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Messages - Vibra

Death is only relative to what you believe life is. I believe I am already dead and will wake up from this dream Alive in Reality.
Be careful how you interperate your own dreams/experiences. Without going into in depth details Ive had many such experiences throughout my life many relating to 40 was going to be my end year. I believed I would cease to walk this planet in life form. I'm still here and Ironically my 40th year was the year I had an awakening and finally started paying attention to everything Ive been trying to ignore and extinguish all my life. What I'm trying to relate is, all is not always what it seems. Messages come to us in many different ways. The trick is learning how to properly interperate them.
Be Well
I see the lights all the time to this day after several years of meditation. They seem to change colors often to greens, purples, white. They are not normal "light shows" that I see while laying down to sleep. I actually use them while in a meditative state (beginnings of AP). I look past them and definitely not at them,which seems to accelerate me to a deeper state of meditation. I know when I am close to "there" when the lights begin to subside to view pitch darkness or millions of stars flying towards me at a very accelerated rate.  When you learn to use them without paying attention to them they are a powerful tool in gaining the proper state of AP
Be Well
Absolutely no question. Id Rather Die. I will fend myself to Death
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: paranormal activity?
October 25, 2009, 17:42:28
I havent seen it yet but I know people who have and said it was the absolte scariest movie they have ever seen. Totally freaked them out.
Awesome feeling huh. Stick with it a little longer and your heart Chakra will activate. Takes a couple times to get used to the vibes but keep at it. Congrats.
Quote from: Realisation on September 20, 2009, 11:17:56

the bold bit adds up to 12 not 11.

Please explain it looks like 11 to me
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Vibrations
September 02, 2009, 21:21:13
Absolutely the most intense feeling of well Vibrations Scared the crap out of me until I learned what they were. I very rarely get them now and have not been to the same intensity for years. Warm slight buzz is all now. I do miss them in a strange sort of way. Think of a jack hammer
Quote from: sublimy99 on August 07, 2009, 09:40:23
you are so right. Thank you for the encouragement.
I am so, so close. I was having a hard time with the wake
back to bed method, I went back to it last night/morning.

OMG, I am sticking with this from now on. It was a whole different
ball game, even though I didn't get out, everything I've done up till
now has increased two fold. This is it!!! I will stick to this method
from now on. I think I'll be out before summer ends, I know I will.

Excellent with that attitude you will definitely be out before summers end. There will absolutely no mistaking the vibrations when they arrive. Mine in the beginning were quite violent/ scarey until I researched and found out what they were. They happened to me naturally and thats what brought me to embrace what was happening. They have since subsided to a much less warming/tingling sensation. The Heart chakra activation and energy slowly flowing from my toes to my Crown chakra now tells me when its time to exit.

Keep at it, don't get discouraged, everone is different and you will soon be experiencing the most wonderful natural experience given to you by source
Keep us posted on your progress
I wish you well
Ill tell you what something is definitely coming, be it small or big. So many things are so far out of "normality" its mind blowing. Ive been studying legitimate natural science studies lately (solar activity, Schuman resonance, weakening magnetic north, crazy weather patterns, rapidly accelerating number of and intensity of earthquakes, increasing sporadic volcanic activity, galactic gravitational pulls, galactic alignment etc etc etc etc) and corralating natural phenomena together with human actions and attitudes. Something is not right, Something is going on.
Whether something is going to happen or not you have to admit, we as a collective consciousness are going through some interesting times. Open you mind and eyes, forget all you think you know, and pay attention, meditate you will see what I mean.   
After Vibrations I do a double spinning method. Its hard to explain but it works beautifully. Spin your consciousness clockwise while spinning your "body" counterclockwise. I'm not sure if its the "body" because at that point I am unaware of my body. This causes major vertigo but instantly goes away once I have gotten out. I have tried many many methods but this is the only one that works for me. I have heard of spinning your astral double on top of your your physical body but found it much more effective to spin both in opposite directions. I start it slow but it accelerates on its own to a very fast pace quite quickly. I warn you though, This method produces an incredible sensation, being major vertigo for a few seconds.
Good luck
Quote from: Lighten on July 19, 2009, 23:18:37
Take DMT and you will understand why our world is going to be punished.

What did you see/learn on DMT to make you say this
Great to have you here
Great to have you along Welcome I look forward to reading your experiences
Realer than real if that makes sense. Colors feelings senses are all on an exaggerated level. 
Learn... hmmm interesting. I guess it all depends on exactly what you are trying to take back from the experience. We have the ability to learn on a constant basis again it all depends upon what you perceive as a learning experience
Be well
The book actually gets into how the tested the levels in the blood after injections. It is quite interesting and was a legitimate research study done by a credible doctor.
Good luck
Not pituitary gland but the pineal
Vibrations at least for me in the beginning will be something you will not mistake for anything else but Vibrations. They were quite alarming for me. Full body feeling of well vibrations. Almost like I was going to vibrate right off the bed. Sounds like you were having sensations of body loosening. You are getting close keep up the good work and it will happen soon. The main thing is do not try too hard or get discouraged just let it happen and do not be alarmed when they arrive.
Be Well
I am by no means doctor and have no explanation on this but it is very intriguing. Your experiences as stated above sounds just like a DMT release from your pituitary gland. There is an interesting book Written by Dr Rick Strassman you might want to look into. He did controlled experiments on injections of medical grade DMT. The book is called DMT the Spirit Molecule. There is also a website I hope this will assist you in your search for an answer.
Good Luck
Be Well
Quote from: PissedOff24 on March 09, 2009, 18:57:22

