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Messages - kurai kokoro

Welcome to Dreams! / can't think of a subject name
January 14, 2014, 04:15:08
well i've had a ton of dreams in my life, but none more wonderfully beautiful or confusing than this.
      I awake on a train of sorts, and the first thing i notice is the smell of the sea (Never been to the sea nor do i have any idea what it smells like, but i could smell it from my dream.) the next thing i took notice of was the sun and it's rays reflecting from miles of open ocean.
      the train slows to a stop in a tunnel, at which i disembark, i follow another tunnel into a great shimmering city of silver, i am immediately met by a dog, but no ordinary dog, this dog was a canine robot sentry of sorts, must be natural for this city, it chases me to an elevator at which i'm cornered and cannot escape.
       thats when i've always woken up.
sorry didn't know where to put this, for those of you who know me, I've been away, I've grown and learned quite a bit, unfortunately my spelling and grammar still needs serious work lol. anyway to the topic.
     I've notice quite a bit around the world, in news, on websites, focusing on the weather, and unfortunately through word of mouth, the one thing I've noticed was on 2012 i couldn't see specific star constellations and it really freaked me out, I've been looking at them all everyday since i was a child and, i know some stars are missing, don't ask me which ones i don't know their names, any who, i have definitely noticed that the weather is getting more violent.
    in the summer drought, in the winter a blizzard, and in the spring we've been losing crops to rain. i have no idea whats going on but it is definitely wrong, i know my town very well and this is absolutely strange. 
Welcome to Writers Corner! / Re: my book
March 02, 2012, 15:03:15
I don't really want of need a writing partner for this project, also i've been stuck for that long because my friends wanted me to help them draw characters for their game. so i'm really swamped but I really don't think having a partner would be a very good idea. I tried it once and I got fed up with him that I kicked him our of my apartment.
well im done posting here i dont seem to have anymore to post so im done. learn well :D
eh. i still rather have balance.
not to be rude or nothing but i'm a negative person, i cannot help the way i think, i'm depressed all the time, and don't try and cheer me up because youll only anger me, anyway, i am depressed because of the people around me seem to be unable to see what is around them, the say they want to end all the bad things but truth is it is impossible for that to happin when evil exists to counter balance good, cannot have one with out the other, you can only make it reasonable to live in such a horrible world. and it's going to get worse before it gets any better.
         back to the original topic i have been able to absorb energy in my sleep now, i made a tornado just last week, course it was just an energy tornado.
Szaxx: you are naive to think that you can have peace with out war, it's the whole balance of the universe thing, you cannot have just good with out evil, if you have good but no evil then that's not really good, because you cannot choose to be good, you are forced, with out free will life would be pointless.

Chaos Mage: the only way to create life is through procreation, cloning is a tech form of procreation and in my opinion evil, i just want to make a sword and if i have to I'll make one the old fashioned way.

to all others: in order to control the elements around you, you must envision the elements as an extension of your own body mind heart and soul, and those four as a conduit for the elements. for example in martial arts you are taught your body is an extension of the rest of your body mind heart and soul, this goes for weapons and the elements as well as the universe it's self.
the powers i'm focusing on is more then manipulation. basicly i'm focusing on materializing objects, like for instance a sword for my own purposes.
others would call it manifistation or conjuring but in reality it's just creating something from the atoms around me.
it's true i can minipulate the weather and on occasion control wind currents, i've stopped minipulating the weather because it harms my environment.
oh. right some qualities of my personality enhances on occasion and i forget things frequently
quite unsure, lately ive become more analytical towards most anything.
oh, that is i little interesting, however i wonder if there is something more significant of a reason to your choosing that particular passage.
solar sacrifice? I have no clue what that is or means.
guardians i know very little of.
magic i won't stand for, it's just an attempted shortcut.
i have no idea what a shardic guardian is.
and who says i have unnecessary suffering?

just so you know im not angery
humor is a basic human quality, it allows us humans to release some stress, the fact no one else thought my joke was funny is evident of too much focus on a specific topic.
you should really take some time to have a little fun, but then again perhaps you are all stress free, which is improbable.
the camels could be symbolic of water bearers, or aquarians i suppose, makes a little sence, then again i don't really read the bible as much as i should.
may i ask why you typed that? just curious.
don't know karas.

and Everlasting, I am not a prophet (rolls eyes) don't worship false prophets, I'm just mearly "connecting the dots" if you will, my dream was giving to me because I prayed to god for a vision of 12-21-2012.

by the way I took the symbology of the dream and I translated it my self, dreams can be visions of potential futures as well as spiritual guids, the bible some were says to hold on to your dreams or something, it also mentions meditation both are mentioned only one time in the entire book.

