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Messages - Rakkso

This is a question I always had, really looking at the symbols in your dreams really gets to you on a very exacting and also exiting way.

I always wondered who the Woman on the Astral Pulse's banner is/represented. I can only guess and it might be silly but I don't remember ever reading anything of it. She can be consciousness, a humanization of the Astral Pulse, a nurturing space, the Lady of the Lake or just the image available at the time. I mean some of the most iconic and common knowledge statues are always women, Justice, the Statue of Liberty, Venus de Milo, etc, I don't really know more, but they are far more pleasantly aesthetic to see, whatever they represent, the ultimate meaning I've always attributed to them is Inspiration, because no matter whether you know their history or not, one glance at them an that's what you get, a something that is filled, a creative outburst of ideas, hope, a smile and always specially, a heartfelt warm feeling, but that's just me... I wanted to see what you all think.
Yesterday was a sad day, words were dry in my throat and at my fingertips.

This place has been a home for a little over the last ten years for me, I told someone I was hoping to go onto the 20 years streak. It is beyond words the sentimental meaning I have attached to it over the years. I think I can safely say I have visited here everyday for at least ten years, maybe I've missed a day and can't remember but definitely never two.

The content and experiences of people here have helped me to grow in ways I would have never imagined possible. I am but merely an onlooker, an spectator, an observer and witness and also a stalker and a lurker to the outstanding, out of this world quality of the ones posting on this site. Some stories should outright to be turned into grand tales, the attention to the wisdom-granting self-reflection in each experience that they have shared is as exquisite as the most fragrant wine you could only wish you could get a taste of, and when you do manage to catch a drift of it, it just stays with you as one of the sweetest memories.

As others have posted here, I will move where the tides drift you all, with a heavy heart but a cheerful look knowing that things don't cease but just take onto another form. This site and its knowledge in a myriad posts shouldn't be lost. I would love to contribute to the saving of it in any way possible. As per someones suggestion I'm looking at this    Of course if it all stays in an offline read-only mode that would be superb as well.

Blossom - I think your idea is great, I offered to contribute with some to keep this site running if possible for a bit more, if there really is no other way then at least until all the information is saved and secured. As of now I can contribute with 20$ to support this or other site on a monthly basis. I will PM you right away and then there's only left to see what they say.

Quote from: Nameless on July 31, 2023, 16:41:25
No, there are lots of people, shade mechanics, basement scientists, backyard experimenters coming up with wonderful ideas and inventions all the time. Their results threaten those who make money and gain power from current inventions.
Watch this to understand more

A very nice vid Nameless, didn't get to finish it and can't watch it anymore. If someone happens to still have it please let me know via PM and I will send you my email.
I will be watching this one instead in the meantime. It sounds like OBEs too if you ask me. Just look at the last 16 part. Completely makes all the sense in the Internet.

Thank you for sharing it here!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone here on the Pulse. You're just great and you know it.
Salud! (Cheers!)  :-D
I think I read today the news was fake.
On another note, while doing some gardening today I laid on my back on the grass and saw 6 small bright orbs darting across the noon sky. 4  coming from the Bolivar Peak in the Andes Mountains, the 5th one on a super rush, the last one not so much, and never together, but in the span of 10-25 minutes perhaps (I was dozing off but never quite). Whats the thing with aliens and mountains???
I mean if I was lucky I would see 3 tops, in a moderate time span. But 6? c'mon. Is lunch over there that good or what?

They don't term this news part of the 'disclosure' anymore, do they now?
Haaappy New Year people! Wishing lots of limitless fun for everyone on site    :)
I know this is pretty late but Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. You're all absolutely wonderful and unique beyond what words convey.
Welcome to News and Media! / Re: Earth Population
November 24, 2021, 07:01:01
Just giving it a quick look it's insane:
Energy consumed
Solar energy
And yet look how precariously we still worship the oil without batting an eye for the alternatives.
I sure hope we , can put to use thought=action.

Quote from: LightBeam on November 23, 2021, 22:34:35
What's going to happen in 100 years when the population will be twice as much than today?  
Can we professionally speculate like mature children on that? lol. I wish I could say 'digital upload of consciousness', but probably won't be necessary with everyone packed up at home inside a cozy mind-bending capsule thing. The metaverse will make things like the movie you mentioned Free Guy or a low-tier Ready Player One, a thing (eventually). The singularity had to hit a long time ago, like an unmeasurable time ago, this is just petroleum jelly for the beliefs of mankind. And this is just for the first world, third world I suppose will continue with cargo cults. What are your thoughts?

Thanks for the link, really enjoyed live statistics :)
Quote from: Lumaza on September 17, 2021, 15:02:22
Welcome back my friend!  :-) It's been a while now since you posted here. I would love to hear more about this new "photo album" focus that you have going on. You could describe it more in a new thread if you wish. It's something new, something fresh. Definitely a topic to peak some interest here! 

Thanks a lot! If I'm lucky I get to go there twice a day. Lol  :-)

Maybe I could even read something for someone, it's always good to have something to contribute. I never thought I could experience that much up there.
Ok well, I do have little experience. There's probably a lot of mileage between where I want to be and where I am about right now but I see progress. Yet the gear shifting me there is always another love. The countless transcendental remarkable experiences that started as a steady poke, wanting me to glance at them to learn, have developed into a world alive of it's own to which I can only but ravel and marvel in solitude.

