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Messages - Violet

Welcome to Dreams! / Bizzare Dream
April 16, 2002, 20:28:30
I just remembered a neat experience I had about 10 years ago.  I was in fairly  deep REM sleep phase (it was 1 in the morning) and a loud noise suddenly brought me to semi-conscious.  I saw a series of bright flashes and between each flash I would see a scene.  Some of the scenes were gorgeous some were not so nice but it was like some sort of massive download was occurring at super high speed.  As my conscious mind struggled to wrap my mind around what was happening I came out of it.  If it had not been for the loud noise that brought me to semi-conscious I probably would never have known this could or had ever happen to me.   Has anyone else had this happen to them?


Dear All,

Ok! I had one of my typical OBEs which means I was conscious for the first part going up the tunnel...feeling really great....things are going fast but I am able to get into the moment and enjoy it....and then I guess my destination is selected or something and suddenly things speed up way out of control.  They get so fast I can not stay with it.   All I brought back this time was the Realm of Awakening Vision.  Now what the heck is that.  First of all Awakening infers some sort of time line and since there is not time line over there what the hey!  Anyhow.  Has anyone else heard of a Realm of Awakening Vision?  Sigh!  I really do have to try harder at this but it is so hard to stay conscious after the initial projection...once I see the symbol or my destination is selected and the like.  Sometimes I feel like I have been gone for hours and feel like a massive down load of info occurred.  

Does anyone else get this massive speed up when they enter portals?   Its like a super rush that makes me consciously pass out as if it is a safety to ensure I can't counsciously remember or maybe because my conscious mind would get in the way?  Thanks All.

Love and Light to Everyone,

Welcome to Dreams! / Very Lucid Reoccuring Dream
April 05, 2002, 20:59:24
I think of lucid dreams as something where I have full conscious awareness during my dream and can remember the entire dream from start to finish in every detail but still am aware that it is a dream.

The best example I could come up with of lucid dreaming were a long series of reoccuring dreams I use to have between the ages of 8-12 years of age.  Each time the dream would start out with me seeing a small playground.  Not a typical playground though.  There was a merry-go-round, and  a few other fair type rides and a long tunnel slide. I use to dread seeing this scene for I knew I was about to be tested again. I always went down the long tunnel slide immediately (always wondering why I never got to ride the merry-go-round) and ended up in some different place. The last dream I had I ended up on an island.  I was told (not by a voice or anything just the thought was put in my head) that part of the forest had caught fire and that my friends on the other end of the island needed to be told so they could get to safety.  I started to run to warn them.  I was running at a neck breaking pace not worrying about the small cuts and bruises I was getting.  Then suddenly I saw a bridge and felt that this was the short cut to get to my friends.  But guess what! It was a very narrow suspension bridge and guess who was standing on the bridge.  Well what ever it was had a dark long robe with a hood and all one could see where shining red eyes.  I stood there looking at it and contemplating what to do for a moment then I said to myself I do not have time for this and tried to find the next best way to get to my friends.  Suddenly I was there and my friends were all on the beach having fun and I suddenly got the thought there was no fire.  I look at my presumed friends and did not know a one of them.  Then I wake up.  That dream occurred when I was 12 years old and I remember every moment of that dream and every feeling I had to this day.  How is that for lucid.

Pretty wild (but not WILD) dream if you ask me.

I thought I would start a post about funny astral noises that people could add to.  

I find some of the noises very amusing.  Once I heard what sounded like a gazoo.  It made a whoo..whoo...whooooo only as a gazoo can do but right by my ear in the middle of the night and trust me know one had a gazoo in the room.  I have what I now call my pet dog noise.  I hear a growling of a dog frequently but since I love dogs (large dogs) it seems rather a poor thing to use to try to deter me from projecting. I think I would be more afraid of one of those nasty little barky dogs. I would be interested in any amusing stories others might have.  My experiences with these noises is that they are very short lived and only occur when I am in the transition between sleep and waking.
All the Best,

Our greatest strength is to truly know and understand our greatest weaknesses and thus gain compassion towards the world and mastery over self.

