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Messages - pod3

Welcome to Dreams! / No Fun Induction
September 11, 2004, 16:18:15
Some say that you need at least 10 hrs of sleep a night to LD reliably, and that disturbances in the sleep cycle are benificial to inductions. So go to bed early if you can. Try to sleep in, and you might wake up at your normal time after having had a bunch of dreams. For me, awareness and control increase after each successive night of dreaming, and the emotions of the imagery make drug use seem worthless.
As someone who has been exposed to divergent schools of thought, I'd be grateful if you could explain if it is the retention or release of energy which causes poltergeists.

(I see correspondense to the incubi topic.)

For instance, EEGs showed Russian psychics in a state of controlled (unreleased?) rage, however excessive masturbation (forced release) has been said to cause poltergeist-like disturbances.

Perhaps, if the Russians were literally fuming, the anger WAS released in a spiritual sense?

What are punctual, practical methods of meditation to create objects with your mind?
Well, without being much informed, I've probably stopped early, due to satisfaction. I'm willing to complete the work in order to minimize the risk if I could get a practical walk-through. Thanks.
Welcome to Dreams! / Paying Attention
January 23, 2004, 09:17:13
I can induce some pretty deep trances, but they don't seem to continue without me actively willing them to. Is this lucid dreaming?

Based on dreams which I could only recall, I THOUGHT it was like this:
You decide on the CD(dream) you want your stereo(brain) to play. Though you can ignore it, think about it, and interact with it, the thing will keep running until it is done.

According to word-of-mouth, it happens in purgatory/limbo and leaves a reddish scar on the forehead. This is your new, true name given to you by God. I would appreciate clear input from anyone who knows about this, as it uses familiar concpets in ways which are new to me.
I was interested to have just heard that they are all caused by the same gene, one which seems to be beginning to express itself in me at a young age. However the conditions are said to be reversed by right living. Any suggestestions for psychosomatic causes,lightwork, or around-the-house remedies? Thanks.
I have more information. If it turns up in your advise, I'll know it is true.
Welcome to Dreams! / -
May 13, 2003, 14:16:13
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / -
March 01, 2003, 19:27:16
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / -
November 29, 2002, 12:49:47

I am energy-aware enough that I can produce many tangeable effects, but I seem to be missing something about materiality in a few of my experiments.

What psychic techniques are there for crystallyzing the light, invoking many, apportisms, causing materializations, etc? Can you give my willpower that added zing that creates it materially?

Through extensive experiments, here are some assumptions I operate on, currently: Energy can be willed into existence rather than taken from my body by spirits. Energy is directly transferrable to elemental substance. Fire, ice, electricity, gravity. Mana is elemental - something to the effect of  "opacity." At least, it is opaque to the energies of my molecules and so can be felt, moved. It is opaque to photons, which bouce off. Am I headed in the right direction?

Manna is a clean, matte white, not emanating or absorbing any color. Not hot or cold when stable in that it is neither generating or absorbing energy. How to make it on a basis as dependable as my other faculties?

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / -
November 14, 2002, 13:48:06

An old technique for addicting a person to your presense is to elate that person with extra energy and then withdraw it. This has interesting moral consequences if the subject was withdrawing energy without permission in the first place.

A tickly, bubbly kind of gold with a rose tint, I suppose, is for joy? This sounds as if it's getting morose, but I will not be complicit in naivete when I can avoid it.

Considering that there is a natural amount of energetic interplay in any relationship, it is my opinion that the shrew went from being a drain to sacrificing her own energy when she became obedient. This is one for the immortality thread.
I have seen similar demonstrations from when this was called animal magnetism. If the fees make the site appear fraudulent I would like to know, how are the techniques perfomed, and how are the real ones performed? Are the fees refundable?
Coarse energies are said to cause problems like those.
Sometimes, you can do a healing on it.

Is equal polarization throughout the gems what is spoken of when impurities are said to be removed, or it a concecration?
Faced with a leg which wouldn't heal, a doctor internally placed electrodes across the break in the patient's leg. It healed.

Chi is made of material particles of prana, but they are finer than radiation. These can flow as through circuits in the body.

There have been found allopathic ways to treat every cause of cellular age. Homeopathic treatments, when they work, make the cells more treatable.

And don't forget "Dr. Strangelove":
General Ripper: Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love...Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women...women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence.
Besides taking these herbs he found on his hillside hikes, the oldest man in recorded history supposedly retained his semen in the act of intercourse. He went through several wives, who didn't live so long.

As far as I can tell, the better deal of Eastern and Western alchemical doublespeak refers to sublimation of the sexual essense.

Unless the techniques are automatic, I think it would be interesting to hear different approaches spoken in everyday language.

Speaking of immortals living only long enough to fulfill their purpose, after the quote in the movie, Jack Ripper immediately goes into the bathroom and shoots himself. This, I suppose is the excuse for the immortals' going to the other side.

Welcome to Dreams! / No Fun Induction
October 01, 2004, 13:50:47
I wake up after a normal amount of sleep. Before getting out of bed is the time to do inductions, not before bed. Then, sleep in.

Let me know how it works! Still improving, myself.
Demons, demon/human hybrids, and possessed humans.
According to some proven Illuminatists, their idea of immortality was only to not die before completing your life purpose. Then, there would be no reason for them to go on living, and they would program themselves to die. However, out of the other side of their mouth you hear of assimilated prana becoming what you need, even substituting food, water, and breath.

A psychic circuit is maintained, and prana would be pumped through it.
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream of First Contact
September 11, 2004, 16:19:19
Sounds like telepathic propaganda.
Strict reincarnationists would ask more questions if they considered that unbound demons are capable of transferring the memories of past hosts. Personally, if I saw thoughts which weren't previously associated with my body, and identified with a strange person, I would wonder who was trying to tell me what, and I would not accept answers so easily.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Controlling George W. Bush
September 11, 2004, 15:53:34
So now it's taken for granted that politicians are just the figureheads, representing organizations who were not really voted for. What light did you suppose illuminates the Illuminati, anyway?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Spirits that need help
September 11, 2004, 15:48:08
Spirits, carnate and discarnate, are empowered over others by permissary contract. Therefore, anyone who doesn't know what they want is not ready to be helped.

P.S.-- Remember not to obligate yourself!