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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Disillusioned Reality
December 16, 2004, 22:16:08
I knoew where you come from.  But allow me to remark that when we were first put on his earth, humanity had no other means to survive but to eat meat.  You try staying alive on grass (today it's possible because we understand what the body needs and can provide it).  It's no excuse today, but you do have to think that there was a point where it wasn't much about choice but nessecity.

Everything you are attached to is something we have created.  Think about it for a second.

I'm not convinced that size is the issue for killing animals.  I think anoyance is.  Most people feel that insects step into their bubbles and they feel violated by it since they cannot restrain theses insects from going into their bubbles.  Trust me, I'd get pretty agrevated if a horse was walking around me like a fly can.  If the insects lived in an area and wouldn't "bug" <pun intended> us, I dont' think any people would kill them any more than pigs or horses.

Some things are simply done like this by design.  We're here to experiment.  Regardless of what that experiment may be.

Quote from: SelskiIn my humble opinion, humanity has completely lost the plot.  I'm not saying that I know what the plot is, or what it was before we lost it, but we (meaning humanity in general) are so far from it, it's untrue.

We watch mindless, numbing, idiotic programmes on TV and call it "entertainment".  (This stems for a conversation today with someone who has been watching "I'm a celebrity – get me out of here" – a UK programme).  I had absolutely no comprehension as to how anyone would want to watch a programme like that, and yet I was told it has millions of viewers.  After this conversation, I seriously contemplated throwing my television out of the window.

The biggest "Thing" we are chained to is something we created – little pieces of paper with ink on – money – and these bits of paper cause so much negativity (to name a few; sadness, anger, greed, hatred, and jealousy).

We want to save the animals, but only the ones that are cute and appealing.  If kitten became a fashionable dish in the UK... (Well, that simply wouldn't happen).  And yet we happily munch away on lamb – which are just as cute; one rule for one.  We are content to be blind.  So the bigger (in size) the animal, the more "feelings" they have do they – hmmmm.  Therefore, to swat a fly because it is annoying you is OK, but to mistreat a horse is inhumane.  

We eat animals.  Let me say that again.  WE EAT ANIMALS.  Good grief.  And we create all sorts of excuses for the reason we eat our fellow inhabitants.    

Hey, I'm not saying I know the answers, or anything.  In fact, I'll admit it – I've just enjoyed a couple of lamb steaks for my dinner.  So I know that these "not so pleasant" aspects of humanity are in me, and whether I do anything about them is completely down to me.

It's simply, at times, I see humanity for what it is, and the fact that I am a human really gets me down.

Over and Out.

Welcome to Dreams! / Another flood dream
December 15, 2004, 22:15:43
Interresting :o).  I've had a feeling for a bit that something is stewing up on the west coast of the US, but maybe that's the exact same feeling that spawns theses types of dreams for me.  <shrug>

Quote from: mactombsThis thread caught my attention because last night I had a flood dream myself. The country was getting flooded due to global warming. Masses of people were banding together to find higher ground.

It's the first time I've dreamed of flooding, as far as I remember.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Keep seing 3:14
December 15, 2004, 22:13:47
I agree.  It's tough to trust information (especially on the net).  I've read a lot of that site and the answer to your question would more or less be her own experience.  She claims to be with her twin flame (which she calls Z) and it seems she can communicate with her twin flame quite easilly and often.  The more esotheric information (legend, myths and etc) must come from another source and that I don't know exactly where it stems from :o\

Quote from: aussie_swedeYes it is quite extensive. I'm not sure where the material is referenced from though. Perhaps some referencing as to what sources were used would be great. Certainly as acknowledgement at least.  Otherwise you never know where it is coming from. Great site though. So many hours of reading. Plenty to think about.
Welcome to Dreams! / Another flood dream
December 14, 2004, 23:18:37
<lol>...  No I've only seen it once and it was quite a while ago :).  You got a pretty good point about the feeling of knowing the people.  I think that makes total sense.

When I was talking about the people in the village about not carring, I didn't mean not caring about me, but more in the sense that they were unaffected by the flood.  Perhaps that's a better way to put it.

