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Messages - lifebreath

Anyone is free to believe whatever they want about Jesus, the virgin birth, the "orthodox" teachings of "traditional" Christianity. But, I really get tired of the same old disinformation being perpetuated about what the supposedly "true" church believed before it was "suppressed," etc.

James, you wrote:
QuoteOne of the not so subtle changes was to deify Jesus - turn someone who was essentially born a man, in the same way that any other person is born - as a result of two parents having sex - and spin a story about the "immaculate conception".

First, you mis-state the doctrine of the "immaculate conception" as pertaining to the virginal birth of Jesus. The Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception defines the state of Mary, the mother of Jesus, at HER conception, namely, that Mary, by a particular grace of God, "was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin."

Believe what you wish about it, but at least know what you are refering to.

Second, the diety of Jesus Christ and his virginal conception and birth were a common part of Christian belief and teaching long before Constantine.

Here are just a few references from original source material from the period of approximately 100 - 200 AD:

The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus
Chapter VII.—The manifestation of Christ

For, as I said, this was no mere earthly invention which was delivered to them, nor is it a mere human system of opinion, which they judge it right to preserve so carefully, nor has a dispensation of mere human mysteries been committed to them, but truly God Himself, who is almighty, the Creator of all things, and invisible, has sent from heaven, and placed among men, [Him who is] the truth, and the holy and incomprehensible Word, and has firmly established Him in their hearts. He did not, as one might have imagined, send to men any servant, or angel, or ruler, or any one of those who bear sway over earthly things, or one of those to whom the government of things in the heavens has been entrusted, but the very Creator and Fashioner of all things—by whom He made the heavens—by whom he enclosed the sea within its proper bounds—whose  mysteries all the elements faithfully observe—from whom the sun has received the measure of his daily course to be observed — whom the moon obeys, being commanded to shine in the night, and whom the stars also obey, following the moon in her course; by whom all things have been arranged, and placed within their proper limits, and to whom all are subject—the heavens and the things that are therein, the earth and the things that are therein, the sea and the things that are therein—fire, air, and the abyss—the things which are in the heights, the things which are in the depths, and the things which lie between. This [messenger] He sent to them. Was it then, as one of men might conceive, for the purpose of exercising tyranny, or of inspiring fear and terror? By no means, but under the influence of clemency and meekness. As a king sends his son, who is also a king, so sent He Him; as God He sent Him; as to men He sent Him; as a Saviour He sent Him, and as seeking to persuade, not to compel us; for violence has no place in the character of God. As calling us He sent Him, not as vengefully pursuing us; as loving us He sent Him, not as judging us.

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians
Chapter V.—Denunciation of false teachers.

Whosoever, therefore, declares that there is but one God, only so as to take away the divinity of Christ, is a devil, and an enemy of all righteousness. He also that confesseth Christ, yet not as the Son of the Maker of the world, but of some other unknown being, different from Him whom the law and the prophets have proclaimed, this man is an instrument of the devil. And he that rejects the incarnation, and is ashamed of the cross for which I am in bonds, this man is antichrist. Moreover, he who affirms Christ to be a mere man is accursed, according to the [declaration of the] prophet, since he puts not his trust in God, but in man

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians
Chapter XI.—I write these things to warn you.

These things [I address to you], my beloved, not that I know any of you to be in such a state; but, as less than any of you, I desire to guard you beforehand, that ye fall not upon the hooks of vain doctrine, but that you may rather attain to a full assurance in Christ, who was begotten by the Father before all ages, but was afterwards born of the Virgin Mary without any intercourse with man.

The First Apology of Justin Martyr
Chapter XXXIII.—Manner of Christ's birth predicted.

