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Messages - Sin Buddhata


A person can work to increase their vital energies til the point where they pack the raw energy of a sun, but they will still suffer from the same psychological adjuncts that breed unhappiness. And when such a person dies all that work on the vital body will be for naught.

Assuming that past pains caused energy blockages and you were able to release these energetic blockages; what are you going to do to stop new blockages from occurring? All those psychological states that result in suffering are still there manipulating your energies, your motions, your thoughts, etc. What are you going to do about those psychological adjuncts?

Are they even synonymous with your very consciousness?
Quote from: BlackRose666Bell-in (pronounced Bay-Lynn) is a divine wind that will rid the area you are in of negs in the astral. The conjuration is chanted 3 times in a singing like voice:

Bell-in, Bell-in, Bell-in.
Amphora of my salvation.
I would like to be next to you.
Materialism has no strength next to me.
Bell-in, Bell-in, Bell-in,
(I'm sorry about all the dashes, but I couldn't get past the spell checker)

Credit: Mystic-Web/Beelzebub <~~~~ Course Author

It really does work, and you don't have to be a certain religion to use it. Although, I'm surprised my guide doesn't get blow away as well!

Just out of curiosity, where did you meet this demon? Or was this demon assigned to you by Ea? Or are you just seeking attention or want to feel special?

I ask the last question because you seem to throw in that bit about a demon guide every chance you get. I've just noticed it throughout different posts on this forum.
Assuming exorcisms did happen I wouldn't know what happens to the entity that is cast out. If they were sent to a place were they couldn't hurt people that would be great. Maybe they could take the time to reflect on how pitiful they are.

I'm not in the business of helping anything that takes pleasure in my pain. I hear it is very rare for one of them to change and there is really nothing you or I can do to change their minds. They would have to realize their own situation and want to make a change for the better.
Quote from: EtheriKAnother fleeting thought quickly before I go. If a negative entity can still regain purity, do you think theoretically that it's possible for that change to take place within the realms of a negatively impacting diversion from the path of ascension, ie. the darkness from whence they came, or would the transformation only be possible outside of that realm? I'd be leaning towards the latter. However, if that were so, then "sending them home" wouldn't necessarily be the best thing to do?

If they were in "light" they wouldn't be "dark". They would be illuminated.

We are in darkness as we speak. Not at the depths of the ocean, but near the top of the ocean were we can pick up a few glints of light penetrating the water. Some people are closer to the surface than others. Through falling asleep in meditation we can emerge temporarily out of the water and into the sunshine. That would be what is referred to as the Casual plane. If you can manage to get there you will find what it is like to exist without the ego.

A negative entity/demon would have to achieve godhead the same way we would.

1.) Repentance, the acknowledgment of the fault.
2.) Incarnation through the mineral, plant, beast, and finally, human kingdoms once again.
3.) And true spiritual work on oneself.

Believing in any doctrine won't save anyone. Belief cannot transform lead into gold.

Convincing yourself that each life is some kind of lesson and that you will someday "graduate" automatically is wishful thinking. How can you learn or consciously do anything making the same mistakes life after life as a puppet to the egos?

Simply meditating all your life won't help. Nirvana will forever be a temporary fix.

Waiting for spiritual aliens to come and fix everybody in 2012 is a dream. No one can do anyone's work for them because it is an internal work on oneself.

Waiting for the Earth to magically ascend in 2012 and take everyone with it I a pipe dream. No planet can do anyone's work for them.

Working on the etheric body to build up energy levels won't  lead to ascension. The etheric body dies right along with the physical body if not right before physical death.
Quote from: EtheriKI think you and I are describing the same things, with different terminology. Just to clarify, what do you think differentiates one person from the other upon ascension? I've read of the stages you speak of elsewhere, but I can't remember where. I have another question. Have you ever tried to open up a line of communication with these negative entities? If so, what was the response?

