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Messages - the_demigod


Missed about 3 years in here (apologies ot the un-answered messages/emails).
Every day, when my WORK intruded into my sanity I was faced with:
- slaving away, remembering that this "work" pays the bills and allows for a decent life;
- remembering that the TRUE reality AWAITS me, and that "maybe" this period in life is the one where my aura/soul needs to get READY for the "next push", when my chakrams are preparing for my next level of development;
- or some other explanation (combine booze/women/religious writings into an acceptable excuse ;p)

Coming back after 2-3 years and reading all the posts, re-reading RB's book, I find myself wondering: HAVE I WASTED THE TIME??

Is my timetable (in some way) different?? Am I allowed to have FAILURES (when the current reality: career, house, money; dominates my life??) or should I pursue ADVANCEMENT at all costs (living in poverty, voting for political idiots, paying high taxes)??

I spent the last 7-8 years pursuing professional success in the hope of being able to AFFORD a lifestyle, where I CAN pursue self-growth (enough time for meditation, OBE, etc).

HOW CORRECT is such a materialist-turned-god/self-development-obssessive approach??
Welcome to Magic! / Alchemy Magic
August 27, 2005, 07:19:07
Quote from: Veral42EDIT:  Does anybody know where I can find information on this topic?

It's scattered in countless books about Alchemy. Even the critical ones about how and why Alchemy did NOT work :P [for me the critical evaluations are the most informative, as the authors pursue with a vehmence their Anti-Alchemical QUEST, passing on a lot of informaiton, that THEY consider funny, stupid, useless, whereas WE know it for what it IS...]

Funnily, you MUST follow the Path of the True Alchemist yourself in gathering all the information about Alchemy and Alchemists, and that requires patience, time, perseverance, dedication.

The information is Out There, and it waits for those who want to find it.

I found the first book on Alchemy in the Chemistry section of my University's library, of all places...
Seek and ye shall find. :-)
Based on my request, one of her New Year resolutions is going to be praying to her Higher Self several times a day.
But I doubt this will be enough...

I'd be most grateful for advice regarding my girlfriend. I am in no way developed enough to deal with the entire issue.

My GF is the "sensitive" type, with a rather religious past [her grandmother was rumoured to have seen "ghosts"], and she takes many things really "in", and they tend to bother her for a looooong time. Recently, she is experiencing increased nervousness, hears things around the house, etc. These issues are compounded whenever we drink some alcohol.

Last night was a rather painful experience for me, as she spent the first hour AFTER falling asleep talking to me about strange things [including repeating many times the phrase "I am not a bad person"--some guilt issues??]. Lucid she was, although in an other-wordly kind of way...
To top the night off, just as we sat down to breakfast something slammed into the window--a kestrel [or bird of prey of the urban kind] was chasing after a smaller bird, and in their fight, they wound up in the kitchen's window. My GF says that it looked at her over its "shoulder" and then calmly picked up its prey and flew off.
I'm not looking for signs but the entire 12 hours was surreal...

Some characteristic issues that might be helpful:
1. She has had no less than TWO vivid dreams about being pursued by a "devil" [clearly a being with negative intentions]. Timeframe as I can gather: last 2 years.
2. Occasionally during "sleep" or rather the "lucid" stage she sees THREE shapes hovering in the doorway, a man [taller, bulkier] and two females at his sides. The shapes have defined heads and shoulders and the rest just fades away. They do not have actual FACES.
She has also drawn those shapes several years ago in a high school notebook, so they seem to be a permament fixture.
I have personally experienced her fear during those visits twice: in Spain, 4 months ago, and last night, in Poland. Logically, the shapes seem to be related to HER and not the location.
Last night as my GF was talking, I told her to "ask" the shapes WHAT do they want, but she refused to do that.
3. She lives in a house that belongs to two older people [they are absent now--travelling]. Both are not nice. The house is cold, ugly and sad--I sense negative energies. Also, it is a monument to times long gone past.
4. There is a dog--a German Shepperd that is a weird mixture of "up-front" agression and real, entrenched fear, as he has been abused as a puppy and was taken by the family from a dog home.
5. She has a lot pimples [??], aka those marks that Robert Bruce talks about as signals of neg attachment.
6. She often mentions having the "falling  sensation" that we all associate with OBE's. Several times, when I am there, she also SHUDDERS strongly before waking up, as if the "body reentry" was intense.

