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Messages - WindGod

Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: gaps and gods
September 17, 2006, 02:19:13
In 3d graphics, a UV texture is a 2d coordinate map of 3d object geometry.

It's just sorta cool that the UV map is 2D but still represents 3D coordinate data that can be translated into a 3D object.

So a UV gap could be the discontinuous 3d representation of the 4D continuity, where the UV gap in the 3D discontinuity is welded to to form the 4D continuity.

A 4D UV gap could represent the discontinuity of the 5D continuity, where the 4D discontinuity is welded to form the 5D continuity, and so on up to eleven D, I believe is the popular number at the moment.

Also, many years ago I heard OM, the gong bell sound and the horn sound all as one. Any interpretations on this? thanks...
Quote from: astraluminated on September 16, 2006, 04:59:49
And it is also a very stupid thing to think whe can hide things from God.
He will confront us with our sins.
God created sin
Because at judgement day our own hands will testify against us. At the end our hands shall speak.
Every day is judgment day, and most of us suffer the illusion of being separated from god.

(The first thing that popped into my head, please take it light. Peace.)

Edgar Cayce is a distinguished historical figure, representing the best of modern spiritualism in America. The inspirational and positive effect he had on people during his life time is even documented in mainstream media productions by Discovery and The History Channel.
Quote from: no_leaf_clover on September 11, 2006, 01:57:46
Our military carpet bombs cities in the Mid-East.

LMAO. where did you get this info? I think you're exagerating just a bit.  :wink:
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: good foods?
September 16, 2006, 18:02:49
Upstream, thanks for the info, very scientific approach, impressive. I'm still studying your comments.

Was looking at the link to (thank you Bounda)

Peterson's graphs, show the relationship between levels of Melatonin, Prolactin, and DHEA, and how they effect concentration during meditation.

The levels rise and fall according to sleep and waking times.

I guess I'd avoid foods with melatonin in the mornings, such as , tart cherries?  :-) : RE:

"What foods contain melatonin?
The highest quantities of melatonin are found in tart cherries, particularly the Montmorency variety. However, other foods such as milk, peanuts, turkey, chicken or almonds contain tryptophan, which raises brain serotonin that in turn can be converted to melatonin. Other foods, such as bananas, also contain melatonin but not in significant levels to be effective."

Sources of DHEA? from a quick preliminary search: Food and Nutrtion - Iowa State University

"DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone in the body produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA's job is to make other hormones including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol. During a person's twenties, the production of DHEA reaches peak levels and slowly declines thereafter. A decrease in DHEA production can result in muscle and bone loss, decreased strength, and decreased sex drive. Therefore, DHEA is considered a "hormone of youth," which is why some people turn to supplemental DHEA when they get older.

The form of DHEA found in supplements is synthetic, meaning that it is man-made. DHEA can actually be manufactured from chemicals found in wild yam and soy bean plants. However, it is important to note that a person cannot directly acquire DHEA from consuming these plants."

(I fear that many web sites target aging babyboomers with generalizations of simply, "DHEA levels decrease as you get older". The last thing I'll do is buy into hormone supplements, too bizarre.) Also noticed no mention that levels rise and fall naturally during our daily cycle)

Now I think that Upstreams method is related to assuring  a good restful sleep (tryptophan-containing foods) that will result in a naturally healthy level of DHEA upon waking?

"trigger the so called "insuline response" - That's interesting.

"You can also boost serotonin level by practicing trakata or looking into the sun at early mornings."

Read something about a man claiming to live only on tea, simple broth and looking into the sun. Hmmm, sounds like a practice requiring extremely advanced skills so as not to go blind.  :-)

I have faith in the belief that living saints (having reached the highest level of consciousness, for example Christ) are here for all generations as teachers. They may not be well known, but are always present as God incarnate.

Will enlightenment magically sweep over all the inhabitants of the the physical earth someday? I don't think so.

That would be like giving PhDs to all the kids at the elementary school. The education system has a structure.

"This could be one of the most exciting archaeological discoveries in recent years."

amazing-amazing-amazing! thanks for the link \o/

Hi Warner,

I like to kitesurf, hence the name, (and website in-work)

I've had plenty of confusing dreams about kitesurfing, nothing significant.

