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Messages - MusicSoulFae

A friend of mine said she had a "dream" of them being okay, but in a hostage? situation. Of a dark skinned man, skinny, sitting on a box watching over a group of people all huddled together. This was before the news conference yesterday night. So perhaps they are all okay? And that this guy had been in the US {or pulled over by English speaking police}, had been pulled over in the past for drinking & driving. Odd.  :?
Quote from: Lionheart on March 15, 2014, 19:40:09
Well good because that's pretty well what I was thinking while reading your posts here.

Once you let go of the fear, you will see that nothing has control over you, but you. By believing that someone was "manipulating" you, you empowered that thought and likely created it to manifest and fester even more.

No one can "mess with" you unless YOU give them the "power" to.

Well said!...just what i was thinking earlier, a bit more detail to things "learned" in last few days, by doing just that...That once I let go of fear i was powerless, insights, guidance, & tools flooded in. I also believe that at various points in our lives we forget the tools we used years ago to cope, or as we awaken, we have to reteach this part of ourselves what we learned before....especially if its a learned response, say in childhood? We have to teach this part of ourselves these new things.  :-P

Also in the past, I learned tons of techniques to clear & deal with astral stuff. But this was different, as it was not responding to the other techniques. Usually to limit contact with people i suspect, & putting up boundaries, the symptoms would go away, or wane. So that's why i think i got overwhelmed by it, because i had changed some relationships, yet things were still there... 8-)


  • One was that if you feel astral pokes or see them in dreams, you can follow them back to their source. So yesterday, not tensing up as it was happening, & not giving into fear, I began to see whom was behind this symptom. [thing is there are a few different people, & that's why it was hard to discern, hence i think i reacted to all incoming to bad, not letting the help in, either]...I also got insight on when this started, why it started, & what keeps it going...or better put, why i let this person continue to take my energy...I also got echoes {what i call memory feedback}, of what was said by this female, long ago {again guided by someone from this site? to just let it all pass thru you, to not react} to why i kept letting her "in".

  • When i felt a "symptom" I was guided to relax, stay calm, & look beyond the fear, or whatever was being projected at me. To follow the link, cord, or move beyond the emotion. Then I could see the source, as well as insights to why it started, & why it is still there, etc. Or what part of me was letting these people in

  • So she's connected to the right side pain I've been feeling, as well as the liver pokes {booze smells} & red orbs. What I got was, that i owe her because she is helping me, by selling my artwork.

  • So as I reflected on how to deal with this, do i take my art out of her store or leave it there, & try to deal with things differently? I was shown how the cords were formed, & how I let them be maintained. I was also shown events in past few months on interactions with her, & how my energy levels dropped, as well as feeling depressed after going to the store. How what she was saying & how it was said, was a cue {unconsciously} for me to help her, because she was helping me. She basically indicated that she's helping me, so I have to help her. When i told her it wasn't worth it,I heard the cord retract thru the wall, knocking books on the floor!

  • It was during this time too, that i became aware i had had left side pain, but it wasn't as sore as the other side. Guided i was able to discern that the right side pain is because i am tensing up in a protective stance, and the left side one is less aggressive? more passive in its taking of energy. And that the left side one was another female

  • The left side issues, sense of being pulled down, was associated with not the owner of another store I sell my art, but one of her workers.

  • The lady associated with right side "takes without asking", whereas the left side one seems to worm her way in. I sell my artwork at both these stores, & most of this morning wondering how to proceed - take my art out of these stores or?

  • Not tensing up when i felt pain at left side, nor struggling to protect this area, but guided to loo at why it is happening, "I SAW" whom it was, & the dynamics going well as why I feel so inferior when i go to these stores...BUT also revealing alot more about these people that even their bosses know! Anyway, at the second place, one of the staff was deliberately sabotaging me, so that I as an artist look bad, and she looks as saviour in everyone's eyes. But she was also doing it to other people's stuff. In dream, I pointed it out to her boss, & she was shocked, but did nothing. In this dream, I collected all my art, & left.

  • Just before waking, I was aware of a female talking to me, the right side pain. I had to get up & get things done, but felt super bagged. I yanked my energy back to me, & then felt fear. Turning on side, I clearly saw her before me. She kept telling me I was sick & to stay in bed. But I was able to recognize that this female felt different from one that night, & when I questioned this, I felt fear, & SAW the lady from the first art store! I did get up, & get things done. I also felt a strong pull {heart area} to go to her store & check on my stuff. Red flag?

  • The one reason I believe I've been tensing up, & feeling the fear, is that most of these people {more than just these 2 ladies}, have been holding something 'valuable' over my head, or threatening to take it from me if i don't do what they say. SO USING SAME TECHNIQUE as guided to do, getting past the fear of not having roof over my head...I was able to see another female, the landlord's daughter, and in vision she was using these fears to tap into my energy field, so she could get all she needed to do, done. I also saw that she used the fear of her father being mad at me or others, as a way to misdirect me. To see him as the source & not her. What I also saw is that there are more than one person she's zapping energy from. In vision, she had alot of the tenants doing her work, so she could sit around & do nothing!

What i find interesting is alot of people, healers, teachers, etc continue to tell me that people don't know they are doing this. I disagree. Over the last few years, I am seeing way more evidence that people are aware of the techniques they use to get people to do x or y. They might not realize though that its astral. One BIG thing I realized last few days is that of being an empath? makes all this wee harder to discern. But I also in-sighted that what is said about empaths taking on others stuff IS NOT TRUE, not consciously, nor willingly...Over the years, I've witnessed many tune in to empaths, & dump their crap on others. Or are pressured to take on others stuff. Like in the example above, after the ring incident, she'd say, she was so tired....later at home, i'd be really tired...or she was getting a cold, and I'd get sick, BUT she'd be fine the next day.