And hear again how Isaiah in express words foretold that He should be born of a virgin; for he spoke thus: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bring forth a son, and they shall say for His name, 'God with us.' " For things which were incredible and seemed impossible with men, these God predicted by the Spirit of prophecy as about to come to pass, in order that, when they came to pass, there might be no unbelief, but faith, because of their prediction. But lest some, not understanding the prophecy now cited, should charge us with the very things we have been laying to the charge of the poets who say that Jupiter went in to women through lust, let us try to explain the words. This, then, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive," signifies that a virgin should conceive without intercourse. For if she had had intercourse with any one whatever, she was no longer a virgin; but the power of God having come upon the virgin, overshadowed her, and caused her while yet a virgin to conceive. And the angel of God who was sent to the same virgin at that time brought her good news, saying, "Behold, thou shalt conceive of the Holy Ghost, and shalt bear a Son, and He shall be called the Son of the Highest, and thou shalt call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins,"—as they who have recorded all that concerns our Saviour Jesus Christ have taught, whom we believed, since by Isaiah also, whom we have now adduced, the Spirit of prophecy declared that He should be born as we intimated before. It is wrong, therefore, to understand the Spirit and the power of God as anything else than the Word, who is also the first-born of God, as the foresaid prophet Moses declared; and it was this which, when it came upon the virgin and overshadowed her, caused her to conceive, not by intercourse, but by power. And the name Jesus in the Hebrew language means Σωτήρ (Saviour) in the Greek tongue. Wherefore, too, the angel said to the virgin, "Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins." And that the prophets are inspired by no other than the Divine Word, even you, as I fancy, will grant.

Irenæus Against Heresies
Chapter X.—Unity of the faith of the Church throughout the whole world
1. The Church, though dispersed through our the whole world, even to the ends of the earth, has received from the apostles and their disciples this faith: [She believes] in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them; and in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who became incarnate for our salvation; and in the Holy Spirit, who proclaimed through the prophets the dispensations of God, and the advents, and the birth from a virgin, and the passion, and the resurrection from the dead, and the ascension into heaven in the flesh of the beloved Christ Jesus, our Lord, and His [future] manifestation from heaven in the glory of the Father "to gather all things in one,"  and to raise up anew all flesh of the whole human race, in order that to Christ Jesus, our Lord, and God, and Saviour, and King, according to the will of the invisible Father, "every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess" to Him, and that He should execute just judgment towards all; that He may send "spiritual wickednesses," and  the angels who transgressed and became apostates, together with the ungodly, and unrighteous, and wicked, and profane among men, into everlasting fire; but may, in the exercise of His grace, confer immortality on the righteous, and holy, and those who have kept His commandments, and have persevered in His love, some from the beginning [of their Christian course], and others from [the date of] their repentance, and may surround them with everlasting glory.
Quote[Tyciol:] "Even so, did Jesus take it [the grain] on the Sabbath when he wasn't supposed to? If so, wouldn't that be stealing because people weren't supposed to take it then?"

Here you are touching on a profound problem overlooked by most Christians, a problem that warrants a separate thread entitled something like "Jesus' and Paul's Morality." Jesus opposed the excessive number of Jewish moral absolutes, including their legion Sabbath laws. His act here was not theft, but a revolutionary new vision of a non-legalistic morality. To explain this, I will later create a new thread.

Jesus did numerous "illegal" acts on the Sabbath. These actions were not immoral, in the sense of harming others, although they offended the sensibilities of those who were adhering very strictly to the regulations set up for observing the Sabbath. They also were seen by the religio-political leaders of the Jews as threatening "the system." Some acts are such that they would have been laudable if not done on the Sabbath - like healing the sick. Others, like going into the temple and eating the consecrated bread, would not have been acceptable in any cicumstance, unless one were a priest (which brings up a whole other sidebar).

Jesus explains very cleary the reason for breaking these Sabbath regulations. He is trying to reestablish a right understanding of the purpose of Sabbath (and worship/spirituality in general). The "Law," meaning the spiritual code of the Jews, was not meant to be an unbearable yoke for the people, it was meant to be a guide for spiritual progress and right attitude toward God and neighbor - it was meant to serve the human person, not enslave them. Thus he says, when confronted, "Man was not made for the Sabbath, rather the Sabbath was made for man."
What is the left without the right, or the right without the left. Extremes, in my opinion, create imbalance, which in turn leads nowhere, or worse, are destructive to self and others ...

What is a river without the water (force/male) constrained be its banks (form/law/female). Creative force with no constraint/law is simply dissapated energy that may feel warm and fuzzy, but is impotant. On the other hand, law or constraint as its own end is an iron-fisted and ruthless taskmaster that leads to spiritual death.

The balanced integration of force and form creates fruitful union and unlocks great potential for growth and life.
I sent an email to the address in your profile.
Since I haven't posted here in about a year, here's my "drive-by" reply ...

I suggest you (meaning primarily the original poster, but anyone else as well) read the book "Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism" written by Valentin Tomberg, but published anonymously and post-humously. Tomberg was a devoted Hermetic initiate, well versed in many streams of esoterica, who later in life converted to Roman Catholicism. I believe this rather large tome addresses many of the questions raised and will help guide your journey.
Hi folks! I'm new here and would like some input...