One day I was flat on my back in bed practicing concentration/relaxation, then started a series of half lucid scenarios, talking to people, rapidly going here and there,

I found myself on a light brown dirt road, then, as a hurricane force wind started to lift me up I became lucid, spread my arms as if I was a kite and started to fly, lifting into a void. The next instant, I was on the ceiling looking down at my body as clear as a looking at a color photo, and suddenly returned, opening my eyes.

(today was a good day, after a month long quiet spell, we had 15kts wind after work, very lucky)
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Astral Learning
September 11, 2006, 20:15:22
It would be great to be able to go somewhere, study some advanced science and return while retaining the information.

The only thing I can think of learning from inner experiences is all visual. Form and design, abstract geometry of hypnogogic imagery can be vividly realistic and inspirational.

ANd auditory! Listening to symphonic music, and recently I learned a song, the voice sounded like someone singing next to me and a chorus followed. Upon waking, my memory was a bit hazy, later, I had the opportunity to meditate in the morning, and then I gained full recollection of the dream, trip, AP, whatever it was, is an inspiration, so I did learn something positive from the inner experience.

Eh Sarah, I think I've experienced something similar, a conversation that felt, yeah, yeah, wow, yeah wow!, then later I was thinking just duhhhh. I guess it's encouraging to have something to look forward to but slightly frustrating at the same time.
wow, you could see a Gold color? That sounds awesome.

Can this be related to how one would see and aura? I was just reading one of the topics in the aura section,

"Also, aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be almost SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear."

The view times I've seen what seems to be my ethereal body, all I could see is in gray scale, so either I'm color blind atm, or I'm the equivalent of a leper spiritually.
What do I think of the pictures? They remind me of a very sad event, and I feel sorry for the people still suffering as a result.

I also feel sorry for the 40,000 people killed in auto accidents every year in the US.

I feel sorry for the 4.9 Million deaths caused by TOBACCO worldwide every year.

I really feel sorry for the projected 10 million deaths per year projected for 2030.

You want to complain about something? Why don't you target the Tobacco industry?

Interesting to hear that from someone else, thanks.

Reading the AP forum has to be helping. Whenever I have the odd experience these days it makes more sense, and the anxiety or fear with that particular kind of SP experience seems to be gone.

Quote from: Alaskans on July 29, 2006, 16:56:57
2) Sun energy- 400 trillion plants cant be wrong  :-P the sun is the source of life. When you sunbath/meditate imagine it becoming one with your spirit.

For the sake of argument, the discovery of life near sulfur vents on the deep ocean bed supports the theory that a life system can be powered by gravitation tectonic generated heat.

For example, Europa looks like it could be an ocean world covered with a shell of ice. The water ocean is maintained as a liquid because of the heat generated by the tectonic effect of Jupiter's massive gravitational influence.

In this example, a life system could be powered entirely by the gravitational forces of a dark star completely independent of any spectrum of solar radiation.

( I didn't make this up, it's actually a sound and  accepted theory)
I did a search on "etheric arms" and read some interesting stuff and thought I'd add a funny experience from a couple nights ago.

(note: no alcohol, drugs, or medicines, well rested, minimal/normal daily stress)
Went to bed early, practiced concentration/relaxation, then found myself partly sitting up, looking around the room, and then at my phantom arms.

If I tried to "lift" my arms the usual way by mussel reflex, they would become heavier the more I tried to lift, and just dropped, surprisingly feeling weight.

Then I quickly thought of moving the arms and they became weightless as I waved them outstretched in front of my head.

To experiment, I alternated between flexing, and using thought a few times, resulting in arms feeling heavy and then weightless.

As I was having fun with the thought control, I wiggled my fingers, then made them long and spidery, stretching across the room and even made them zigzag. Then noticed that my right hand was almost twice as large as the left. I was slightly confused because I didn't intend that the right hand become larger, then started wondering what the significance was, then I fell asleep.

Leaving a big mess is very rude and inconsiderate. If I had to clean up your mess, you would get some intense curses from me.

I would rather take a swim at dusk into the deep water where the sharks are feeding and become the meal of a very large fish.
Up to about age 10, I could stare at one of the walls in my room, usually before going to bed with the lights out, and see scores of white hemispherical objects slowly floating down. I could visualize this everyday if I wanted to.

After watching WWII film clips of mass paratroop drops in Europe, I'd say that is very similar or exactly what I was seeing.

So I wonder, was that the last thing I saw in a previous life?

