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Messages - Fwewyu Tìomumä

Like Xanth said, you are able to hear audio sometimes, and other times not. When I listen to audio, sometimes it fades in and out, and sometimes it isn't present at all.
Just keep practicing. I've found that my OOBEs tend to come in waves; I'll have a few weeks to a month where it's very easy to drift out, and then a few months where no matter what I do I just don't make it out.

Positive thinking is also a very effective method to inducing a different state of mind. If you tell yourself "I will have an OOBE tonight", you're very likely to actually have one. If you've got any fears, tell yourself that you will be fine...that you will acknowledge the initial feeling of fear, and then put it behind you. Facing your fears is one of the best ways to get over/get rid of them.

One more thing. The more you think about having OOBEs during your normal, waking day, the better the chances of actually having one. When you think or read about the astral, or anything related to it, your subconscious files that information away. The more you do this, the more your subconscious will be aware of what you really want, and the subconscious is a very powerful thing.

Hope this helps.
What I've noticed in my journeys is that if I try one technique for too long, I become desensitized to it. However, if I switch techniques now and then I find that I have many more successes.

For instance, I really enjoy listening to TMI's Gateway meditation, because the intermittent talking wakes me up enough if I've fallen asleep to focus and then drift out of my body. But, if I listen to this same meditation for 5 nights straight, by the 5th night I simply go to sleep and don't wake up until the session is over, if not several hours after it ends.

I would also encourage you to think positively about your journey. Bluefire hit the nail on the head - Worries, fear, and everyday stress can severely hinder you if you dwell on it too much. I had a really stressful 6 months about a year ago and I only had 1 or 2 OOBEs, even though I was trying really hard to have them.

You're also correct about your subconscious - the more you think about AP and OOBEs throughout your waking day, and the more things you read, the more your subconscious will be aware of what the conscious you wants.

Hope this helps....Good luck!!
I've not noticed a difference in my projections. Usually, I gain awareness as I'm falling out of my body, but I've had other times where I get vibrations and then pop out.

When I am out, I've noticed that my projections almost always start in one of my homes. I lived my childhood and teen years in Kansas and Illinois respectively, but now that I'm at college I also sometimes project into the house that I'm renting. But I have not been able to link a certain type of exit with where I start my projections.
Hello everyone,

It's been a long time since I've posted or even visited the Pulse. Life's been very busy lately, and I haven't had much free time. Yesterday I had an amazing out of body experience, so I thought I'd share with you all the log I wrote after I woke up.

I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts/personal experiences that are related to any of the things that occurred in my experience below. I'd also love to start a discussion/storytime of entities that you've encountered while not in the physical. Hope you enjoy!

