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Messages - ka0s

I have chronic insomnia since diagnosed since age 13 and if anything it has only helped encourage my projecting.
the insights given are quite accurate. The best thing I can say is it has to do with active practice. 2 years ago or so I could have anywhere from 3-10 a week. Some mornings I could actively project 3-4 times (with each becoming a little more fuzzy). I was very active with my research and self-development. Lately I have been so busy I have not been able to have willful projections. I seem to go through this dry spell for about a year or two and then they come back full swing. I think a lot of it just has to do with inner will and what you want the experiences to be.
Hope I can provide some useful insight.

I have not had projections for a while but about a year or so ago I was adept at willful projections. I just lack the time right now to practice and grow again. Anyways my input ->

The whole "head" not separating happened with me quite a body would be floating above at a 90 degree angle but then my head would be stuck and I could not separate. I lay on my back in the mornings so at first my legs always rise out of my body and then my arms etc until I get to my head. I usually can create a swaying motion that allows me to leave my body entirely. I also create a "rolling" motion to pop out as well since most of the times my head is the last part to separate.

Limited vision is common for people who are either just new at projection or they do not have methods of increasing local vision. When I say "local" vision I am referring to the clarity of the area directly around your body. In time you will learn to focus on specific objects or shout the commands as you have tried already to improve clarity. Techniques vary widely and you will find your own method.  In time you can learn how to increase the radius of this vision to see more of the RTZ (like your entire room). When I am out of practice and don't have a projection for several months -- I also experience "fuzzy" or blurred vision. I consciously know that I have left my body but have no clarity towards what I see or where I am going. I will often feel myself floating through walls but have no clear vision when I am out of practice. I have also had instances where my physical body would be missing. This is discussed in the forums as well (you might find some of my old posts that discuss this)

I notice the strange popping noises and sounds when I do not return to my body correctly. Usually its an instant transportation but if I wake up before I "snap" back to my body then I am often left with either hypnopompic hallucinations or odd buzzing/popping noises.
Your hypnopompic hallucinations are quite common. I have experienced very similar things -- spiders, things that look like rock golems, etc. Once you get past being a bit "frightened" by what you are seeing, feel free to get up and run after whatever you see. This will quickly cause the hallucination to disperse. Or you could be like me, and just sit still and watch what you see.

As far as CFTraveler states -- I agree. The only reason I say I agree is because sometimes the hallucination will seem within a fixed area or coming from the ceiling or walls. Quite interesting though. I've had some last as long as 2 minutes.
Sounds like you snapped your cord..........Lol im just teasing and some people are going to hate me for saying that =)

In all honesty it is probably just a mental limitation that occured during the experience. Its possible you had "expelled" too much energy. For me I can have several OBEs in a row, maybe 4-5 in one morning, but each one of them usually gets significantly harder to stay out of body longer and clarity may seem to fade.

I would suggest "demanding" and what I mean by that is shouting things like "clarity now" or other words to improve your vision. Taking the aggressive route on an OBE can certainly deliver --> versus being passive about an OBE. On my passive OBEs it can sometimes get taken over by a lucid dream.

hope this doesnt confuse you. It does sound like something was almost "tied" to you but I think it was self imposed. Give another 10 or so experiences and see if it keeps occuring and maybe we can try to pinpoint the issue further.

As far as reading goes, expect things to be distorted. Words can change *as* your reading them and i've often seen hieroglyphics. There has also been items containing words that I have not been able to touch -- strangely.

I can share one similar experience where I actually felt like I lived several years of a life in a boy growing up through adolescence. It was sometime in the early 1920-1930's and there were issues of heavy racism at school. I clearly remember seeing through his eyes several days of a bus ride home. At times though I also think it was alternative universe because the "writings" were very different and impossible to read. I remember reading entrances on "street' signs and houses but they were impossible to touch or decipher. I met an old woman whom I felt "family" with and she told me that I was special and that I would soon here of something called "the horizon" in my <experiences>. It was as if she knew I was someone else seeing through this boys eyes. It was a very interesting experience. If you have any questions feel free to ask and ill pull up my log on it...I am still puzzles to this day what "the horizon" meant, but I heard of it in other experiences as well.
Could be a guide...Could be a visitor...Do you "Feel" anything from this voice? Feelings of warmth, cold...etc?