1. She cant move out of the house, so I'm looking for way to nullify the house's influence.
2. In the area there is no real "anti-possession" service, so I'm open to ALL advice on dealing with the entities that might have "taken a liking" to my GF.
3. I don't like the dog--I sense that he is partially responsible. How can I nullify its role??

I'd be grateful for advice on how to deal with the situation and/or comments about the potential causes/issues.
If you need more info, then I'll gladly mail it.

Have a happy New Year everyone.
Welcome to Magic! / Alchemy Magic
October 28, 2004, 16:34:42
Whenever reading about the Philosopher Stone, the explanations always sounded as "physicalised" advice on how to manipulate energy--why would a "normal" chemical substance WORK as the stories describe the effects of the Stone [including people immediately loosing dozens of yeras in age and returning to their "prime of life" age/looks]??
You still need GOOD publishing material to get through the "publisher's reader"
Maybe those that draw their energy from "above" are the "dreamer" type of personality?? Focused on their ideas, dreams, ambitions, yet still unable to realise them due to weak development??
I'm putting together some stuff now to add sound suggestion to my process as well--first, recording my voice with the commands, then converting it into mp3, mixing [hopefully] with normal mp3 music tracks and then burning a CD for my hifi to listen to as I work.

The normal "just my voice on tape" way gets quickly boring/annoying, as most of us are not used to our own voice.
To bring back the Himmler/SS issue:

Do you think that there IS a correlation between dabbling in the Esoteric Arts and the weird inventions that the Nazis were rumoured to be undertaking during their quest for world domination??
Welcome to Magic! / Alchemy Magic
October 12, 2004, 05:09:46
the very problems that come from translating Alchemical imagery into practice come from the fact that most illustrations talk in PHYSICAL terms [like melting, smelting, etc] whereas they symbolise soul/astral/etc transformations.
I have come back to using autosuggestion as an inherent part of my self-development, from modifying bad habbits to boosting self-development.

My technique is a Huna-based one of rapid breathing leading to over-energising, which is then chanelled via imagination into "charging" of specific images with which I want to SUPPLANT the negative/undesired old behaviours [which are hopefully LESS charged than then new ones].

I'd be interested in learning which techniques work for you??
How advanced do you have to be to even BEGIN working with those chakras and, even more importantly, to BENEFIT from them???
Look at the literature related to Alchemy--many practitioners have talked about achieving immortality as the final step of your development--Fulcanelli was rumoured to have lived 200 years or so--according to conspiracy theories the CIA was looking for the guy after WWII, despite the fact that he has born in the 18th century.

Personally I think it is a Holy Grail that, like any other, once you grow enough to be worth it you discover you don't want it/need it.
I've read RB's OBE material many times and I've been working on the energy body for a quite some time, but I still cannot place the difference between the Chakras and the circit energy storage points [forehead, heart and navel]. What's the difference??

With my upcoming 30th B-day, I was wondering--can someone do a chart for me??

born 7th July 1973, 5:55AM
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Time dilation
May 03, 2003, 01:50:16
A few times in my life [usually when having the crap beaten out of me :-((] I have had the surreal pleasure of experiencing time dilation.

At a particular point in the "situation" everything would slow down. Except my mind. The development permitted me to perceive and COMPREHEND many things simultaneously, and observe the movements of other humans in slow motion and with absolute understanding of their [final] intent.

Any1 else??
As I've strayed a bit from the OBE pasth in recent months I found myself wondering and came to a startling discovery--I'M CONFUSED.

I recall first time reading R.Bruce's OBE treatsie and then doing some very rapid progress with energy, etc.
I used to load my base chakra [those were the times when RB advised the loading through the feet, through base chakra and upwards to crown] and after a while I began experiencing related brow chakra activity.
A bit later I would have WAVES of deja-vu's when my brow chakra would go hyperballistic with activity.

Then, the "full circuit" appeared in RB's work [or the half circuit when loading from feet to belly and from hands to belly].
Some progress emerged from THAT approach, but as a rule...I haven't been experiencing the COOL stuff that I used to get with the old [vertical, down-to-top] aproach.
Whereas I might agree with RB that my energy body has grown accustomed to the increased energy, I have NOT witnessed anything new over at least 12 months [other than a wave of good luck in my life] that could TELL ME THAT I AM PROGRESSING-- no new skills, abilities, etc.


