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Messages - Astral Projection

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Time
February 02, 2006, 12:18:35
QuoteThe only thing that exists is the present - a Universe that changes in a series of everlasting 'nows'.
I think so too. While ago I got drunk and I couldn't remember many things from that night, so it made me think that past doesn't acctually exists, only that exist is our memories and present events...
Quote from: MisterJingoDid it sound like a pure tone?
pure... maybe little noise in the background sometimes, but that night it was pure, and it wasn't loud too much...
The other night I was lying and I started noticing. At the beginning I "saw" darkness and some spots... But then I hear some sound in high frequency. It lasted about a minute (or maybe longer) then it faded out.
I used to get these high frequency sounds earlier, but in normal activity. What is this? Does anyone experience this?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Time
February 01, 2006, 14:41:20
Quote from: StookieAnother quick note:

CFTraveler mentioned that time is related to space. Our concept of time is built around the amount of time the earth rotates and travels around the sun through space. We could change 1 second to be 3 seconds and still call it 1, but it wouldn't fit in with day/night or the seasons.
How it wouldn't? If we change that day would have 8hrs, and year still 365\366days..
very interesting experience.. Congratulations Heater :)
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Time
February 01, 2006, 05:48:44
Quote from: MisterJingoIt exists, but what it is I'm not sure. A clock is simply a tool we have created to carve out regular intervals of 'time'.
But how do we do it's regular? If 1 second lasts twice longer than one day would be 12hrs, yr 182\183 days... Then we would believe that it is regular interval of time..
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Time
January 31, 2006, 21:13:22
I was thinking today while I was looking at clock...
So I asked myself how such device can measure "time" so precise? If we cannot feel\see\smell... time how such device can measure it? Maybe our apprehension of time is all in that device (clock). What clock tells we believe that is the "time".. What if that time doesn't exist and all we believe about time is - numbers on the clock...
You opinions about time?
as far as I understood, F2oC (Frank's model) is area of our desires etc. We phase into F2oC when we sleep, projecting astrally etc...
F3oC (Frank's model too) is transition area (am I right?). People "go" there when they die..
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 11:11
January 28, 2006, 22:18:41
Something came to my mind...
The spiritual ascension suppose to happen on 21. 12. 2012. @ 11:11.
2+1+1+2+2+1+2=11 ... Interesting... :)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 11:11
January 26, 2006, 22:20:29
QuoteThe date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction of the
Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic
(path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to
resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT.

take a look into:
Well, I thought that there are not ony Mayans today, that's why I asked for... dingo, Wikipedia is not reliable source, anyone can Edit it so.....
What do you think about disappearing of Mayans? Do you think that they actually evolved spiritually and became invisible for us, "normal" humans?
just go to and there just read the instructions. Click Browse and than upload. I think when you upload it you will get link for download. I have server to upload but I have 56k so I can't wait that much to upload... :) :)
You should upload that mp3 files to rapidshare or whatever, so everyone can download it.. ;)
I have some questions:

Do 30 Aethyrs exist?
Does demons, like Choronzon exist?
What about coincidences?

If I think something else I will post ;)
So God's name is Yahweh? Are you or medium Jew(christian)? Don't offense I'm just asking.. Here, on this forum, come muslims, pagans, Buddhists etc. too..
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 11:11
January 05, 2006, 21:00:51
Well we all hope so that 2021 will be clue to the real year :)
Tonite I looked to my clock (I really didn't know what time is it)... It was 22:22.. kewl :P
Maybe Chris is right about mini enlightenments. Try to read the book Celestine Prophecy (it is not that good) but there are explained some kind of mini enlightenments.
Quote from: TheDarkChakraThere must be one who created all, and that is God.
Hm.. maybe it's not like that.. i've heard that in Hinduism and (or) Buddhism there was *something* before life - parinirvana (i thank that is the name).. so if anyone of you have some info about parinirvana\nirvana please post.. ;)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 11:11
January 05, 2006, 19:40:41
whats wrong with 2012? everywhere i read about it...
well, it depends on how do you ask it.. if god created everyting, than.. something must created god? right? :)
Who created God? ;)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 11:11
January 04, 2006, 18:06:26
you are right, but it happens to me that when i look into clock it is 11.11pm ... or when I wake up early (7-8am), later when I look into clock it is 11.11am..
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 11:11
January 04, 2006, 14:31:23
dingo, believe me coincidences does not exist... everything happens with a reason..

i was thinkig... could some of you look into a bible in 11:11 (some book :)) maybe there is something interesting.. i don't have bible now :|
So next time try to ask why we exist? what is the purpose? only spiritual development?