"Out of Body Experience, 10/23/14 from 4:30 to 6:13pm
I was listening to TMI's Gateway meditation, and I actually fell asleep around the colors segment. I awoke in a new place similar to Earth. It was a collection of people's houses and there were some that were open air. There was a party going on. I was actually passing through this little town (about 10-15 houses) when I saw some people that were getting drunk or something. A small bout between two guys started because one of them supposedly tried to grab the girlfriend of the others' butt. So the guy punched him in the face and it looked like it really hurt – the guy that got punched was non-combative so I felt sorry that the other guys had just whacked him. I joined their little gathering as the two plus a small group walked to a particular set of houses, and then I basically fit right in. We played some games, there was a small arcade, and we just had a great time. There was also some unfinished construction on a new concrete building that we all decided to climb. I got up about 50 feet and stopped. Some of the other guys had turned around and were sitting on these little slats like venetian blinds, but I had had enough trouble climbing them that I just stood where I was and faced the opposite direction. All of a sudden, one of the shy girls I had briefly noticed from the party appeared floating in the air on the other side of the slats. She said, "Do you need something?" and I, bewildered, asked what she meant. She told me that she was able to project herself into people's minds and that I seemed a little uncertain, so she decided to see if I wanted any help. She was beautiful, with a slim, fit body, long, wavy blond hair, and a thin, delicate complexion. We spoke a few more words and she asked me if I wanted to meet with her in private sometime. I told her that I can't usually make it to things like this (because I comprehended that we were not on Earth, and therefore were in some other dimension), but that I'd love to talk more. She said she'd be back next week, which assuming time passes the same there as it does here would be next Thursday at 4:30. She also told me her name, which started with and M (I didn't catch it because some of the guys on the slats next to me were yelling a little and I didn't want to ask her to repeat herself), but I really, truly wish I had gotten it. This is the first real contact that I've ever had with an entity outside the physical world, and I am hoping I can make it out again next Thursday...She disappeared and I climbed back down to join the rest of the throng. We did a few more fun things, and then people got tired so we all went home. I knew my home was far from where we were but I started walking anyway and came to a hill. For some reason the ground had a very thin sheet of ice on it even though I had only been wearing a light jacket the entire time. So, being the adventurous person I am, I ran and slid down the entire thing. I saw one of the guys from the party walking up his driveway, and I actually slid partway up it. He turned around (he was on the phone) and I realized that it was Matthew C. from my childhood home in Wichita. It was also his house he was walking up to. I caught a few words of his conversation - "...but 4am isn't really that late, why can't I stay out until 4?" and decided to keep walking to my house which was right around the corner. He didn't seem to recognize me.  I looked up at the stars and stood there enthralled for a minute.  It was absolutely mind-blowing. I could see more stars that I ever had in the physical, and it took my breath away.  I was walking up my own driveway when I felt the familiar pull back to my body. The amount of lucidity during this experience was the highest I've ever experienced. I'm hoping that the trend of increasing awareness continues with my experiences in other realms.
When I arrived back in my body, it was different. I could still hear the meditation session running in real time, and it was at the volume I expected it to be. But it just didn't feel right. So I listened as Bob talked me through the descending colors, and waited for it to end so I could get up. After it ended, I started to raise my arms to take the covers off. I had my arms almost straight up (I was lying on my back), but I couldn't see them! I was able to move them around and feel them like you would normally in the physical plane but they were invisible! I realized that my body was still asleep, but it was almost like I had sleep paralysis. So, carefully, I got to the point of moving other limbs without trying too hard (so as not to wake my body). I "rolled" myself out of bed, and had great difficulty standing at first, like you would if you had just woken up from a deep sleep. In fact, one of my feet that I was standing on was facing backwards! So I tried to move more and everything went black, and I found myself in my bed again. Repeat this process about 3 or 4 more times adding some falling through floors and stuff, and eventually I got out and into another, completely different world. I woke up in a cabin of some sort, like I had just woken up from sleep. I got up and ran naked - much to the surprise of the locals – to the community toilet. That's when I realized I was in a third world country of some sort. Everything was worn down and there was an atmosphere of despair. It seemed as though I had been a local for some time, because none of the native people seemed shocked by my existence. I saw a Cadillac with four older white men in it pull up, and I realized that this place (which was populated mostly by people of a darker complexion) was run and utilized as some sort of profit center for the wealthy. I didn't find out for what purpose or how this was happening, it was more of a gut feeling. Apparently I was of the same complexion as I am in the physical: a somewhat-tanned white. Like I said though, the natives did not give me much thought, except a few sideways glances. I was not viewed with hate, as the CEOs were.  Unfortunately, some more events occurred but I do not remember them; I was sucked back to my body for real this time.
I awoke very slowly. I moved a little, closed my eyes again and almost drifted back out for a third time. If I didn't have two large homework assignments due tomorrow that I have no clue how to complete, I probably would have tried to go back out...Alas, my subconscious knew what was best. When I actually did get up, I was uneasy on my feet and very disoriented, both physically and mentally. It's taken a good thirty minutes as I finish writing this log to fully reawaken.
Overall, this was by far the longest and most lucid out of body experience I have ever had. The time that seemed to elapse in the first part was about an hour or so, and the second was about 45 minutes. However, in physical time, the first part took about an hour and ten minutes, and the second part took place over a 35 minute interval."

If you got this far, thanks for reading  :-D
Very cool! Funnily enough, as I read your post I realized that's pretty much how my first experience felt like.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Firearms
December 04, 2013, 16:52:56
Interesting topic; I'm gonna have to toss in my 2 cents worth :)

Although I am still young (20 yrs.), I grew up around firearms. My father occasionally went hunting, but we mostly did target shooting together. I can say that I know how to handle and care for weapons properly. I plan, as soon as I graduate college, to purchase a handgun of my own for safety reasons, as well as for fun. A concealed carry license sounds like a neat idea too.

