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Messages - Jitenya


I once again challenged my subconcious. But this time, nothing happened. does this mean I've already finished that fight? I don't know.

Something happened today. A kid alost got hit by the car. He either broke or sprained his finger, some roadrash elsewhere. I only have marginal healing knowledge. I know that nothing was wrong on his side of the equation. I created a construct. I visualised it as being a solid green color, surrounded by one ring of raindrop like symbols, also green. (The symbol were like those on a kodo drum for referenceYeah, just like those.) I created a target on the kid and sent the construct to him. But in retrospect, I don't think I sent him a construct. I think I sent him the minor chakra in my palm. Before saying this isn't possible, please listen to why I think this.

I have the feeling that I have a hole in my hand. Pain is slowly spreading up my arm. To simplify how energy flows, we can say it is like blood. The essential purpose of the chakra then, is like that of a flow regulator. The minor chakra in the palms, and feet make sure that the energy dosn't wantonly leave the body. A common sign of fatigue from overexerting yourself duriong energy work is pain. It's up to my elbow now. Anyone know a fix?  Oh, one second, I'm going to try to perceive whats happening. Just thought of that.

Okay. So this is what I see: A few spikes of energy are protruding from my palm. Energy is flowing, and just vanishing. By the way, at's totally grey. Which is good. I suceeded against the negative force but to be trumped by my own stupidity. Please help me?
Hi you may have seen me when I acquired a dead wiki about lucid dreaming. I kind of just let it sit there.

There was a reason for this. Not an excuse, for I did abandon it myself, but a reason. Have you ever had a time in your life, where you had a serious amount of negative enrgy clining to you? I've had it for the last six years. Now-- most people advocate removing it. I set myself the task of intergrating it to attain a state that I call perfect grey, For six years, I fought the negative force and it's sypmtoms. For six years, if I had gone to a psychologist, they would have diagnosed me as one of the most depressed people on the planet. I have some very deep scars. Some, I'm sure will never heal completely. But thats okay. Without the scars, how would we not know we were imagining it?? Thank whatever entities may exist that I had always intended to battle it untill it was in submission. Today was the last day in my battle. You know what it came down to? Choosing wheather or not to listen to a piece of music. After I tell you the what it symbolizes to me, and the title, you'll understand.

This music can make you feel lonely. It makes you feel alone, uncared for, but at the same time, full of hope. Throught the years, I  was that song. It was my anthem. It's title? "For the endless fight".

Simply beautiful. Powerful. It can overwhelm you.

On this night, I thought that I had beaten it, that I had won against the negative force. I. Was. Wrong.

When I had moved through my playlists, I came to land on this song. I thought I had already beaten the darkness. I was afraid to play it. My thoughts word for word are:

"This song... The journey... (Pictures of myself under the influency of the negative force flashed through my mind) If I play this, will I lose myself to it once more?," and here, I hesitated,"It doesn't matter, all I can do is tilt my head back... And laugh in the endless rain."

Yes, I actually did think that las sentance in those exact words. Here's what it means.
Translation: Every time you arise, I will knock you back down. Every time you come back, I will be there, waiting to defeat you once more. Every time you rise from the depths, I will be the one who causes you to fall.

My body felt more and more bouyant as the song played itself. The reason why? My guilts and regrets no longer forced me down.

As cheesy as this sounds, It's totaly true. I just have one last fight left againt this negative force. The subconcious one.

I have found a technique that generates Pseudo Lucid drams for me whenever I use it. It works like this basically. I first challenge my subconcious. Then I use a set of binaurals, one for theta(custom-made), one that fades from alpha to delta(Abyss, get it from This suceds in putting me into a semiconcious sstate where I have to "beat" my subconcious at whatever it decides. By beating it, I can name a condition to hold it to. Unfortunately, I've never won. The last two times I've done it though There've been some truly horible things. The negative force has one last refuge. And this is it. My subconcious mind.

And so, This is my end. I've managed to escape that last two times. But this time, It's do or die. My darkness is a monster. In the first battlethat the darkness was involved in, I was shot twice. Head and heart. But it was nothing campared to the second. In the second, a horrible beast that I can't even comprehend in my waking hours breathed in. And in that single act, almost destroyed the reality of the Dreamworld I was in. You need to see such a thing to know what I'm talking about.

This will be my end. Unless you help me. I need enough energy to take the darkness on. No amount is too small. Please help me live.

If you need a target. Send it to this name. Jitenya Renorae. It will surely find me.

Thank you very much.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Is it hard?
November 14, 2006, 17:20:57
If you have alot of problems, and find yourself frustrated, I recomend getting Boxed Nirvana from It is very helpful when trying to AP.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Favorite Lyrics II
November 09, 2006, 18:25:43
Artist: Enigmas
Song: Gravity of Love
Album: Pure Moods III(?)

O fortuna
Velut luna
O fortune
Like the moon )

Turn around and smell what you dont see
Close your eyes ... it is so clear
Heres the mirror, behind there is a screen
On both ways you can get in

Dont think twice before you listen to your heart
Follow the trace for a new start

What you need and everything youll feel
Is just a question of the deal
In the eye of storm youll see a lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love

O fortuna
Velut luna
O fortune
Like the moon)

Woman :
The path of excess leads to
The tower of wisdom

Man :
The path of excess leads to
The tower of wisdom

Try to think about it ...
Thats the chance to live your life and discover
What it is, whats the gravity of love

O fortuna
Velut luna
O fortune
Like the moon )

Look around just people, can you hear their voice
Find the one wholl guide you to the limits of your choice

But if youre in the eye of storm
Just think of the lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.