What differentiates on person from another? I think you are misunderstanding the concept of Individuality and perhaps that is my fault. The Personalty; that is, your reactions to situations, people, places, and things for the positive or the negative. That has nothing to do with being an Individual. We have many selves that make up the illusion of our Persona. One mind. One body. One divine essence(your being or consciousness). Many persons(egos). The ego use our minds and because it is our mind, our tool, we experience the will of the ego and mistaken it for our own. This causes conflict. This is why a person can want to diet and can intellectually understand the need to diet and yet at the same time does not want to give up cookies or doesn't want to exercise. This is why people cannot stop all thought effortlessly. They aren't the only ones using it. Until those ego are eliminated no human can consider themselves, their personality, to be an individual. A loon individual does not have conflicts.

Personality. Again, your reactions to situations, people, places, and things for the positive or the negative.

Why would you ever desire to get angry for any reason? Anger doesn't feel good. Anger - toss that away.

Why would you ever desire to be envious of another? That is not a satisfying emotion. Envy - Toss it.

Why would you want to degrade a man or woman's worth down to a tool for your own personal animal gratifications? Lust - I can do without it.

What purpose does it serve to be lazy and unproductive? Sloth - I don't want it.

What will all the praise and wealth in the world do for me once I dye or it is taken from me by force? Howe much is ever enough? Greed- Toss it.

Why would I not want to have self control and temperance? Is addiction desirable. Gluttony - toss it

We all are who we are at this time. Each person has different circumstances in life. Why falsely glorify myself? Why would I want to degrade another human being when I have all the same flaws they do? Perfect people never better themselves. Pride - Toss it.

These seven traits are the foundation of all the personalities of nearly all the people in the world. Would a person without those traits lack personality?

What if instead those traits humanity currently manifests, people had other qualities like Humility, Generosity, Love, Kindness, Self control, Temperance, and Zeal. Could a being not possess those traits and a distinct personality?

I do not claim to be an expert of anything beyond this physical world.

Concerning negative entities:

I have not had many encounters with negative entities. I fought 3 simultaneously during my second conscious projection and haven't encountered any others since. We weren't doing to much talking and besides, I have no hearing or physical feeling in the astral. I intuitively know when I'm being touched in the astral and can understand" if force is being applied to me. I can hear and feel in normal unconscious dreams, but not when I project.  My throat and root chakra are either blocked, under active, or malfunctioning. Actually, they all are except for the brow, but the throat and root in particular. I've actually stopped projecting until I progress far enough in my psychological work which in turn should balance my chakra.
Quote from: HumbledWow, way more results then I expected.  Thanks to all that replied.

Here's the thing.  Sexual thought makes me secrete "fluids".  The loss of fluids is synonymous with my ability to see auras diminishing.  For instance, I'll be able to see an aura an inch wide eminating off of the top of a bottle cap and then afterwards, only half an inch.  Every night I go to sleep it recharges a small amount, building and building every day/night I refrain.

Are you suggesting this is some kind of unhealthy blockage?

Am I not supposed to have this energy/ability?

What basis do you have to back up the statement that sexual abstenation is unhealthy?

I'm not attacking anyone.  I'm just desperately curious to figure this out as I'm still quite young.

On the one hand I feel that I'm looking at the biggest decision in my life.  I can harness this energy all my life and have more than just about anyone by the time I'm 70 years old.  Or I can say screw it and just accept a metiocre amount for the rest of my life while having as much sex as I want.

It is my own belief that life is short, and that harnessing this energy before I die is more important then sexual activity in the long run.

You may discount the validity of the scriptures I read.  But I've read this in several different books, including "There are No Secrets," a book on Cheng Man Ching (A Tai Chi Chuan Master).  It describes it as "Qing" energy, and even goes as far as to describe in detail about how long it takes to recharge, which I have validated.  I went on to confirm similar details in these scriptures, so I defenitely feel there is at least partial validity there.

Grrrrrrrrrrr.  lol.  Somebody help!

Have you ever thought to focus inward and spot the lustful thoughts as they enter the mind? How about any undesirable thought, emotion, or physical impulse?

How long have you been abstinent?

I am running my own experiment, but it has been only 14 days. Usually, after at most 4-5 days my thoughts are completely sexually influenced. And after a week or so I get turned on by merely hearing a female voice over the phone and I'll have a wet dream at about a week and a half. I never have wet dreams otherwise. The first one I ever had was a couple of days after basic training was over (I think they put something in the drinks to suppress sexual urges because I never had an erection the whole 6 weeks.)