Often, I'll be very tired, go to bed, start to fall asleep, then right in the transition to sleep, I feel suddenly filled with energy, fully alert and often seem to be able to see the room even though my eyelids are shut and the room is dark. This is not an unpleasant feeling, but it's hard to get to sleep subsequently. Also, I find that with disturbing regularity, during this same transition stage, some sudden noise will occur that startles me (e.g., my wife moves or coughs, one of my children cries, etc.) After this, I have difficulty falling asleep, sometimes having "panicy" feelings. Once asleep, I generally sleep well. (I also recall that as a child, I often had hypnogogic paralysis and visions/hallucinations and other hypnogogic disturbances. For example, the vision of an old woman sitting at the base of my bed in a large wicker chair or the feeling of hands on my body.)

Any insight into this pre-sleep phenomenon will be appreciated.

Just for background info, I'm what I would consider an "esoteric Christian". I'm Catholic, have had very profound spiritual experiences of rebirth or spiritual awakening, healing and growth within the charasmatic Christian context (ie, speaking in tongues, spiritual visions), but am also highly speculative and have had an ongoing interest for years in esoterica and various streams of religious/spiritual thought, especially along the lines of Kabbalah and similar "models" of the dynamics of what I'll call "The All". While I am very speculative, I am somewhat afraid to delve into more "practical" aspects of such studies, being concerned about "going astray", for lack of better terms!

Also, how does one find a guide (flesh and blood)?!? I have greatly desired to find a person who could really work with me within the framework and context that is appropriate to me, but I seem to be in a somewhat a catch-22. I feel very rooted in my Christian faith and the Catholic Church and know that this is the path for me, but that seems to limit my contact with people who are outside the orthodoxy. I'm 40 and have learned much on my own, but it would be nice to have a "mentor"! I know the saying, "when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear," but how long, already?!? (Perhaps this is a somewhat rhetorical paragraph, for my own amusement ...)

The Schema Exists in All, and In the Schema, I Am
Everyone, who is in their "natural" state is vampiric. People buy, consume, manupulate, etc., to fill the void within, because they are disconnected from God and their true inner self. When a person is "born again" of spirit, breaks out of the shell of sin - selfishness, ego, greed, etc - and emerges into true life, they become, as Jesus said, filled with living water that wells up from within. This inner wellspring frees the person from needing to consume and take and moves them to a position where they can give, give and give more. Since this person is connected with the infinite Source - God - they need not fear "running dry." As they cultivate the inner source and tap deeper and deeper, they are able to give more and more freely, without "needing" in return.

"Psychic vampire" is a term that simply describes a person who has perfected the art of taking from others to fill their own energy vacuum.

Since you hold Achy S in such high regard, perhaps you will be interested in this analysis of his work:

and this more general analysis of the so-called "Jesus Myth:"

There are many links to related subtopics as well.

Good luck on your search.
The black/white checkerboard generally symbolizes the interplay of complimentary opposites, which when integrated become a "syzygy." It's the basic principle underlying pretty much everything ...
A black/white checkered floor is used in Masonic Temples and many sacred spaces. (I've also seen them in restrooms - not quite "sacred", but I sure do feel better after I've visited ...)

I've had similar experiences during prayer and meditation, either alone or with others, whereby I feel almost condensed into a very small point and feel the space around me expand infinitely, and simultaneously my conciousness expands and is oddly aware of this infinitude and my relationship to it.

I suppose, depending on one's state, spiritually and emotionally, this could be frightening. My experience has been one af great peace, warmth, awe and elevation - of God.

And then there was the time when I was very tired and praying ... suddenly I could so very clearly see a multitude of hands - just the hands, from the wrist up - emerging from a flat, extensive plane, all clapping. Kind of like a lucid dream. I don't attribute great significance to it, but was rather amusing ... [8)]
Or ... you could always store it in your big toe. I often do this in reserve for a swift kick in the rear for my kids when they need it ... [:P]

(It was, after all, the "tunneling" of that energy that brought them into this world ... might as well continue to put it to good use in their discipline ... [:D])

I don't think you understand what I said regarding the "myth" of Jesus. This mythos, including the various symbolic "types" - like a virgin birth, a crucified god, a resurrection, the shepherd, and a host of others - was present in the collective psyche of mankind from the beginning (whenever that was!). It was present, because it was a reality that, although not yet manifest in our linear perception of time and space, was nontheless eternally true, the echos of which reverberated through space-time from the beginning to the end - the Alpha to the Omega and all that is.