Then my question is, why the freck would I want to reincarnate so soon?

Hoping that next time I don't see this planet until Sol goes red giant in 5 Bil years.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: tattoos
August 27, 2006, 19:58:19
Heard of the urban myth about the guy who earned his living with a tatoo?

He would go to bars and bet people $100 that he had "Your Name" tatooed on his privates.

He would then whip it out and sure enough, show them the exact words, "Your Name" tatoo.

Supposedly he made enough to live on, and invested enough to retire and has a nice condo in Miami.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: fasting?
August 27, 2006, 03:18:24
Quote from: nwb on August 21, 2006, 21:44:59
has anyone ever fasted on purpose............. .if theres a healthy way to fast with minimum hunger?
nwb, yes I have in the past when work and life style  permitted, for health purposes.

Most of the guidance on fasting recommends adjusting your diet toward  mostly fruit and vegetables, to carefully prepare for a fast and to gradually come off of or break a fast with light foods like fruit juice, then more solid food for the next meal.

There are stories of people having problems after breaking a fast with baked potato for example.

Very important to stay hydrated also while you fast. A popular drink is lemon juice with water and a small pinch of cayenne pepper.

That's very interesting that fasting increased your OBEs. During a survival course I had limited food and did a lot of hiking, so that the exertion, lack of food, and stress, stimulated intense hypnogogic visions before going to sleep at the end of the day.

Just eating a hamburger, then doing a fast doesn't sound too good to me. Recommend you work more toward a vegetarian diet to prepare for fasting.

Some people do get carried away though. I remember a guy who attempted to transition to a pure fruitarian diet. He got thinner and thinner, looked like a walking skeleton. Wouldn't listen to anyone, and eventually died of starvation.

I think the ultimate is supposed to be Prana yoga breatharian, but that is obviously a very rare and advanced practice.

I wish that I had a month off work to do a long fast with the lemon juice and Cayenne. Oh yeah, you shouldn't be working when you fast.

good luck......

Great links, thank you too.

The Disclosure web site has a free demo page with the transcript of the FAA division chief's testimony.

Just for the sake of argument, I mentioned to my friend that this could be a good source of income.

The credibility of the information is entirely based on the witnesses having verifiable employment as trusted officials, professional civilian aviators, military operators, and technicians.

Anyone investigating these stories can check out the employment histories and be able to say that at least the witnesses didn't lie about their resume. That's were the verification ends. It's just their word after that point.

My friend had years of verifyable professional aviation experience and retired as an aircrew member. I suggested that he get in touch with the Disclosure commerce managers, present his verifyable aviation career documents, then find out how much they pay to hear some good UFO stories.

He thought that was funny and we had a laugh about it, then,

He told me about one flight where air traffic controllers identified something flying a parallel course. The crew saw a bright dot of light in the distance and radioed back to the traffic controller that they had sight of something.

As he recalls, the crew watched the bright dot continue to move far ahead at a distance, then turned across their path, still at a distance. He then describes how the dot of light, now far ahead of his aircraft, then climbed vertically into the atmosphere and dissappeared.

After the flight, he tells me that the crew decided not to report what they had seen, inferring that it would be detrimental to their careers. 

My friend told me this in a matter in fact way, and gave me more details than what I've written here.

We joked about the story, and said, yah, it was really a weather balloon caught in a Mach 5 jet stream reflecting the light of Venus.

I then said, "why don't you contact these Disclosure guys and make some extra cash?" He said, "yah, ha ha"
and we got back to work.

Really makes you wonder, with many aviation professionals retiring and not worried about revealing unusual sightings now, we might be hearing more about these things.

The one suspicious fact about the Disclosure web site is that it is an eCcommerce money collecting juggernaut. Videos, audio, DVD, VHS, downloads, a great variety of memberships and subscriptions. Are we talking millions here?

The production cost of setting up a cheap video cam and microphone to record people standing at a podium is nil.

The possible motive for creating a hoax could be altruistic. A group of professionals get together, swear and sign to a NON-disclosure agreement not to reveal that the purpose of this propaganda is to unify the people of the world into focusing on the extraterrestrial events and move our attention away from war and territory.

Perhaps to continue the theme proposed by President Regan in his speech,

"I couldn't help but - when you stop to think that we're all God's children, wherever we live in the world, I couldn't help but say to him (Gorbachev) just how easy his task and mine might be if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together. Well I guess we can wait for some alien race to come down and threaten us, but I think that between us we can bring about that realization."

