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Messages - Magickist

Hi Michael!

Xanth covered most of it, but I have some additional information that should help you with your problems, because those were the main problems I had to deal with at first too.

First of all, it doesn't matter whether you swallow or not, as long as it's a subconscious process. If you think about it you'll notice that most of the time when you swallow you don't pay attention to it at all, unless you're nervous. I advise to instead of trying not to have to swallow, just don't worry about it at all so you wont even think about it.

The second thing I'd like to point out, is that any bodily functions that may occur during your attempts don't matter at all as long as you pay no attention to them. I've never met anyone that doesn't move around, or cough or sneeze or something while they're asleep. I've been told I do stuff like this while I'm asleep as well. Some people also talk in their sleep or get up and do something (while still completely asleep.) The point I'm trying to make with this is that your consciousness pays no attention or cause any of these actions, which is all you need to worry about silencing. Try to let your subconscious mind deal with all the physical body stuff, while you and your consciousness become one with your spirit.

That being said, it doesn't really matter if your eyes or open or not. It's just easier for most people to concentrate when their eyes are closed because of the darkness. So if possible get yourself in pitch black darkness so even if your eyes were open, you wouldn't be able to tell a difference.

There are some methods that require your eyes to be closed though. Even some that require your eyes to be open. I've had OBEs with my eyes open before so it works, as long as it doesn't cause a distraction.

So good luck if you have any questions feel free to ask!  :-D
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Need advice
January 17, 2011, 03:08:34
I'd definitely take CFTraveler's advice and look for tutorials. Then find the method that works best with you.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: How dreams work
January 15, 2011, 04:48:34
I'm not sure if Xanth already said this, but dreams are basically just adventures in the Astral Planes that we go on subconsciously, thus most of the time pretty much all content is created by are subconscious minds. So the different between Astral Projection and a Dream is that in AP, you're doing it consciously, fully aware and in direct control. In a dream, you aren't in control consciously.
Hello, lilcory.

Given the information you provided, I cannot provide a thorough analysis of your dreams, but I think I will be able to shed a considerable amount of light on them for you :)

The first dream: You were very young at this time. When you are at an age such as this, usually just your imagination plays the biggest role in the outcome of your dreams. However, since by this age you are in control of many of your actions, which produce outcomes (whether negative or positive outcomes) that will affect you, such as pulling a "no-no" and getting in trouble, then getting disciplined, it is possible that things that have happened in your life play a significant part in your dreams.

Considering this, I think it is quite possible that you were having a strong feeling to escape either a multitude of problems, or maybe one or two big problems that you were facing at the time. If anything big happened in your life around that time, it probably has a lot to do with this dream.

The second dream: You were also pretty young when this dream occurred, but around this time you become much more mature and have to deal with much more problems as well. I can confidently say that I strongly think that the cause of this dream was that at this time in your life, you had several people that you more or less considered somewhat of an annoyance or perhaps an enemy at the time (maybe your parents or siblings), that you felt were maybe "out to get you", eg. "wouldn't 'get off of your case'."

I hope with the information I have provided you you can use your own knowledge (which I'm confident is above average) to figure out what these dreams were about for sure.  :-D
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: The FOURTH Eye?
June 16, 2009, 20:15:21
I'm bringing this topic back. I want to find a metaphysical answer to this question. I think there may be a possibility that there is another person inside of us who see "the eyes". Any other opinions?
I've dreamt about dreaming too :p I think thats what hes talking about???
I've never had this happen to me but logically only a higher being such as your own creator could control your life in such a way without you knowing it. If you did stop me from aping the only way to tell me it was you would be through a metaphysical way which could probably only be achieved through me aping, so I would never know anyone was blocking me. Then you have to think who would spend 24/7 of their life waiting for me to try to project? It probably isn't even possible either if you think about it.
Yes, I do believe in God, though I've never communicated with him. However, if you don't then substitute "God" with "The Multiverse" or whatever controls it. Unless you think matter created itself o.O
Thank you for emphasizing that for me, dbmathis. Does anyone have any information on reaching this void?
I've never heard of this shadow before, but I do know that nobody but God can stop you from projecting, so forget the shadow and keep on trying. In fact, if this shadow does exist, its probably conjured up by our own minds and is really yourself. If you want to make peace with it, all you have to do is tell it you want to make peace with it. Good luck.
An example of what CFTraveler is saying about us measuring time is this:

We see a car pass by on the road. By seeing this car pass by, we know that what we call "time" has passed by. If the car passed by quickly (80 mph) since we saw how quick it shot by we may measure a second. If it passes by slowly (5 mph) we may measure 30 seconds. We all percieve the length of time differently. What I want to know is; how can you slow down your perception of time to achieve a prolonged experience?
CFTraveler I see what you mean about time being percepted and controlled by our mind. You said you experienced a projection that seemed like days but was only an hour of physical time. That alone shows how different astral time is from physical time. I guess what I meant from "freezing time" was making it seem like you were in the astral for as long as you want while hardly any physical time passes.   
It's hard to come to a conclusion with the information you provided, but in my opinion it was either a lucid dream or astral projection since you seemed to be in control from my understanding. Really the only noticeable difference between the two is the clarity.
I was just thinking about astral projection the other day and the thought arose "Since time doesn't exist in the astral, is it possible to stay there for what seems forever, only to return to the physical planes with only an hour passed?"

