a guide right now or whatever, there would be absolutely no scientific way to objectively prove that the guide really exists as an external being, at this moment in time."

Hi James S ! you make a great point that science is only as current as our understanding of the universe, but I feel that the examples you mentioned were not theories, merely hypotheses & as such were never considered as proofs.

On the other hand, science is defined as being the study of the material world, using human reason. It is a tool that can only measure things that can be observed..... So perhaps it has no place in this discussion !!!

Kind regards,
Welcome to Dreams! / Lucidity experiment
December 13, 2004, 06:52:45
great point, experimental.... does a failed card experiment simply mean you were experiencing a lucid dream ?!!

I'd like to throw in one more point.....does the fact that you correctly identified a card, prove that you actually physically left your body ?! hmmmm.....

kind regards, :?
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / My first visit
December 12, 2004, 07:33:22
Hey Telos, I think that leaving your pc on, with API as the wallpaper, is a fantastic idea ! I might have to try it.

Welcome to Book Reviews! / The Impossibility of God
December 12, 2004, 07:24:21
Interesting concept for a book.... I might have to purchase that one.

I disagree - there are clear distinctions to be made between the terms "cult" & "religion".... there are plenty of essays on the internet* discussing this in great depth. But this is a bit off topic, sorry !

QuoteSimple question- Do you belive that there is a hell and what do you think it's like? Would the lowest astral plane possible possibly be hell?

Yes, I believe there is a hell. However, it is not a place that we "go to".... instead, we will create it with our own expectations within the astral after dying, IF this is where our minds believe we will end up !

* Internet : A 20th century invention, also known as "the fountain of knowledge". Can be used to prove, or disprove, anything. An essential tool to use when trying to show that you are more intelligent than someone else.
Hi Doug !

Hearts v Hibs, too..... I went to plenty of derby games when I lived in Dalkeith as a child, & I still remember the insults that flew past my "innocent" ears !

I fully agree with Tyciol's point...
QuoteOccult just means hidden knowledge, there is nothing evil about secrets or lost knowledge.

It all depends on where you stand - a practising christian may see the occult as evil, a non-practising christian may feel otherwise.

I'd hazard a guess that the majority of atheists could not care less, & would view it all as nonsense anyway.... ?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Can anyone remember?
December 07, 2004, 06:16:21
Hi there Light sphere !

This thread was started by Spectraldragon, a while ago....I think it was called "exploring fictional worlds" and it proved very popular.

It was moved to "Astral Chat" section a few months back, but seems to have disappeared.... I haven't been able to locate it. I'm pretty sure that none of the moderators deleted it, too.

Perhaps you could do a search through google's cache and see what you can retrieve ?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / astral or digital?
December 04, 2004, 21:26:42
is the digital world "alive" though ? If not, we can't really class ourselves as gods.

Otherwise, you might as well say, "I'm god to that sandcastle over there, I just created it."

or, "I'm god to that glass of water I just poured!"
Welcome to Astral Chat! / astral or digital?
December 04, 2004, 05:10:38
Quote from: Jeff MashIs this question really serious?

heh heh... serious or not, I thought I'd shift it to astral chat.