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Messages - Krashlanmar

Welcome to Magic! / I would like to learn.
February 11, 2006, 11:12:57
That stop watch scenario has been thought about for a good long time (by myself, of course)...

First thing I would do is wonder how the hell the world isn't imploding under infinite weight on one point for an infinite amount of time...

Second thing I would do is travel. I would go everywhere in the world and see everything.

Third thing I would do is read every book I could get my hands on.

Fourth thing I would do is unstop time so that I can experience things that I could not, while under it's... condition.

Back 4 years ago, I stole something from family friends of mine... It was the most stupid thing ever, but I really wanted it, so I stole it... Eventually, I stole again and I got caught, thankfully by my own parents. Two weeks later they found out that I forged my school report card.

Those were the hardest two weeks of my life and they haunt me. Like ghosts of a murderer's past, they haunt me and I am never free. Did you ever see in movies where people start to hallucinate about something that happened in their past? Where they forget about reality and they see their house and family burning (or something) in a fire and their minds make it so that it seems like they are in that moment of time... That is me every morning. I wake up and I look into the eyes of my parents, crying because I what I did.

I swore to myself I'd never lie to them or do anything of that nature in the future. So far, I haven't stolen or forged any more report cards or anything like that. I have lied, but it wasn't about anything big. And we have fought since then, but in general we are closer for it.

So, the obvious question comes to my mind... Would I steal or do some other vile deeds with that watch? I don't know. Right now, sitting here, I say "Nay!" but when it comes down to it. Not just stealing. I'm still a teenager and my hormones are 'raging,' and I'll leave it at that. Sitting here now I can say that I will not with no small amount of confidence that I will not fail in the future with regards to that particular promise, but when I am actually there, in the moment....... *shrugs*

And I have no doubt that this watch would eventually lose it's appeal to me. I know that eventually I will be seeking more and it will be more painful than before since I now know everything that books and traveling can teach me, but I don't feel that way yet, and... I want to, strangely enough...

I know it sounds strange. I'm trying my best to filter what comes out of my mind into something that is understandable. I'm not doing a great job; I'm sorry.

All of the power in the world?... That's my goal, isn't it? I have no idea what I would do afterward. I would probably (considering what I like to do with the knowledge I have now) think. Just sit there for hours and look into myself and think.

I would probably then find something else... something MORE to strive for. Mayhap a Gilgamesh-type thing, but... probably different.

By the way, I appreciate you replying my post. Many people wouldn't care. So, thank you.
Welcome to Magic! / Fraternitas Hermetica
February 10, 2006, 23:34:29
Quote from: peaceful warrioreveryone loves a conspiracy

I start conspiracies on purpose XD

When I'm roleplaying as a Warlock, on World of Warcrack... err craft*, of course :-D

Heh. Yeah, that does sound like one though.
Welcome to Magic! / ouija board
February 10, 2006, 23:23:14
Quote from: Wizard of LightI have done the ouiji board thing, and you can contact spirits fine, but I said earlier, you have no control over who you speak with.

Yea, even if you sit with someone that knows what they are doing!  Even if you ask for the good spirits!  My first time was with someone who had used ouiji boards on and off for years.  We ended up with something evil, and it took us a bit to get rid of them after wards - you can't just stop the seance and think that they'll run off like good little spirits!

They tend to be the ones that haven't crossed over, they tend to be the ones that like playing games and tricks when they can.  Don't get me wrong - I've heard of the occasional one where some good spirits came through and everything was wonderful - but that is like one in a million.  You will end up chatting with who knows what, they just might tell you that it is your favorite aunt Mildred who wants to converse with you.  That's just cause they like to mess with your head.

It's not worth it.

All of this talk is making me wanna try :P

As a naive little boy, I say, "What harm can a stupid evil spirit do to you?"

And off I go to find out. I bet I can do more harm to it than it to me ^_^

<--- still thinks he's god. Ahh, those were the days, weren't they? ^_^
Welcome to Magic! / I would like to learn.
February 10, 2006, 23:13:29
I wish. No, there were ulterior motives for putting all of what I did in my post.

Regardless, I am lacking, seemingly, nothing. I mean, I'm doing great. Schoolwork's getting better and everything... I just... want... something else.

And what would I do with it? I don't know. I know that I could say the customary "I would use it for good and not for evil," but I don't know...