Either way, I'm working in the 'waking up" direction.  I'm reading Bruce's book and I've also read a lot on the web in general, so we'll see where this brings me.  In fact, now that I think about it, I've dreamt of something happening to another place before that as well.  Although that place didn't feel like earth very much.  It had a HUGE globe in the center and the people knew something bad was going to happen to the place and somehow it did.  The weird thing is that some people lived and others died, but it didn't affect them as a function of their position for some reason.  It's weird. :\

Quote from: DarkQuestYea that is a rather weird dream.  Have you been watching the movie, "Day after Tomorrow" too much? lol.  No but anyways,  Where you said u felt you knew the people somehow or w/e, i think that could have jus been like you are all in the same situation so it cant be helped but feel like you know them.  It's like if anything violent happened to you and a group of people, then the ones who were around not knowing eachother would still rely on eachother, because you're all in the same situation and want to help eachother to somehow get out of it.

Now when you ride the wave and end up in the small village... well it could be what your subconcious mind perceives as an afterlife, saying that you somehow died riding the wave in the dream that is.  and the people uncaring could be others who's bodies are in the astral but they are unaware, i think it says that in Bruce's book, "Astral Dynamics" but not 100% positive, how others are seen as 'drunk' or as you saw in the dream as uncaring and minding your own business.  

This is jus how i'd interpret the dream, but of course its jus one person's opinion.  I feel that dreams always have some explanation connecting to how your subconcious mind thinks.  Breaking into how your concious mind is the key to lucid dreaming, then dreaming to OBE's... that is if you wanna do that.  anyhow, hope some of this may help you.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Keep seing 3:14
December 14, 2004, 22:08:06
I agree; It's a monster site.  It's been around for quite a few years (90 something) and it is added upon on a daily basis.  You can find a lot of interresting stuff on there definately :o).  The only thing that sucks is that the author doesn't really reply to any emails.  Perhaps due to the large volume <shrug>.

Quote from: aussie_swedethat crystal links site is absolutely huge and so vast! Where can the creator possibly source so much information from and so much of it seems very rare. Quite amazing really  :shock:
Alergies are bio-reactions caused by a "too clean" environment.  I'm not convinced that energy work cures it.  It may make it more tolerable, but I doubt it completely gets rid of it.  It is genetic as some of you have pointed out.  Look at your mom, dad, etc.. they likely have a history of alergies.  In very "dirty" countries where things are not as clean as the more civilized countries, the alergy rate is unbelieveably low.  It's all about your immune system.

Quote from: Vvid1012Im guessing it's obvious that energy and allergies are connected.  However, my question is if these allergies are perhaps blockages? Or in more general terms, can you work energy to reverse allergic effects?  Anyone have any success?
Welcome to Dreams! / Disturbing Reoccuring Dreams
December 14, 2004, 01:46:35
Try to gain control over the dream.  It sounds easier than it is, but the most effective method I know of is to create a trigger that reminds you that this is merely a dream.  This will only work if the trigger is as deep as your subconscious.  For example, you probably know how to walk from one point of your house to another through a dream because your subconsciousness knows it. You've done it that many times.

So identify something concrete that always happens (if you're visual, take a visual cue; if you're tactile, take a tactile clue).  During the day, every time you think about that cue, imagine yourself overcoming the rape.  You can choose anything funny or weird (turning into liquid, evaporating, going through the person as a ghost does, etc...)  The funnier  or weirder, the more impact it has and the more probable it will imprint inside your brain.  Keep trying to do this at least 3 times a day at random times and within a month or so, you will likely overcome the problem altogether.  Don't expect to turn into a ghost or anything during your dreams, but you can expect something in your mind that says "that's not right" and it should give you more or less the feeling of relief.

I'm not a dream expert, this is more like a trial-error type of thing =)

Quote from: coolbreezeBadwuv and I were talking and she said I better post this on the forum, so here goes:
The first 3 or 4 dreams I had between 3 and 2 weeks ago and all had to do with people I know. Other than the fact I remembered them very clearly (I usually don't ) and the fact that they were frightening, they felt like normal dreams. I felt kind of in control, like I knew what was going to happen, but couldn't control it totally (semi-lucidity).
The dream I had recently, while the same about the raping part was different. It wasn't about anyone I knew. My mind just created a completely different, new person. And the dream's quality was wild, everything was all over and I had no control whatsoever over any of it. The dream also felt happy, but when I woke up it scared me pretty bad. That kind of stuff just isn't like me.
I just thought the difference might be important...

