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Messages - Bynx

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Was this real?
December 04, 2005, 01:46:32
Thank you! I hope I can do it again tonight! ^_^
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Was this real?
December 03, 2005, 17:14:57
Thank you for your replies, sorry about being the "100,000th person to ask that" but I was just excited.
Part of the reason I didn't know if it was real was because I was surprised how easy it was. That's so cool though! I'll just try to remember to figure out if I'm really awake or not next time I "wake up".
That's so cool though, that I really did it. ^_^ That really WAS a good birthday present. Although it would have been better if I would've done something besides try to see my sister...
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Was this real?
December 03, 2005, 14:03:57
Do you think this was an OBE or a dream?

Last night before I went to sleep, I told myself that since it was my birthday tomorrow (which is now today) I should have an OBE for a birthday present to myself. Then I fell asleep.
Sometime in the night, I woke up. Since I remembered reading that a good time to try to have an OBE was in the night when you wake up, I tried. I had the idea to start "rocking" back and forth like I was on a viking ship ride at an amusement park. After about 30 seconds of that, I started shaking all over and then suddenly I felt like I was floating and weightless. Thinking it worked, but thinking that was too easy, I rolled over, falling out of bed. Wondering if it worked, I sat up and looked at my bed. I was in it, sleeping! Excited, I tried to go to my sister's room. I started trying to walk through the wall to my sister's room, when I suddenly "woke up".
The only problem was that when I woke up, I was dreaming that I woke up. (of course, I didn't know that until I REALLY woke up) In my dream, I was REALLY excited, and I wrote it all down and then went on here and told you all about it. Then I woke up for real, and now I'm wondering if it was all a dream.
There are 2 possibilities, I think. One is that I really did have an OBE (It did FEEL real, not that I know what it feels like) and then I fell asleep and dreamed, or that it was all a dream.
Tell me what you think. Is this something that usually happens?
It's a good thing I can always remember my dreams, or I would have forgotten this all anyway. ^_^
Welcome to Dreams! / Dreamt I had achieved an OBE
December 03, 2005, 13:21:37
Ok, I kind of dreamed that I had an OBE, my very first one. But I'm not exactly sure if I really dreamed it, or if it was real. It seems like it was possibly real, but I'm not an expert, this was maybe my first time, so tell me what you think.

Last night, before I went to sleep, I told myself that since tomorrow (today now) was my birthday, a good birthday present to myself would be to have an OBE. Sometime during the night while I was sleeping, and I woke up. Not moving, I thought "hey, I should try to have an OBE!" So I started thinking about rocking back and forth like those viking ship rides at amusement parks (I'm not sure why I thought of doing it, I just did" Then I started feeling like I was shaking all over. A couple seconds later I felt weightless and floaty, so I rolled over, and fell on the floor. I looked at my bed, and there was me, sleeping. I was surprised that it had happened that easy. I was "rocking" for maybe 30 seconds. I decided I wanted to see my sister and I started to try to walk through my wall. (Her room is right next to mine). Then I woke up.
This is the reason I think I might have dreamed it all. When I "woke up" I was dreaming (Though I didn't know it at the time, of course.) In my dream, I was like "Yay, I did it! I had an OBE!" So I wrote it all down and went on here and wrote all about it, excited. (Funny that I dreamed that I went on here... hehe) Then I REALLY woke up, and laughed at myself because then I had to write it all down, and go on here for real. But I just don't know if it's possible that I did it at all. It felt really real, and it is possible that I could have done it, and then had a dream, right? Does that usually happen?
Welcome to Magic! / Powers of the Mind
December 02, 2005, 22:34:58
I want to be able to play my guitar.
Welcome to Dreams! / songs in dream
December 02, 2005, 22:18:33
I usually dream that I'm at a concert when I fall asleep with my radio on. Hehe...
Quote from: MindFreakThe best way to bring wealth into your life is by getting a job. Shocking isnt it, who would have thought.