Given myself, from a third person's perspective, I wouldn't know what to think when it comes to using the powers. I mean, I'm moral, or at least I like to think I am, and I'm conservative (this doesn't count ;) ), which means that I wouldn't use it in the stead of manual labor...

In reality, I might use it for not so great deeds, though I don't now think that I would, so I can't tell you a straight answer.

I can say that I will try not to use it for evil and all of that, but I know that when if comes down to it, I might do something that would make me regret the statement. Thus the "I implore you not to judge" in my signature... I'm a man of many masks, and sometimes I don't know myself...

Heh. I'm trying to tell you the truth. It's not getting me in a better standing is it? ^_^;

*****SHORT ANSWER*****

Lacking: Nothing.

Use: Pending.

As I said in my post: I crave - nay, lust for! - knowledge, and this is all part of it. Knowledge, in my mind, is not just knowing about something, but experiencing it, so... Basically, I'm hoping that if I learn to use some form of magic, this unrelenting desire would go away. I rationally know it will not, and it sounds really, REALLY, stupid, but that's how it is.

I swear, I sound like one of those people I look at and say, "grow up!" (Not to their faces... just to myself ;) )
The first one didn't work for me for about 20 times XD

I still didn't get it to work. Mayhap I'm doing it incorrectly?

Freaky... RIGHT after I wrote this post it worked Oo; :P

EDIT#@:: ^_^ I -was- doing it wrong and I figured out the trick... Suffice to say that the only number that you can get with this is one that corresponds with a particular symbol: the symbol they conveniently place in the box every time.
Welcome to Magic! / I would like to learn.
February 10, 2006, 19:16:17
*chuckles* I don't even know where to start. My desire for knowledge has driven me to seek something higher. Eventually this lead me to my friends, one of whom told me about Astral Projection, which, eventually, led me here: to my computer, typing this very post.

I don't, of course, intend to sound like all I want is power, though that may well be the case. I write and when I write I can tell that I don't know myself very well; that aside, I would like to learn magic.

I haven't been very good at researching and I am quite afraid to ask anyone I know in person because of the obvious "Hahaha!" effect it might have. Not many of my friends have been known to give that sort of response; however, I'm still afraid.

I'm trying hard - very hard - to learn err... magic. Something beyond the human norm. Let me rephrase that: beyond the socially average human norm. I've always wanted something more than what I see out of life.

I'm sorry, I ramble and rant. Regardless, can anyone point me in the right direction.

Note: I have no money to spend on any books ^_^;

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I've been here for a few months already, albeit sporadically. This forum's a great inspiration for someone who's been trying to 'AP' for over a year, to no avail. :-D

P.S.S. Also, I know you guys see these topics a lot and I know that I am just some random nameless person who you neither know or care about - and why should you!? - and I understand this, and I'm sure you hear this every day, but I really want to know and to learn.
Welcome to Magic! / Powers of the Mind
February 10, 2006, 19:04:40
What's available? ^_^

Note to you: I know near nothing about... nothing. ^_^;
I have another question (I'm so sorry... I'm just in love with knowing things ^_^)

What is god's name? I mean I doubt that he calls himself "God." It probably won't sound anything like English, I suppose, but if you could sound it out that'd be pretty great ^^;;;;;; No disrespect to Him, of course. I am just being curious.

Just like two posters before me, I want to know if he is alone or if there are more "gods." Maybe a civilization of these creatures that seem omnipotent to us, but in reality what God is doing is quite trivial to them.

Those two questions aren't really important at all, but if you can answer them I'd really appreciate it.

And if you can't, I still appreciate it ^^

Thanks again, and sorry for the endless stream of questions.
Quote from: Covelo
Quote from: KrashlanmarIf you don't mind, I've some more questions. I'm sorry for being sorta a question-hog, but as can be deduced from my first question, I want to know... everything, so...

1) How far off are we with our "laws" of physics? (dealing with atoms and the like, specifically.)

2) How far off is the theory of special relativity?

3) Is the "string theory" correct?

I have no problems with many questions... it just might mean more "homework"/studying for me.  :)  The more questions we have, the more answers we might find.  :smile:

1)    &    2)   I've heard them mention that our scientists/physicists do have it "down" pretty good and are headed in the right direction, especially lately.

3)  I'll add this one to the list and get back with an answer.

Thanks again ^_^

String Theory basically states that all of the matter in the universe is created by vibrating strings (or one vibrating string).