OHHHHHH....I just had an epiphany....My issues started {to decline}...after an incident with rings...and the astral struggle I had on March 6, i think i had been dreaming of her too, or someone like her, arguing with her. I've dreamt before of arguments that i later walk into! And earlier in week, i think i was getting "answers" without realizing it...The incident left me confused, really upset, & in shock? This past week questioning these issues were past encounters with others that had done the exact same thing! Yet I assumed it was her still messing with me, vs a new person. It was after the incident that I wanted to go back to that store & remove all my art, but didn't because i felt i was doing it to spite her.

Anyway, the incident was - that I had brought some more samples of my art {rings}, to be sold at the store. Yet on the way there I felt super bagged, like i should not go. Believing it to be other stuff, like self doubt, I went anyway. At the store, she returned all my rings, claiming a customer returned one. She claimed the "ring i made had hurt someone really bad", and she couldn't risk my stuff hurting anyone else. I thought that was super odd, and way out of line. She said my other stuff was fine. I was really upset, & the depression like stuff started, especially whenever I went to make more rings. I had a professional check out my stuff, & she found nothing wrong with it, nor anyway that ring could have hurt someone. Later on, as this encounter echoed through my mind, it reminded me of my last job. A person I worked with had said the exact same thing. She'd only been there 2 weeks & already pulling rank over the other staff, as well as the boss. Yet I was able to deal with a fair amount of her BS, until she managed to get many staff fired {me included}. Anyway, she did the exact same thing - claimed that i almost killed someone when i left a basket on the floor.

So the last few days, I believe i've been seeing that these 2 are alike, & that continued contact with this person, may result in a similar outcome? And that i am dealing with a bully. If i take a good look at recent dreams, astral fx, & this past encounter with that co-worker, they are alot alike. Anyway, that shouldn't be the point. I think i'm trying to convey, that my "intuition" has been pointing me in that direction for a while now.  

So i guess i know my answer in regards to my art...I need to remove it from that store {sigh}...but in the long run, it is probably better? Because some of the dreams i've been having involves losses of my art "by accident" or theft.

QuoteAfter all, it's easy to see what went wrong when we look back on events, what mistakes we made, or maybe, how some toxic people manipulated a situation.

To teach this part of me to check before opening the door to someone...AND to listen to my intuition, even if it looks safe!
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Thank you
March 15, 2014, 22:21:04
Quote from: Lionheart on March 15, 2014, 19:40:09
Well good because that's pretty well what I was thinking while reading your posts here.

Once you let go of the fear, you will see that nothing has control over you, but you. By believing that someone was "manipulating" you, you empowered that thought and likely created it to manifest and fester even more.

No one can "mess with" you unless YOU give them the "power" to.

Well said!...just what i was thinking earlier, a bit more detail to things "learned" in last few days, by doing just that...That once I let go of fear i was powerless, insights, guidance, & tools flooded in. I also believe that at various points in our lives we forget the tools we used years ago to cope, or as we awaken, we have to reteach this part of ourselves what we learned before....especially if its a learned response, say in childhood? We have to teach this part of ourselves these new things.  :-P

To teach this part of me to check before opening the door to someone...AND to listen to my intuition, even if it looks safe!

One was that if you feel astral pokes or see them in dreams, you can follow them back to their source. So yesterday, not tensing up as it was happening, & not giving into fear, I began to see whom was behind this symptom. [thing is there are a few different people, & that's why it was hard to discern, hence i think i reacted to all incoming to bad, not letting the help in, either]...I also got insight on when this started, why it started, & what keeps it going...or better put, why i let this person continue to take my energy...I also got echoes {what i call memory feedback}, of what was said by this female, long ago {again guided by someone from this site? to just let it all pass thru you, to not react} to why i kept letting her "in". Also in the past, I learned tons of techniques to clear & deal with astral stuff. But this was different, as it was not responding to the other techniques. Usually to limit contact with people i suspect, & putting up boundaries, the symptoms would go away, or wane. So that's why i think i got overwhelmed by it, because i had changed some relationships, yet things were still there... 8-)

Anyway, this is what i got, & things i was guided to explore / see:

  • When i felt a "symptom" I was guided to relax, stay calm, & look beyond the fear, or whatever was being projected at me. To follow the link, cord, or move beyond the emotion. Then I could see the source, as well as insights to why it started, & why it is still there, etc. Or what part of me was letting these people in
  • So she's connected to the right side pain I've been feeling, as well as the liver pokes {booze smells} & red orbs. What I got was, that i owe her because she is helping me, by selling my artwork.
  • So as I reflected on how to deal with this, do i take my art out of her store or leave it there, & try to deal with things differently? I was shown how the cords were formed, & how I let them be maintained. I was also shown events in past few months on interactions with her, & how my energy levels dropped, as well as feeling depressed after going to the store. How what she was saying & how it was said, was a cue {unconsciously} for me to help her, because she was helping me. She basically indicated that she's helping me, so I have to help her. When i told her it wasn't worth it,I heard the cord retract thru the wall, knocking books on the floor!
  • It was during this time too, that i became aware i had had left side pain, but it wasn't as sore as the other side. Guided i was able to discern that the right side pain is because i am tensing up in a protective stance, and the left side one is less aggressive? more passive in its taking of energy. And that the left side one was another female
  • The left side issues, sense of being pulled down, was associated with not the owner of another store I sell my art, but one of her workers.
  • The lady associated with right side "takes without asking", whereas the left side one seems to worm her way in. I sell my artwork at both these stores, & most of this morning wondering how to proceed - take my art out of these stores or?
  • Not tensing up when i felt pain at left side, nor struggling to protect this area, but guided to loo at why it is happening, "I SAW" whom it was, & the dynamics going well as why I feel so inferior when i go to these stores...BUT also revealing alot more about these people that even their bosses know! Anyway, at the second place, one of the staff was deliberately sabotaging me, so that I as an artist look bad, and she looks as saviour in everyone's eyes. But she was also doing it to other people's stuff. In dream, I pointed it out to her boss, & she was shocked, but did nothing. In this dream, I collected all my art, & left.
  • Just before waking, I was aware of a female talking to me, the right side pain. I had to get up & get things done, but felt super bagged. I yanked my energy back to me, & then felt fear. Turning on side, I clearly saw her before me. She kept telling me I was sick & to stay in bed. But I was able to recognize that this female felt different from one that night, & when I questioned this, I felt fear, & SAW the lady from the first art store! I did get up, & get things done. I also felt a strong pull {heart area} to go to her store & check on my stuff. Red flag?

