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Messages - AlterEgo4045

Quote from: SirMike on September 15, 2011, 01:25:43
Thats true but how do I focus on APing instead of wanting to AP.. if I'm trying to ap that is wanting so how do I end up
focusing ON it..
Starting an hour before you want to astral project put it in the back of your mind and when you go to bed practice a few mind awake/body asleep techniques, if and when you achieve this state try a few exit methods. The key is the intent on astral projection while not thinking about it.
Your both to focused on WANTING to Astral Project rather than focusing ON Astral Projecting which is what you should be doing.
Quote from: Lionheart on September 15, 2011, 00:05:40
With noticing you are focusing on the blackness before your eyelids. After awhile you will start to see maybe a flash of light or a grey cloud etc.. That is when you passively observe the object. The next thing that will happen is the blackness before your eyes will change to a 3 Dimensional darkness. Your perception of reality will also change. You will definitely know this when it happens.
I do see "clouds" as you call them and they flicker as I said before though I don't see anything in "3D"

Quote from: Lionheart on September 15, 2011, 00:05:40When I start Phasing by visualizing I turn my eyes upwards and use my 3rd Eye to create a vortex.
While looking upwards whith my eyes closed my eyes get dry (Always has, I don't know why)

Quote from: Lionheart on September 15, 2011, 00:05:40I apologize for the confusion!
No need to apologise xD
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Future predictable?
September 15, 2011, 00:18:43
Quote from: Ali21 on August 17, 2011, 17:39:17
In the case of the Paul the Octopus the results were astonishing which eliminates the ''infinite'' crap. everything that ever will be, has already been is nonsense. Don't believe it. It's BS. There i only one outcome.

"These predictions were 100% (8/8) correct for the World Cup and 86% (12/14) correct overall."

As quoted from the source you have given he wasn't always correct leaving the possibility that there isn't one set outcome therefore your argument is invalid. And CFTraveler there have also been prophets and the like who were correct after there deaths and I respectfully abstain from naming them as not turn this into an argument as it surely would.
Quote from: Ryan_ on September 14, 2011, 09:29:28
Yeah, I'd have to ask who told you this in the first place?

Then I'd go and firmly ignore them... cause they're crazy.

Lets just say I've been apart of some websites in my absence involving Telekinesis among other things. And yes I do believe the person who told me is crazy. Anyway care to share a few healing techniques?
Quote from: AlterEgo4045 on September 14, 2011, 05:10:58
when I "visualise" I don't "see" it
I don't think I could have made it any clearer that I don't actually see what I'm visualising either way its not visualising thats my problem rather how are you supposed to focus on the blackness yet focus on visualising at the same time?

And just two questions for you Ryan, would you happen to be under the name Xanther on another website? And is there anyway you could email me a text copy? I still use a PS3 and I can't access pdf files, if so I'l PM you my address (Not the one I signed up with)
I don't know whether this belongs here or in "Healing" either way I've recently been told my chakra's are straining/corrupt, I've tried cleansing methods however I haven't a clue if they worked. Any suggestions?
What exactly do "you" mean by visualise? You see, when I "visualise" I don't "see" it "in" the blackness.
Though I know you guys are against double posting I don't seem to have the room I need for a simple "Edit". I might aswell tell you the method I've been using for Phasing, I get into comfortable reclined position, close my eyes and "blank out" my mind which would be simple if not for music but alas I do eventually blank that out aswell, I then focus on the center of the "blackness" and after awhile I start to see flickering light and at this point my breathing becomes extremely soft and I "forget" my body exists (not numb) and well thats as far as I get. What should I do...
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Time to dust off
September 14, 2011, 03:27:39
Well know it's been a helluva long time since I've been on Astral Pulse and although I've learned many things in the time I've been gone yet I havent found out why I cannot seem to Astral Project when I "want" to rather than having "WILDS". I've also tried Phasing as an alternative to becoming tired and that I can do it almost anytime I want and though the process is quite peaceful and relaxing (I'm off painkillers for headaches thanks to it) I do not know when nor how to "shift" my conscious as I do not appear to experience what others have told me nor do I experience what Monroe describes. Anyone that could give me a DETAILED step by step guide will have my eternal gratitude. And if requested I will post what I myself have been doing as to give you more incite to what I may be doing wrong.