I'm sorry for the delay in replying and in coming to the forum btw... I was sorta busy and a seventh grader (What a smart kid!!!!) and I were talking about physics and it reminded me of Astral Pulse ;-). (The kid knew the same amount as I do. I know it in slightly more detail and I have a slightly less naive approach to dealing with science, but he really is the next Einstein, if he so chooses.)


If you don't mind my incessant stream of questions, I have a few more ;-)

1) What is space made out of? You mentioned before that they filled space with matter which they created, but what is space made out of. The way i see it is that space is a medium for matter, but I might be off.

2) Is (space)time finite? I was speaking with the aforementioned kid and he had this thought deeply entrenched into his mind: Time is infinite, thus the universe is. So, is time finite? Did it have a beginning? Will there be an end?

3) I'll make this a separate question: Is the universe endless, or is it finite? I do believe that the universe is finite, thus time is, but I cannot be sure.

4) Are there more universes? There is a theory that says that there are two universes, one that is one dense point and one that is expanding. We currently live in the one that is expanding and the big bang is sorta like the middle of the two universes. Think of two ballons, with a slight twist: When one expands it expands to a "peek" and then suddenly and violently lets all of it's air out into the second ballon. It's kind of hard to explain because I'm sick and tired, sorry ^_^;;

5) Are there more dimentions (I don't mean the kind like alternate realities)? Such as a second dimention, third dimention,  fourth dimention, fifth dimention, etc... If so, how many are there? Are there an infinite amount?

6) Is there a hell? I've been pondering this ever since I joined this forum ^^;

7) If so, where is it? (generally speaking, I don't want coordinates or anything ^^; A Plane would suffice. A.K.A. Astral Plane? Material Plane (not likely)? a different "slice" of the fourth dimention (It's difficult to understand, but an analogy to the second dimention really helps us**)? )

** The aforementioned analogy: Let us pretend there are little two dimentional humans living in a space ('A' represents one of these beings, spaces represent other matter and/or space. ALSO, technically two dimentions would be four basic directions [ let's say, up, down, left, and right like in a video game ], but we are looking at it at eye level so we cannot see two directions [we can't see one of the two dimentions in this mode. t serves our purposes, thoughl]):

A A  A A   A A A A  A

They live on a two dimentional plane (thus they are in a line). they can only move in the two dimentions that they live on. This represents us in the third dimention. Now let's take one of these little men and put him on another two dimentional plane:

A A  A A   A   A A  A

Now, this person can still only move in two dimentions (< and > and technically inward and outward too, as this is just a model we are ignoring that.), and his two dimentional eyes can only see in those two directions. He might be thinking "What the hell?" but that's irrelevent.


In this model, A's can only see left and right, thus they only see other "A's." The same goes for the B's and C's... Maybe the B's represent the hell I was talking about (on another "slice" of the fourth or fifth dimention.), and maybe the C's represent another alternate reality or soemthing. It's a difficult concept and I really don't have the time to explani it thoroughly ^_^

Thanks for reading.
If you don't mind, I've some more questions. I'm sorry for being sorta a question-hog, but as can be deduced from my first question, I want to know... everything, so...

1) How far off are we with our "laws" of physics? (dealing with atoms and the like, specifically.)

2) How far off is the theory of special relativity?

3) Is the "string theory" correct?
Meh. You'd be forced to regardless. You'd need to make money somehow for food and clothing. The society does suck, I agree, but there is little choice. Nothing's free... You'd need to pay for gas, you'd need to pay for flights, you'd ened to pay for food and clothing and other essentials. *shrugs*
Good job! You know, I think I'll try this experiment for the very reason that tvos just voiced (ironic as the sentence may be ;-) ). If I had a goal, I should have an easier time at it. Well, I'm off to get a random card lying around my house lol (I don't have a full deck, just random cards lying around... You think a magic card would work? It's slightly more complicated than a number and a few shapes, but even so ;-) )

[Edit] I mean Magic: The Gathering (I'm such a nerd llolol)
Quote from: CoveloKrashlanmar said:

"Is there a way that we can be all-knowing, such as god...?"