What i find interesting is alot of people, healers, teachers, etc continue to tell me that people don't know they are doing this. I disagree. Over the last few years, I am seeing way more evidence that people are aware of the techniques they use to get people to do x or y. They might not realize though that its astral.

[u]OHHHHHH....I just had an epiphany....[/u]My issues started {to decline}...after an incident with rings...and the astral struggle I had on March 6, i think i had been dreaming of her too, or someone like her, arguing with her. I've dreamt before of arguments that i later walk into! And earlier in week, i think i was getting "answers" without realizing it...The incident left me confused, really upset, & in shock? This past week questioning these issues were past encounters with others that had done the exact same thing! Yet I assumed it was her still messing with me, vs a new person. It was after the incident that I wanted to go back to that store & remove all my art, but didn't because i felt i was doing it to spite her.

Anyway, the incident was - that I had brought some more samples of my art {rings}, to be sold at the store. Yet on the way there I felt super bagged, like i should not go. Believing it to be other stuff, like self doubt, I went anyway. At the store, she returned all my rings, claiming a customer returned one. She claimed the "ring i made had hurt someone really bad", and she couldn't risk my stuff hurting anyone else. I thought that was super odd, and way out of line. She said my other stuff was fine. I was really upset, & the depression like stuff started, especially whenever I went to make more rings. I had a professional check out my stuff, & she found nothing wrong with it, nor anyway that ring could have hurt someone. Later on, as this encounter echoed through my mind, it reminded me of my last job. A person I worked with had said the exact same thing. She'd only been there 2 weeks & already pulling rank over the other staff, as well as the boss. Yet I was able to deal with a fair amount of her BS, until she managed to get many staff fired {me included}. Anyway, she did the exact same thing - claimed that i almost killed someone when i left a basket on the floor.

So the last few days, I believe i've been seeing that these 2 are alike, & that continued contact with this person, may result in a similar outcome? And that i am dealing with a bully. If i take a good look at recent dreams, astral fx, & this past encounter with that co-worker, they are alot alike. Anyway, that shouldn't be the point. I think i'm trying to convey, that my "intuition" has been pointing me in that direction for a while now. 

So i guess i know my answer in regards to my art...I need to remove it from that store {sigh}...but in the long run, it is probably better? Because some of the dreams i've been having involves losses of my art "by accident" or theft.

Ironic that I found this image at a site that is all about dealing with Toxic people!

QuoteAfter all, it's easy to see what went wrong when we look back on events, what mistakes we made, or maybe, how some toxic people manipulated a situation.
Quote from: Lionheart on March 12, 2014, 19:13:19
  Believe it or not, these Megalithic Ruins are twice the size of the ones that are found in Baalbek, Lebanon. One again the find has created more questions then it has yielded answers!  :-P

Area of megaliths - Bottom right hand corner

This is shows that there WERE root races on earth!? I originally came across "root race" info researching why they call Indigo kids the 6th root race. That they are the next stage in human evolution!....Anyway, found all this other stuff linked in...& inter-related....

Years ago, I came across this info on the evolution of man {soul wise}, or planet earth, as having past root races; these beings were of different sizes {height}, at different points in our history. Reading up on this, tons of older documents made sense, like the fairy tales {myths} of cultures talking about giants having created x or y site. Alot of our unsolved history makes senses when you look at this "root race" stuff, as well as the bridge between metaphysics & science. The stories of Atlantis, Lemuria, or the Gods of all mythologies then make sense.

If you look from science point of view, it is possible to have really tall people, look at the size that dinosaurs were! This also explains Peruvian carvings depicting man riding dinosaurs, etc...And so on...It also explains why every child has a deep fascination & fear of dinosaurs. Why does every child gravitate towards this subject unless its to understand some kind of ancestral? memory.
For info on root races:

This is the link to a more indepth article, I wrote long ago, on another forum:; you don't have to spend tons of time looking up more info {LOL}

There are stories in a wide range of fields of a race of lion people, and they too are mentioned as one of the root races. That mankind is descended from this race. And it then puts the sphinx in a better light, actual depiction?
Or this picture, from Abu Simbel Temples {above}, shows people of different heights around the Gods. After studying root races, these carvings took on a whole new meaning!...Its like they were recording in stone, the root race history!. It shows images of at least 4 different heights before us. Some claim its their hierarchy, or their servants, but closely looked at the smaller people seem to wear regal gear. The carvings are also looking out over a lake, & seem more like a cultural marker vs a tomb.
Looking at the megalith stones around the world, then makes sense from our point of view: if you were alot taller, these are just like our bricks!, etc. An old story speaks of Stonehenge as being moved by hand by a race of giants 10,000 years ago. It also explains these really old, 30,000 year old civilizations found around the world.

Going back to the Russian ones, I believe someone wrote about them long ago, but then they disappeared, & the guy was dismissed as cracked. So maybe that's why the delay in the news  :lol: that they'd have to apologize to him....Also, the very nature of that country maybe why we know little of this news. Looking for more photos, i found this!