We typically percieve the drama of existence played out in a linear fashion with respect to time, with the exception of certain individuals through the ages who have been able trancend time to some degree to penetrate the greater reality of our being. These "prophets" expressed this truth of our being in archetypal symbols - through myths, rituals, etc. We connect with these symbols and stories specifically because they represent a reality that is present within us and that at some level, whether concious or subconcious, we acknowlege as true.

I believe that Jesus did indeed exist in the flesh, on this Earth, approximately 2000 years ago, and INCARNATED and MANIFESTED - revealed - to humans these archetypes. Thus, the Gospel of John begins:

"In the beginning was the Logos (Word), and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God. HE WAS in the beginning, with God. All things came to be through him and apart from him nothing came to be. ...

"And the Logos became flesh (greek sarx - real flesh and blood, not a mere appearance) and dwelt (tabernacled, boothed, pitched his tent) among us. We saw his glory, the glory of the only-begotton of the Father, full of grace and truth."

The Logos was a greek philosophical term that denoted the divine Order, Reason, Logic, Wisdom, Schema or Plan, underlying all reality and from which human derived their own existance, reasone, wisdom, order and purpose. John's Gospel goes on, "What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of all humans." ... "He was in the world (the system - gr: kosmos), and the system came to be through him," and he was "the true light of every person coming into the system."

So, this divine Reason, Wisdom, Light, which indwells every human person, became incarnated in a particular way in a real person, Jesus, to reveal the truth of our existence and our relationship to God. The same truth was previously expressed in myth and symbols, not only to the Hebrews, but to many peoples. This is what the writer of the Book of Hebrews means (referring specifically to the Jewish symbols, rituals and prophecies) when he says,

"In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets; in these last days, he spoke to us through a son, whom he made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe."

With regards to your comments about "threats," I think you are way off base. The reality is that God encompasses not only Mercy, but Judgement (Law, Severity) as well. Even the athiestic sorcerer relies on this principle, which is reflected in all of the forces and constructs of nature, mind and soul - Force and Form, Will and Imagination, Creative energy constrained by Law.

If one, through their free will, refuses to turn to the Source of life, to the Truth of their being, to the Logos, to God; if they choose instead to live the Lie that says "I AM, AND THERE IS NONE BUT ME. I AM GOD UNTO MYSELF," the natural consequence of that is that they can never enter into Truth - the "Kindom of God," the "Holy of Holies" - where they encounter the awesome wonders and deep rivers of joy, peace, beauty and love. Rather, they condemn themselves to a realm of fantasy - an empty husk of existence, devoid of real life, love, meaning, purpose or Spirit - a life ruled by outside forces, always the slave to one's emptiness - in a word, "Hell." If one rejects Jesus, who is the embodiment of the Truth of our being, then that person is casting himself into the darkness by his own decision.

I could go on, but I need to get working!
Cut and paste from my other post (economy of effort and thought ...):

This is the message of Christ:

"Repent, for the Kingdom of God is immanent." Turn away from sin - selfishness, anger, greed, etc ... Turn toward God. Crucify yourself, with Christ, that you may find true and eternal life, free from the shell of existence, living in the Inner Sanctum, filled with the Spirit of God. In this way, in denying the demands of the "false" self, the "worldly" or "outer" man, the "flesh", and aligning your will and being with God, true freedom is found. Freedom from the shifting elemental forces, not being ruled by them, but rather becoming the master of them, not for selfish, magical gain, but to bring heaven to earth and earth to heaven. To become, with and in Christ, a "pontiff" or bridge - a priest, in the order of Melchizedek - in order to unite heaven and earth. "What you bind on earth is bound in heaven, what you loose in earth is loosed in heaven."

Be born of Spirit - "flesh begets flesh, Spirit begets Spirit." Open withing yourself the womb of your soul, in union with Mary, the mother of Jesus, in order to give birth to Christ within yourself, and find great joy (and great sorrow, because you will percieve the pain of the world).

I agree that the "Jesus Story" is a myth, but not in the same way as some. The mythos became manifest in flesh and blood in the Person of Christ, to reveal the mystery of our existence, our insoluable bond with God, our sin of turning away, and our way back to God. "The Logos of God made flesh." A visible sign manifesting the invisable realities - THE Sacrament, revealing the sacramentality of all that is manifested as Creation.

