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Messages - phitau

The galactic alignment is the event when our planet crosses the equator of the center of our galaxy, which is a black hole. The theory that the earth stops spinning is not the only theory. Most people actually believe in ascension. Some religious buffs believe December 21, 2012 is Judgment Day. Honey bees are not the only species that are dramatically falling onto the endangered species list. There's even an increase in human deaths--some by nature, some by weird and unexplained causes, some by suicide, etc. It's the nature of time, now, leading up to 2012 which supports the prophecies of 2012. The prophecy that's getting most evidence support is that by the end of 2012, two-thirds of the world population will be gone. We're coming to the realization that two-thirds won't die by one single event but many small events as 2012 nears. So maybe it's true that the world population will decline and an order of nature is taking place. Adun is right about some previous statements but wrong about contradictions toward Aleshah. Thanks, Aleshah, for you kind input.

Do you think that you were unhappy with your past life or lives? :)
I believe the main Mayan calendar was constructed to be a cycle of our solar system rotating around the Milky Way galaxy. The Mayans knew of five components of nature--earth, wind, fire, water and ether. Some believe 2012 is the coming of the fifth, ether, which is the ascension--dimension shift.

369, I'm not sure about your numerology theory with the word "fire." It is an English word, and I don't think English is too credible in dealing with topic. I'd be more comfortable using numerology with Egyptian, Greek or Mayan words.

Before correcting me, be correct yourself. I know of "LOL," but what the heck is a "lulz"--an immature, kiddie form to express laughter?

Also, both the Niburu and galactic alignment are theories spread throughout the internet, and I am just stating these stories to explain a theory that derives from both.

I'm sorry if I seem aggressive, but I'm just sick of seeing people--not just myself--receiving worthless replies to their theories. If you're going to post a reply, please make it a valuable one.
Quantum physics tells us that all matter is made up of energy. I'm not sure how far it goes, but I assume the scientists (or whoever) say that protons, neutrons and electrons are made up of X amount of waves of energy.

We each have a soul, a life energy.

Could it be that chakras are points in our bodies in which our soul is passing through? Here's a picture of what I mean (follow the pink line):

In addition, when we raise our vibrations, some people call it frequency, we're actually widening these waves of our soul, thus making us spiritually stronger.
I would never let any spirit or being enter my physical body. Bad idea.
Here is an interview with David Wilcock. I just watched this the other day and thought his words were extraordinary. To my surprise he talks about OBE's as well as extra-terrestrials. He links everything we know and don't know to what is really going on in this world. I do warn you that it is four videos--each about an hour long. After watching it, what do you guys think?

PS. Credits to Project Camelot for the interview.
December 21, 2012 (11:11am GMT) marks the end of the Pisces age and also the end of the main Mayan calendar. There are two very popular theories that people are talking about, the galactic alignment and the planet Niburu.

Well which one is true? Are both going to happen? Will we shift into a new dimension as a result of the alignment of our planet with the galactic equator or as a result of a pole shift because of a huge gravitational pull from the massive crossing planet?

This thread is not meant to argue the question whether anything is going to happen, so please avoid input such as, "On Dec. 21, 2012 you will wake up, go to the bathroom, shave your face, brush your teeth ... go to work, eat dinner, go back to bed and sleep. [Nothing happens.]" This thread is simply asking which theory about 2012 you believe, only if any at all.

I just haven't seen a thread that addresses both of these theories.
I look at life as an entity of energy. I learned this from high school physics: you cannot destroy energy. Maybe quantum physics can provide another explanation?
Quote from: Whitehawk on March 29, 2008, 16:46:44Admittedly, I know very little about the Mayans and their calender. But, I guess it could be a part of it. I don't know.
One thing though, this message was not for the future. It was for now. Just look at the news...
You claim not to know much about 2012, but you still insist on making your own claims. Maybe you should read about 2012.

I'm just going to explain my ideas on how this topic relates to 2012. Let's make this straight, the initial ideas of 2012 are not of my claims; it's of Mayan thought. The Mayans have three calendars in their dating system. One of which is their main calendar. This calendar does reach an end of the cycle--which scientists have found that ends December 21, 2012. If you read the bible you will recognize we are nearing an end of our age, Pisces, and will enter a new age of Aquarius. Okay, so everything is in sync and make sense so far. If you open the bible you'll read about a story known as Noah's Ark and the Great Flood. It is understood that this story is repeated throughout many different religions of the world. Also, I've realized most of the world cannot recall A LOT of history before just a few thousands years ago.

So where am I going from this? I've noticed a lot of people seeing water in their OBEs--oceans, no land, no people, etc. I've also noticed that a lot of people here have no problem believing that one can travel into the future and past in their OBEs. With that, I've come to conclude that they're traveling into a near future, 2012.

Apparently, every few thousands years this cycle is repeated, and it's written down in our religious records. Now, IDK what exactly happens, but I have a feeling it may happen. I've read about Niburu, better known as Planet X, and it is possible our government may hide its existence. Well how will Niburu's crossing affect the ecosystem of our world? One word, TIDES. Really, really high tides. Think what might happen when it passes us nearby. It might have the same effects that our moon has, except MUCH STRONGER. This planet is possibly larger than Jupiter! Also, unlike Jupiter it's unknown of its mass--we know Jupiter is a gaseous planet, so what if this is a solid planet? Wow, that's a lot of gravity. What's possible is that these tides may completely change the geography of our entire planet. If you do some research you'll find out a lot more scientific theories that this planet may cause. Another idea is known as the galactic alignment. This could also be another belief since we exist in the Milky Way Galaxy. Basically, we rotate our the center of our galaxy, a black hole, on an axis. During every galactic year, we pass through the galactic equator. To quickly step through this whole scenario we'll just say that going through this will cause a sh*t-storm for us. There are probably other popular stories as to what happens in 2012. I'm not sure which to believe in more or any at all, but I know the story of Niburu seems very possible.
Ah, I have one of those stories, but I'm not fully sure as it was a long, long time ago--around 8 years old. Could either be a very real dream or an OBE.