I guess I can not relate because I never got vibrations except until after I read about them, as well. Besides "witnessing" separation, the only "vibes" i would ever get would be upon reentry and it was more like distortions of noises such as buzzing sounds.

"But as you can see from many of our reports, many of us got the vibes before we read about it and searching for an explanation is what got us to actually read about them.  Except for Xanth and others, who experienced them after reading about them.
It seems to me that if a large segment of the experiencer population has them at least at first, and some of us lose them after cultivation and experience, it should not be considered a self-fulfilling prophecy, instead a genuine phenomenon dependent on the experience, at least at first.
Considering them a case of 'autossugestion' does not serve to explain them, and it makes honest experiencers feel that they have not been taken seriously.

I suppose I don't disagree with you considering the evidence of how many people has had them at first and then started searching or reading about them. I read somewhere at one time about a theory of us being on one "frequency" and that if we were to distort from that frequency we would experience vibrations in that distortion -- possibly leading to another dimension. I have not done extensive research on the subject but I do find it quite interesting. At the end of the day i'm not 100% sure where I fall in the subject because of my lack of experiencing them.

My name is Not from an amateur radio call signal, btw =)
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Melatonin
January 30, 2011, 22:44:45
My recommendation is to stay away from any kind of supplements. But that is mostly just a very strong biased opinion. My most "realistic" OBE's were drug induced initially but some of them were terrifying.
#10 was, after all, a wonderful experience and filled with energy and not sorrow.
I didn't need to read the entire thread to state my opinion --- because it is all relative to interpretation =). CFTraveler, I read your links and I did not know that! It is interesting how far it goes back. I guess I meant "modern day" adventurers likely get the "Vibration" idea from Monroe.
I remember shortly after my two 19 yr old cats passed away I went to visit their graves in my OBE and the graves were radiating with a large purple cloud. In most instances, esp. with my religious beliefs, purple meant "mourning". It was a great experience and gave me some peace.
When I "shout" for others I am rarely met with any response. Audio is interesting in the astral, for me atleast. I always feel like I am in a fish bowl when I shout or speak =)
f) Have had between 100 to 500 OBEs.

c) When between 18 to 23 years of age.

Started at age 18. stopped for two years, then started willfully projecting. Probably around 400~ or so OBEs recorded total in my journals but at the current time I am not "training" to have them so I havn't had many for several months. Life is too busy to put focus into the astral right now.

As far as the "separation" method. I would have to say that early on most of my "exits" would be by initiating a swaying sensation like I was on a boat..This would cause a "roll out" of my body. It would feel sort of like jumping off a swing when in motion.

75% of my OBEs in the past 2-3 years have been either a "disconnect" at the head. I will see my legs rise up slowly from my physical legs and then lastly my head will disconnect. I usually feel my "other" body at a 90 degree angle before the disconnect. Some other less frequent but still prominent exits have revolved around concentration of an object in my room. I will see through my astral eyes and then focus on an object in my room hard enough to cause a separation and a "teleportation" like feeling to that object. =] hope this makes sense.
most "text" i have read in my OBE experiences often changes as I am reading it. There have been several times i have just seen hieroglyphics. I think it is just a creation of my subconscious even though the focus on the object is real.
I didn't read through this entire threat but just your initial post. I've had hundreds of documented OBE's and rarely ever had any signs of vibrations. I've mostly had buzzing noises and hypnopompic hallucinations if I don't return to my body properly and just "force" my body awake.

I would agree that generally speaking -- much of the idea behind vibrations came from Robert Monroe and that this "inspiration" led many of us to believe in "Vibrations" or the "Vibrational State". The power of thought alone amazes me and it would not surprise me that these thoughts create our own actualization of the vibrations instead of it being a natural phenomena prior to an OBE.

That's my thoughts.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Melatonin
January 30, 2011, 03:37:13
My OBE's started out with substance and then afterwards became natural. Ambien caused me to have the most "realistic" OBE experiences -- a complete difference from lucidity. It also gave me constant nightmares. I don't recommend ambien for trying to "boost" an OBE (even though it caused some of mine at an earlier age)
My experiences have been mostly with Hypnopompic hallucinations. They are after I wake up and usually "running" on a flat surface but I have also had them take on 3d shapes. They are usually 3d on the walls as well its just they are often moving around on the wall giving them a 2d look. The first one I had was a odd "golemn" looking creature that I experienced when I was 17 or so. It had red eyes and quickly darted into the sideboard of my bed.