In other words, could you rule a world in the astral from its beginning to its end all in 15 physical minutes? Or how about gather all of the knowledge from the Akashic Records in 5? I wonder how it would be done...
I posted an article I wrote about vibrations about a year ago, you might be able to find it with search :)
Me and some people were talking about the paranormal and this question came up. Has anyond ever tried or know anyone that has tried physical on ethereal sexual intercourse? If so, how was your/their experience?
Quote from: zorgblar on May 24, 2008, 19:03:11
Is it possible to get killed

You could from your physical body, but projecting wouldn't increase the chances.

Quote from: zorgblar on May 24, 2008, 19:03:11
or possessed while out of body if you project and the energy in your spirit body is low?Yes or no? :|

If you think about it, your chances of being possessed wouldn't be more than they would be if you weren't projecting. Just because your consciousness is in one of your higher bodies doesn't make it easier for some entity to take control of you. The reason I say this is because your higher bodies are always bonded with your physical, when they're inside of the physical, the physical is being a shield to the higher bodies, not vice versa.

Furthermore, if you were to be in a projection of some sort and an entity was attempting to take over your physical body, your projection would probably end and allow you to fight back physically, but I'd prefer fighting ethereally over physically.
Well, if you two were getting along during the dreams, I would say that you might still have feelings for her, even if you don't know it.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Returning
June 04, 2008, 21:08:09
Hello everyone, I used to frequently visit and post in this website but I went on a short hiatus. Well I'm glad to be back and glad to be seeing you guys again, though you probably don't remember me  :-P
What I mean is, using the alarm clock method your goal is to screw up your sleeping patterns and trick your body. It's then supposed to allow you to wake up in sleep paralysis or very near it.
Quote from: CFTraveler on December 14, 2007, 15:40:31
You know, I hear this over and over and people take this as gospel, it's like a given, and I have to say that I  deeply  disagree  with this.  IMO and as someone who gets SP occasionally, I have to say that sleep paralysis is not the same as mind awake, body asleep.  It sounds like it, it looks like it, but there is a very important difference: Sleep paralysis is something that happens to you, not something you produce.  When you go into trance to the MABA state (don't want to keep typing the same words over and over) you are lucid, and your focus is on getting out of the body.  There are cues that there is a projection reflex going on, or techniques to phase into the astral, but it's not the same experience as waking up paralyzed.  In fact, if I had technical doohickeys to study this, I'd bet that the brain hormones and frequencies would be different to the type of trance you need to project.  When you have SP you are often not lucid, and your focus is on your body (and the fact that you can't  move) and if you're having a SP with Hag you're not only not lucid, you're completely involved in the dream aspect of your experience, and that is not good for projecting.  I have to say that in all my years of projecting the only time I have projected from a SP state was by falling asleep completely, and waking up again with vibrations.  It was altogether a different experience.  In other words, IMO SP is something that takes control away from you, and you are not in a good enough mental state to turn it into a projection.
Now that I said it....
  Well, don't let me discourage you- if you wake up with SP and are lucid enough to know that you can use it to project, then try an exit technique and see what happens.

I disagree. I project from sleep paralysis all the time. Even when it's there from awakening. That's the whole point of the alarm clock method.
What I do for sleep paralysis is this. It's pretty much TVOS's Alarm Clock method modified a little.

When I'm going to sleep I set my alarm clock to go off 30 minutes later.
I wake up and set it to go off 25 minutes later.
I wake up again and set it to go off 20 minutes later.
I wake up again and set it for 15-20 minutes later.

Next time I wake up I'm probably in sleep paralysis, or had gotten into it before that. I set the time depending on how tired I am and how long I think it will take me to fall to sleep again. This hasn't failed me once, and I highly recommend it to beginners. It's a little more difficult for me though, since I use headphones with the alarm clock and can only sleep on my back or stomach. This makes it hard for me to go back to sleep because I'm a side sleeper unless I'm really tired.

Good luck, I guarantee you this will work!
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Good book?
December 14, 2007, 13:15:06
Quote from: Clarky on December 11, 2007, 11:51:40
I'd go with Journeys Out of the Body by Robert A. Monroe.  You can always get your tecniques online I find.  Journeys out of body really draws you in and I found it to be really fascinating especially when you find yourself relating to things. :)

I recommend this too. It's really good and easy to read.
I've never really feared death before, but yes OBEing has totally eliminated my fear of death. I still think it'd be pretty nice to stay how I am now, physical and beyond, instead of just beyond. On the other hand, being in the astral or ethereal without having to come back into the physical would be very nice also.