Tonight I am going to try the shielding CaCoDeMoN suggested because its a new one for me. I have played with my aura before, making it hard and such, and I'm really not sure if it worked or not. So I'll get back to you.
Welcome to Dreams! / Another flood dream
December 13, 2004, 23:25:05
It's weird, I think I've posted about this before.  I've previously dreamt that the city of San Fransisco was flooded.  I had a weird episode inside the city, eventually found a safe heaven at a restaurant, but I walked about it while it was flooded.

It just happened again, but in a different context; it's weird.  I just dreamth again that (I think it's SF, but can't be 100% sure) god flooded.  It was known a few hours in advance and was relatively violent.  My consciousness was in a sky rise with many other people.  none of which I knew, but many of which I felt like I knew to some degree.  A blur happened and somehow, I rode a rave.  Something told me to ride a wave; I did and I managed to "surf" the wave for a lack of a better word.  The flood was violent kind'a like something struck the ocean and blasted a tidal wave.  Anyhow, I ended up at a hill where a small town lived.  The town operated perfectly on its own, virtually not caring or perhaps not knowing of the flood.  The colors were vibrant and it had this old look to it (rocky roads, ...) perhaps Europe? <shrug>  Something made me understand that I was saved.

It's a weird dream, the second of a flood where I end up in a safe Heaven and it wasn't like I was thinking about anything related on that night.  I guess it also had to happen on another 13 :o\.  A # I keep seeing everywhere as posted previously.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Keep seing 3:14
December 04, 2004, 15:42:56

Quote from: jr_
Quote from: Hannah bJo'ogn,

QuoteIt seems as our subjective consciousness it communicating sth to our objective awareness.
It can be e.g. others "incarnations" - I call "Focuses" (of attention) - that might live at those years, or it's just a "reoccurring signal" to gain our attention, like the prime numbers in the movie "Contact".

can you please explain a bit more??? I love this subject as for for the past few days I get the 00:00, 11:11, 12:12 ...etc. up to couple times a day...I take it as a generally good sign..but would appreciate to know more about it.
How do you know it's a good sign?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Keep seing 3:14
December 03, 2004, 22:20:50
Ever noticed that you posted this at 4:11? =)

Quote from: PotatisWow! I'm reading this post, it's 11:11 here!

I often see 11:11 btw.. I didn't realise it could be significant.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Bush Prophecy
November 29, 2004, 22:03:20
I personally wouldn't mind a revolution.  The government is no longer working for the people and they have slaughtered democracy (the original ideas) so much that we're basically stuck to vote for 2 parties, which both have the same agendas.  It's not what I call "choice".  Besides, the gov. is backed up by all the big companies and etc.  I whs the people had more power (where it belongs).  The only part that may hit a lot of people is that once this happens, every single pennies you've saved will not make a world's difference.  Nonetheless, I'm still looking forward to it =)

Quote from: twstedrageI too have a prediction that things are only going to get worse with Bush. I don't know if he starts it but there is going to be more war and a possible revolution/uprise in the US. People are tired of the way things are and I think soon that people will finally wake up out of the brainwash of the multi-billion dollar, lets rape you for every thing you got industry.  As for how soon this all happens, I don't know just a gut feeling and I am usually right. However I do know things are only going to get worse for a while. Not good times to live in.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Bush Prophecy
November 25, 2004, 03:42:46
I would like to second your opinion on that.  I lean towards the belief that we ultimately create our reality.  If enough people want something to happen, it will.  Isn't the physical a mere projection of the mental after all?    ie: What is above (mental) is also below (physical)

Quote from: JenadotsI also heard that prophecy.  It could just as easily been Al Gore as he too, was the son of a governmental leader and believed, and perhaps may still, that it was his destiny to be President someday.

As for WWIII, perhaps so many people have bought into that reality that we have actually been creating it, out of fear of it.  It seems the more people anticipate it, and focus on it as a concept - as a predestined event, the more it becomes one.  