Quote from: NodesOfYesod on August 06, 2006, 08:25:42
the question i have for you is this. if your standing in a park and you can see 200 feet away from you to a tree if you cant touch that tree how do you really ever know how far the tree truly is from you?

its only perception if you play a pc game you can see for 200 feet but you can touch your monitor.
think about it
The image of people being observed in their holo box compartments is really interesting. That would make a great scene in a movie.

If we have laser range finders, we know the distance. A sonar device in development to help blind people "see" like a bat will give distance.
Are the photons bouncing off the tree "touching" our retinas?

As far as the 2d represention of a 3d game environment, the objects in the scene have a "Z" buffer, for depth, or distance. We are like extra dimensional beings as we can "touch" any pixel on the screen regardless of distance, however, with Z buffer, the virtual object closer to you can occlude the object behind it and block you from touching it. BUT, if you have a control to turn off Z buffer, then all the objects in the 3d game loose depth and it gets really weird looking as they slide across each other never masking the far objects, but only changing in size scale as a hint of movement to or from the observer.
Eye predict that the big nuke war will not start on Aug 22, 2006.

Let's get together and talk about this on the 23rd.

WindGod has spoken!  :lol:

(cool political analysis though, I like the Pravda news site, thanks for the link)

@ BadCookie - Please don't buy into that 911 conspiracy theory trash. All those "Professors" have a hidden agenda. They teach this rubbish and deliberately spread false information only in an effort to manipulate impressionable gullible minds to create political opposition. That's all it is. They justify this unethical bevavior because they feel that anything they can say or do to get the demonicrates into power is worth it.
Even if it means supporting the enemies of the US and the destruction of the US government.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: THE WARRIORS PATH!
August 12, 2006, 01:32:27
Thought I had read all his books, but its been years. I'll have to get "The art of dreaming". Thanks.

Is "The warrior soul" a reference from one of the books? I couldn't find a title with that name by Castaneda.

Yes, I agree. It is clearly the UN's fault. Add this to the long list of their very expensive screw ups.

This is what the UN was supposed to do.
pls scroll down to "Security Council resolution 1559 (2004)
The situation in the Middle East " (cant direct link srry)

They failed, and in a way actually assisted hizbullah by looking the other way as they stockpiled rockets.

So what does the current cease fire really mean? To the UN it really means, give hizbullah time to resupply and resume terrorist activities.

What are 15000 UN pEACE keepers going to do? Spend a lot of money , look the other way, accomplish absolutly nothing, except give aid to hizbullah.
That's excelllent, thanks.

what would you call that. Persistance of expectation?

could make a much smaller size file looping gif anim of only a few frames, or a flash anim, I'll give it a try.
Quote from: Kazbadan on August 03, 2006, 18:22:03
did you have the oportunity to verify if your obes are real? have u made any tests?
I thought I had an opportunity the other day. While trying to meditate, I suddenly found myself sitting at a desk facing a wall that had an art poster with a slogan written in bold black text on the lower boarder. (My desk faces a window with blinds).
I felt very lucid as I was continuing the meditation exercise and trying not to get too excited. For some reason I took for granted that the poster was there and I failed to make a mental note of what the writing said.

If I had remembered the writing, I could have asked around or even the forum about the poster text . Who knows, I could have been accidentally, spontaneously sitting at someone else's desk.

Instead, I tried the idea of focusing on a feature in the room, and made a detailed examination of the wall paint!  :roll:

To develop skills of observation for the purposes of verifying a remote vision I imagine takes some training or guidance unless you just naturally have the talent.

Then again, how important is it to devote attention to techniques to verify these experiences with"reality"?
You might miss something by messing around. Kind of like standing at the bus-stop and taking notes of all the features of the bus, then ending up missing the bus so to speak.

back to the side topic of alternatives to harvesting the rainforest.

a local surfboard maker introduced me to the use of bamboo veneer with epoxy resin lamination as a very strong composite material.

I did  web searches and found some interesting stuff.

Several references state that bamboo is the fastest growing harwood.

5 to 7 years of bamboo growth produces as much hardwood as 40-60 years of rainforest hardwood tree growth.

I bought a small roll of bamboo veneer and it's excellent to work with.