How is Self Mastery related to OBE?
When we have emotions and aspects of self we deny or hide from, these tend to rush to surface when allowed, in rather unpredictable fashion.  This can be most disconcerting when meditating or during an OBE since thought is one of the truly real things when out of body.    

The Way(s) To Achieve Self Mastery.
All of us express negative qualities to a greater or lesser extent.  Especially when under stress.  So what does it mean to master oneself.  Some people seem to feel it is by surpressing emotion like say a Vulcon would (from Star Trek). Some believe it is by finding an infinitely wise Master who will teach them everything.  I look on it a bit differently. I believe there are many ways to achieve self mastery.  None better than another.  Just some ways more comfortable to some then others.  

I believe a Master still has weaknesses (part of the human condition) but because they where not afraid and did not hide or deny their weaknesses but instead studied them in full light (but privately of course...the last thing we wish to do is load our dirty laundry on others.  Plus most people are so overwhelmed by their own laundry adding to it will not help relations or matters). By understanding these weaknesses, they no longer trigger strong defensive reactions.  The Master is able to move out of reacting to a situation, in to acting in a situation.  

Self reflection and being around constructive, confident, loving people who are not at all shy to point out ones flaws and equally interested in learning about their own flaws are powerful tools to achieve  Mastery. This was the way of Carl Jung.      

What Stands Between Us and Self Mastery:
1.The Greatest Sin is not to love ones Self:
Please note that in the Greek Orthodox bible the word used for Sin means "missing the mark".  Love of self and belief in ones ability to grow and change 'independently' into something always more beautiful is the single most important perspective to have.  With this attitude every critisism, every hurt only holds opportunity for self.  Lack of self love leads to the need to defend self. Defense mechanisms and illusion creep in which deny self growth.  Believe you have potential and you will see it come true.

2. Fear of Critisism:
Reaction is the first thing we tend to feel when we are critisized.  Especially when it is by someone full of holes.  How in the world does a person move out of this feeling of defensive reaction?  The best way is to shift perspective.  Instead of saying...How dare that flawed person say anything to me.  Say to self...Wow! How lucky I am that I have such confidence that I can actually listen to this flawed person critisizing me and I actually can feel gratitude that I can get a different perspective of myself.  What an opportunity for me....After all only good can come out of me trying to improve myself.  It is amazing how this perspective can enable you to handle very tough situations that we can not avoid.  It really throws someone when their critisism is valued. Remember though you must always take critisism from a position of strength not weakness.  Never let someones critisism drag you down so you start disliking self.  That would be a great sin (1).  Always take critisism from a position of strength and self loving gratitude.  The best boss I ever had was like this.

3.Denial and Fear of Change
If we can not see a weakness we can never address it and gain mastery over it.  Denial has many forms.  When we say "Yah! But he or she does it." this is just another form of excusing ourselves out of having to change.    

4. Lack of Self Identity
Some one once told me that "We are the conglomeration of all the people we have ever met in our lives".  This statement has some truth. I know I frequently pick up habits or mannerisms I like in other people. My only thing against it is the "We are" part.  If we believe we are just parts of other people we can never separate ourselves of and truly get a sense of self. The negative aspects in our relations will for ever bother us since our own identity is too closely tied to theirs.  This is may be why flaws in non-relations never bother us quite as much as they do when the same flaw is in a family member.

5. Pandoras Box Syndrome:
This is the belief that if I look at this one thing then everything will unravel and I will become so overwhelmed that I will never be able to handle this so I will never start the process.  When we start to feel overwhelmed it is a good time to slow down and not think too much.  Just give ourselves time to integrate what we have learned about ourselves. This approach helps move past the Pandoras Box Syndrome. Slow and steady wins the race.  