Found a video, but its in Russian, full 360 view of whole area:

  • @2:40 it shows round balls of rock sitting on the slabs
  • @3:00 {4:18} it shows what looks like weather erosion high up the structure, BUT underneath, not on top of rock. Odd? Like water was that high at one point in time?
  • It looks natural, until to see the tunnels inside and other interesting features, alot like in England and Egypt!
  • some features look natural, but it also looks like blocks stacked together to create a mountain...or pyramid like structure...And stones seemed to be placed vs natural erosion.
  • @7:45 you see the height / size of stones by man standing nearby

On a similar of the most common places places for yeti {bigfoot} sighting is in this area...Another link is that they are said to be a descendent of the root races, but not our line! " interbreeding between a mindless or unconscious stock of the third root-race and a high beast stock, probably during the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic"...Lemurian   Race.....4,723,032 years ago.

Now this is VERY interesting, looking for another image.......   Found on the rock in that area! Proof? of a root race?
Quote from: Lostlight2013 on March 15, 2014, 13:19:34
Ok i just submitted another experience of mine and was reminded of this...female...that seems to be in a lot of my experiences. I was wondering if maybe you guy's had any idea of what it might be or mean. I'll list a few experiences in SHORT detail to give you an example.

1.) I was paralyzed in this orange mountainous area...the rocks were grey but the sky was was very desolate and dreary. However, it was almost like i was waiting for a Dr's Appointment. I laid there just waiting and then these 2 beings approached me, 1 older gentlemen and 1 woman  (My mysterious companion) . She just looked down on me as the older gentleman went to work on me...he reached his hand inside my stomach (I could feel the pressure like someones hand was literally in my stomach). He did what he had to do, she left with the older gentleman and then they vanished...after they vanished...i could move again and i ran off into the distance which then faded off into a dream i can't recall.

When you wrote this, it reminded me of a similiar experience, & what was taken out of me. In dream, was a silvery metal bug like thing. Anyone every experience that? or seen them before? I had a similiar one years ago, that i'd found it during AP, but then lost it. It was also associated with someone in my life then.
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Thank you
March 15, 2014, 18:16:15
Quote from: Lionheart on March 15, 2014, 18:10:10
That's a lot of people to Thank. Every member and guest that has read your posts has sent a positive thought your way!  :-)

That's what "awareness" does.  :wink:


...I was being guided? to completely relax, trust i was okay..and someone telling me that it doesn't matter what is going on, or whose meddling, its about dealing with it differently. What was said was " its not about whether it is real or not, but letting go of the fear associated with it"...Once I did that, I could sleep, AND began to get more clarity on whom is really behind messing with me....but also how to get past even that!

That the not sleeping was because i believed i was threatened. And that the guiding voice i got was as stated above, "to just let go of the fear, & believe that light was around me"... That I was unconsciously generating huge amounts of energy to keep self awake & safe, which was keeping me awake. Once I could let go, i could sense the others that were there trying to help me, & less on those that were not.

So thank you....
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Missing
March 15, 2014, 18:14:14
Quote from: ange.connell on March 08, 2014, 13:23:08
Is it possible to miss somebody so much it feels like an actual physical pain? Not just in your head or your imagination but deep in your heart/body

Quote from: Xanth on March 08, 2014, 16:53:08
It's called Love.  :)

Shaman's also speak of having a heart to heart energy cord? between the 2 of you. Either you are holding onto them, or they can't let go of you.  The intense heartache you feel is evidence of this link. So a shaman would address this issue, so you could both move on! if it is someone that died, releasing this cord will help both of you, but the LOVE link will never be forgotten, nor lost.  :-)

QuoteEtheric cords act like hoses, with energy directed back and forth between both people. Therein lies the problem with having them. If the person to whom you are attached is having a life challenge, that person will siphon energy from you. He or she will draw upon your energy supply through the etheric cord. You will then feel drained, without knowing why. Very often, the people you have had sexual relationships with are attached to your sacral chakra. The people with whom you've experienced conflict are attached to your solar plexus. Those who you grieve over are attached to your heart chakra. Those with whom you've had painful relationships, or relationships where you carried all the weight, are attached to your shoulders. This is, in my experience, the root cause of shoulder and neck pain.

For more info:
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Thank you
March 15, 2014, 17:55:58
THANK whom ever has been helping me get thru stuff, the last few days!
Quote from: MusicSoulFae on March 05, 2014, 07:33:51

2.    The recent, most disturbing, once i got asleep in room, was of a person i went to for help, telling me that if i did as he said, i'd get better...i entered a pool, and once inside, i had a very bad feeling that i was in trouble. Then saw a large octopus envelop me & knew i was going to die. i felt betrayed. As i tryied to wake from dream, i had a difficult time waking self up. But did, & kind of been off set since...I think it might be a doctor i went to see for help. I had nightmares the night before my next visit, like all pre-visits past.. He basically said i have to take x & y medication if i want to get better. I've done research on them....and they do more harm than good. I decided not to return to this guy, & have been having a new astral thing occur.... At points in the past, i could smell hard liquor, male cologne, but don't think its a ghost. or its a ghost talking thru others?  When i first moved in, i had dreams of someone telling neg things as i fell asleep, waking thinking these things, and yet an inner voice said that was not true. So holding onto that belief, i started to see a male lower body, & wolf head. Getting past the head part, i clearly saw whom it was, & knew it was someone i knew. but didn't remember in the morning. But not the guy i worked with, mentioned above.

DREAM - Almost identical to this one -
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Mental Hospitals
March 14, 2014, 10:31:37
Quote from: phaseshiftR1111 on March 13, 2014, 05:09:27

But back to my original question... Do you think a lot of people who go there really have nothing mental going on with them? Maybe it's something deeper? I see things all the time and it's clairvoyance. I think the industry is clueless to be honest. I hope nobody ever has to go there.

