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Messages - classicalhisux

And one more thing regarding "they might be in it for the money"

I ask you this, why on earth wouldn't they just stop at the press conference then? Why are they asking for congressional hearings to say these things under oath? Certainly they won't be paid for that, certainly they're risking their very lives in taking on such a daring task...

I believe if they were in it for the money, which could have been a possibility, it would have to end with the dvd interviews and the press conference, they wouldnt be asking for congressional hearings, and Im sure that guy could be making more money with his medical career rather than quitting to sell some DVDs... come on.
Windgod, that is a very interesting viewpoint I must admit. Good post, I like how you looked at it from what COULD BE angles, and dont take everything at face value.

With that said, a lot may disagree with what Im going to post, but realize Im just spilling my thoughts from what Ive learned so far, to share with people here.

Personally, I think out of the millions and millions of reported UFO cases, at least one of them must be true. I myself believe I have seen UFOs. It's a very touchy issue, especially since if you look up the interview vids, these guys are saying they stopped us from testing nukes on the moon, describing exactly how the "ball of light" stopped the missle in midflight.

I mean, these are some REALLY extraordinary claims...

I really highly doubt that these guys are in it for the money. Really, they retired from the military, they must be so paid they dont know what the hell to do with it. So why risk their necks and reputations giving away top secret information for a few more bucks, or lying to everyone? It really doesn't seem worth it, this video looks more like compassion than greed, and I rarely say that about many things, because things like this are rare. We're living in WEIRD times though with a president who lies to his people so its best not to write everything off and follow along with everyone else these days.... because to me, this world has gotten way out of whack as far as human life is concerned, and the profit matters more to everyone, and its sad because theyre FORCED to live like this so they dont know how else to act.

Money is destroying our world, seriously. The corporate buildings with all the excess crap one needs to the point where they can never want anything or think of anything else has gotten so drastic, I can only see a huge collapse despite it's growth.

Not to mention, all of the managers Ive encountered there are scummy, pampered, spoiled humans and there is a constant feeling in all of us that "things should not be this way at all". We shut that feeling up and conform, but we can never make it disappear, why?

I personally think with all of the free energy issues being really shaky as far as conspiracies, murders, disappearances and inventors just hushing up, that this disclosure could have some ground, all you have to do is connect the dots. Even if they don't have the technology (which they probably do), there's no doubt theyve taken measures to make sure nobody figures it out. It would dent the economy and the current way of life so much that seriously, as powerful as they are, this would be a serious threat and cripple them IMMEDIATELY without question, and fast too. In fact, I think theyre probably shaking in their boots right now realizing how fast this knowledge is spreading, and how many people are waking up to the lies. Nobody can research free energy issues and then say "nothing bad happened to these people".... not that theres definite EVIDENCE but always a repeating story of someone breaking through, then that breakthrough disappears in one of many ways... families threatened, murders, people stop funding them, labs get trashed, work gets destroyed.... very very sneaky weird issue, it's worth a good inspection especially considering Stanley Meyers and how he had a working motor that ran on water... and even a video of it, then another of it running in a buggy.

I find it frightening watching him practically predict his own death in one of the videos. Very very scary and sad watching him say that.

Now check this out:

You see, now these people are doing the same thing Stanley Meyers accomplished and was killed for, sadly. Did you see the crowds in the street? You must be crazy to think this isn't an issue that's going to be knocking on our doors very, VERY soon, because it's not a concern that will just float away, Oil is running out, we're living in a very polluting careless way, and I think a lot of people are suffering needlessly for this. Like the kid in the video said we are truly enslaved by energy right now, if it were ours how much of our lives could they really control? This is really a sad way we're living right now, and this won't work for much longer. People aren't stupid anymore, they hear "hey did you know it might be possible to have your own source of electricity and run your car on water?" most write it off, or laugh and think "yeah I wish" then they do the research and see how shaky the history has been. That's the point we're at now I think, waking up one by one and passing it on.

You can say, public panic is unavoidable now, in fact it's only "escalating" but not as panic, more as human decency and consideration to look at things with open eyes like we never have before. I really don't think they'd hide things in the public's interests, but more in their own. Our government hasnt always exactly been concerned with us in the recent past if you consider... a man spending ten years in prison for 2 joints (look up GRASS the documentary by woody harrellson on google video). Come on, this is a very backwards way we're living and accepting, and it needs to stop right now, it's not going to get better unless we start wising up and systematically eliminating obstacles that are hindering our progress as human beings, not as rich and poor and poverty/higher class. Sure there are balances in life, but this doesnt have to be one of them.

And I realize a lot of what Im saying sounds WAY out there but please just hear me out....

We have to be willing to let the old beliefs die and our old habits die to make way for new ones.... We've gotta realize we're all in this together, nobody escapes, we can hide behind clothes, identities, beliefs and turn our heads when walking by each other, but we are here together and we are supposed to be peaceful, not kill or be killed.