How To Know When You are on the Road to Mastery:
You know when you are on the right path when the things that use to  seem real start feeling less real then the things that use to seem unreal.  What this means is that when we no longer have to waste a lot of energy defending self and building up ego with material things and image and can start putting that energy towards building self. During this process we start realizing that it is the things that can not be touched or seen that are most important.  Self-love, self-respect, perspective, sense of self.  When these become strong the world becomes a different place.  

Interesting Thoughts About Personality Traits that can Shift Perspective and help one deal with Impossible People:
1. A person who needs to Control others is frequently someone who feels so out of control inside that their only hope of gaining any form of stability is to control everything externally in infinite detail. These people are to be pitied.
2. A person who sees themselves as an Authority does know a few of their strengths perhaps but does not know their greatest strength would be to know their greatest weaknesses.  A person like this will never grow until they see all of themselves.  And having done this realize that no man is greater or less than any other man.

3. Cold critical people are people who must measure their self worth by those around them.  They lack the sense of self and self worth to be able to value themselves are a unique commodity.  The trick is to not become their measuring stick.

4. People who need to convince you that they are right have a great need to be right.  They show great lack of self confidence. Confidence in self means you do not need to convince anyone of your opinion. A confident person understands that it is all a matter of perspective and values not a matter of right and wrong and everyone will and should have their unique perspective and values.  It is helpful to feel and know the difference between arrogance and confidence.

Perspective and perception are everything and Self-Love can impower one to get there.  

Love and Light to the One and All,

Edited by - Violet on 29 March 2002  23:27:14
A few nights in a row I saw a very small grid where the lines were in sparkling white and there were small white dots in the center of each square.  Now I am aware of Roberts description of the grid but the bizarre thing was that I was seeing this still in the context of my room.  In other words, I was still in my body but could see the grid as if it were far off but visible from my bed.  I then heard the thought.  Think of what you would like to learn.  Unfortunately like most nights I was too tired to make the effort to stay conscious after that.  Usually I am a tunnel person.  I did not expect to actually see a grid from my bed though?  Was it actually the same grid Robert talks about?

Looking forward to hearing others experiences and thoughts.

Love and Light to All,

I feel that a lot of the bible has been misinterperted due to it being taken out of context of the ancient times.  Here is one example.

Apparently at the height of the Roman Empire the Romans would only strike a slave with the back of their right hand.  When they struck a peer they used the palm (front) of their hand.  What this means is that a new interpertation of Christ saying turn the other cheek is not that you must be meek and humble but that by turning the other cheek the person if they wish to strike you again is forced to strike you as a person of station in life.  In other words, never be a door mat.

I feel the church really wished people to be meek and submissive so they could be controlled and all the wonderful teachings that Christ had regarding self respect and self love were ignored or suppressed.  

My belief is that 'judge not others', means always keep in mind that you have not lived the other persons life so you can not fully understand what and why they do what they do.  But I do not think that 'judge not others' means that we allow others to get away with unacceptable behaviour and actions.  We really need to clarify this in our minds.  Should a bully be allowed to reign as king in the school yard?  Never ever allow anyone to say they are better than you.  If they say they are better... then they are on an ego trip born out of lack of self worth.  I believe the goal is to be confident yet always humble.  Striking the balance is the goal.  Confidence in our self worth so that we never have to prove ourselves to others.  Humble knowing that there is always something to learn and gain from a new perspective and that we can never know enough.  Many heads are always better than one.  A persons greatest strength is knowing their greatest weakness and then asking others to help rectify it.  

Love and Light to the One and All,

Edited by - Violet on 17 March 2002  21:23:54
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Hara Alignment
March 01, 2002, 21:34:26
Has anyone in the group studied Hara Alignment and the Tan Tien?  I am hoping to find some good books on this.  I would love to hear your suggestions, thoughts, opinions.