However, I don't hunt, and I've never killed an animal. I don't plan on hunting for sport, because I love animals and I think it might be kinda hard killing one for "fun". Although, I wouldn't have a problem shooting a deer if I was starving to death, but that's a different thing. As far as shooting other humans...The only time I would shoot someone would be in defense of my self or others. I would speculate that killing another person would probably weigh on my conscience for a while, but I really have no idea. I've heard of people that have been forced to shoot someone that say they have nightmares often about the experience, and I've heard of people that have had a similar traumatic experience and do not feel any repercussions. It's a really subjective matter.

So, I basically agree with what Stillwater said  :-)

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Another LD/OBE
November 14, 2013, 18:40:54
Hey guys, it's been awhile. I've been super busy with school and work, but in the last few weeks I've started to pick this stuff up again on the weekends. I had another experience early this morning, so I thought I would share it. This is the first time that I've been able to meet with a deceased relative. Enjoy!

Projection 11/14/13
   I fell asleep as usual without trying to project. I did take calea before I fell asleep. The first thing I noticed after some normal dreaming was myself starting to snowboard on a skateboard deck down a slope. I looked around me and saw my roommates at the top of the slope looking confused so I told them to follow me, it'll be fun! They eventually did follow and we all started snowboarding down. I saw many people there, passed some of them, and after a few minutes I ended up at the bottom. In fact, J- and I had a little discussion about the cameras in the slope after he and a roommate "collided" (J- came from behind as C- stopped; there was no collision, James simply passed through C-).  There was a very large amount of people waiting to get through a gate in a chain link fence. I saw James from Springfield, plus a few other longboarders. I also noticed that there were a few people that were "in charge" so to speak, and two of them were Sean  and LT. F-. They eventually started letting us in, but LT. F- called for all the Navy candidates to enter first. After we got through the first gate, there was a small area before another gate that they had to open. So people started messing around and talking and stuff. I walked around and saw a few more people (L- and R-), and then decided I was going to do some flying. So I lifted up my arms horizontally and leaned forward onto my tiptoes, and then I was flying! Apparently I was one of only a couple people who could or did, and I performed some aerobatics. Then I heard a shout, and they had gotten through the second gate. People started thronging through into a large field of grass, and I was in the back but someone came around and opened a secondary door that all the people in the back went through. After running through the field, we came to another chain link fence, except this time there were armed guards on the other side. However, they were scared of the number of us, and we formed a large phalanx about 25 feet from the fence. In sync, we all stomped forward until we were really close to the fence, and the guards got freaked out and ran away! I had no idea what was on the other side of the fence, but I soon found out. We went through a third gate and into a large building. Inside was something like a gift store with trinkets, food, and candy, and behind that was a ginormous dining hall with people sitting around eating and talking. Everyone was in suits and dresses and such, except for us. I don't think we were wearing anything particular. I realized that most of these people had passed away from the physical, and one of my intentions from a year ago came to me suddenly. I wanted to see my Aunt S-, who had passed away a few years ago. All I had to do was think her name and we both saw each other at the same time. I flew across the room into her arms, and she was so excited to see me again. One thing I noticed was that she looked exactly like she did when she was healthy. We exchanged a few more words and then I said goodbye, and went to find my Grandpa T-. I did find him, however he is still alive, and this person looked different from him slightly. He has Alzheimer's, and this person did not recognize me either, so that was a bummer. But it was interesting. So then I flew off to look at the other stuff in the room, and found some poker tables, a bar, a tattoo parlor, and a few other things. I could tell I was running out of time, but I was not getting blurry vision like I usually did. So I kept flying around, because flying is an indescribably incredible thing to do in NPR, at least for me. I ended up in the gift shop buying a pack of gum and trying to throw and catch pieces while flying...Not an easy task! While I was doing this my alarm went off and I went shooting back to my body. All in all, a wonderful gift of an experience.

Thanks for reading! :D
I totally agree with  Astralzombie. There is definitely a link between the conscious mind and music. Take binaural beats, for instance.

There was a time in my life a few years ago that was very tough. The only thing that made me forget the pain was music, and I listened to Disturbed's albums many times over. I had listened to each song on 5 of their albums at least 100 times (according to iTunes), and some more than that. It made me temporarily take my mind off the stuff happening in my life because I like to sing, and I would sing along with every song, but my parents noticed that my mood was changing. I had to give that kind of music a break because it was affecting me spiritually and physically. In fact I deleted it from iTunes and didn't listen to it for several years.