Now that I am observing my own thoughts, feelings, sensations, and reactions I see them when they come and stop them. I can actual feel the "entity" entering through my sexual center (fuzzy pulsating feeling between the genitals and anus) to generate a reaction before it physically has a chance to cause a reaction. Not only have I not had an erection or wet dream in these past 14 days, but I feel as though I can keep this up indefinitely as long as I continue to be aware and conscious of thoughts, emotions, sexual energies, and my own motor functions. Looking back I see that we tend to give in to these entities, these egos, and let them use our though to trick ourselves into thinking these feelings and thoughts come from our Being. I've found that the mind is just a tool to translate the intuitive into concepts and words and is not an actual part of our Being. That being said any think can take advantage of it and the entity of lust is one such, which I believe is are entities associate with nature for the survival of beasts. But there is no reason for a being of intellect to need these "entities" to survive.

If all you are doing is suppressing freely manifesting lust, then you're gonna end up with a black eye.

I have another questions,

When you say you lose energy after having sex, do you really mean you lose energy when you secrete semen?

Energies can flow between a male and a female without an orgasm as a finale. There are these full body orgasms I hear about. Alchemy, white tantra, etc.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / DNA activation
October 28, 2005, 08:25:36
Quote from: Arn de GothiaI read somewere on the net that all kind souls will mutate their dna from 2 strands to 1024 strands before the year 2012, this is required to survive the shift to  the 4th dimension. Children that are born now allready have 1024 strands, according to this source.

I hear a lot about a supposed pole shift, aliens rescuing away the "good" people in spaceships, ascension to some higher density and now we have DNA activation to add to the group of wishful thoughts that serve no purpose other than to convince people that there is a guaranteed light at the end of every tunnel; that they are progressing; that mechanically acting and reacting to situations without any conscious understanding involved is somehow teaching them some spiritual lesson; that if they just sit around and do nothing everything will just fix itself; that they can continue to repeat the same animal behavior over and over, life after life and will someday just up and ascend to godhood.

Quote from: EtheriK
QuoteTaken all together I'd propose that the experience is one of being half (or quarter) woken up and finding oneself in a sleep paralysis from whence trying to reach a perceived safety which is manifested as the mother appearing and driving the evil away.

This argument appears to be valid save the fact that the mother was witness to the entity, not just her son in sleep paralysis.

My first OBE was very similar to your friend's experience. I did not know it was an OBE at the time. I thought the fluidic shadow was a part of my imagination until the paralysis set in after this thing positioned itself over me. I tried to wipe it away with my hand to prove to myself that it was my imagination combined with the darkness of the room.

Now the paralysis did not set in until after it had hovered over me and I was going to attempt to swat at it to prove to myself that nothing was there. Before that time I was able to move. And not having any knowledge of astral projection or OBE at the time, thinking all of "that kind of thing" was imaginary and in people's heads, I actually thought it happened in this 10th sephira. I keep trying to punch the thing for about 20 seconds and once I was finally was able to move my hands and swung at it, it vanished. Because the transition from OBE to paralysis to waking was so fluid that I didn't know I had ever been out of body up until I starting investigating.

Now I am not convinced that everything in the astral is an intelligent entity. After I started making conscious attempts to project I have battled beings who I felt were actually intelligent compared to that first entity which seemed to be a form of wildlife or parasite... Or it could have been a subconscious mental projection. I say this because I was not afraid of it nor worried about it as it approached. I didn't think anything was really there. Therefore it would have had nothing to feed from.

I should also note that the first time I'd fought intelligent beings, I could still see them in the 10th sephira after I awoke. The entire time I didn't notice that they were trying to knock me down into my physical vessel. I was knocked down so often and got back up every time. So the last time I was knocked down I stood up once again, with greater ease than the other times, and didn't notice as I began to conjure the last two that remained that I was in the 10th sephira. It was suddenly so easy to move and they slowly backed off. Little did I know I was back in my vessel, but apparently my ajna was still active. I posted something online at that moment so that I could verify the next day that it wasn't an astral illusion of waking up.