Many Thanks,

I am hoping someone out there can tell me if they have seen acient symbols when OBEing?   They are simple looking symbols but look very ancient because they look like they are carved on little stone tablets.  Each tablet is approximately the size of ones hand and there is one symbol per stone.  I have seen these more than once when OBEing.

I am open to hearing any hypothesis about these symbols.  My conscious mind really wants to figure this mystery out.

Light and Love to the One and All,

Edited by - Violet on 01 March 2002  04:06:37
I was wondering if anyone has ever spontaneously ended up in the future?

This occurred about a year and a half ago in the early morning when I was lieing beside my daughter.  At the time she was on medication for epilepsy but we were told this form of epilepsy most children grow out of.  Actually I was more concerned about the medication she was on then the epilepsy itself.  Anyhow I really wanted to know if she would be okay.  About 10 minutes later as I lay there relaxing beside my daughter suddenly I was standing in a room.  Full color and there was a young lady sitting at a desk. I was standing behind her and to the right.  I saw a kitchenette beside me and was looking at an open concept room.  The place was very clean and modern looking and the computer she was working on was very thin but not too unlike the latest ultra-thin lap tops.  She was wearing a beautiful soft pink sweater and had her hair up in a very nice looking bun. I still had not clued in that this was my daughter (dah!).  I was to fascinated by what I was seeing.  All I sensed was that the lady was feeling very content with herself and happy.  Then she turned (a smile on her face ) perhaps because she sensed something was there?  She looked so much like me it was shocking except for the slightest hint of an underbit.  I suddenly came back.  

So I am wondering.  What is the difference between a vision and a projection into the future.  Can one even have a projection into the future?    

Anyways, if I was in the future the good news is life has not changed too dramatically in 20 years.  I would guess no huge plagues or floods or world wars... otherwise I do not think my daughter would have so many modern conveniences (and we the family are most definitely not rich... so that ain't the reason).

Light and Love to the One and All,

Edited by - Violet on 27 February 2002  03:45:26
I would like to propose a hypothesis about the negs and see what people think.  Add your own ideas.  Many be together we can get a complete picture.  

I think there are many reasons for negs hanging around but I very much agree with Robert that one of the many reasons is to feed off other people's energy.  But I would like to further this by suggesting that they can only feed off stepped-down energy.  In other words we act like step down transformers which make the energy more palettable to them.  I say this because I think of the times when my energy vibration levels are extremely high.  I am exuding way, way more energy at these times.  Other living people can feel the energy and my aura feels very expanded yet I never ever see negs around feeding off this free energy.  Also as I am increasing my energy the negs seem to want to get the heck out of there fast.  I think the negs want to catch us when we are tired and energy is at its lowest and best matches their energy levels.  I think they are not too fussy they just want to avoid the high vibrations.

I am thinking that if someone practiced a lot through visualization and prayer to rapidly increase their vibration levels this might be yet another way to get rid of negs.  In other words while calling white light is good it may not be enough for immediate results unless we are practiced at taking in white light rapidly.  I think visualization is the most rapid powerful way to increase energy when practiced so frequently that it becomes second nature.  Once the negs know a person is able to do this they would say well away.  

What do you guys think?
Love and Light to the One and All,

Dear All,

I just tried to order Robert's new book from Amazon but found out there was a really, really long order time...July 2002.  Is there a faster way of getting it in North America without having to order from Australia?  

Thanks Muchly,

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Profound Visit
February 21, 2002, 22:00:52
Dear Robert Bruce and all others who can enlighten me.

