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Messages - DH

Quote from: kurtykurt42 on July 13, 2011, 05:18:26
Sorry I haven't been active on here either guys. I'm too busy drinking and going to the beach!  :lol:

Quote from: Stookie_ on July 13, 2011, 11:18:56
Hell yeah!

LOL  There is life beyond the AP!

Posted by: Summerlander
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Couldn't what we posted be regarded as positive in that it opens up people's minds to other possibilities in regards to Jesus?

Sure it can.  These forums are about sharing different ideas.  But it's the manner in which they're shared that is also important.  Let's face it -- none of us knows it all.  A little humility is needed sometimes.  We may believe something strongly, but that doesn't mean we're always right.  Forums are only helpful to honest seekers when they feel respected and taken seriously.  If we feel a need to continuously put down others' beliefs, it's probably time to move to another topic -- and also to ask  ourselves:  Why do I have this need to diss someone and slam their belief?  What does that say about me? 
Look guys, we get it.  You don't believe in Jesus.  That's fine,  but why can't you find another topic in which you can post something positive about what you do believe in, rather than beat down people who sincerely ask questions relevant to where they are in their spiritual journeys?

Posted by: astralp
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Well first you have to understand that Jesus never existed.  Jesus is a metaphor for the sun.  The SUN of GOD.  NO one owns the sun, hence the reason they call it Gods Sun or the SUN of GOD. 

Now when you look at it from that perspective, yes Jesus, the sun, did turn water into wine.  It is a very old teaching, one that has been edited and translated wrong for the past 2000 years. 

The sun, evaporates water.  The water then rains on the grape vines.  The grapes then ferment into wine.  So, you have Jesus the SUN, turning water into wine. 

That is also where you get the word devine from.  Why is god devine?  It comes from the vine. 

and yes, dionysus=jesus.  The story of Jesus is a compilation of all the God men who were metaphors for the SUN.  Dionysus being only one of them.

That is also why Jesus has 12 disciples.  12 disciples = 12 signs of the zodiac. 

Posted by: Summerlander
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Yep, Jesus didn't exist.

If you just take the story at face value, yes, it was real wine and top shelf at that!  Jewish weddings at that time were full of wine and celebration.  When the groom ran out of wine it would have been a great embarrassment and social mistake.  That's why Mary gets on her son's  case to do something about it.  After the water is transformed, the master of the banquet is impressed because most folks put out the best wine first, then when everyone was drunk, they'd substitute the MD 20 20 -- the cheap stuff.  But thanks to Jesus this guy has saved the best for last. 

In John's gospel, this is the first of seven "signs" Jesus performs.  There are only 7 signs or miracles mentioned in the whole Gospel.  Unlike the other gospel writers, John is a mystic.  In Hebrew numerology, 7 is a Hebrew number for perfection or completion, such as the 7 days of creation in Genesis 1.  John uses 7 signs which lead to 7 teaching sections and 7 I AM sayings (I am the Bread of life, etc.).  After the resurrection of Jesus, 7 disciples see him on the shore while they are fishing.

John's Gospel is intended to be metaphorical unlike Matthew, Mark and Luke.  BTW, the more wine you drink the more interesting the metaphorical interpretations get!  ;)
Quote from: personalreality on May 26, 2011, 22:46:36
unless you were there and have personal documentation you haven't proved anything.

So I guess George Washington may not have existed either then.  Interesting.
It may not be world wide terrorism, but there are "Christians" who kill and terrorize in the name of Jesus.  Scott Roeder is a "born again" Christian who shot and killed a doctor in Wichita KS because he was "killing babies."  The murder was what he perceived to be what his Christian beliefs demanded.  This murder scared other doctors into closing up shop.  It sounds like terrorism to me.  The scary thing is, there are other Christians in Kansas and Oklahoma who thought this was okay.

Quote from: personalreality on May 05, 2011, 10:12:04
did anyone see the daily show last night?

jon stewart had an "Obama/Osama Jar" in which he dropped a quarter every time he said obama instead of osama.  it was full.

Freudian slips maybe?  :wink:

I think PR has some good advice.  Also I did a couple of Buhlman's workshops and he kept saying find the technique that you feel most comfortable with and stick with it for a month.  I first had success with the target method after several weeks of practice.  I think most of us have to have the discipline of practice, pratice, practice.
LOL  Carry on......