At first I was quite frightened. Several times I had hypnopompic hallucinations of spiders and other bugs....Once I understood what they were (which took several years to get used to), I was no longer frightened by them. The first few times I saw spiders and whatnot they were huge. I actually got up out of my bed and ran after them to confirm if they were real or not.....then as i got closer they would fade away. It was almost as if my brain finally convinced itself it was of my subconcious.

Today I experienced another small spider crawling from my ceiling towards me. I noticed that whatever it usually moves quite fast (the limbs). I've experienced things other then bugs such as 3D maps of different places and objects that look like buildings. Several times i experienced hypnopompic's that looked like words but faded too quick for me to get up and write down.

If I was to rationalize what it was -- I would just venture to say its our subconcious invading our concious mind at an opportune time.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Questions
September 29, 2010, 03:26:23
Thanks Xanth. This cleared up my question =) and makes sense.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Questions
September 19, 2010, 13:32:26
Hello All

I've been a somewhat long time member on the forums and I kind of drift in and out of different posts. I think this is the second time i've actually had some questions. I recently moved and when I first moved I did not have any OBE's for quite some time. In the past two weeks or so I have had several. I feel the actual separation from my feet to my head. The strange thing is when I "disconnect" from my body the environment outside of my direct room is that of my old house location. I was wondering if it actually takes our body time to adjust to the new locale? Any tips or recommendations is appreciated--as it is not hard for me to leave my body at will in the morning after a full nights rest. Thank you
This is a great topic. I've tried reading things several times with mixed results.  Each time i try reading something really close I am usually prevented or the symbols and letters change while i read them. I have had extreme focus on what I read and its not a matter of forgetting but noticing the words change as i read them. Theres been many times it just appears as a separate language or symbols. Here are some of my entries:


10:25am-I'm not going to lie, today marked an incredible experience. We had people over to fix our chimney on the side of our house (which is right outside of my room). I decided to go try to sleep in my mother's room. I was drifting in and out of sleep on several occasions. I decided to lay on my back and induce an OBE. I was slowly drifting off to sleep and I kept trying to pull myself out of my body. Eventually I looked down and I saw my legs freely floating out of my body but the rest of my body was still attached to my physical. My legs were somewhat transparent but also had a skin-like tone to them as well. When I was fully out of my body I did not look back at my body lying in bed. I decided to go towards a goal I made a long time ago. That goal was a psalm that hangs in the kitchen. I have never read the entire psalm, so I tried reading it today during the experience. I remember my vision wasn't all so clear, so I remember standing there in front of It for a while. I read a line about 3/4th the way through the psalm that said something like "Having for T.....". When  I physically woke I went to read the psalm and this was nowhere on the psalm itself. The font itself was also drastically different on the physical psalm on the kitchen wall.This is the 2nd time however I have noticed a weird symbol on things that I have read. It is a circular black symbol with a tiny spike that goes through the center of it (it contains some

I found this lucid dream of enough importance to write it down. I will do some research on both "The Horizon" and this address to see if I can get any leads. I did not get the mothers name but I felt at peace inside the house. This experience had some vividness of being an OBE but no feeling of separation between my body. I am not sure what to make out of this experience yet. It seems I am having problems reading signs and other guideposts within any of my OBE's or lucid dreams. Maybe the address was not an address but significant of someone's name?

My head is actually the last thing for my body to "Disconnect" My legs rise up and then usually my body is at a 90 degree angle before I disjoin. I recommend trying to visualize a swaying motion to finally leave your body. It has acted as an anchor for me at times too and it can be quite frustrating. I usually create some type of trigger in order for separation to occur such as sending a command that my mind is now awake and my body is now asleep.
Its very clear to me what you were experiencing after waking up. Do research into hypnapompic/hypnagogic hallucinations. I experience these many times upon awaking after an OOBE experience. For example I have woken up and had these hallucinations and would stand up and walk over to where I would be seeing them to then notice them disappearing. From all of your posts--These seem to be bi products of your medications.
I think its very possible for it to be a creation of our subconcious minds put there to limit our experience. Many of my later experiences have no involved any kind of silver cord.
Based upon my experiences the cord had only been there three to four experiences. To answer your question tr0798 yes it felt very much like a the roots of a tree but very fine fibers. I honestly think the "cord" is an influence on the subconscious by what we hear/read about it here in the physical.