O fortuna
Velut luna
O fortune
Like the moon )
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Binaurals, Sublimnals.
November 09, 2006, 15:12:34
I was just wondering, does anyone know where I can find decent free software for binaural beats and subliminals?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Astral Wiki!
October 22, 2006, 21:03:30
The transfer is finished. LucidWiki will now slowly start to become A broader compendium of information! If anyone wants to help, your more than welcome.
My Sig. Rate that.

To the animated sig: 6 OR 10

You used a unique way to make you Background in the animation: Using filters on thet same image as the Foreground.
Points Gained: 3
You compressed the gif etremely carefullry, so that a high level of quality.
Points Gained: 7
You used an automatic animation (Blending) common in many gif animators. Not impressive.
Points Lost: 4

If I'm wrong about the automated script, you have my apologies, and you have your ten.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Astral Wiki!
October 20, 2006, 15:41:42
It has been denied,But I was offered control of an abandoned project, LucidWiki, which will be renamed after it has expanded sufficiently into other topics. I have replied with an acceptance to these terms, and the transfer will be soon underway.
leroyskagnetti:Thank you for your insights. I should have mentioned a fact I neglected in my original post. THis has been going on since my childhood, I have had none of the symptoms you described about the white lines I'v had no such tastes or smells insofar as I can remember, and while I do not have to strain to see them, they are not a common occurence, happening at most once every year or so.
Sentinal: I'm pretty sure its not that. The lines I see move around on squiggly paths.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: US take over space
October 18, 2006, 18:32:34
Atchung! Left sided VP ahead! Republicans and Rightists, shield thy eyes lest they burn from thy sockets!

Well... you were warned.

George W. Bush never should have been elected in the first place. He lost the popular vote. He got in because he won the electoral vote. Why? Because the popular vote doesn't mean jack in the eyes of the constitution.

The electoral colledge was created before the time of mass media and techniques making it easy for huge masses of people to vote existed. Their purpose was simple: Make as educated decision in the name of the people. They aren't needed anymore. Now, especially with the internet, telnet, usenet, and other networks, such as IRC, you can see all the views on everything. They are no longer needed. Had the people of the United States votes really counted, we might not be in the mess we're in today.

Just my thoughts, there are more, but they are opinions, not facts. The Only thing above that is not in the realm of fact is the obsoletion of electoral colledge. that an opinion, though there are plenty of people who feel the same way.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Astral Wiki!
October 18, 2006, 18:27:34
I recently put up a request with Wikia to have one established. I don't know the verdict yet, but I'll post as soon as I do.
Every once in a while, little glowing white dots move around my vision. Focusing on the makes them dissapear. Am I hallucinating, or is it somthing else?

Also, if I shut my eyes for about ten minutes, then get up and start moving around, I have a nearly perfect sense of where everything is, be it a fammiliar or foreign place. I can bove beyond what I last saw when I closed my eyes, so that rules out an extremely good mental map. Anybody know what that is?
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: My First Lucid Dream.
October 18, 2006, 13:45:02
Thanks very much.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: My First Lucid Dream.
October 18, 2006, 11:32:47
Thanks alot for the advice. I already do step two, so perhaps that's what helped me for the first. And... I'll start a dream journal. One question: Does it matter if I write it or type it? The reason is, I'm a very fast typist, and a very slow writer.
My name is Jitenya, I've been on the internet for a long time, predating its rise to popularity. I hate emoticons, and only use them when its actually very significant to the topic. I'm working on developing a RPG called Chrono Rae, which is a fangame to the RPG Chrono Trigger. So, now you know a little bit about me, and what I do.

I leave you with my personal motto, and yes I relize how incredibly corny that sounds.

Here it is: Don't do anything for a cause, don't do enything because you must. Do it for the sake of doing it, and for nothing else. If you can do that then, perhaps, you might have enough good memories to not have led a bitter life.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Channeling God!!
October 17, 2006, 18:48:05
Mine is the evil post... :evil: But only if you beleive in that...
Welcome to Dreams! / My First Lucid Dream.
October 17, 2006, 18:32:36
Was today... or rather, last night. It was good luck, but I quickly lost lucidity. This is how it happened.

The dream was quite... normal, as my dreams go. I was walking through a city with a nameless, faceless entity. We reached a verdant, green, square, which I recall is being near to, but not at, the middle of the city. Me and the entity sit down at a large table, aand partake of Jalepeno pizza, there are also other ingridients, but I cannot remember. This dream was in the first person perspective, at that time, from my perspective, the entity had been for the entire dream at the left and slightly behind me. After one or more slices, I get up, move to the left side of the table(it's a square) open the box of pizza there, and start to talk. I say somthing like this: (I grab the pizza) "Y'know, I always hated Jalepeno pizza. ( I start to spit out the Jalepenos). And I continue eating the pizza. Then I sit down, and look up. There's a monster truck or a pickup truck behind the entity, and to it's right side, there I am, sitting down. So I say: "This... can't be real. I know that I'm here, I know that I'm me, you can't be there, because I'm you, I 'm remember moving here so I'm me, I cant be here, here, or here, because I'm there. This is a dream!". Well, actually, I only said the this must be a dream part, but I thought everything before it. Now within the lucid dream state, I, uh, morph the reality around me to a low ceilinged lobby made almost entirely of granite, with tall potted evergreen plants, and begin stiding down it. For what purpose, I cannot say, as I extremely rapidly lost lucidity. The perspective made a smooth transition from first to third person. And, then the dream became extremely convoluted..... And that the end. I would like to know how to induce more lucid dreams, anything would be appreciated.