Quote from: personalreality on March 29, 2011, 09:17:26
Oh I'm not arrogant.  I'm just right.


haha.  i'm kidding.  i'm totally an arrogant prick.  i take it all back.
Quote from: Xanth on March 28, 2011, 08:55:03
Now now PR.  Nobody is "stupid" for holding a belief.  :)

Nice slap on the wrist Xanth.  Arrogance also causes the mental haze defined as "stupid."
From all I've read and experienced, he should have plenty of help when he's ready.
You've already put forth a lot of effort Xanth, but the other formats would probably make it much easier for others to access.  Appreciate everything!
Quote from: Xanth on February 03, 2011, 15:50:37
This isn't a respect issue... it's a legal issue.
The Astral Pulse can't endorse the use of illegally downloaded material.

Which means stealing is stealing no matter what the rationalizations.
Welcome to Book Reviews! / Re: The best book.
February 03, 2011, 10:37:26
Quote from: CFTraveler on February 03, 2011, 10:09:45
My guess is that he's saying Buhlman is intolerant of male cow excrement, or, what Xanth said.

What she and he said!
I had pre-ordered it from Amazon and got it a couple of weeks ago.  I had the same reaction Stookie.  It's an interesting perspective on life after death from one who has died.  It was long, almost too long, but it kept me riveted and i can't get it out of my head.  Two of my granddaughters watched it later (ages 15, 19) and they just thought it was weird.  For me it had some familiar echoes.
Welcome to Book Reviews! / Re: The best book.
January 29, 2011, 16:35:43
Both books by William Buhlman helped me:  Adventures Beyond the Body and The Secret of the Soul.  I did a workshop with him awhile back and found him very straightforward and intolerant of  BS.  He also spent extra time beyond the workshop to help those of us who had questions and help with technique.  It's rare to get to know an author and where he or she is coming from, but being around him for 4 days gave his writing more credibility for me.
It's feasible to make contact but very difficult.  As Lexi said the person may have moved on by now.  Or you may contact an aspect or fragment of the person's essence left behind, in which case the whole thing may become more confusing.  Nonetheless, why not give it a shot?  Then evaluate what if anything you discover. Set your intention and stick to it.  Happy travels!
Everyone's shamanic experience is personal and different.  I've had totems change over the years, and visits to the upper, middle and lower worlds have had numerous guides unique to their own "world."  Be open to who or what shows up and go with it.

Blessings, DH
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Melatonin
January 23, 2011, 22:28:19
Hello Nomesb69,

I've done a lot of experimenting over the past 30 years with projecting and using substances.  Generally I've gotten nothing but headaches or drowsiness from melatonin, didn't really help me that much with projecting.  I know that others find it helpful, but that's just me.  Ambien always knocks me out completely, but that's what it's supposed to do.  That doesn't mean I didn't get up, cook dinner, talk on the phone -- I just didn't remember any of it.  Those around me let me know it though!  It never helped me project.
Shamanic journeys are indeed a form of astral travel, but it takes more than watching a video or listening to drum beats to do it.  There are general shamanic principles that help prepare one for the trip and it's most helpful to have a shamanic mentor to help.  Books on the subject can help too.  I've learned a lot from some Creek Indian friends in Oklahoma. Their knowledge is quite similar to what I've learned from my Celtic ancestors.
I agree with Xanth.  They do work well, particularly the tracks help you learn to access Focus 10.  I've been working with them for 2 years and can  explore F-10 and 12 without the tracks.
Look, Nay, I don't care who gave what to whom.  If Fox resonates with you  -- great.  But honestly,  I don't recall Soros claiming to be "fair and balanced" like Fox.  And how much did Fox give to Democratic candidates after the million dollar donation to the Republican party?  I'm just tired of the partisan BS from all sides.  Nobody seems to want to work together for the common good.
Come on folks.  I watch a lot of news and I haven't seen any that aren't biased.   Fox's claim t0 be "fair and balanced" just doesn't flow with the facts.  It's not just the commentaries by Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly but activities such as this:

Whether it's MSNBC or Fox, they would all like to fill your minds with bovine excrement and have you love it!

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Channeling God!!
December 16, 2010, 00:48:06
Red Esper,

We all communicate with "God" and reveal "God" in whatever language we know.  Why should he be expected to translate the languages you posted if he doesn't know them?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: The church ladies
November 18, 2010, 00:23:07
Door to door "evangelists" can be very annoying but I've had some fun with them too.

One guy said, "Have you ever considered how Jesus, the all powerful Son of God, can help you change your sinful ways?"  And I asked, "Jesus is all powerful?"  He said, "Of course!"  I replied, "Have you ever considered that if Jesus is the all powerful Son of God, can he created a rock so big that he himself can't pick it up?"  He just said, "God bless you!"  and walked off.

Another guy, from Campus Crusade for Christ, hit me up while I was studying in the Student Union.  He asked me if I understood the meaning of life.  I said, "I'll tell you the meaning of life if you promise not to laugh."  That jacked him off of his program.  He just laughed and walked off.