I've given the Tibetan6 a try [] and I last about a SECOND before my lungs demanded air.

two questions:
anyone tried it and lasted longer?????
HOW does the redirect of sexual energy WORK in that technique??
So, I'm now at a point in life when I doubt in the SENSE of my spiritual development. Today is the Offficial Doubt In Yourself Day of Depression.

I doubt whether I can achieve what I'm destined for.
I thought I KNEW what I was destined for.
I ask myself--is the nasty stuff in my life the result of the puny/stupid/reckless [yet relatively simple] things I did??
I ask myself--is the nasty stuff in my life a payback for something I did BEFORE my life??
I ask myself--is the nasty stuff in my life a PRE-payement for what I'm about to do?? Does Karma work FORWARD??
I have a lot of pain inside me.
I sense no "upper being" support.
I ask myself--WHY is this s**t falling onto MY head??

It's SO easy to channel the violence within me and move to the "other spectrum". And I DO mean lethal violence--the willingness to hurt, the ability to hurt, the readiness to hurt, the mental images of hurting, the matter-of-factness of hurting...its ALL there, a thought/smell/image away.
The building. At myself, at "the powers that be", at the supposed sense of self-development, at the more-than-this-reality outlook...

I don't now what's more satisfying--finally achieving an OBE or snapping someone's neck. Maybe BOTH are a short breath away....

Help a drowning man.

PS--the funny thing is: I CAN achieve "this realm" success [money, position, etc], but I've always felt that wasn't "it".
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / after posting
November 24, 2002, 02:37:34
I gotta admit that these are the first forums powered by ASP I've seen.

aaaaaaanyway--I'd be very grateful if you could sort the redirect AFTER the new post or reply is submitted to the very same topic OR to the specific forum page. right now I get a blank page that does nothing.

Coming from the background of multiple PHP/MySQL forum communities, I find this blank-do-nothing-page highly annoying.


Vendi, Vidi, Vici, Mucho denero.
[I came, I saw, I conquered, I got paid--my mercenary motto]
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Life Course
November 24, 2002, 02:11:35
I'm 29, and have been involved in the wide range of Arcane/religious research for last 14 years. Started off with Huna and moved on.
I've acquired a lot of knowledge and plenty of insight/understanding.
My skills are improving [if slowly--have been working on OBE-related stuff for 3 years now].

The crux is this:

When I look back on my life, I see a chaotic trail filled with major mistakes, big enemies, plenty of violence, blood, pain and suffering [most of it MINE...:P]. I've hurt people, acted like an idiot [a rarity now] and have made a few cities across Europe inaccessible to myself on penalty of severe repercussions.

Yet, my IQ is imporoving to beyond-MENSA levels, I have managed to initiate a successful career, am writing 2 novels, am setting up an internet business and gym-work is going amazingly well.
Admittedly, no women--not that THEY ain't interested, but I prefer the security and low-cost of celibacy [for now].

My point--looking back over my life I see a jumbled collection of weird twists, strange [and at the time illogical] decisions, highly improbable happenings, and coming in contact with strange [wonderful OR scary] people that have pushed me in new directions.

I feel that my life has been guided. Why?? I don't know. Yet. But the sheer probability of the events in my life coming together to get me where I am today [ie, with a huge baggage of good and nasty experiences, knowledge of how to progress and dedication to achieve it], is incredibly small.

I'd appreciate Ur comments.

Vendi, Vidi, Vici, Mucho denero.
[I came, I saw, I conquered, I got paid--my mercenary motto]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Deja vu's
November 23, 2002, 12:21:42
Whats your opinionj on the nature of deja vu's?????

Am interested due to having days when a few dozen micro-dejas occur.

Hey ppl.

I've been working on energy development for 2 years or so, and seem to have reached a sticking point--I have serious issues with my neck [bad sleeping position since childhood, etc] and whenever I get REALLY into full-body energy raising [the full circuit] my neck becomes a major barrier to easy energy flow.

Chiropractors help minutely.

Any ideas????????

It also comes to life during the actual preparation to OBE--the neck tenses and my head minutely shifts position, further enhancing the tension--I KNOW I shoulkd have dealt with it by now, but have failed so far... :(

Vendi, Vidi, Vici, Mucho denero.
[I came, I saw, I conquered, I got paid--my mercenary motto]
fallnangel77: can you expand on your location definition?? I'd be grateful for more info.

narfellus: I'm happy I wasn't the only one.
zaicer: and what sensations did you experience??