Answer:  I asked them tonight this question, and they said yes of course you have this within your capacity to do.  They also said the way to do this is precisely the reason why we come here to "Earth School", (as they like to put it).  They said that we should continue to look within ourselves and to discover what issues we are overcoming and working on in this lifetime, and then as we begin to transcend our own internal blockages... the universal wisdom will begin to flow into us in a more tangible fashion.  They also say to keep asking questions and listen to your guides, (or ask that your guides become known to you consciously), and become more aware of what the world around us is reflecting back to us.  (They say that everything going on around us is a direct reflection of some aspect of ourselves.  So if there is some pattern that keeps reccuring in our lives, this means it is "up" for clearing within ourselves.)  You could think of universal wisdom as always flowing through you, and that the more you clear out the internal thought pattern blockages... the more freely universal wisdom can flow through you.

Excuse me for the double post. I didn't read this before. Thanks a lot, man. I really appreciate you asking them. The answer brought tears to my eyes. Thanks a lot. Peace and love.

Krashlanmar, the Black Dragon
Quote from: peaceful warriorwhat is gravity and how does it work.

Wow, I don't know if you were kidding or not, but at first glance I was going to pass this off as just one of those "blah" things that people put, just for fun...

Thankfully my mind processed it before I made a post. Simple, but we know so little about it that it's very, very legitimate... Great question, mate ^_^
Life? Meh... Much better after I found this forum, I gotta tell you that much ^_^. I don't even know why, heh. I don't know any of you that well and I didn't make any new friends yet. It's just something about the place.

*shrugs* Thanks for asking.
Unfortunately I cannot say anything helpful, and I can't sympathize because I haven't been there. I give you my regards, however.

I'm sorry I can't do more. :-(
Meh, I have never been happy with my life until I came to this forum like 4-5 days ago. I always wanted there to be magic and other such things in my life; I wanted to break free from the exact thing that your sister is doing: gonig to work everyday, raising kids, etc...

From what you posted, it just seems that your sister doesn't believe in AP or magic or any such thing. That's not a bad thing. It doesn't seem that she's in love with money. She just wants to live in a "dream" home with her lover and her lover's kids. A "perfect" life. You and I don't agree with people like her about the "perfect" life, but people have differing opinions. Do what you will, as you will, but don't be full of so much scorn.
Ahh, reminds me of the ZPU or ZPE or whatever from Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG1

As far as I can see, ZPE has little to do with Astral Projection or psionics; however, if one was to do an experiment regarding telekinesis (or something of the like) through a vacuum, I'd like to see the results and if they were skewed by the zero-point energy. It'd be interesting to see ;-)

As for an answer, I believe some from this forum have "spoken" to extraterrestrials, but I haven't even AP'd yet, so I wouldn't know. One mistake that I saw in your post is that you said "to everyone who does experience AP regularly: has anyone encountered extraterrestrials *while on the physical plane*?" I think that when you AP, you leave the Physical Plane/Material Plane into the Astral Plane. I could be wrong, after all I'm only a novice.
"Actually, Christmas was a movable feast and was celebrated many different times during the year. Not until Pope Julius I in the 4th century AD choose December 25th because it coincided with the Pagan rituals of Winter Solstice or "Return of the Sun". The purpose was to replace the Pagan celebration with the Christian one. "

Just was researching history of christmas, and thought it was relevent ^_^
I'll try it, I suppose.

It doesn't matter how experienced you are, right? ^_^
A question from myself, new to the forum, but I hope my question still counts...Ask them

"Is there a way that we can be all-knowing, such as god...?"

I haven't really been a big believer... If at all. I had been an atheist myself, and I suppose that I could just call you crazy if I wanted to and continue my beliefs (or lack thereof), but something tells me you ALL can't be lying ^_~

Well, as for my question... I sorely want to know... I'm just so disheartened that there isn't more to life and that I never will know it all. Every day I wake up, thinking "I should really finish all my physics books," and things of that nature, but I know that no amount of reading can give me the truth. If you can, bring me an answer... I do hope the answer is "Yes." If you could ask them "How?" too, that would be awesome. I know the "How?" won't be easy, but at least it'll give me some closure.

Thanks in advance. I appreciate it.

Haven't been around for long, and I don't know a thing about healing, but I thought I'd send my regards.

Luck be with you, Frank.
Meh, if you want energy, find a way to convert matter into it... The equation is already out there:

I'd say that would be a waste of time and resources, however.

The way to go, I believe, would be special relativity. I'm by no means knowledgeable enough on this topic to actually explain what we'd have to do, and since I'm living in the era of Newton's third law ("III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.", as Neutral said... What I mean is that cars, planes, rockets, and, well, any mode of transportation that is even being researched on earth at the moment is based on this law) I am having a hard time imagining how you'd use light to propel one forward. Maybe I'm thinking about this in the wrong way...