Now, I'm actually doing quite well, and I enjoy listening to Disturbed's stuff every once in a while, but I don't overdo it. Like zombie said...Everything in moderation.
On my birthday my aunt called to wish me a happy birthday and catch up on life. She told me at the end of the call that she was still working on my gift. Well, I just received my gift a couple days ago, and I thought I would share it with you guys!

She made me a beautiful crystal necklace using carefully selected beads. She used a crystal with diamond windows, rutilated quartz, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, garnet, and aquamarine. Each of these has specific traits that are beneficial...Most of these have healing properties, which is great for me because I have undiagnosed physical ailments that I've been dealing with for the past 4 years.

Lately I've been a little blue due to lots of stress in school and such, and I had been worrying endlessly for days before I got this in the mail. The moment I picked it up I could tell it was bubbling with energy. I meditated with it, and put it on. Ever since, I've felt much better physically and mentally. It's unbelievable! I'm sure it's not only the crystal's natural energy but also my loving aunt's as she made the necklace. Overall I'm quite impressed...I haven't put much weight in crystal healing, chakras, etc. Boy, has that changed!

So yeah, just thought I would share.
My limbs sometimes jerk too, that's just due to the fact that your body is asleep. Every once in a while a random "contract" command goes to a certain muscle group. Or something like that, I'm no biologist.

The goal is just to relax. When I practice, I try to get my body to completely relax-my head and chest don't really feel different, but what you can do is something called progressive relaxation-Concentrate on a single muscle group (including the eyes and the muscles of the skull and face!) and get them to relax.

As far as breathing goes, I just breathe normally and let my body decide what moves and what doesn't.

Hope this helps! (And correct me if I'm wrong in something)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Procyon advice?
October 01, 2013, 20:46:24
Cool! You'll have to let us know if you have any breakthrough successes with it :D

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Procyon advice?
September 30, 2013, 20:22:32
I know that the Mindplace Thoughtstream is a live biofeedback device, although it plays a tone that lowers when you relax. I think it can be used with computer programs as a non-live recording element to "personalize" the sessions to your body.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Procyon advice?
September 29, 2013, 23:28:27
I have the Proteus, which is the Procyon's little brother. It's got red and green LED's (not blue), and is actually quite cool. It also has a headset that plays different binaural/isochronic tones to go along with the visuals. This means that you can entrain your brainwaves using both light and sound, as the brain can also receive waves through the eyes.

Another nice thing is that you can use it as an Audiostrobe decoder, meaning you can use it with other programs such as Neuro Programmer 3 ( ). It simply adds a visual part to the sessions which is very helpful if you're more of a visual person.

(P.S. Neuro Programmer 3 is certainly worth the $60 it costs to unlock the full version - the demo is 2 weeks long and there are no catches, it simply stops working once you've run out of time. It is a very powerful meditation/projection/sleep induction tool, check it out!)

I have tried about half of the sessions, and they're all different. Most are between 20 and 50 minutes long, and they cause many cool visual effects. It's difficult to describe, but it's almost like a lighted version of the 3D darkness most people "see" before they separate. However, I have found that it is too stimulating for me to project/get close while using it.

Just be careful if you decide to mess around with the software on the device, it can be fragile. I tried to update the preloaded sessions and I lost some of them in the process.

But overall, pretty cool if you ask me.
Welcome to the Healing place! / Re: Healing the Heart
September 18, 2013, 23:14:44
Wow...Literally a few hours after I posted this I felt much better. I'm thinking about it less now, and I don't get that sick feeling anymore.

I can't express how thankful I am to you guys...I really appreciate it!


Welcome to the Healing place! / Healing the Heart
September 16, 2013, 19:46:29
Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I posted here. I've been extremely busy, what with the start of school and the need for good grades.

I am posting this because I have made a mistake. Well, more like many mistakes in succession. I have hurt the only real friends I really have, and in the process also gave away a piece of my heart. Now if I'm not constantly doing something, I start to think about the whole thing, and I burn on the inside. It's almost indescribable, the type of pain I'm feeling. I would really appreciate it if you guys could send some healing energy my way...I'm not a doctor but I think I'm starting to fall into a real depression.

