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Messages - Pasco

Quote from: Awakened_Mind on September 29, 2006, 00:13:47
What baffles archaelogists the most like Ian says in the lectures is "what the hell small little indian men making pots in the bush were doing with numbers as large as 16.4 billion."

I bet they were eating the local psychedelics and wanted to pass the time.

I think the reason there hasn't been any threads about this is because these "skills" are quite intuitional, or at least that's how I experience it.

Like, how do you explain to someone (that doesn't know) how to lift his arm? Or how do you explain the taste of milk? Etc. etc.
I'd suggest you to look into Mahayana Buddhism, but perhaps that's a suggestion best reserved for the religion section.
Thank you for your replies, they were comforting to me. If you could bear with me however, I would like to specify my question further; I hear the astral is supposed to be full of colors and the like, but these experiences have the same shade of gray as my other OBE's. Does the astral always have vivid colors? What I'm really wondering is if this is going on in the astral, or, with the meetings with myself in mind, is it going on in some other innerspace of my mind?

Impossible for you to answer I reckon, but if you have any reflections on this I'd very much like to hear them.
I have for some time now, had spontaneous OBEs of various frequency. I am always in sleep paralysis when I achieve them. In the beginning my problem was that I could not maintain the OBE for very long, due to me making many rookie mistakes, but I was more or less capable of validating my experiences afterward, but with the normal anomalities of course.

Lately however, my main problem is now different. I can no longer validate the reality of my experiences. For example, when I get out of my body I may not get out where my body is asleep. Another instance, I may go through a door, and it will not be the room it should be on the other side, and when I walk back another door may have materialised, leading to a new room. This has happened the last 3 times Ive been out, and each of these times I have found another presence in the room, and upon closer inspection found that its been me. What that means I have no idea. I know, I know, it says everywhere that when new rooms are starting to materialise youre slipping into the dream state, but I can tell you, its nothing like a lucid dream. Its rather exactly like having an OBE, but with these unreal things happening.

Can someone tell me whats going on, and what I can do to get back the "reality" of my OBEs?
Okay, so I was looking forward to this day because I would get to sleep in, which means I can wake up and go back to sleep a number of times which will help me OBE. But in the early morning I had this semi-lucid dream (it was very clear, I just wasn't completely aware that I was dreaming) where I had made an appointment with a christian priest to speak with about my experiences. I'm not christian, and I got nothing out of the conversation, so I was about to leave, but as I turned around and walked away I heard the voice of another priest calling to me. He said something like "you've been having astral experiences, right?" and then he started mentioning parts of the dream I had before this one. I can't believe I didn't go completely lucid right then. He told me would help me and for me to relax, and I could feel him draining information/energy from my third eye. This made me wake up in my bed, but in sleep paralysis, and I could still hear him "Relax, let go, good, you're doing just fine" as he was sucking something out of my third eye. But now fully awake I could feel that this entity was up to no good, and it wasn't hard to cut him off, hardly any struggle at all. This was 05:45 am and I had to take a sleeping pill to get back to sleep again, and as I did I think I heard a little evil laughter.

I'm not really afraid of this thing, it probably just stole energy from me, as I was about to project later but just didn't have enough to get out.

But my question is, what the hell was this thing?? Was it one of those Negs I've seen mentioned on the forum? What's a Neg? What should I do if I encounter it again? Do you think it'll try to come back now that I've exposed it? Or could it have been another human being screwing me over?
I don't have much experience yet, I've been out maybe fifteen times or so, but never more than a minute at most, due to me having encountered every rookie mistake/problem in the book (problems moving about, astral blindness, opening my eyes, rushing towards the mirror, getting too close to my body, etc.). Yesterday however, I did get the chance of looking at myself in the mirror before getting too close to my body again (doh!), and I noticed my hair was much longer than it usually is, and it was kind of flowing. Could this just be dismissed as the usual anomalies between the physical and etheric, or could this be what my higher self looks like or something like that?