What my mind wants to think is that you mean that light is to be used as the source of energy; however I don't believe that's what you mean, rationally... Opening my mind a tiny bit, I can somewhat see that if you take advantage of special relativity, you might be able to propel yourself forward without energy (without MUCH energy...), yet I have no idea how this would work...

jonesy, you mind e-mailing me or PMing me with specifically what you have in mind? I'm slightly confused, but very much intrigued.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / UNDER 18 AP goers
December 13, 2005, 21:32:57
I am 16, myself.
Name's Boris... Russian, as you can tell.

I've been trying to Astrally Project since I was little ^_^ It's really not working out for me. I usually fall asleep before I do it, but I digress.

Nice to meet you.

BTW: Final Fantasy pwns. Had to fit that in as you have Yuna as your avatar.

Final Fantasy VII<----- Rocked my socks for a good 5 years. ;-) I don't remember how many times I beat it. *consults the handy dandy chart thingy* 38. Currently trying to kill Emerald ^_^
Quote from: MilamberI just watched what the bleep do we know, and I must say it was very good. Some of the concepts I have heard of, some concepts were explained better than I had known them before. I do have one question on the nature of reality and thoughts effecting matter/reality.
The movie speaks alot about the observer, and quantum mechanics. I am familiar with this. It goes further to say that WE choose our reality, and because our minds are so use to one thing (one pattern), we contune to create this same reality. (At least this is what I got from it). I have opened my mind, and accepted most of the things in the movie as true, 70-pecent of the stuff I have already had an experience in, so I know what they are saying is true. The other 30 percent, I will be open minded and see if it is or not.
So my question is, if we really create our reality, if thoughts do effect matter and reality, how did we origonally become stuck in THIS thing we CALL reality? All these reactions, images, memories, that depending on to what degree you buy these theories may or may not be real at all! Its all just a construct, created by our brain. So if reality is totally different, then what made us even construct this false one the way we have constructed it? Or is asking this question going to just confuse me, and make me stop my quest at finding out more of real reality and spiritual fulfilment. I have asked myself, but I come up against brick walls, and they all seem to want to contradict everything I hold true (which is probably all wrong anways, but...) and make these theories seem unreal...
Any opinions on this part of the movie, the combination of thought creating reality, and your brain/mind percieving a false reality (or just part of reality and not all of it) ?

If you get a chance to read this, I'd just like to say that I think I saw that movie, but I didn't know what it's name was not so long ago...

They basically talk about Quantum Physics. It's based on possibility (Quantum Physics). The possibility that there is a keyboard, well, technically, the possibility that there are atoms that comprise the keyboard and stuff. It's very mind blowing, actually. And what is Even more mind blowing is that it's been proven experiment by experiment. It's a perversion of what Einstein sought, though. Einstein wanted to make reality a "marble garden." He succeeded in making the large tree in the middle into marble (it symbolized one of his major discoveries, but I can't remember which...). This garden symbolized reality and the multi-dimentional universe. Brilliant man, really... In any event, Quantum Physics turned the garden completely into wood again: asymmetrical (whereas marble would symbolize a greater symmetry).

Nonetheless, without one of my infamous rants... good stuff. The observer that they were talking about is the human conscience; the soul. The greater purpose that so moves us. If you think about it there has to be an observer. We are not our bodies. Our bodies are just vessels that transport our brain, which, in turn, is just a physical "vessel" for our minds. Think of it this way: a car has an engine that makes it run, but this engine needs fuel, no? The engine would just be a random piece of metal without fuel to burn and start the car, and, in turn, move the aforementioned car.

Well, I'm not going to go off in a seemingly random direction as I often do. If this is the movie I think it is, then it's great. Wonderful. Got me back into Astral Projection and stuff, too, in a way. I stopped because It just wasn't working for me. Day one I got the closest I ever did, but then it sorta simmered to a halt and eventually after months of trying I stopped. The summer passed and I didn't really try much (not that I can get any sleep at night during the summer due to my cousin :-) ). Regardless, I saw this movie and quickly got sucked back into books and physics and stuff, which led me to Astral Projection. Then I talked to my friend about it one day and he told me about this site ;-) Who says fate doesn't exist? (I do, personally. Horrible, horrible thing to believe in... wasted years of my life on it and it got me nowhere. It was but an excuse to be lazy. And now I'm trying to pull out of that vortex that it pulled me into.)