I haven't gotten stuck in a door yet, but I have lost my vision when passing through them. In fact, the first time I got out I flew through my bedroom door, and everything faded to black and I ended up back in my body vibrating like crazy. Second time I tried it, it worked fine.
Quote from: Astralzombie on August 20, 2013, 14:55:48
While you were "out of body", did you still feel sick?

No, not at all. It was pretty much the best feeling I had had in the past few days!
Hey guys!

My aunt recently went to TMI in Virginia for a week of really cool stuff, and one of the things they did was bend silverware using psychokinetic energy. I was wondering if anyone here does that kind of stuff, and if so, what you like to do, your methods, etc. I want to get into it, and I've already started practicing with the methods my aunt used.

I guess this is the right sub-forum, but if it isn't a move would be greatly appreciated.

Wow, that's awesome!

I'm glad you and your sister were able to experience the joy you did. Very interesting, though, about the time factor. Kinda like a 4th or 5th dimension, eh? Haha.
Hello everyone,

I just had a cool experience, I thought I would share it with you all if you want to read it. Feel free to share your thoughts  :lol:

I am currently sick with a fever, sore throat, and aches, and I went back to bed at 9:20 after being up since 7. The only comfortable position was on my back, so that's what I did. I had a hard time falling asleep though, because I had drank some coffee around 7 and 8. However, I did notice a loss of feeling after awhile, and AP has been on my mind alot the last few weeks so I decided to go with it. Next thing I know, I'm sitting on the edge of the tub in the bathroom, and I thought: Wait, I'm sick in bed! And then I realized I wasn't in my body anymore! So I got up and walked slowly around my apartment (which was slightly different than in real life). I couldn't remember the "Clarity now" intention, so I lost my sight and felt myself back in my body again. But the vibrations continued, so I let myself rise out of my body.

This is the first time I've been able to successfully rise "out of my body" so to speak; I could feel a pull trying to draw me back in, but I could see my body under the sheets and a sort of white, whispy stuff in the shape of my body that I was moving around. Very neat feeling, to separate from one's physical. My vision faded again because I couldn't get far enough away from my body.

Next, I caught myself looking in a mirror and once again realized I was out; I went into the living room and found my parents sitting in some chairs. I tried to ask for my guide to show up, but I was too fuzzy. My vision faded again.

Then, I was in my mom's old red 1991 Honda Accord back in the town I grew up in. It took longer this time to actually get enough consciousness to pay attention to stuff but I did for a little while and then faded back to my body again.

It was between this and the next would-be experience that I decided to return, because I could feel my dry, sore throat rasping with every breath. Plus, I think my eyelids open somewhat when this happens, because sometimes I can feel my eye getting dry in my body, even when I'm out doing stuff (dual location maybe?)

So yeah. Thanks for reading!

Eywa ngahu,
-Fwewyu Tìomumä
Yes, it's difficult to do it at first because you don't know what to expect-Believe me, I had the same thing happen. I physically tried to leave my body, but it never worked.

Just gotta let it happen, like Szaxx said.

There are lots of helpful stickies around, you might try checking those out for more advice on what to do, signposts, methods of leaving, etc.
Yeah see...I tried to make a tea out of it too...Then I discovered that it doesn't taste at all if you put it in gel capsules  8-)

I have yet to smoke any though.
Hello everyone,

I thought I would start a conversation about Calea. I found out about its use from another AP website, and so I purchased some. I have had great success using it to have more vivid dreams, better recall, and sometimes even a better rested feeling in the morning.

If you haven't heard of it, it's totally legal (except to grow it in Louisiana), and it's not too expensive. As with any substance, I would recommend doing some research on it; but I have not found any negative side effects as of yet.

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: How often do you dream?
August 05, 2013, 05:07:57
I dream every time I sleep, and I usually have pretty good recall when I wake up.

I usually have adventure-themed dreams, like a videogame, and my perception changes from first person to third person. For example, I was climbing up a pipe one time, and as I got halfway up my view went from inside my head to outside and to my left. It was cool though, because I could still feel my body but I wasn't looking from my normal perspective.

Also, my only OBE/LD experiences have been from upgrading my consciousness from my dream.