Enter into this reality ... but pride, vanity, ego, selfishness, greed, lust - all the swirling mess of the LIE upon which we build our identities - will not enter into that Holy Realm. That is the veil that was rent in the Temple when Jesus was crucified. That is the veil that keeps our conciousness outside of the Holy of Holies within our own being, and through which Christ guides us, by virtue of his taking that heap of garbage upon Himself and making a Way through. "I am the Way..."

I have found this to be true.

Oh ... and I'm a Roman Catholic. Man ... I am SO controlled and manipulated, it's amazing!
This is the message of Christ:

"Repent, for the Kingdom of God is immanent." Turn away from sin - selfishness, anger, greed, etc ... Turn toward God. Crucify yourself, with Christ, that you may find true and eternal life, free from the shell of existence, living in the Inner Sanctum, filled with the Spirit of God. In this way, in denying the demands of the "false" self, the "worldly" or "outer" man, the "flesh", and aligning your will and being with God, true freedom is found. Freedom from the shifting elemental forces, not being ruled by them, but rather becoming the master of them, not for selfish, magical gain, but to bring heaven to earth and earth to heaven. To become, with and in Christ, a "pontiff" or bridge - a priest, in the order of Melchizedek - in order to unite heaven and earth. "What you bind on earth is bound in heaven, what you loose in earth is loosed in heaven."

Be born of Spirit - "flesh begets flesh, Spirit begets Spirit." Open withing yourself the womb of your soul, in union with Mary, the mother of Jesus, in order to give birth to Christ within yourself, and find great joy (and great sorrow, because you will percieve the pain of the world).

I agree that the "Jesus Story" is a myth, but not in the same way as some. The mythos became manifest in flesh and blood in the Person of Christ, to reveal the mystery of our existence, our insoluable bond with God, our sin of turning away, and our way back to God. "The Logos of God made flesh." A visible sign manifesting the invisable realities - THE Sacrament, revealing the sacramentality of all that is manifested as Creation.

Enter into this reality ... but pride, vanity, ego, selfishness, greed, lust - all the swirling mess of the LIE upon which we build our identities - will not enter into that Holy Realm. That is the veil that was rent in the Temple when Jesus was crucified. That is the veil that keeps our conciousness outside of the Holy of Holies within our own being, and through which Christ guides us, by virtue of his taking that heap of garbage upon Himself and making a Way through. "I am the Way..."

I have found this to be true.  

Oh ... and I'm a Roman Catholic. Man ... I am SO controlled and manipulated, it's amazing! [:P]
Dang ... I'm confused ... He travelled to India; He travelled to Egypt; He was an Essene, and lived in their community; He was crucified then was buried in Isreal by his relatives and did not resurrect; He was NOT crucified (a substitute was) and He travelled to India, lived to a ripe old age and was buried there; He married Mary Magdalene, moved on to France and had a bunch of kids and died there - His line subsequently were the Fisher Kings of France and various noble families in Europe, all actually of the bloodline of the reptillians who mated with the "daughters of men," and who must drink the menses of young virgins to obtain certain hormones that stimulate the pineal gland, in lieu of the "Starfire" of old; the reptillians are good; the reptillians are bad; Jesus was of the Serpent blood; Jesus' blood crushed the Serpent, his power and destroyed magic; Jesus was a carpenter; Jesus was not a carpenter, he was a "builder" - code for an initiate, and a Master Mason ... [:O]
Welcome to Magic! / why latin?
February 20, 2004, 09:32:25
Probably for much the same reason that the Roman Catholic church still uses Latin for its "official" language. Name, Latin provide two advantages over using the vernacular:

1) it is universal (to those who are fluent in it), thus, a treatise written in Latin can be understood without translation by anyone esle who is fluent, and

2) Latin, due to its use as a philosophical and theological language for many centuries, developed a very precise metaphysical terminology, such that certain latin words have precise meanings and those meanings are well understood by anyone fluent in latin and well-versed in philosophy, metaphysics and theology.
Root: open (25%)
Sacral: open (38%)
Navel: open (25%)
Heart: open (38%)
Throat: open (63%)
Third Eye: open (38%)
Crown: over-active (75%)

You've been watching to many movies ...
Nope ... just a lot of flashing stuff ... Then if you look for awhile, you see the underlying repeating pattern.
And I'm pretty sure it was a succubus, either way, doesn't bother me. lol

Hmmm, shows how much you really know ... So, you like to be a willing host to astral vampiric parasites who/that exploit your ignorance and lack of mastery over your lower nature? Go meditate on Tarot card "The Devil", you see those chains? ...