I recently had a very unusual visitor.  I would normally not say anything about this since most would not understand but somehow I feel like you might be able to explain who or what this visitor was.  At the time I was grieving and praying at the same time then I felt a tremendous presence in the room.  I never get scared at these things though so I just stayed as I was laying on the bed on my side.  The entity lay down beside me and placed an arm around me to comfort and reassure me in a very caring manner.  I had my eyes wide open and was not at all asleep.  I was fully conscious.  I could move but chose to stay fairly still because I did not wish the entity to leave.  Then...and this is the mind blowing part the entity spoke.  And I am not talking about mechanical sounds and I am not talking about a voice in my head.  I am talking about feeling the hair over my ear moving the the breath of this entity as it spoke!  How is this possible!  It has not vocal chords!  But I swear that was how it was.  It spoke in a language that sounded like a cross between Swedish and Jewish.  It was not Swedish though for I speak that language.  It had a lot of Sh sounds and soft vowel sounds.  There was one word that did stick out since it was used a lot 'dra'.  I can find no language similar on the internet.  I must have understood what the entity was saying on some other level for its words greatly affected me.  It was a male entity with a masculine voice.  Not that this is important.  But I have heard that angels have neither a male or female presence to them. The entity spoke like this to me for 10 minutes or more and then got up and left.  I could feel its weight as it laydown and got up and felt the weight of its arm on me.  It was just like a real person was there....This was one of the most mind blowing experiences of my life.    

Can anyone tell me what happened and who this entity was?  

Much Love to All,

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / OBE
February 21, 2002, 21:44:12
Dear Robert Bruce,

I heard you on Art Bell and have to say that you are truly the best person Art has ever had on the topic of OBE's.  Your explanations fit so well with my experiences that I am definitely going to buy your books.  

I am hoping you can help clarify some very, very profound OBE's where I see a great light and am filled with tremendous LOVE.  The love is so deep that a single tear flows down my cheek.  I then shoot out of my body surrounded by light and feel like I am traveling at the speed of light.  Sometimes things slow down and then I see hundreds of ancient looking symbols floating by.  But when these experiences occur it is as if I am only allowed to remember the going and not allowed to remember what I experienced there.  Have you experienced this?  Do you remember where you went?  

Much Love to All,

Dear Adept of Mocha Grande,

I do not know whether it is because I am Canadian but I really enjoyed your little posts.  It is wonderful when a person can be profoundly amusing!  

Thanks for a great laugh as well as a great read,

Oh! I forgot to say I read them all.  I guess once I start laughing I do not want it to stop!
Dear Spastral,

I had to laugh (a nice laugh) when I heard you had a song stuck in your head.  This happens to me a lot.  Sometimes it is just a song stuck in my head but some times it is a part of a leric in the song that is going over and over in my head and the leric sometimes gives me a little hint about something.  I also project through my brow chakra.  Sounds like you did really well.  The more use to it you get the easier it is.

Quite a go! Congradulations!

All the Best,

Dear Fallenangel,

For sure you have to get Robert's book.  It describes the grid in great detail.  Everyone sees it differently.  Some see it in colour some see it in black an white.  I am a black and white.  You seem to be a colour person.  I see it not so much as just black and white.  It is more like dazzling light with darker body and then a point of light in the center.   The point of light (or in your case colour) in the center is the portal that lets you visit other realms (interesting places...different realities shall we say).   Keeping ones memories or even consciousness after passing through a portal is what I find most difficult.  Staying conscious and remembering the initial projection seems not to be a big deal for me.   I have only seen the grid once since I usually project through my head  and third eye chakras.  I therefore have the tunnel experience 99.99% of the time.  I enjoy projecting via tunnel because it is like the near death experience everyone describes.  Sometimes I even get the accompanying tremendous feeling of love that near deathers describe.  When you project by tunnel the portals to other realities seem to be via symbols.

Love and Light,


Dear Inguma,

Part of your post referred to a topic I find very interesting.  People do have patterns to their personality which vary with the amount of stress placed on them.  I refer to these as programs.  We pick up programs from our parents, friends etc.  When we are stressed we use 'reaction type' programs.  The more stressed we are the more we seem to resort to 'reaction type' programs learned earlier in life.  This is why when we are extremely stressed we seem to revert almost back to childhood behaviour.  The only thing good about stress is that it forces us to see our core (root) 'reaction type' programs.  If we can identify these programs then we can stop them and move out of reaction and into action.  We can move out of the past into the moment.  