I concur....i believe alot of it is Spiritual in nature....I've seen similiar things in there too....or being clairvoyant, I'd see an orb pop up right near a guy just before he'd start claiming someone was talking to him...and i'd see an orb pop up near someone that would just 'speak their mind' without questioning origin of thought...What i realized is that the one claiming he heard voices was the SANE one, as he could tell the difference between what were his thoughts vs. someone else's!

I believe the medical world is not so clueless about stuff, just avoid dealing with any mental or emotional imbalances...Meds, meds, meds...they give you....Years ago i came across a book that spoke of how people born with what we call schizophrenia, were actually trained by the medicine man in the village to be a shaman. They were highly regarded inb their society, as being able to stand in both worlds at the same time. Its only been since we became "civilized" that this changed? There are a few doctors out there giving this area a good look at in other ways. When I left the hospital, I knew there was more to my experiences, & luckily found these books...which jump started me in new directions...he points out that "mental illness" is actually a spiritual crisis or "awakening".
By John Weir Perry

Another thing I realized & feel is related to increases in mental health cases, is that as more people awaken to this part of ourselves {astral}, they are experiencing things they can't explain, & seek out medical help, only to encounter these kinds of doctors...If we are evolving into a 4D world, would we not be experiencing more astral stuff while in 3D?

Quote from: Szaxx on March 05, 2014, 19:19:13
You're mind is too active. You'll already know this.
Are you the one reading about a point of being pointless is actually a pointless point?
The words above have been carefully selected. If so just ask your question.
There's something you'll be reading that'll answer many of your questions too.
Train yourself to spectate and record. Don't become emotionally involved, it's a bad thing personally to you and you already know this too.
The black fly thing are they the size of a tomatoe?
Steer these away using a mental process. Don't let them stick.
How do you feel when doing a boring task near other people you don't know?
What do you know that you didn't before you knew even though you were not thinking on it?

Try to answer these in order. They are bitty deliberately, your answers will help you to help yourself if guided slightly, that's assuming what I feel is correct.
Slow down, this is important, even athletes breathe.
I hope this makes sense to you, it should.
It does sound like crazy town is visiting lol.

Thank you....I've Been doing that...absolutely still, meditative state, mind clear, trying to sleep, or just "being with whatever state I am in", & letting go...I'd drift to sleep, then feel the pokes at left side, & i'd wake up {like out of my control, or my body is reacting to threat? on unconscious level}. Then covering side, I'd see the red orb!...But again, I'd try.... :|

Put another way, in the last few years, I've been using the meds the doctors would give me in sits like this, but i really don't want to use drops my energy too low...I'd spend half the day snapping out of it, only to have to take it again to in last week or so, trying without. Anyway, i'm not really over thinking it, just perplexed at these events....I've done tons of work over the last few years to deal with "stress & active mind / body" stuff, but somehow this is different....I can't seem to get beyond this one {YET}. 
Quote from: MusicSoulFae on March 05, 2014, 07:33:51

1.    Recently i've been having issues sleeping, and know its related to a red orb i see, and pokes at left pancreas area. Not sure if its me keeping self awake or something pulling energy from me, thus i won't let self sleep? I feel self start to fall asleep, vibrate, and as i try to get beyond that, i get left side beats? and wake up. At various times, i've seen a red orb at end of my bed, left, 8 feet away. At one point, i saw a male i once worked with in the 'red' energy. I'm not bagged, but can't sleep, wide awake at night, & crappy during the day. Last month, i saw the red orb near my left solar area, & sharp poke at pancreas? Then my body started vibrating. In bed, when this occurs, the not able to sleep is the sensation of another around me, blocking me? About the area of house that i've seen it, i had once walked thru? something? as i had sharp pain at back solar & back heart area. Then super sad & depressed. And later found beer caps in that area. I don't drink}. Any ideas? And how do i get beyond this without medicating myself. I've been sleeping in living room, & sometimes have had odd dreams...

I've been noticing a pattern {sequence} with this energy & my issues - more so in last few days....What I notice going on "physically", astral cord like things...

  • Is that i've had right side pain, from liver to feet.
  • That at times, i'd feel poke {sharp pain} in knee area, then feel leg get really sore...
  • In clearing that, it'd happen at right back butt area.
  • Oh yeah, when this first started? long ago...I first felt sharp pokes nearby front root chakra, & energy? run up to belly button & over to liver or pancreas. And then wide awake, or vibrating as i try to sleep.
  • Recently, I'd feel energy run up back, & have weird dreams with voices asking me about my day, or telling me to do or not do something
  • I first saw orb in bedroom, to left, few feet away. Then noticed that as i started to fall asleep, my body would wake up. I'd feel self drift into sleep, then left side "palpitations" & wake up.
  • In last few weeks, i've noticed the vibrations are also connected
  • Yesterday in room, kitty sat near my belly. I could fall asleep, then saw the red orb / light near her, & she'd get all agitated & scratching self. It'd stop, & she'd rest, as would I. Then orb by her again, & she'd get peeved again.
  • body starts to vibe, after sharp pain in the pancreas area. Trying to block it, I'd see red orb. So left side pain, body starts to vibrate, as I start to fall asleep, left side beats & I wake up. Still vibrating. Then this fury would come over me, like I was going to blow my top - seething rage {not my nature}
  • Noticed this week, that the pain in right side starts after pokes in root chakra area, & energy? drops at left side, I get "depressed" & super sad. I often smell BO, hard liquor, & cologne. And seems to occur at regular times in the day or night.
  • Also recently learned that with the pokes were a direct link to left side reactions...and i'd start to vibrate. Trying to get past the vibes, & sleep, I'd hit a zone, & wake up....even with sleep aids! There is an awareness of someone under me?
  • EVERY time this cycle occurs, the red orb is nearby. At times, few months back, I'd see it about 2 feet from left solar area.