Oh, my! I'm so rude today! ...
For me, I distinguish between some things that I think many people lump together under "happiness." Happiness is rather fickle and fleeting, since it is an emotion tied directly to circumstances, e.g., I am happy because I got a new car, or I am happy right now because I don't have any worries.

On the other hand, more permenent and abiding "spiritual/emotional assets" (for want of a better term) are a deep sense of purpose, contentment, inner peace, faith (and the hope born of it), joy, love of family and friends, etc. These things remain at the core even in the midst of trials, difficulties, suffering, and even in the absence of immediate "happiness," bring solace to the soul and mind. These "virtues" are cultivated over time by seeking spiritually, connecting to God and extending one's self to others in charity.

So for me, "happiness" is to greet each day with an open heart, filled with faith, hope and love; to penetrate the veil to see the beauty in each day and in the life around me; even to suffer with those who suffer brings a deep sense of fulfillment; to face the challenges of life engenders and renews life; to connect with and give of myself in some way to others around me ... this brings real meaning and happiness.
When you can describe to me the p450 cytochrome metabolic pathways in detail, then we can talk further ...
Manuel -

Such "poisons" save people's lives and your ignorance blazes brightly ... Maybe you should join the Christian Science folks who let their kids die for stupid reasons, refusing to take them to such "western" doctors, relying instead upon occult scientific healing methods.

Granted that "western medicine" is far less than perfect ... as is just about everything else in this world. Granted that taken to the extreme, the medical industry would have people in ignorance and substitute a pill for every fluctuation of emotion of physical sensation.

At the other extreme, to cavalierly dismiss modern medicine - to throw the proverbial baby out with the bath water - is to be just as far off the mark and as blinded by false idiology as the other end is by the desire for monetary profit.

STruBreg -

To your question, I have a theory. I believe that some of the chemical imbalances (and corresponding energy imbalances) that create emotional and mental disturbances also provide the mind with a "window" into other aspects of reality, much in the same way that LSD or other psychotropics do. When you "regulate" the imbalance via a drug like an SSRI, you mitigate the common root that gives rise to both the "unusual" experiences and the mood/mental disorder.

In order to function (i.e., hold a job, pay bills, etc.) in this physical realm and in our society, one needs a certain emotional and mental balance. SSRIs can and do provide that for many persons who are in need. Concurrently with the SSRI, I would encourage you to spend time meditating and connecting with your Higher Source (God, in whatever way you understand). I would suggest embarking on a serious study of your own being and energy pathways, mental processes, etc., to learn to bring balance and harmony through means other than the SSRI or other medications. In time, as you master your mental and emotional pathways, you may be able to leave the medicine behind. In other words, the SSRI can act as a "stop-gap" or bridge giving you the opportunity and time to gradually learn to balance yourself. And if you can't? Be grateful for the SSRI!

I would draw a kind of "reverse analogy:" LSD, mescaline and other substances can induce all sorts of experiences of a metaphysical nature, since they break down the natural structures of mind and perception that enable us to function in this plane. Obviously, if one were to continually be "tripping," they would not get along very well in carrying out the basic responsibilities of life! Also, in emotionally or mentally unbalanced people, such substances can induce grave dangers by unleasing energies within that the person has not learned through discipline to work with appropriately. Thus, a particular aspect of such energy may overwhelm the untrained mind and soul, giving rise to personified demons, attracting other negative energies and reeking emotional and mental havok.

So, my advice is to take your meds, enjoy the resulting clarity and peace, and work in a paced, disciplined and systematic way on your spritual, mental and emotional development! And don't worry too much about having OBE's - you can learn and develop plenty apart from them. Since you mention energy patterns, try learning some things about Sacred Geometry - I think you will enjoy seeing mathematically the patterns of creation that you have percieved naturally! Start off by looking at the seed pattern of a sunflower and the spirals in pine cones, then cut open an apple in a cross-section perpendicular to the core - viola! a pentagram, and more faintly, vestiges of a dodecahedron projected onto the plane ... Then look into the ratio Phi - the "golden ratio." You'll have plenty of fun.

So what if you never have another concious OBE in your life? OBEs don't make you a person with character, compassion and charity, and these are the virtues that remain with you as a diadem as you pass from this life into the next ... [;)]
Hmmm, yes ... read directions!
A lot of dead-end links there! ....

Try these instead:

And for early Christian writings:

And finally, Jewish writings:

or more generally:

And don't neglect the Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Jesus Christ:

That should keep you all busy for a few years! [:D]