What I have found as I grow older is that I see my patterns or programs and am aware of most of them.  Therefore I can usually stop them (but not always of course) and this enables me to act instead of react.  This is the best thing about growing older.  I can be more the person that I would like to be as apposed to the person I was raised to be.  Not that my parents did a bad job.  They were good parents but they like everyone had fears, insecurities etc. that I am glad are not mine anymore.  I guess I have enough of my own baggage that I am glad I am not also carrying theirs.

The more we think as we age the clearer things get.  The thing is to have the courage to look hard at ourselves.  It is not easy.  I can see you are a thinker Inguma.  That will take you very far in life.

Much Love and Light,

Welcome to Metaphysics! / The Shadow People--#1
April 09, 2002, 21:42:06
Dear EricTwo,

I look on shadow people as a test.  There are a few tests that ultimately everyone must face.  Overcoming fear and completely believing in ourselves is the greatest and most important of all the tests in life. Like any good parent God is usually there when we call for him even if it is just by long distance calling.  But also like any good parent there are some tests (when they are known that we can handle them) which a parent decides not to interfere with.

I have had a few experiences with shadow people but always when I was fully awake and usually I saw them at the end of the bed for a minute or so.  The best thing is to not worry, be direct, know that you are master of yourself, your space and that there is a part of God within you that will always keep you strong no matter what.  The shadow people never seem to stick very long around people who are confident and loving.

There is another possiblity for you dream though.  Being such a Karl Jung fan I can not help but think that your dream has a different significance. The website below explains about Karl's perception of the Shadow and its significance in dreams.  Just a possibility.  Sorry again I am a super keener with Karl's theories.  This is a really cool site though with a wolf backdrop.

All the best to you Eric,

Edited by - Violet on 10 April 2002  04:44:16
Dear Fenris,

I know it is important to learn to accept compliments but I still find myself uncomfortable when I get them.  It is that whole  humility thing I guess.  There is nothing worse than an over puffed preacher.  I often worry that I sound like one and would be mortified if I became one.  But enough of my insecurities.  I most say thank you ever so much for your kind regards.

Deepest gratitude,

Dear Fenris,

This is a wonderful example of perspective.

The author may have been looking at it from the perspective of each person comes into this life to learn to conquer fears, learn from their mistakes etc.  For example: If one had an over protective parent then you as a child may have felt denied certain opportunities to learn.  

My perspective is a little different. I never let someone get away with bullying.  I started a job over 6 years ago.  When I started the boss was ranting and raving and shouting at people all the time.  One morning I arrived at work (only 2 weeks after I was hired)to hear the boss screaming at someone. I walked straight up to him and told him, "Hey! You can't talk to your employees like that! Not if you want them to stick around that is!"  I glared at him.  He was in shock (for a few seconds). The other employees were totally shocked.  They could not believe anyone would talk back to Him.  He then found his words again and started listing all the things that were the matter.  Uh! But I had been talking to everyone and then started listing off why this and that could not be done properly due to lack of this and that.  He was furious but realized that he did have some fault in the matter which made him more furious.  He tried to whip me every chance he got but I never stood down.  To make a long story short this place is now one of the nicer places to work at.  Excellent team spirit.  My boss moved me (a bit grudgingly at first) into progressively higher positions. Now I  hold the most important management position in the company.  I could have lost my job but I never much worried about it.  Not because I could afford to lose my job.  More because I could not afford to work in such a crappy environment. If we let fear govern our lives nothing will ever really change.

Another real life example is one I had with my sister.  My sister was always putting me down all my life. It tormented me when I was young. I lacked the sharp whit to battle with her. I look back now and regret I did not put her in line.  Not for the reasons you might think.  Now my sister has one failed marriage and her second one is on the rocks.  She has no children and will likely be a very lonely old women.  I feel very sorry for her. I have a good family life and a very good marriage.  With a life time perspective one starts to realize that abusers end up hurting themselves.  My sister taught me to believe in myself no matter what she said.  She taught me the importance of never putting someone down.  I only gained from the experience while she only lost from it. Perspective is everything.