  • Earlier today, I did a AP like exercise to get in, & out kind of thing - when it spoke of returning to body, I felt my left side beat, & i woke up {like raising in consciousness, coming to? sensation. And immediately felt better, older, stable, & good. Then in about 5 minutes,a yank at my right side, & energy dropped again, & i felt "out of it". And then legs started vibrating.
  • I'd see it in living room behind me, but i could often sleep in there.
  • The other thing i'd see is the image of a movie character, when i could tune into intuition. basically a vampire. But a good vampire? mixed in with images of others i know, or guys i've had crushes on over the years
  • the only reason i question this is that if a vampire, why am i wide awake? shouldn't I be tired? Or am i keeping self awake to avoid dealing with the....
  • At one point this week {mar 6}, as I finding said stop it in dream? I later woke with scratch mark on arm, & what looked like 2 bit marks

Before moving this started, I had a bizarre dream that makes me wonder if precog...I dreamt that I had a huge cut at my left side, & i was bleeding alot. And was shocked. Don't remember anything else, or context. But since the neighbors moved in, I did notice alot of pancreas pokes, & I'd lose energy fast. This stopped {pain}...and these other ones started...but i believe its the same person. I was sleeping better last week, because he wasn't on the property! Or better.

Another noticed sensation, that as I'm waking up or trying to fall asleep, this is what it feels like...but not like me & my astral self, but more aware of someone behind me. As If when I return to my body, I am aware of another sleeping in my bed. Another astral energy. Best way to explain it would be if someone gave you a huge from behind. Like the image at the beginning.

I just remembered that just before moving in here, I felt alot of anger towards me? Someone was really mad, & yet I could not figure out whom it was...I also felt really unwelcome at the house I was living in then {same building}. Like out of the blue, someone did not want me there. I asked everyone. After I moved to new apartment, same building, I was dreaming of someone at end of my bed telling me not to do do this or that or it'd make landlord mad. But I was pretty sure this was a male. The only anomaly was that of the landlord's daughter, was always forgetting to tell landlord things. And with the butt pokes, i smell sewer smells.

Usually when there are large events like this, AP'rs, dreamers, remote viewers, etc are out "there"....Anyone get any dreams related to this? Any retrievers find anything? Any AP activity to this subject? and what is being "seen"?

This is a new one for me, as well as others perhaps? I can't see, sense them at all, which makes me wonder if portal, Bermuda triangle like stuff, or possible "otherworldly" interaction?

I've had stuff like this before, where someone lost keys, & seen it in astral, or between points. Suspended in time. Then later they find them, or years later they show up....Yet this is different, I can't see it at all, only get the same thing - suspended in time, or elsewhere {not here}....I've had activity with Ukraine thing and the NYC thing, but nothing with this....very odd...and no one else seems to be talking about it {as in astral, psychic, etc}...

Did find someone lookig at the radar anomalies as a source of this possibility -

Quote from: Astralsuzy on March 11, 2014, 00:39:54
What makes you think you were pulled out by a separate entity.   You could have just got out by yourself.   It occasionally happens to me.   I do not try to make it happen or encourage it to happen.    It just happens by itself.     I would not worry about it.   Just enjoy the experience.   It is fun.

I guess you could say I've been AP'ing my whole life, & only in last 7+ years? been conscious of it. So its like you get used to knowing what feels like yours & what is another? make sense?

Anyway, i'm pretty sure its related to a "medical professional" i went to see for help, see my original post here:;msg343483#msg343483

As my astral / physical issues have been changing after each "visit" and not for the better.....First thing i noticed was i went in feeling confident, & later started to doubt that i was able to cope without medical help. I went there seeking help with stress issues i had been having. He kept insisted it was sleep issues. Kindly, he'd say take x to help you sleep, & not to look for work right now. Then say you don't need to be hospitalized. WHAT? Yet he was saying that to all his patients that day....I noticed over the next few months being too sick to look for work, and when i did, i was so sick, i thought i'd end up in the hospital. BUT back then i figured it was other people meddling in my life.

Then i had to go back & get forms filled out. He stated that i need to continue to take x if i want to get better. And then, to take it every night to sleep {i told him i only take it to sleep if need be, but never on a regular basis}. After this appointment, I started to have sleep issues. Falling asleep by 4 am? but fine the next day. But I did notice my dreams were "interesting" or disturbing, as I started to really look a why I was regressing, not getting better. That's when these things started {see above link post}. At first an intense sadness, depression...out of the blue, nothing to trigger it. So I started astral / energy research,on line, etc. And noticed IT ONLY occurs after someone links with my aura! Back heart & root chakra! {later he tells me i have depression & need "Y" medication to get better. See, its not just suggestive, but some astral intrusion.

And the nightmares, intense fear after i wondered if it was him {yoga lady said this is firsat indicator of the true intentions of a person, how you react intuitively, thinking of them} . But being able to calm self, I was vaguely aware this doctor was around, astrally snooping, or putting thoughts in my head. I REALLY did not want to go back, & literally had problems getting there {universe perhaps?}. You are probably asking why i kept going back? I had to in order to get important paperwork filled out for other things.

Picking up the paperwork, he tells me I have severe {bleep} disorder that requires medication "x" or they will come back. WHAT?!? Also claims that I have something called global anxiety disorder, & when i asked about that, he did not answer. Turns out its minor! But then states to make sure I take "X" for my insomnia {what, i don't have insomnia?}. Taking a good hard look at things, what changed, whom was in  my life, when things got worse, etc. I realized he was the commonality. AND realized I had had the exact same problem in 2008! {I stopped seeing him then because he said anxiety was a "women's illness", & all in her head....That's when i started to reflect through old documents, & noticed that my last bout of intense anxiety issues STARTED after seeing him back then for a completely different reason. As it gets closer to my next visits, I am noticing i am developing the very issues he claims i have, NOT what i told him i have. The more I dug into when i first got sick, the more i realized he {& others} played a huge role in defining my illness, & believing they are helping me, i trusted them. WOW! So I flushed all the meds down the toilet!