Funny, that's what I was thinking. Jobs ARE usually the way people get money, instead of waiting for something to happen. Work for it.  :grin:
Welcome to Dreams! / Problem with lucid dreaming...
November 29, 2005, 23:46:17
Ok. ^_^ I was worried about that. I actually slept on the floor last night because I wanted to try, but I was scared of actually falling off my bed (my bed's pretty high up, and I have a big metal lamp next to my bed... it would hurt if I really fell...) but I couldn't find out if that would even work, because I found out that I have another question. How do you turn your alarm clock off? Or do you have one that doesn't stay on? I use my phone as an alarm to wake me up in the morning, and if I don't turn it off, it keeps going off.
Well, I guess I don't have to sleep on my floor again... Thank you SO much for helping me, by the way. There's probably so many stupid people on here that ask stupid questions. I'm sorry if my questions sound stupid, I DID spend hours reading everything I could find on here, trying to answer some of my questions without asking people who have heard those questions way too much.
I'm not one of those people who just think this sounds like a cool idea and wants to try it for a couple days and then give up and never think about it again. If I want something, I'll do anything. I've never really given up on anything before, and this is something I REALLY want to do. I guess I'm just telling you this because I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your help, and your help isn't going to be wasted.  :smile:
Welcome to Dreams! / Problem with lucid dreaming...
November 28, 2005, 21:25:13
I'll try going back into a dream tomorrow morning and see if it works. One thing I was wondering, what if you aren't doing what you think you're doing, and you actually roll out of bed? How exactly do you know when to do it?
Wow, I got to the part with the poem and couldn't read anymore. And when I got to this part -> "where from? Where to? And why? Meaning: where did I come from? Where am I going? And why am I here?" I thought of the whale from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Hehe...
Yes, I know I'm stupid. But don't post so much. People with short attention spans can't read all that.
Well, I can read 50 times that much if it's something I'm interested in... Not that it was BORING exactly... I'm rambling...
Welcome to Dreams! / Problem with lucid dreaming...
November 27, 2005, 21:38:09
Thanks. Yeah, maybe I'm not just trying hard enough. I'll try to concentrate more.
Because even though it hurts so many people and it's very sad... Think about it, if everyone lived, there would be way too many people. But yeah, it should happen to bad people, not good people. But that's the way stuff happens...  :cry:
Welcome to Dreams! / Problem with lucid dreaming...
November 25, 2005, 18:59:22
Hmm... So how do I actually realize I'm dreaming? I've only been able to know I'm dreaming a few times, and it's always random. How do you get yourself to think "Hey wait a minute... I think I'm dreaming?"
I don't know... Ask them if there's any other way to pay or something. Maybe they can help you out. Or maybe there's some way that they will let you pay a little at a time. Or you could always ask people you know if they could help you...
Or you could sell everything you own. That would work. Of course, then you won't have anything, but you'll have one thing you want at least...
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Just an idea...
November 25, 2005, 00:46:18
Ok. I've read a lot on psychokinesis and lucid dreaming and stuff like that. So I know that while you're dreaming, you are unconscious. When you're having a lucid dream, you're conscious and unconscious at the same time, and your brain is working harder on whatever you're doing than it does when you're awake. It is true that if you have a lucid dream and you are doing something like... playing the piano, you will seem to really be playing it, and it will actually help you learn. Something to do with the connections in your brain weakening while you sleep, so that you learn faster or something like that. So, going back to being conscious and unconscious at the same time... Psychokinesis has something to do with the unconscious, lucid dreaming connects those two. So, could practicing psychokinesis while having a lucid dream possibly help make the connection between your conscious mind and your unconscious so that you could do psychokinesis while you're awake?
Hopefully that made some sense...  :oops: Please don't laugh at me, I know that probably sounded stupid... Tell me what you think.
Welcome to Dreams! / Problem with lucid dreaming...
November 25, 2005, 00:25:20
Ok, this is my problem. I'm not really sure if I know I'm dreaming or not when I'm dreaming. I can usually do whatever I want, like if I feel like it, I can jump up and fly or whatever. But my dreams are ALWAYS strange, like every single place in my dreams is a mixed-up representation of the real one. Like there will be a place that is "my room" but it will be completely different from my real room.
But my problem is this -- I don't FEEL like it's different. In my dreams, I have different memories and a different life. Everyone says to try to notice the little differences in your dreams to help you know you're dreaming, but how do you notice the HUGE differences when they feel like they're supposed to be that way because they've always been that way?
Hopefully I didn't just confuse everybody... I don't know if anyone will be able to understand my problem, but if you can, please help. Thanks.  :grin:

By the way, I remember my dreams almost perfectly every morning, so I have no problem with that. And that "reality check" thing doesn't work very good either. I'll do it in my dream, but I'll just think "Oh, I'm floating. That's completely normal, I've always been able to do that."
PLEASE help!
I personally think dreams aren't really supposed to mean anything. If they do, my brain has a VERY strange way of telling me things. My dreams are never even close to normal.
If they do mean anything though, it would seem like you feel threatened by her father, and you should do something to fix that, because she won't be there to help. Of course, it probably doesn't mean anything, so that explanation probably won't have any meaning to you anyway...