I used to use an alarm to wake up  but not anymore as I am certain now that the dreams that hold meaning to me come when they have to and not when I want to. Some of the perks are seeing my future self. Avoiding probabilities also comes to mind.

One cool and rare experience I find myself in nowadays more often than not is that, when conditions are met and my focus or sleep is just right on the end of the page so to speak, I shift into a book or that old family album where I see a tarot card and I immediately see its development with incredible recall afterwards worthy of waking with a headache.

Ya'll just got to know I hope you could have that much fun looking at old pictures projecting. :-)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Real Audience
August 17, 2021, 07:00:41
I don't log in often right now. On occasions I check threads with a hot topic as a headline too.  lol.

This place is absolutely awesome.

I'll take the chance to bump this thread to wish The Astral Pulse a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. You are all the most special bunch of spiritual family people I've known. Health and Happines and Light without end to every one of you, you incredible individuals. And don't forget to forget the seriousness and have some fun. :)

This has been the worst year EVAR!!!!!!  >_<
Made my day x'D
I wanted to try and give it a go. Unfortunatedly, had a power off until about just now.
I only inspired my little sister just by showing her Tom Campbell's laboratory record of a dual projection. The catch was that I told that she could get me out and then I'd lead. If you sense any issue, try and attempt to eastablish some reaffirming goal that suggests to them they should fear nothing. My sister's smile was ten times more beautiful after she did it herself. Before that she said that everything felt like being a guest, at someone's play.
If you manage to wake while feeling the drowsiness, that's usually a sign that you are close to the point B, or next to entering a non-physical experience. I've been trying after 4 hours or more of time but I find it difficult to stay aware and I end up missing the exit. However if you endure the heavy foggy sensations of grogginess you may likely end up having an experience. You can then do a rehearsal, try to visualize your last experience, and slowly but surely, you affirm it in you mind and you forget about your body, and done.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hi everyone
February 05, 2019, 22:57:41
Greetings Rising! And welcome to the Pulse, this is a great place with very incredible people. I am sure you will find your stay here most enjoyable and entertaining.
Can meditations, breathing exercises or other forms of altered states, help to rid yourself of curses on your body?

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Want a nightmare?
January 15, 2019, 04:11:39
Creepiest 15 minute of reading. And that was not so long ago I saw this here lol.
I wanted not to start a new topic here, so Merry Christmas to the whole Astral Pulse community and may these holiday be very enjoyable and filled with magic for everyone.  :-)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Nice to be Back
November 04, 2018, 19:58:12
Great to see  the site back .
I took the time to see other forums in the meantime but it is necessary to admit, few sites have such a massive vault of posts and records like here at the pulse.
There are a lot of things out there in the web that would just make you crack a laugh all day long if you had the time. Lots of missinformation there too.
I wondered what made the pulse to crash so suddenly and abruptively though. I was praying to be able to come back and save my messages lol.
Quote from: LightBeam on October 15, 2018, 04:23:42
You gave me an idea, Rakkso. Next time I AP  I will call the active pulse members to join me. It will be curious what will happen.

I will make sure to sleep with the intent to be alert regarding the astral current. Lightbeam :-)
Woh that was really cool light beam. The way you kept all the NP focus so strong in there is amazing.
If you happen to throw a NP party send up some vibes and I'll be sure so show up and bring some cake for the whole astral pulse here, lol.
I think this is a great idea to get more people to project more frequently. One of the things I noticed is that perhaps only Lumaza saw this as being more of a test and to be taken seriously, so last night I naturally use the hotline. I can't really wrap my head around what happened later as I had no expectations of what would happen but it was as if some sort of a switch had flicked there. Last thing I remember is flying somwehere and BAMM I was up. My memory there gone. (NVRMIND lol)
Quote from: Lumaza on October 07, 2018, 01:37:47
I agree, more "frequency/repetition" of these events would be nice. Once in awhile, I will go through a full week or these experiences, night after night. I find though that you kind of need time between to actually be able to understand what had occurred. Many of these experiences seem to leave you perplexed in the days following them. But somewhere along the line, you seem to finally be able to "get it". Sometimes that takes a few hours, sometimes a few days, sometimes even years. The "understanding" will reveal itself. Another lesson learned, on to the next!  :-D

My nights have been full of lucid dreams as lately it's ridiculous really. Great. The moments to understand the meaning of a dream comes. Onee thing that remain is the advice I'm given here. (Patience paying off). :-o

Thanks, back to sleep now. (Hopefully I can apply the principle/beginning of the technique). :-D
Quote from: Lumaza on October 06, 2018, 02:31:09
I seem to always be protecting or helping them in some way. So, it's "all good"!  :-) :-D

Thats some nerve. Surprises like that usually blow the whole experienced for me and I dont remember a lot.
But an experience like that even though a lot of people could have probably died had you not diffused the bomb, isn't that more of a trainning for a simulation rather than some sort of retrievals in the white house, or could it have been both, or are they different?
It's a great story Lumaza an I wish I could experience this kind of adventure on a more repetitive and frequent basis there since you get to learn a lot of non-physical skills, like last week where I learned how to make club sandwiches, I thought it was a retrieval to feed the children.
Any ideas of what this was?