This story is simple and quick ... I fell asleep on the couch in the living room. I woke up, OBE'd or dreamed this, realized where I was and went to my bedroom where I layed down to go back to sleep. In the morning I woke up on the couch!
Wow, thanks TemperMode, for the input. I began thinking of that, and I feel you may be correct.
I'm one town over from a bay in New Jersey. Yeah, right at home is definitely safe--kidding. My family doesn't believe anything bad is going to happen, and they refuse to move elsewhere. Anyway, it's estimated by scientists a huge asteroid hits earth every hundred years or so. Also, even greater catastrophes occur every thousand years. We're pretty much due on both cases. This is proven by history.

I'm 20 years old, and I can't leave my family behind. Their fate is my fate.
It doesn't. Sorry
Quote from: lily moonsong on March 24, 2008, 23:19:55Think positive, take care of yourself, surround yourself with people who care about you, don't hang out with people who will put you down verbally or physically.  Take time to do things for you.  Don't worry about other people, just your family and closest friends.  The rest will work itself out...
Great advice, lily!

It seems to me that these students have made you feel negative about yourself. With that, a negative entity may very well have become attached to you from this. Take lily's advice, and you will better your situation.
Uh oh, I'm calling right now ...

SH*T, they put me on hold!
Hmm, reminds me of a near-OBE event.

Around 12 years old, I broke my left forearm and was rushed to the hospital. (Note: open fracture; both bones snapped with one of them piercing my skin)

I was given anesthesia before a surgery. For about 5 minutes, I heard the doctors' and nurses' voices. One quote I remember was, "And ... he's out." From that point on, I heard everyone in the room talking. Also, I heard a loud static buzzing sound--the potential OBE. I tried moving my limbs, my neck and also tried to open my eyes. All failed. I was in panic-mode. All I thought was, "I'm suppose to be asleep. This isn't suppose to happen. What is that static noise?" After some time, I drifted off into a dream.

I just wish now I could go back in time to force myself to exit my body. I had no clue was what actually happening to me, then. The anesthetic almost gave me a perfect OBE. It would have been cool if I could see myself being operated on. Instead, I had a dream of being on the computer chatting to someone--one of my friends--on AOL. It was a pointless dream.

For anyone that is going for surgery, try to AP during it!
OBE Viagra could keep you projected for eight or more hours!  :-o
The reason today's scientists will claim that it's all in our brains is simple to understand. They do not have the machinery to travel into the astral plane, nor another dimension. Machines cannot vibrate on these levels--at least for now.

Perhaps, this could be yet another conspiracy of the government. Practicing OBE's, metaphysics, telepathy, etc. may scare the government because we think on a different level from the average person. Yes, governments don't want us to think; they prefer mindless slaves to work with their economy to pay taxes.

* Waits for the skeptics' responses *
What's the news on Rolling Rock's advertisement on the moon? Did anyone see it? Did they even go for it? I live in central part of NJ, and it has been cloudy all night.  :-(
Not a myth, but the greatest miracle of all. The astrological alignment of stars that tell the story of Jesus' birth and death was all planned by God!

Also, I believe religions are essentially the same. For one, Horus and Jesus' stories are very similar, yes. So what, if Christians are Egyptians? Stating those similarities is not debunking the religion, it's just saying, "hey, we believe the same as what they believe!"

Jesus was possibly a Reiki master, an explanation for all his healing miracles. He also probably a master of AP. He was probably so damn good he was able to keep his vibes high, yet on such a low-level plane, to appear ghostly but to appear to be walking on water. Use your knowledge of practices we use today to figure out the rest of Jesus' miracles. It's not hard.

Just my little input for all the Christians that need a good argument to go by.
Zorgblar, sorry for thinking it's just from movies. Your curiosity is admirable.  :-D
1. Self-hypnosis is communicating with your sub-c, so I'd go with "yes."
2. You've read my response in that other topic about possessing someone else's body. That link or connection that I talked of is the same thing as the silver cord. I've seen that you've read and responded to it, so I won't repeat myself. For those who don't what I'm talking about, see:;msg228216#msg228216
Quote from: zorgblar on March 21, 2008, 01:35:31Can you answer my second one as well and if you can?
Quote from: Kraven Obscuria on March 21, 2008, 08:57:52As far as being trapped by someone/something in another realm, I personally don't think that is a concern at this stage of the game, and highly unlikely.
Dangers that come to my mind to worry about in the AP is an impossibility of your astral body returning to your physical body. Your body could possibly die without its soul while its trapped in some realm or by some negative entity. By me saying this, we don't know for sure. The only people who know is those who've died this way, and that to the rest of us is still unknown. What I'm saying now could be fact or fiction. I would go by worst case scenario is say that it's fact; there are such dangers. Keep in my mind I'm not that experienced to make documented statements; I'm just sharing my theories, here. Here's the way I see it: I just view every scenario in as many perspectives I can come up with.

PS. Let me add that I cannot think of any dangers to the astral body itself. Reason: The soul, astral body, is life, an energy that cannot be destroyed. Plain science.