But lo & behold, as it got within a week of my next appointment {this week}, my sleep issues are back {But so are my astral issues, red orbs, energy stuff, bad dreams}...Everything was okay until about a  week ago.  When i joined this site looking for answers, talking about things, my dreams {astral visitor?} changed, and I really haven't slept at all. So now i have insomnia {what?}. And after this voice, I stopped going on line until now. Basically, I woke from a bad dream. Saying to self why did that happen? I heard a male? say "you shouldn't have posted anything on the forum". So that next day, as you can see, I removed some of my posts. And was going to delete them all, when i realized this was not the right answer.  The Voice  ONLY started AFTER i had decided not to follow up with this physician, & find another way to get the help i need...Anyway....

"X" is a medication, put from an astral point of view, shuts down upper chakras, especially inner eye. And lowers ones energy levels, so you operate from solar / sacral level! Medication "y" is supposed to do the opposite!...doing tons of research, people prescribed this combo have ended up in hospital with serious medical issues. So I DO NOT trust this guy. Why are there people like this? Doing a little digging, it turns out he has messed up quite a few other patients, or better put he is a leading physician in some new treatment for ....

So I came to this site, for help, with astral issues, help with astral intrusions? Dealing with these things, answers? I looked at the practical, then thinking i was stopping myself, but thats when i have noticed a pattern {or sequence} of events all inter-linked with my sleep issues! And past problems I had had, I am now realized are ALL related to this physician or like people.

I guess you could say, finding this site has been really educational, as it is helping me see that some of these things others have experienced, & intuitively,i get the feeling that someone on this site knows what i am experiencing & how to deal with it....So thats why I came back....

Quote from: Astralsuzy on March 11, 2014, 00:39:54
What makes you think you were pulled out by a separate entity.   You could have just got out by yourself.   It occasionally happens to me.   I do not try to make it happen or encourage it to happen.    It just happens by itself.     I would not worry about it.   Just enjoy the experience.   It is fun.

I guess another way to express it, is that I think someone is yanking on my energy body? vs being pulled out of body? I've had something like years ago when i was in a bad relationship. If i got too "far from" him, I felt a huge yank at the back solar plexus, & felt super screwy. This is what it feels like. I don't think its an entity, I think its a person! Like if i don't give in, they will forcefully take my energy kind of thing?

After the fact, I smell cologne, & the day after smells of liquor, & lately BO. Then the booze smells wanes & i smell mints. What occurs with this one, is that i feel tugs at my root chakra? Or vibrate & see red orbs. I did an exercise with a healer to help, & felt self get fully back in body & better, only to have that yank to the right of me, & feel wonky again. And those smells. It is explained in more detail in earlier posts....LIKE RIGHT i try to link them or tell you, i feel pulled at the back area, & "someone" doesn't want me asking for anyone's elses help. ARRGGHH....
had one yesterday...i had been reading on posts here, & decided to scan my apartment to find out what areas needed 'light'? Why i felt like i wasn't the only one in here, or more like i was in someone else house {a guest, vs tenant}. As i started to focus on kitchen, i felt self AP into kitchen, & there standing in front of me was the outline of a male. When i saw him, i tried to stay calm & ignore him. By my body reactions,i knew its the same person i'd been seeing before, as to why i have had issues falling asleep. Yet as i realized i'd seen this before, & have been "dreaming" of him for last few days, i bolted back into body, especially when he became aware i saw him...and had issues falling back into sleep. I finally did when i left light on kitchen, to lighten area, & aware that it is related to the male that lives next door. As i've been dealing with things, he's been ruder lately. At points in the past, moving through discomforts in bed, i'd get glimpses of him looking at me.

On another note, I found self AP fast when i decided to not focus on whats in house, or around me...but i found self in NYC area? with many others? all worried about some nuclear power plant issue occuring. Anyone else had something like this lately? or know any related news occuring in these areas? 
Quote from: Lionheart on March 07, 2014, 02:51:29

She seems to have a knack for that, lol.

The people's posts she is replying to haven't been active for years now, neither have the members that started them.  :-)

Hey.. just reviving old posts, refreshing them some life?  :wink: ones that catch my eye....tee hee  :-D
Quote from: Boom on March 06, 2014, 07:30:32
I think we might have set a record here for bumping a 10 year old thread!


Quote from: Boom on March 06, 2014, 07:30:32
Its quite normal to feel a presence during Sleep Paralysis and peoples fear of the sleep paralysis has fed that presence to feel evil or somewhat threatening. This is just a reflection of your own thoughts.

i think its more than that, but i'm also having some "new", old experiences reoccur as i seek help with all of this...before i'd just feel chakra or cords, & then mood / thought, i'm hearing the voices i used to hear, but tried hard to shut them out...Anyway, i'd hear a female call my name to left, then my attitude changes, mood changes, & so on...BUT i get a feeling its my neighbor because i can smell her house when this is occuring...Another thing i am realizing is that with the red orb, and my astral fx, it is somehow related to her.That she CONSTANTLY reminds me whose boss in the building, & i noticed years ago, that butt pulls {root} & red orbs, were often seen at work, when i worked with people that held the 'do as i say or get fired' thing  over your head....Also with the voice, i did hear it when i first moved in, a male to right & female to left...guided to stay calm, i 'heard' they are people i know using fear to keep me from???? And i got through that....