A good number of people will call it all BS and say "there are NO WORKING FREE ENERGY DEVICES" but I don't think so, I think that person hasn't done enough research. I mean, guys I know who dont even speak much say the number of inventors murdered is up in the hundreds, (never know who knows about free energy till ya bring it up) and from the research Ive done, there are still inventors today with working devices that the government will confiscate should they turn it on.

If I myself were to discover a way to do this I'd be scared to death as well! This is what stops a lot of people from coming out I think... not to mention it's been fairly obvious on more than one occasion the scientific community has had 0 support. Then again, scientists were always the ones to laugh at out of body experiences and now look at these "astral" forums with their thousands of members! And all the areas of science that have GROWN from it, and developed new ways of looking at things.

I think when excrement is going to hit the fan it's going to be when someone writes a how-to guide on building a free energy unit from scratch WITHOUT taking credit for it, without saying a word of their name and uploads it everywhere, from a library computer. This is the only way I see it that they wouldn't trace it. And if it were surefire, correct and working, it will spread like wildfire. I truly believe with my entire being that it is but a matter of time, and we are coming very close seeing as how there are literally probably thousands of people working on this right now if not hundreds at LEAST...

More people need to wisen up, more people need to think about how we can figure this out and consider that laws, even scientific ones are meant to be broken.

Because, if aliens are in fact real (and given the millions of stories, and things I have seen, they probably are) then there's no saying we can't figure out what they did. We figured out cars, planes, bikes, tvs, computers. Just look at the world around us, how amazing our minds are, then how great of a mess we're in due to corporate control over a species that should never have to live like this. Is it really such a stretch of the imagination to think we don't need oil, we don't need to burn coal, we don't need to keep destroying, we just need to learn how to work with what is, to the best of our ability... and better than we have been

Sadly, I cant afford the net so its going off in a few days. (looking for a job, hope to come back here soon!) The only reason I want it is to really keep up on this issue since I know we SURE as hell wont hear about it on the tv.

Well anyways Ive said enough so I hope someone out there got something from my posts here, farewell and good luck! May we have an infinitely bright, or infinitely destructive and dark future!

Sometimes I think to myself what it would be like to have my own personal flying disc.

Really, I dont think I could ever be too bored again :)

But Id be content with electricity, a hydroponic setup, and an underground garden full of fruits, veggies, and marrrrrry jaaaane :-D!
Hello, I do realize the disclosure project may be "old news" to some, but I hadn't seen the followup videos, (#2 and #3)....

I watched #3 today, and I find it absolutely hard to disbelieve these people, I think they would have to be insanely good con-artists to make up these stories on the spot, in fact, if a hoax, it is the greatest one ever... but things that are too good to be true usually are. These people are real ex military workers, went through real experiences, have real names and real credentials. It would just be stupidly moronic for them to make all of this up.

This medical surgeon quit his career to pursue this, that's how important this is, enough to make a medical surgeon quit his job to pursue the truth.

Mainly because I think, the truth, if this is indeed the truth, makes all forms of employment, jobs and everything about the way we run society right now, nearly obsolete. I don't think many will consider this or even laugh at the possibility, but I encourage you all to watch these videos, then question...

This seems like a more logical look at the UFO "mystery". Having all of these government officials come out and say all this stuff, makes you wonder, now even people within are pushing the government to tell the truth... I can only see this escalating as time goes on, to everyone in the world being ticked off at the "elites" hiding this "secret". This is murder, to hide this from the people, cold blooded murder, LITERALLY. It won't stop until they just open their mouths and admit it...

Already there have been hundreds killed over coming CLOSE to figuring out overunity, or paid to shutup, and there are so many reported cases you'd have to be completely ignorant to be really overly skeptical or say "it's all bovine excrement". I mean you can say that all you'd like, but these testimonies seem to overrule any kind of simple skeptic sentence. Skeptics think they can just find a loophole in something to fit their needs and keep them sounding like theyre always right, but this is something bigger, indeed. Whenever the subject of overunity devices comes up, there's a lot of crap going on behind the scenes, and the people in this video just confirm it openly without holding back. Look at Stanley Meyers, dead... look at all the free energy inventors found in rivers or poisoned, or shot, or who had their entire work destroyed, or just plain disappeared without a bonking trace.

I believe by admitting all of this these guys are putting their necks on the line for all of us, so I feel these videos are the most important of our current state right now, and I'm starting to go beyond considering that life as we know it could be 99% cleaner, cheaper, and more stress free, that I don't need to work 60 hours a week just to maybe secure a future where Ill be able to live check to check. This ISNT how it has to be, everyone thinks it IS because they haven't seen THIS. Some say it's a dream, these people, who have been deeper inside than any of us, say it's a gripping reality, and lots and lots of blood is being spilled over it. Watch the videos with an open mind please, there's a lot to take in. Especially the third one when the kid talks about them strapping him down saying nobody will know if they killed him then and there...

Just look at their faces, and the way they talk. Con artists? I don't think so. People who had jobs in the government and saw more than they asked for? Definitely.

Without further ado...

The Disclosure Project (#1)

Followup on the Disclosure Project (#2)

Private witness interviews, crazy stuff! (#3)

Man, swear filters sure make you sound lame...