I remember reading up on this topic once, and apparently, some people believe that in times like this (perhaps this relates to astrology?) our satellites and space stations will be shut down by the sun and other activities in space. It might seem absurd, deliberate or by chance, but think about it: If it is true, maybe it is telling us that we might be not be able to detect it, or stop it, and we must be ready within ourselves. If this is indeed the case, that's what I think is the reason why.

I believe this is going to happen in the near future (within 3 years) because of soar activity and gravitational pulls as we approach the dark rift, Causing major confusion and unrest. Our entire lives depend on satelites and the information highway. Just look at this sight, cell phones, TV, some radio, internet, banking, shopping etc etc etc etc etc. Take that away abruptly and look out.
Quote from: krisko on February 01, 2009, 19:56:02
Hello everyone,
I recently discovered that my sleep paralyze is not really a medical problem just a gift. Sleep paralyze has been happening to me for about 3 years now. I used to be really scared when I would wake up and could not move and be looking around. It has happened to me so much I just got used to the fact this is happening to me and I have over come the fear and  become a master at  waking my self up. After discussing my sleeping issue with my dad he told me its not a medical problem just a gift. This shocked me first. This was my father telling me this. I would of never expected him to be into this stuff.  Also if I never have had sleep paralyze I would think you guys are all nuts and crazy's. I'm a true believer now guess I can be called crazy. Lately this has been happening to me a lot. My biggest problem is my first instinct is to try to wake my self up. I forget to even try to have OBE. The first time I did have a OBE I got so scared because I couldn't feel my heart beating and felt like I was suffocating. This keep me away from trying this for a about a year and just went back to my old ways of waking my self up. TRust me this really scared Sh**t out of me. Well now I have no fears of dying and don't really pay attention to my heart so I'm ready to explore. Normally when I get into this state I hear very loud White Noise when I ether open my eyes or leave my body which is a very weird feeling it sounds just like a radio station with no signal. Last night I got into that state it seemed like 15 minutes of me trying to wake my self up then I remember I wanted to try to have another OBE well I was successful. I made it out pf my bedroom into  living room to my front door then I got scared for some reason and came back. I then did it again this time I remembered reading on the internet about meeting people and talking with them while astral traveling. The way I figured to meet people was that everyone just hangs out up in the clouds so next thing I knew was I was up in the clouds but nobody to be found. I then got scared because I forgot to check to see if the silver cord was hooked to me and didn't want to get lost. Thinking about that ended my astral traveling for that night. This does happen to me a lot. If I try to wake my self up as soon as I try to go back to sleep BAM!! I right back to where I started paralyzed again haha it happens to me  3-4 times in a night. I would like to have fun with this instead of it being a problem.
Awesome that your Dad accepts this. Your story is very much like mine with the sleep parylasis waking yourself up and vibrations. My projections are very short minute or 2 maybee. That is something Im working on. Keep us posted on your success
Try energy body loosening techniques. Raising energy just before bed also helps. I like to get in full body relaxation and just before sleep paralysis I begin flowing the energy through my body. Then I do a double spinning technique. Ive never read about this technique but it seems to come naturally to me. Once in Mind Awake /Body asleep I imagine my energy body spinning in one direction while my physical body spins in the other direction. Be careful this can bring on a serious brief case of vertigo. Very soon after that my full sensations start. Sight change, Vibrations, heart chakra activation, floating up and out etc. There will be no mistaking the vibrations in the begining get ready mine were quite alarming. Many a times in the begining they ruined my exits. The Vibes have now become just a warm slight buzzing sensation.
Dont give up sounds like you are almost there
Oh my!!!
I have seen these three many, many times before. Its been many years but in my younger daze (25 years ago) I would see them often.
I would see them after doing things Im not particularly proud of today. Strangest thing stern faces watching me they were shoulder to shoulder.  can still see them in my mind but believe me when they appeared they were like in flesh and blood. My Eyes open in bright daylight, outside, inside did not matter.
Please let me know if you find out more 
Wow if you find out any more please past this
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Belzebuub
January 30, 2009, 18:56:25
Darkness originates in the mind and if let run rampant will manifest iself 
Id enjoy checking out your thread. Please repost it. I am very interested in all info about this subject. History has not ever seen what is going to happen in a few years. I did not mean to infer that it has. Small bits and pieces have been thrown in throughout time to prepare us for the upcoming awakening. I will enjoy your thread
We will all be going through an interesting transformation Just like clockwork