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Messages - DEBerryJr

Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Ne
October 10, 2002, 17:59:59
Take care
Imagery, Projections, and Interrupted Sleep!!!

Thanks to Ryan's post of such a wonderful technique I think we have something good started here. I love the technique, and k2sixx and Jason apparently love it too!!! The technique is posted here:

for all to read. Read it, do it, and we can post our experiences and successes with the interrupted sleep technique! My sleep is in ULTIMATE interruption this weekend, for this is my weekend of working nights out of the month. So starting Tuesday I can interrupt the sleep too!! We can post our successes and happenings, and get some people projecting in clusters!!!

Woo hoo!!

Let me know you're here Ryan, jason, and k2sixx!! Everyone else join in on the fun.


D. E. Berry Jr.
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Help
September 27, 2002, 09:32:06
Something or someone was ramming me in the back, so that my torso was being pushed out of my body toward the ceiling. I was lying on my back, and whatever/whoever it was, as if flying upward to the ceiling from below the floor.


D. E. Berry Jr.
Hey guys

I had a freak experience of projecting at break at work!

How about that???

I'm calling all projectors for the how-tos of causing, working with, using, and projecting from the hypnagogic state with the visions and such.

All tips are greatly appreciated. [:>]


D. E. Berry Jr.
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / To Blossom
September 14, 2002, 20:10:15
I remember flying around in dreams as a kid. But what about now?
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Comforter
September 13, 2002, 16:23:55
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Smile
September 09, 2002, 18:38:32
Thanks. :)


D. E. Berry Jr.

So you just listen to the sound?


D. E. Berry Jr.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / A question
October 10, 2002, 17:40:27
Hey there.

It seems that the newness of these sensations are startling you. You can try mentally preparing yourself for them first, say remembering how it felt last time, and being aware that it can be that strong or stronger. That way you may be able to stop getting that emotional shock a jarring when things happen. You seem to be on the right track. Just understand that the sensations may be strong for a while. Keep practicing and they lessen in intensity.

Take care.


D. E. Berry Jr.
Hey General-Army,

How has it been going for you?


D. E. Berry Jr.
Hey Meg,

If not the first, one of the first ones is when my form is about 4 or 5 years old. I was watching TV in the dining room, when I started to feel heavy. My body began to feel like lead. I went to the bedroom to lie down, which took much effort I add, and after an indeterminate amount of time I felt much, much better. I got up to go tell my mom, and after my hand went through the doorknob a few times, I looked back to see the body still on the bed. All through childhood I was floating out, getting up without my body, and I eventually got a hold of causing it. My interest and understanding blossomed from there." border=0>



D. E. Berry Jr.
I agree Jeff.

I respect Robert Monroe dearly, and I respect Waldo Vieira. Yet the jumble of terms and stuff seems more like a 'show,' rather than a practical deal- as if he is appealing to the scientific community- maybe trying to save face with his colleagues. It does seem to complicate things much, and DRASTICALLY more than it nees to be.

I know that many 'professionals' have had their name drawn through the mud for even TALKING about such things, so I understand why he would want to make it neo-scientific.

I am not too versed in what Vieira does, but I haven't been to Gateway either. If choosing between terminolgies and ways of looking at reality, I choose Monroe all the way.



D. E. Berry Jr.
Originally posted by General-Army:
when your mind is wondering and you see these images, how do u project? When i thought good i can possibly project now, it was still all dark, but a second or 2 later when i tried again it all went back to myself in the physical. I also heard alot of voices to. The next time i get aware at that state, should i just keep my mind clear and sit up?

First just keep in mind that this is not something that HAS to be done exactly some way or another. It is OK to experiment. :)

That is a good idea. When you become aware in this state, keep your mind clear and sit up. Tell me how it goes. :) I can tell you that it works. Just do it. :)


D. E. Berry Jr.
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / hi
September 29, 2002, 07:36:14

Try that on for size. :)


D. E. Berry Jr.
Originally posted by General-Army:
I was trying to obe but i think i may have gotten out 3 times in 1 try but got sucked right back in.

Don't worry. It happens.


For a moment, everything went completely silent, everything got darker, a whole lot darker,  i saw some faint images but my mind was completely wondering, then when my intent to obe came back i awoke from this state, i was also very tired, was this a normal place for an obe to take place or no?

Great. This state is a great place to be projecting from. Jeff_Mash posted some great suggestions on this thread.

When the images come you can do as he suggested, and passively observe them until they become all deep and 3D like. Then you can continue with your passive observation, until you are 'pulled' into a void, or even into the images as I have experienced, and then roll out or sit up. You can also try your hand at sitting up or rolling to the side when the images are all deep and 3D like. The darkening and silencing is a good sign that you were actually projecting. You are definitely at the threshold or better!


Is it also possible to stay out all night long if u go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 630am and be out the whole time?

Sure. As Jeff_Mash said: "ANYTHING is possible." I have raked up many a nights of all night OBEs, flying around all night until daybreak- 8 hours or more. It just takes practice, is all.


Every man has their fear of dieing, whether it be of pain or not knowing where you are going, however, mine is the family, memories, and good times i leave behind.

I have no fear of dying by the way. We don't leave family behind. They are eternal consciousness too. We just change states. All exist in the eternal here and now.

Take care. Happy projecting. And you are THERE. Keep going!!

Woo hoo!!!


D. E. Berry Jr.
Originally posted by Base-2:
But considering my experience the other day it doesn't seem an implausible idea: as I tried to enter the image, it immediately became larger and somehow more real. Oh, and when the image appeared, the darkness behind my eyelids thickened, you could have cut it with the proverbial knife. :-) This also had the effect that when I saw the image, it seemed _behind_ the darkness rather than projected upon it, sort of like light at the end of a tunnel, or a scene viewed through a rent in a black cloth (where the black cloth would obviously be the darkness). In short, the colours seemed awfully real, and even more so once I focused on them. It seemed like a place I could have gone to.

Also, I'm not sure if my body is relaxed enough while I'm sitting on the floor, perhaps I couldn't project. Anyway, do try it and tell me of your results. :-)

Base-2, the binary man

OHH!!!! You did it!!! Woo hoo!!!

I have done this before. I relaxed into the visions, and when they got life like like that, I simply sat up out of my body. It was amazing. And I DIDN'T do any trance work or energy work, either. YOU WERE THERE!!! YOU ARE THERE!!! You can do it.

Sit back down and do what you did. The next time the visons come, focus upon them as you did. When they become real like that and the darkness thinckens, YOU ARE OUT-OF-BODY!!! Simply get up softly, and walk away!!!

Woo hoo!!!


D. E. Berry Jr.
Originally posted by Mathias Jonsson:
I think Golden Dawn called it "skrying in the spirit"

Hey Mathias.

What is "skrying in the spirit" actually?


D. E. Berry Jr.
HEY there!

I say that is was real. You asked... you got!

Interesting place. Visualize and feel it as you go to sleep to go back.

Thanks for sharing." border=0>


D. E. Berry Jr.
Thank you so much for your reply. [:>] I appreciate the tips!" border=0>

Originally posted by jason:

and many times if you ask a question to yourself while in a hypnogogis state, you will get answers immediatly.

So you've asked questions and recieved immediate answers in this state? How did they come?

I appreicate the tips, I state again. :)

Take care. I look forward to your reply. :)


D. E. Berry Jr.