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Messages - Noli

Sounds premeditated to me. But it was like an OBE so it couldn't have been.  :roll: Mean Lady
I think Cookie Monster did it.
What do you think of this: "External reality, apparently so solid, so evidently there, is utterly elusive and is perceived differently by each of us-and which in fact each of us perceives differently at different moments."
and this: "It is the brain that everything takes place. We know now that we do not see with the eyes or hear with the ears. They are really channels for the transmission, adequate or inadequate, of sense impressions. It is in the brains that the poppy is red, that the aple is odorous, that the skylark sings."
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Swaying
August 21, 2006, 20:31:35
Why does this happen?
Sometimes during meditations, I will fell my body swaying or moving in circles or back and forth, and it also happens sometimes right before I wake up/ right before I get to sleep. Anyone know why?
It seems like everyone who said they could see auras or their own aura saw a blue or blue/green color. I see the same color in my aura. Are all auras the same color, is a certain level of aura this color, does this color mean something?
Reading about your dream was really interesting. Strangely, it reminded me of a dream I had a few weeks ago. I was at some kind of wizard or magic school that was like a really big castle and it had really cool rooms. Special rooms were for certain magic/powers. I was new there, and went into a room and the door shut behind me. I didn't have enough power/ wasn't experienced enough to control things, but the room was for having power over the wind, which I did have. Anyways, a teacher wizard had to help me out of the room.
I've never died or commited suicide in a dream. I don't really have dreams with monsters or scary creatures in them. I think the closest I've come to anything like that is one dream where I fell off of a mountain. The dream ended when I got toward the bottom, but I didn't wake up.
Quote from: rave_master_naruto on July 16, 2006, 09:23:09
But the wierd thing is that when i looked at the eye of the dogs i feel that i can understand there feelings(angry/accepted) towards me.

My sister can do that, too. It's kind of weird.