I believe that we can intuitively understand which are real and which are mental projections when egos of fear aren't clouding our perception.
Quote from: EtheriKSo what do you think we retain as individuality upon ascension, if any?

Have you ever cleared your mind of thought and just experienced sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch without the mind's inputs? That is the individual there: the being. Individuality is not about personality. It's about being one in thought, emotion, and action. As opposed to multiple entities using your mind, which is a tool and not the being itself, to direct your thoughts, emotions, and actions in various directions.

When you are conscious and aware you understand things intuitively. The Mind is a tool which serves to take that intuitive "language" and translate it into shapes, words, and concepts.
Quote from: EtheriKSo your point of view is that self is like an obstacle we must overcome, we hold no individuality and we all eventually become one with a higher consciousness?

Humans don't have any individuality and they never will as long as their mind and motivations are constantly in contradiction. Each person has so many different Selves that emerge at different times. Human thought and direction is constantly changing depending on whichever ego is in the front seat at any given time.
Quote from: EtheriKThanks for the posts you guys, I was getting lonely there :lol: Although the vast majority of humanity might not be enlightened, it doesn't mean they aren't conscious. Consciousness means awareness, and every living thing is aware to some degree. If it wasn't, it wouldn't exist. But the question I was getting to still remains unanswered; is it possible for a being of negativity to revert back to a being of positivity? Also, could you could describe your encounters in detail please Nierika? Any information would be greatly appreciated.  :grin:

Yes, they can come to behave positively, or should I say, "move forward". Inevitably these beings come to realize that they aren't really progressing no matter how powerful they wish to believe they are. In fact they are lower on the evolutionary scale than humans. They are moving backwards. I will reiterate that human ignorance is the only thing giving them the illusion of power. It is akin to the old myth that elephants are afraid of mice.

When I say consciousness I am not referring to the illusion of self or merely the act of experiencing the physical senses. The Self is merely the culmination of various psychological adjuncts manipulating the Intellectual, Emotional, Sexual, and Motor centers of the typical human animal. For instance, the majority of human beings will find it difficult to simple stop all thought because where a human may want to stop thinking, the adjuncts - the Ego - do not stop. They continue to influence the thoughts of humanity and humanity mistakenly believe that their thoughts, actions, and reactions stem from their own Being. This is how they feed. By abusing human energies. Through them humanity is merely an intellectual beast. Acting and reacting mechanically to all stimuli and situations without ever knowing why they think, feel, and act the way they do.
Quote from: EtheriKYeah, that's kind of the theory I was explaining. They still are a conscious being of course, and at one point were on the same track as us. But for some reason or another instead of choosing to 'follow the light at the end of the tunnel', they chose to explore darkness. Without attaining Godhead (the Christian faith dictates, "believe in me and you will never grow hungry again" hinting at self sufficiency through spiritual enlightenment) these beings were cut off from the 'fathers love' so to speak and were consumed by the void.

Thanks for the reply by the way Sin Buddhata, greatly appreciated.  :smile:

Yes, THEY are conscious. The vast majority of humanity is not. That is why humanity dreams every night instead of experiencing the astral consciously. Human thought and awareness is all over the place restricting any level of true consciousness.

Now there are some who gain understanding, awareness, and consciousness yet refuse to let go of their Selves. The Self, composed of those psychological adjuncts that render humanity an intellectual beast, enter the eighth Sephira and continue to spread the misery they propagated in this world. But they do it consciously and with full understanding of their deeds and the pain they cause. They are intoxicated by their own ego.

Their power lies in humanity's ignorance. For that ignorance creates great fear.

But again, this is speculation... of course.
Another possibility: What if they are people?

These "negative entities" may in fact be the culmination of a negatively impacting diversion from the path of ascension or a conscious decision to nurture the ego from the beginning of their spiritual path. Whatever the case may be they are now feeding their ego at the expense of the unconscious masses of humanity. Perhaps when they become strong enough, after feeding on the miseries of humanity, people start calling them demons.

This is all, of course, speculation...