I have to be more carefull this year.
okay, what I ment before was I used to be only able to concentrate on a specific color, I am now able to absorb all of them, I thought it was strange <_< but I suppose not, when I meditate I think to my self "let the wind pass through my body" Idk it helps (shrugs) I'm able to absorb wind energy and solar energy, it's how I keep myself warm in the very cold winters, can't project the energy like I want though.
no one i'm just saying that the only way for life not to return to the earth is if it blows up or some sort of solar cataclysm. i believe we are entering the fith earth soon, the bible does say that there would be a new heaven and new earth. and I had a dream about it long before five years ago as well i just didn't remember till the end of last year.
           do me a favor and keep watching orion and see if venus passes through three times.
I never said the earth would blow up, I said it would burn, and just because the earth would burn it doesn't mean life won't return to it, look at hawaii, the volcano erupted before and life returned, it's the same with any other volcan area.
       oh and women believe it or not are just as agressive as men just more brutal, look at teenage girls they fight very brutaly, and males fight more systematicly.
       and if you read revelations thouroghly then it says the earth would burn and the sun will have become dark, for all we know the sun may appeear to have been blackend, and who knows the bible could just all be faked, the Hopi believed that this is the fourth world and that we are now entering the fith.
        and believe it or not, all religons are all the same.
yeah i was iffy about the einstien newton thing, and as for the worship thing, it stands to reason most anchient cultures would have "worshiped" the stars weather male or female leaders as the stars are greater then even the earth, and notice the quotations they are there because I couldn't think of another word to use, when i said reveared i ment that because they looked to the stars for "guidance" again couldn't think of a better word although it's probably near what i'm trying to say.

another thing, for those who don't know this a matriachy controled world would still have wars, and any who think otherwise is just niev
well as we all are aware, all things in this universe are linked in the waxing and wanning of all that is, was, and ever shall be in the universe, so therefore if one major thing happins in the solar system such as the comit that crashed into jupiter something of equall consiquences will occur, "for every action there is an equall and opposite reaction." einstien~
         for every anchient culture they "worshiped" orion, by a differant name perhaps but they did non the less, venus and orion are two of the most seen and most revered of all celestrial things other then the sun it's self, the sign of venus, orian (the bible might refer to this as the beast and the harlot not sure) alignment shows the wobble of the earths axis, showing a snake.
          the galactic alignment between scorpio and sagitarias is also called the snake bearer and is considered the most ominus of all signs.
the egyptians told stories of the falcon and snake I don't remember much egytion mythology so I'll come back tomorrow with a better memory of it.
the Hopi said that a blue star will appear signaling the end, anchient egyptions said a solar flare would occure, another people mentioned a celectrial body more massive then the earth aproching called the destroyer, the egyptions also said that venus will pass through orion and then pass back through atlest two more times like a snake.
        on december sixteenth 2011 I saw the blue star in the south around orion, it didn't move.
on january 23rd a solarflare occured and lasted for 5 days, venus for all i know didn't pass over orion just yet, all these events are linked.
        I had a dream around four or five years ago, I was walking home, and a meteorite crashed in front of me, I looked to the sky and a masive red planetoid was hanging above the earth.
        the moon was torn, people gathered to a location of the town that I moved back to three years ago.
       there I saw a larg metalic object near the location my mom lives, there I recieved a white stone or crystal, I then found myself lifting up from the earth as it began to burn.
         the moon was gone and the sun blackend.

I meditated and was told to let everyone know if I could, so please even if you dont believe just read it for me.
Lately I have been absorbing some very strange energy, I can feel all sorts of the differant energies I have absorbed condensed into a differant kind of energy, when I absorb it, its like absorbing the differant spectrums of light, like red orange yellow, green, blue indigo and violet, all at once.
      and after absorbing it alot of things became clearer to imagine and see with my mind, i've also been able to gather more energy at a faster rate because of it, very strange indeed.
i dissagree sometimes i'll just be sitting around and the only thing that changes is my breathing and thats what causes my ears to start ringing half the time, so just be carefull and see a doctor just in case, also it happins sometimes if i'm just tuning out everything so just thing to yourself "hello? is someone trying to contact me?" sometimes you may get an answer. but like i said be carefull and consult a doctor.
well now you just lost me Ident.
I think there fore I am, so that would mean if you think your a penguine would that make you a penguine? lol
Welcome to Writers Corner! / Re: my book
January 24, 2012, 18:02:30
well, i think i'll stick to the novel idea, anyway, how much does it cost to publish a novel anyway?
Welcome to Writers Corner! / Re: my book
January 23, 2012, 18:21:42
that is an intreging idea... i guess its worth a try.