It may be that we have been seeing the beginning of it for quite some time.  If one believes that thoughts create reality, then perhaps some people can create a better one than another, awful world war.  

I have not been able to create a reality I want in my own life,  as I have not mastered my own thoughts - I do, however, see the connection
between thoughts and reality.  

OOps... I am totally off the subject, again.  

Anyway, Bush or Gore, I think we would be in the same circumstances as we are in now.  Both had powerful fathers.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Soul Mate
November 15, 2004, 21:24:28
Quote from: RastusMy wife and I are soulmates.  That means we've been together before.  Husband/Wife, Wife/Husband, Brother/Sister, Sister/Sister, Brother/Brother, and other relationships.  What does that imply?  It means that we love each other enough to do a whole incarnation just so the otehr can learn a lesson that will help us evolve spiritually.  Well, it will let us become better at the game of life.  And life truly is a game, an illusion.  But the ultimate prize of the game is worth the challenge, I mean what else do you do when your immortal?

I'm not challenging you here, I'm merely trying to make sense of a word which I'm not even sure is well defined anywhere.  Wouldn't your definition imply that you could have multiple "Soul Mates"?  Which to me somewhat defeats the "traditional" view of it.  I don't believe in the traditional view of "Soul Mate" as life companion, but I'm thinking more of it like a "myth" if you will.  I know that my immediate family came together from previous lives, but I'm not sure I would be ready to call them all my "Soul Mates" although some name should be associated to that.
Welcome to Dreams! / West Coast Flood?
November 15, 2004, 02:45:36

I've had a dream some while ago (I can't even remember when), but somehow today, something triggered my memory and I recalled the dream which I had earlier on (some other day too i do believe).

In that dream, I was in San Francisco and the city was flooded.  Some hills stood out so it wasn't submerged, but some delimited regions were flooded.  I seemed to walk around the city and "fly" over flooded areas or at least I don't recall walking there.  For some reason, it also seemed like a restaurant at the top of a hill was known to be a safe heaven.  I know the geography of the city since it's close to me and I know that this restaurant does not exist.  At least it does not if you look at the city and consider the fact that I felt that I was looking at the North Bay of the city.  Now that I think about it, there is a restaurant to the left of the city which is pretty high on a cliff, yet it doesn't feel like the place I SW in my dreams.  For some odd reason, it felt like it was SF but visually, it wasn't.   I wasn't doing much in the dream besides walking around and looking at the few people who were walking the streets (the weather was rather nasty).  Again, that restaurant was pretty packed and made it feel like a safe heaven.  Perhaps because of the flood?  <shrug>  I just thought it was interesting.

For some reason, for a little bit now, I feel somethings up on the West Coast.  Earthquake, flood, terrorist attack, maybe a combination.  Perhaps my impressions triggered this dream and it's also a pure fabrication.  Possible...
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Relaxation
November 09, 2004, 21:18:29
Quote from: izanagii have the same [edit] problem, my eyes just never want to stay closed.. but i find if i practice in the mornings the second i wake up, i dont have the problem. maybe it's because eyes tend to be a bit more sticky and dry in the morning...

That's a good point actually.  I've noticed that if I have my eyes closed for some time, that it's usually harder for them to open automatically.  Even if I just keep them closed for 30min, I find it's harder for them to open upon relaxation after that.  They do still open by themselves fate a longer time unfortunately.
I'm not the only one =D.  My sense of smell and visualization are very powerful (above average I'd say) and I too am having a hard time with this tactic.  Something which I found worked a bit more is the "yoyo" technique Bruce describes.  In short, you push your consciousness forward and backward in a yoyo fashion.  I think I read that in the tutorials sections.
I don't believe I can help you much here, but I'd still like to put what I have once experienced.  Once, I had this impressive morphing between many people's head.  In short, I saw the face of someone and the face was incredibly detailed (very realistic for the mind I would say) and the face eventually morphed into some other face and this went on and on for a bit.  It was interesting to see the many faces that came out of this and I was surprised to say the least at the amount of detail/realism of the faces.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Soul Mate
November 07, 2004, 15:37:55
Quote from: Innerfocus
Quote from: WellsI think a soul mate may be somebody that you share a strong spiritual connection with, possibly through past lives.  Either that, or somebody that is simply at the same stage of spiritual development as you, so that you connect more strongly with them than others.