My second question is about my first OBE (?) experience that I had about a year and a half ago, which was very different from the experiences I have now. When I leave my body now I very much have an astral body, and I walk around as usual. But in that first experience, when I finally exited, I found that I had vision even though my eyes were closed, and I may have been position slightly higher than my body was. But I had no body, and I could not move myself in any direction, I could only change my perspective, and it was inverted, e.i when I looked up the vision went down and so on. Was that what is really usually called remote viewing?
Is the White House and the people associated with it guarded by highly developed government psychics to keep people from finding out secrets? I have no intention of finding out for myself, I'm just curious as to what you think.
I wish I could find my way to that tent and find myself a buddhist teacher.
I get it too, but they don't help me, I usually focus on my third eye chakra in my forehead instead.
Quote from: Mydral on July 15, 2006, 20:38:15
Mate trust me, this has nothing to do with LSD or any drug and it is not a hallucination.

Yeah I only read the first post, which seemed spot on. I wouldn't necessarily rule out a relation though. Just because something is called a "hallucination" doesn't make in any less real or valid.

I absolutely do not advocate the use of psychedelics in spiritual development, but to say there's no relation is preposterous.
Haha, that's what my girlfriend's been telling me, and I guess I kinda recognize it as true, but it's hard telling yourself you don't wanna AP when you really, really want to  :-P
maybe the people at can help you.
It's one of the most common hallucinations people get when they take LSD, psilocybin or other psychedelics. In that scene they're called tracers.
It's not gonna work man.
For about a year and a half now, I've spontanously had experiences that have put me in OBE. It starts with me either waking up in sleep paralysis or gaining full consciousness while dreaming and from there going to sleep paralysis. When this happens I feel a great pressure in my forehead/eye chakra, and hear a high-pitched noice. These are seperate from each other but are still correlated. When I'm in this state I can enhance both of these, make them stronger, but I've had most success when enhancing the pressure in my forehead. Occasionally this has resulted in vibrations, but usually I just feel like my arms and legs are floating up when I reach the climax, and when this happens I just get up and it will be my astral body getting up.

Now, like I said, I've had this sleep paralysis/pressure in forehead thing going on randomly for about a year and a half, though it was only recently I intentionally started OBE:ing with it, a few weeks ago, when it started happening like almost every second day or so. I've only explored my closest area, but I was just ready to go to the astral, and now it went away!

It's silly of me to think I have "lost it", it's been happening for a long time and it's only been gone for like a week, but I'm curious as to what factors might be involved? I know waking up early and going back to sleep has helped in the past, but there has to be more factors than that?
Yes, this is what makes telepathy so interesting. Communication through emotions is the ultimate communication, it eliminates all forms of misunderstandings.
Hi, my name is Pascal, I'm 24 years old and live in Sweden. Two years ago I "opened" myself with the dreaded "shortcut" *cough* psychedelics *cough*. I hope you won't judge me because of this as many others have on similar websites. Just for the record, I haven't done any drugs whatsoever in almost two years, and will never do so again. This lead to dramatic changes in my lifestyle.

My initial experiences were with ESP, but I'd rather not go into detail about that. Suffice to say is that I upset just about everyone I know, and I lived in paranoia and utter misery for at least 6 months.

Something happened though, as I know frequently OBE, and occasionally (read: rarely) get contact with ghosts (or whatever they are). This always happens during sleep paralysis when I wake up, and I only experience this maybe once or twice a week, but under these circumstances I somehow intuitively understand how to do it through a pressure in my forehead and a high-pitched sound in my ears. I have only been EP:ing as of yet, but I'll visit the astral soon enough.

Other interests include music, film, meditation, friends, psychology and Buddhism.
Omnipresence... that nick seems very familiar to me... you weren't by any chance involved with the MM, Virtual Suicide, unbbs, or Digital Requiem boards a couple of years ago?