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Messages - Shilo

Hi Lionheart!

Thanks for the program. I am still very much in the learning process of consciously projecting.
I have tried several things to find out what appeals to me the most.
I have tried Monroe's introductions to focus 10 for some time (no luck yet), I have done some energy work as taught by Robert Bruce and worked through part of his book Mastering Astral Projection and right now am working with William Buhlman's audio book.

I ordered the laxman to help me release physical focus and although I feel very far from reaching the vibrational state or phasing during normal waking hours, it has helped me relax and more or less forget about my body for a moment.
I am not giving up so I wanted to try your L#3 program having read the good reviews here.

Yesterday when you sent it over I decided I was gonna wake up after 4 hours of sleep to move to the couch and see if I could get results.
I put on the program along with Isochronic tones. First thing I must note is that next time I'm probably not using the tones since it almost felt it took away from the white serenity of the program. I just felt like being in complete silence while enjoying the white lights.
It felt so soothing, more than the factory programs to be honest, and I already love those!
The high frequency of the flickering just entered my mind so gently.
In the meanwhile I was not imagining scenes yet, I was actually waiting to get sleepy first but that took longer than I had hoped.
At some point when I got some dreamlike thoughts I gave it a go and I was well able to keep my focus away from the body.
But then the program ended and I still didn't feel very sleepy.

I think it was the excitement that was keeping me so awake. This was the first time I moved to the couch at night.
I therefor decided to go back to bed and continued visualizing while falling asleep.

Next thing I know I am looking into the room and my whole body feels very weird. I decide to will myself out of the bed and to my surprise I start moving.
With a little resistance, like a pull, coming from where I was lying, I break free and now I'm at the side of the bed. But my vision turns black. I've had the once before, but now I'm working with William Buhlman's method and I remember what he advised.
I demand "awareness NOW" and I notice I gain a little bit of sight on the left and bottom of my view. I keep repeating in english and in dutch until I have a pretty ok view.

I want to know if this is really an OBE or if I'm in a dream. I have had this before and the bed was empty when I looked back then. Now I try to look at the bed but when I do my vision starts turning black again. I persist and can see something lying in the bed but can't really come close.
I am forgetting at this moment that I should always move away from the body.

But then I do and I move to the living room decide to take a jump from the balcony. I observe some people in the garden having a conversation and then I move back in the house and jump from the window out of the other side of the house and fly a little bit through the nearby vicinity.
But I am very unexperienced. So I constantly feel afraid of losing memory of this experience and keep demanding "awareness now" while I move back to the house to re-enter my body.
When I come back the bedroom has changed. It is a completely different bedroom and I am lying there with my girlfriend next to me (she wasn't there for real).
I jump towards my body and scream out loud as I do (robert bruce's advice) to reinforce memory storage.

But then I have a false awakening as I remember now. I tell my girlfriend I just had and OBE etc which is all dream.
Not much later I wake up for real, but now I'm very much in doubt whether what I experienced was and OBE or a lucid dream about having an OBE.

I'd say the lucidity throughout the experience was medium. I have had lucid dreams that were more lucid than this experience. I felt somewhat half lucid, half automatic.
Maybe some thoughts on that?

Anyway, if the laxman has had a contribution to this inspiring experience, I can't say for sure. But what I do know is that I'm going to keep on doing this routine for some time from now on and allow myself to get used to the process of waking up at night to do a session, so that I can be more relaxed while doing it.

As for the program itself, chapeau! It's definitely my program of choice now and I totally get now why you didn't add any sound. It's perfect as it is.
Hi Lionheart. I've just joined the forum and I already ordered the laxman a couple of months ago after having read this thread, while in the process of learning to project.
I'd very much like to try out your L3 program for it. Could you give me the link as well?

Much appreciated!