This is just pure guess work though.

I agree with this!  There are souls that have been together for many many lives.  Sometimes through past life regression you can find out why you feel drawn to certain people.

This would be your soul group; I'm not too sure I would call this a soul *mate*
Quote from: zaresteThat was just my point.  The origin of the universe is inevitability; from inevitability you get cause and reaction. That's what time is; it's not a creation.  Intelligence can't just 'be there', it has to form, using time.  So the questions are still unanswered.

Your concept of time is overly simplistic.  You have to think of time as another dimension.  This word may seem scary, but it's no different from <x, y, z>.  If you've read any physics book, you'll be familiar with the concept of <x, y, z, t>.  If you're not there yet, that's where you need to start.  Think of it as many world running at the same "time" for a lack of a better word.  Many yous playing out various games.

You are seeking the answer to things for which you do not understand the foundation.  Try explaining to a cave who speaks English how a light bulb works.  This is an overly crude example, but it illustrates the idea that you need to learn the more basic concepts before you reach the eternal questions.
Quote from: zaresteSo I'd like to probe everyone's deep knowledge for a moment.  We talk about souls a lot around here, obviously, but where do you suppose they came from?

My greatest guess is they originated in a star system somewhere, probably pretty far away, probably a long time ago.  It'd be nice if I could study a soul and come up with a more detailed theory on how its formed, but I'm a little too attached to my cellular body and don't have much luck leaving it.  Plus I hear the soul tends to hang around the back of your head, so, yeesh.  Sucks when the essence of your existence is so hard to see.

One big issue is whether cellular life preceded energetic life, the other way around, or both formed separately.  There's a slew of possibilities:
1. We came from - maybe - an animal somewhere out there who spawned a personal spirit as a means of evolutionary preservation (invincibility of complete death) and we came from there.
2. A species evolved to live on a higher frequency due to harsh low-freq conditions on the planet, and was able to come here at one point or another.
3. We originated on a higher frequency (ie. the star system theory) and invented cellular life manually, but Earth's materials could only produce low-freq bodies.
4. A species somewhere had a dying environment and needed a means of interstellar travel.  Invented souls capable of holding memories, living in space and shooting over long distances almost instantly.  (The soul is a very advanced, very capable thing; we might be some sort of technology.)
5. Cellular life AND energetic life came about separately, but energetic life forms learned to alter cellular forms so we could control them.

And of course a bazillion others.

I personally wouldn't believe for a minute that cellular life originated on Earth (on its own).  It's very young, the system is very young, and the possibilities are one in a trillion.  In the time this would take, countless other species from older, more suitable planets could have come to Earth and left its mark.

The soul itself is a real smoking gun for this; our very essence is something capable of moving near or past light speed between planets, systems, and can go unharmed by the vacuum of space.  Could something have just popped up out of an Earthly human's body one day with all these capabilities?  I doubt it.

I guess it's a tad pitiful that the mainstream evolutionary theories have complete ignorance of energetic life and millions of other factors. I didn't feel like setting around whining about it, so I thought I'd correct it.

Anyone else have any input on the makeup of the soul or where it came from?  I'm no expert on what it's like outside the body, so it'd be cool to have more real facts to work with.

You may want to read what Bruce wrote in the tutorial section of his main page.  There's one section that basically explains his understanding of the should and I personally feel comfortable wit the idea.  It may not make sense to you if you haven't move up enough to relate to the concepts,but it's a start.