Also to the moderating team I feel this does belong here in "Welcome to Astral Consciousness"  rather than "Welcome to Out of Body Experiences" as this involves Phasing aswell as OBE.
Anyone? And I was just reading something and what th heck does fasting have to do with projecting!?
Can yall explain it to me and give me a few examples/techniques?
I really don't see how something that removes spirits would stop someone from AP, If you ask me it sounds like it would help remove negative spirits which I read can prevent you from AP.
Anyone find incense helpful while attempting AP? I personally find  sandalwood very helpful however I would like to know others. I cureently have 5 kinds I haven't tried yet and they are Opium stick ( Poppy scented) and Opium cone (stronger scent) Spiritual Guide (doesn't say what but smells like camomile and poppy) Meditation (sandalwood,camomile,vanilla) and Dragon Blood from my sister (what the heck is that!?) any experience with them?
Thanks, I am actually looking for more of a manual and i'll take in consideraton MAP as he also has that, I'll make another thread in a few days to list a few books and maybe a few cds as he expects a shipment of astral/obe related books and cds this week.
Quote from: KI Aura on January 16, 2009, 12:54:19
It wasnt in the was in the movie "when nature calls" :D
"Ahhhh ah ah ah ah ah ah alrighty theeeeen...." (Mods its a movie reference to it not random giberish XD)
Can yall tell me a little about the book "Astral Dynamics A New Approach to OBE" I have quick access to buy it however the owner of the store "local  psychic" tells me its not too helpful as he himself has had unfavorible results so anyone that has read the book, is it worth the money? And if you could, please tell me what it actually covers like exit techs, relaxation, energy loosening ect..?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Sheer terror
January 19, 2009, 02:32:01
Aye it has happens to me quite a bit when I wake up half asleep. Do you ever get the feeling your there but your not? If so you could be between projecting and not and the feeling of fear is keeping you from leaving your body.
No the "sparks" are like flickers of light and like I now believe they are just sparks of energy rather anything else because I am picking up a energy signature from them so just ignore the sparks part now I guess. And no I don't get them when looking at light colored backgrounds and I don't "stare" at the sky long enough to notice lol.
Well I know how and have by accident drawn other peoples energy and no its not a very nice feeling as you also draw in negative energy so quite with your egotistical nonsense. And with that said any "vampire" that comes in contact with me and wishes to do harm WILL be "bit" back and will not only suffer the consequences by my hand but by MANY others and believe me you wouldn't be the first to try...Hell Hath No Fury Like Thine.
I dunno about eye color but I have changed my hair color through focus but not through magic XD!!! When I was younger I was actually quite blond, I always wanted darker hair and now I have a full set of  natural dark brown hair! Dunno if that helps anyway!
You don't need to be a psychic to learn telekinesis, you need to let go of reality, forget your physical limitations and know there is nothing you cannot do, once you get achieve this mindset concentrate on what you wish to change, know and feel it as if it were an extension of yourself that you have complete control over (if it a part of your own body you must still concentrate at knowing and feeling full control over it )and then do as you wish as long as it harms none. At least this is how I have done it in the past and has worked for me though I have given up using telekinesis
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / I'm not dead!
January 17, 2009, 05:55:11
And with that said here is my reason of absence, I "had" given up on Astral Projection because I was getting nowhere and my physical body couldn't take the rigid sleeping habits, however recently I had what I believe to be an OBE a few days after a family member had passed (Did that have anything to do with it?), Now I have a problem, I have been "seeing" things, I don't know what it is I am "seeing", so I'll explain the best that I can and maybe yall can help me. I have been seeing small "white clouds" 2-3 times daily, I have also been seeing "sparks" go by and not the kind from high blood pressure, these are very different as they leave a "streak" when I see them and I have been seeing shadows that are slightly translucent so that leaves out "blacking out". And now heres something for people able to "sense" energy, since I started seeing these things I have also had a tremendous "upgrade" (dunno how to better put it) to my ability to sense my surroundings including energy and I have had a noticeable boost in drawing in energy too. So whats happened to me!? EDIT: after enough answers I have a follow question!
First off why would you want to attack ANYTHING in the first place!? There are "Divine/Holy" beings out there and thats what you probably encountered. And its a good thing you didn't attack it as from your description of them it would seem they would easily handle any regular APer...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Change Has Come
November 05, 2008, 08:20:26
People of the United States of America...Obama has won!