I am willing to interfere if a person can not defend themselves at the moment and very quick to point out if someone is being abusive.  However, I likely would not be willing to regularly fight their battles for them either.  Each of us must learn to be independent, courageous, confident in ourselves. The greatest gift we can give people is the gift to believe in themselves.  This is why I love inspirational writers like Dr. Diangelo and the like.  We all need a pick me up every once and a while.

Love and Light,

Welcome to Dreams! / Is sharing Dreams wrong???
April 06, 2002, 09:41:14
Dear Bhikku,

I would not worry about sharing dreams.  I think it is fine to share dreams to get other peoples ideas and input.....the only thing I can suggest is to always remember that in the end that is all they can give you.  Ultimately, you are the best one to solve the mystery.  Often the things in your dream have a unique meaning to you and you alone.  Definitely do not worry about not dreaming again.  Everyone dreams no matter what.  The best read on dream interpertation is still the incomparable Karl Jung, in my opinion.  But I am a supper big fan of his and perhaps a bit too bias.


Dear Daniel,

Toughest question in the book!  Sweat! Okay what the hick I'll take a stab at it.

I think we are here on earth to learn to become independent, sensible, responsible, loving, reliable co-creators.  

Every parents dream hopefully is that their child will grow up to be strong, confident, loving, humain, independent adults.  Why would God wish anything different for us.  The toughest thing in life is our feeling of separation from God.  But perhaps this separation is crucial for our development. Hard to see the big picture when I am just a small part of it. Well, that is just my guess at it.

Never stop asking the tough questions or trying to answer them Daniel because someday you might just figure out the answer.
Love and Light to you,

Dear Adrian,

Wonderful topic!  

Well I guess to start, "A picture is worth a thousand words", or so the saying goes.  I think that symbolic images are a very powerful tool for communicating a great deal of information in the least amount of space.

It is interesting that the first crop circles started out quite simple and then became increasingly complex as time went by.  Were the hoaxers getting better at it?  Well, the answer returned back only if the hoaxers had learned how to control plasma balls.  White balls of plasma (Tesla generated similar balls for short periods of time in his laboratory) are see when authentic crop circles are being formed. Not too many witnesses but a few claim to have seen them being made. More importantly the hay or wheat or grass is not just bent over. Studies of the grasses, wheat etc show that the fiber of the plant is genetically denatured in a way that can only be simulated by high flash temperature like that generated by a plasma ball. Some theorize that these are 'intelligent' energies. I think they are more just tools used by a more 'intelligent energy'.

A lot of things are going on in this world which are trying shake us up, wake us up and tell us to start thinking out side of the little box humanity has put itself in.  Anything that causes us to ask questions is good and important.  Perhaps the images had to get more complex to keep our interest.  Keep us asking why or how is this possible.  Keep us thinking beyond supper, the mortgage, the mondane.  Help us realize once and for all there is something bigger than what we use to believe.  I don't think it is important that we solve the mystery.  What is important is that we wake up!  Think!  Question everything again! Start anew! Start realizing that the answers to all our questions are held in the symbolism of life.  "The answer to every question can be found in nature" is my favorite line from my favorite movie.  We just have to start seeing the symbolism again and asking the questions.

So that is my take on the purpose behind the crop circles. The who, or what, we may never fully know.  But what we do know is that it is something much bigger than us.  And that bigger than us is trying to get our attention.  

The great awakening.

Dear Mobius,

That is fascinating about square and earth.  When I sent symbol images for Adrian to put in a form to post I called the square (common).  It is the one symbol I see over and over.  I do a lot of prayers for Mother Earth and feel very connected to her.  

Many Thanks,