Basically, you have to let go the notion of time (even modern physics - read Einstein has done this).  Time is the fourth dimension and when time does not exist, is there really a sense in having creation and destruction?  The other thing you need to know is how everything is frequency (lower frequency is what you can call mater).  Higher frequency (radio signal, ...) and even higher ones are basically an energetic signature.  Thus the frequency can be replicated perfectly and co-exist anywhere
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: The well known one
November 07, 2004, 03:57:45
Quote from: OrchildI might be wrong but everyone seems to know for sure that the shift of the south and north pole will be 2012

if your one of them, ajust that, it will be 2009. just so people can be prepared

Theses predictions are always interesting.  To answer some of the other's questions.  Pole shifts can be significant because it inverts the magnetic north and south of our planet.  This is an electrical world (+/-) and I guess we don't really know the effects that our bodies would have to such a situation.  If I'm not completely in the field, I believe in Einstein's physics, it has a certain effect on time?  I could be wrong, but I think it does affect it.  Our body emits electromagnetic energy and it also receives some.  I can't speculate cause I don't know the effects, but it is nonetheless interesting.  Perhaps the 1/4 that adapt to such a change will survive; who knows =).  I'm just spreading out the possibilities here, nothing else but speculation.

Either way, it won't change the way I do things.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Soul Mate
November 07, 2004, 03:45:08
Quote from: heterWhat is it exactly to have a soul mate? Why would they be your soul mate? What sets them apart from any other soul?

You may want to get a second opinion on this, but from my beliefs and understanding, a soul mate is historically described as a mate (husband/wife) but for the soul instead of you physical body.

I personally don't believe that we are "paired" like that at the soul level.  We are regrouped by soul groups, that I agree with, but not the fact that a single soul is destined to spend eternity with you.  You could also interpret soul mate as your higher/lower self (twin flame).  Some people tend to do that, but it's the same you (soul) so it really doesn't make much sense in the end.

The physical has this duality (male, female, yin, yan, ...) but the higher levels do not have this concept of male/female, higher self and lower self.  It's really just one, so to me soul mate really has little logic.  Unless of course you give it another definition.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Relaxation
November 07, 2004, 01:26:21
Here's in interesting effect I keep noticing and which now currently gets on my nerves.  As I go about total relaxation of my body, my eyelids will tend to open by themselves.  In some way, it feels like having my eyes open is the "natural position" of the eyelids and thus while I relax completely, my eyelids tend to open ever so slightly.  This of course is rather annoying and it's tough to do anything afterward.  If I put a little bit of energy on keeping my eyes close, I can feel the nervous system working to keeping them closed and as soon as I relieve all stress in that region, they eventually pop back upon.

Perhaps it also has to do with the position of the eyes when they are closed (ie: the direction I'm looking at).

Any ideas?
For those of you who have or have tried to have a romantic/mate type of relationship with another person while remaining spiritual (and growing in conscience), I'd like to know how the relationship turned out.

If your mate is also spiritual, it seems logical that both move along a smooth path, but I'm more curious about the case where you are spiritual while the other person isn't really.  I'm really not the type to enforce beliefs upon others, which I know can be a big issue and I also happen to know that many great people who moved along this path eventually found themselves single (but definitely not alone).  "Spiritual" here is meant in a broad sense.  It can imply anything from Wicca practices, spell casting to OBE attempts, ....
Quote from: cainam_nazierGreetings.

As the US Presidential Elections draw near I find myself more and more confused about who to vote for.  Personally I think that Bush has done an okay job.  There are a few things that I don't like about him or the way in which he has handle a couple of things.  But the more I hear about Kerry the less I like him as well.

In discussions here and else where it has become very apparent to me that people outside of the US seem to have a better grasp of our politics than the people who live here.  Myself included sadly.

So getting down to my question.

For all of you outside the US, Who would you vote for and why?  

Naturally every one is welcome to respond but I would really like to hear from all of you who live outside the US.

It's funny and am surprised that it took this much time for such a question to appear on here.  I read a lot of "predictions" about the subject today and the reality is that everyone seems to be split (such as the American nation is).  My personal opinion is that both man run under the same agenda (maybe not microscopically) but in a global sense yes.  I feel like most people that both candidates are "unworthy" or perhaps a better way to put this is that "there must be a better choice out there", but the agenda needs to be fulfilled.  Instinctively (no meta involved besides instinct), I would vote for Bush and guess that he will win the elections.  Without the terrorism fiasco, I would go for Kerry but am concerned that should he be put into power, that he would screw-up the Iraq/Iran issue and lose control over it.  As much as I hate Bush and wouldn't/didn't want him in in the first place, I would put him forward to clean up his mess :(.