Yesterday i "heard" as i tried to fall asleep, "kiss your butt goodbye", but it repeated over & over...As my lower back was sore, legs vibrations, & unable to sleep. Guided to stay calm, as i heard 'its someone you know, AND something they have said to you'...So i went to bed trying to find out, but could not AP. Slept light all night. I said to self i don't wanna kiss my butt, & saw a blue orb nearby, as well as the read one. I did have the same voices thing in another apartment that later revealed it was the couple living there. Heard the voices, then saw all kinds of unpleasant images...geting past that, i got glimpses of this couple....Later on, things they spoke of or had in their house were some of the imagery i had "dreamt". Since joining AP, when i think of her, i am seeing the red orb nearby my left..

Quote from: Boom on March 06, 2014, 07:30:32
Can someone alter your state of consciousness for you? Well they can in the physical world.  For example when people have been indoctrinated into cults etc. Mind control makes people think very differently.  So I would believe it could be possible for an external entity to co-hears you into focussing your consciousness to the none physical . (thus giving the feeling of being pulled out of your body).

On a couple of my lucid dreams/astral projections, or whatever they were. I have felt that something threw me out.  I have been peaceful and calm during a none physical experience and as soon as I tried to do too much or ask too many questions, I'm suddenly back to the physical.  I get the feeling something has kicked me out, as if I shouldn't be there.  But I cannot be sure of that, and as such would be nowhere near to drawing to that conclusion.

I agree, the one thing i did notice right off with these two, is that the male spent quite a bit of time scolding me for things, making me feel like crap for asking anything. People say avoid them, but they are the apartment building managers, so i kind of can't. She talks to me like a child, & i noticed i started to fall into that placement? I guess i need to remember how i coped before, in other sits, to deal with this one?
Quote from: Lionheart on March 06, 2014, 17:43:55
I own Moldavite and yes, your explanation is correct Sea Pony.

Just as Volgerle says, "been there, done that"!  :-)

I have over a 100 unique stones. Some of them cost me a "pretty penny".

Whats wrong with it? you say "been there, done that?"...whatcha mean?

A friend has a piece, touching it one gets chills, & its said to be high vibe stone, so ???? :?
Quote from: James S on May 28, 2007, 04:37:54
Well done LightProtector.

Not an easy thing to do.\
I'm a smoker and yes it does definitely affect the aura. I've not experienced a 'yellowing', but I do definitely feel my aura (and my energy levels) diminishing when I've had a few too many.

So why dont I quit?
I still enjoy it! Gotta have some vice going. I don't drink and the sex thing's been a little slow lately.  :-)

I've often wondered about that...if my smoking is affecting me, why i am having certain symptoms. in light mediation, i get that the vibrations will stop, as well as many other astral things when i let go of the need to smoke. And that i might be trying to hold a higher energy while depressing it unconsciously by smoking. I noticed a shift a year ago, that i could no longer drink. that if i had one, i felt energy sink fast. And wonder if this is also occuring with cigarettes. At times when i have been sick, i notice that after one, i feel like i "sink". At other times, i'll see a greyish mist near me. I've been told it muddies the aura. Or that i can ease better thru the vibrations.
Quote from: Archer on January 07, 2004, 14:50:08
A couple of months ago, I fell asleep doing energy work, as I often do. At some point in the night, I woke up and found myself paralysed. I became aware of a "presence" in my room, it felt intelligent and very negative. Something then took hold of me; not physically, more like being held telekinetically. It felt like I was being pulled out of my body, and I was unable to move either my energy or physical body.

I was able to will myself back into place, and it took a lot of effort. I think it happened three times, the third I was able to physically move - and as soon as I did that, the sensation of being pulled stopped, and the presence near my bed vanished.

I was fully awake by that time, and as I turned around I saw a shadowy figure standing by my doorway. He was wearing clothes, but his skin looked like it was made of darkness. He felt safe to be around, and I got the impression he had been watching. He kind of nodded at me, and was gone.

So, anyway - I don't know if it is possible for something to force you out of your body, but based on my experiences, it's possible for something to try.

I had this a few months back...same thing, aware of someone behind me & above...later dreams, i dreamt of a hole in ceiling where things could get in. Anyway in dream i was walking along in the snow, & as i walked under a power line, i felt myself pulled up. not only in dream, but physically in bed. I yelled no, stop, & did what i could to hold onto myself. It took a bt to wake self up. but when i did, i saw this in front of me: some weird light thing:

but more like video below...It was white & moving.. sec

As i pulled away from that, i started to see weird alien symbols scrolling along my ceiling, like a feed i was watching. I bolted out of bed, & could not settle to sleep for a while. When i did get back to sleep, i dreamt that beside my bed on my right were 2 lamps, one red by my feet, & a white one near top of bed. The lines were crossed, & the white one was shorting out. It was probably the last time i slept in room without medication. This was jan of this year.
Quote from: aleshah on April 29, 2010, 15:33:30
So if you are using facebook, you open your root chakra to the demonic realms of secret service.

This caught my attention, as to an experience i had a few weeks ago...that of asking in "dreams" why i'm having sleep, energy issues, etc...of feeling a need to unfriend someone on facebook. all my "issues" started once i friended him, BUT did not / do not occur when i phone him. I started "dreaming" of someone telling me that by communing with him on facebook, i not only let him in, but all of his "friends", and anything associated with them. Usually my symptoms get better, "dreams" too, when i break the facebook link, and interestingly he is alot more pleasant to talk with, rather than on line. I have had this "insight" before, thats why i limit whom i friend, & whom can access my page. 'Cause i have noticed that effect before with him as well as others, & its like an astral highway one can travel from one friend, like, etc to another. Odd, but i just get these messages.

I don't necessarily think its all bad energy, but i do agree with the root chakra thing. Since i connected with him on FB, i have been having root chakra issues. I've also sen things come thru tv, but i also believe its a portal. I've seen people i know use it {try to} to get into my house. Stuff like that.
This too, i think will help: helps me recognize why we are here & what we are experiencing: