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Messages - bomohwkl

When you examine yourself, you see that you have the need to be happy. It seems that it is the fundamental need of conscious existence.
What is happiness? What would make you happy? Permanently happy? Is there anything that you can imagine doing or experiencing 20 hours everyday for 1,000,000 years or throughout your natural life that will make you truly happy?

Your interesting opinions are always welcome :-)

Comment welcome and please do explain WHY what u said is/are the purpose(s) of our existence in the universe. (certainly without dogma..)
Any comment welcome.
Have anyone using Nada Yoga Meditation or whatever kind of projection been able to travel into the LIGHT reported by soo many people who have near death experience. It is said, the tunnel appears no way and at the end of tunnel, there is immense love.The tunnel wall is dark. The astral body travels through the tunnel at high speed.
Arthelion, how do we know that what "reptilian" said or taught is true? We should adapt Buddha's view in seeking truth;just like in old time people use fure to test real gold.

GhostRider, I don' think the idea whether our distant ancient ancestors originated from distance planets is important in conscious evolution.

However, we need to know that life is by design and not by randomness.

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / What is happyness?
December 20, 2003, 13:58:24
I should have be more specific. Living in a country where the government assists the unfortunate,disabled, the unemployed and aged people in terms of housing,food and other 'start-fresh' benefits. Do you expect a man who is at mid30s begging on the street?
Can you forgive someone if you don't understand why he/she hurt you?
Probably it would be difficult.
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / What is happyness?
December 20, 2003, 03:02:02
Happiness is nothing material,rather,it is derived from exercising your strengths and virtues, not only for your own happiness but for others.
An unhappy person cannot make other people happy, can't he?
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / What is happyness?
December 20, 2003, 02:59:24

Directly into the core! That's why I don't give money to beggar. The best is to help them to help themselves. What can I do if they don't choose to help themselves............
If the law of entropy is universally really correct, then it means that at the beginning of big bang is is very very ordered compared to now. But, look at the sky, galaxies, stars and complex life form. If there is no order in the galaxies, if there is no oder in the biochemmistry of your body, there will be no life. It seems that intelligence is required to make something ordered.

Life in itself is anti-entropy.
When you try to look at what Buddha had said, he never say anything about the existence of God or the theory of creation.

Objectivity was what Buddha seek. Buddha even mentioned to his followers not to worship him.He insisted not to accept his teaching because you respect him. You have to verified by yourself by your self-observation of your own mind and manifestation around you.

It is important to differentiate what Buddha himself had said and what other people had said after Buddha had passed away.

"the evidence that supports the evolution of Human spicies on EARTH"

Sometimes, I doubt the expert interpretation of DARWIN theory of evolution.
The evidence is as good as the ability of expert's conclusion.
The conclusion is limited by the expert's understanding of a specific subject. It is VERY IMPORTANT to know that our understanding and our interpretation are limited by what we know.

Let's say if the bacteria can evolve into human through billions of year, then who in nature will decompose the rubbish left? The whole eco-system will collapse. By still...observation shows otherwise.
The more we understand the highest level of true happiness, the more intense and prolong the experience we can feel. Like love, it is hard to define, but there are pre-conditions before love can exist. It is the same with happiness. We can easily differentiate happiness and sad as there are quite a big CONTRAST. To differentiate between different levels of happiness, we need to SHARPEN our perception of emotions and thoughts.

However, because we cannot grasp the higher level of happiness, doesn't mean that we shouldn't aim for it.

I think the word HARMONY is the key. Living in harmony rather than living to 'pay' back'.
The very essence of existence is the NEED to be happy. If you feel unhappy for billions and billions of years (in God terms) what is the point of existence?

The purpose of life is to achieve greatest happiness. There are different levels of happiness.

Negative and positive exist in order to provide CONTRAST for people who are INTELLIGENT enough to make conscious choice of their actions in order to achieve higher happiness.It is quite difficult to learn lessons of life without making some mistakes. The only way is to study SELF.
Avalon & fallnangel77

Or more precisely, I mean free of charge.For example,a gift is free of charge. The universe is designed such that if the gift is not appreciated, it will degrade.
The idea of "those physical things "own us"." most likely originates from the hidden fact that it has to be 'maintained' as if you have to 'pay' back. Am I right by what you mean by your idea of nothing is free?
There are several links within this site which is relevant in this discussion    Monetary system and Spirituality Abduction to the Ninth Planet. Anyone?
the thiaoouba prophecy
" cannot have peace as long as there are those that wish to disrupt it"

Surprisingly those who wish to disrupt the peace are usually those who gain SUPPORT from people. One of them is the political leaders. If people are intelligent enough rather than flowing the flock, a fanatic will never get support and would never have their power to cause significant disruption.

I think to change the system is to teach people to think .....
What is this current community you speak of?


Nothing is free.
Your physical body is. The air we breathe is at the moment. The ability of the atmosphre to generate rain is free.....

With the internet we have so much information available to us...

Only with people who has developed their own filter to find gems in the growing rubbish in internet.
Is there anything that you can imagine doing or experiencing 20 hours everyday for 1,000,000 years or throughout your natural life that will make you truly happy?

The AlphaOmega said,"Hm, I'd have to say sex!"

Surely doing it contineously 20 hours a day everyday for the rest of your life would make you sexually TIRED!![:P]
"no suggestions on how to really go about fixing these things. It is probably because of this lack of information"

Besides of the money problem, the other solutions of other problems are given by several examples in the history or alien worlds.

There are reasons why solution to change the moneyless society is not given.
When everything is free people just don't appreciate its value. Look at the air we breathe, the water we drinks.
Another reason our whole system is so dependent on money. How do you feel that if you spend the 20 years accumulating money and then suddenly worthless? Human psychology is an important factor. If we couldn't solve other problems, we can hardly be able to solve the money problem.[B)]
There exists a small community on earth where they have abandoned the materialism society and living life evolving around the community.
exothen said,

"God just is, whether we feel we need him or not."

Having the mentality of just is is more dangerous than exploding an atomic bomb with your bare hands. It is because you have no sufficient curiousty to understand God. You take everything as just is without discovering the reasons.

"we need to believe he exists because everything around us screams that he does exist"

How do you prove that God exists? Please don't refer the Bible. Use your own reasoning. Can you? Prove to yourself to the point that you NO NEED to BELIEVE.
What happen if you adopt the mentality of believing rather than understanding and knowing?
Could you be able to know the answer of 101+101 if you believe that 1+1=2 (or worst still believing that 1+1=3)?

" someone to bring peace and put an end to injustices"

What is the point in bringing PEACE since we don't APPRECIAT peace itself?
Why should someone 'magically' heal your illness since yourself don't APPRECIATE the prefect health?
Thousands of police can be deployed to FORCE peace into an intrinsically violent community, what happen when the police are gone?

There is an interesting sayings from Tom Chalko,
"Do you want to save Earth? For WHOM? For those who do not care? For those whose ultimate dream is to win the lottery in order to do nothing, NOT EVEN THINK? For those whose favourite activity is to intoxicate and entertain themselves in order to FORGET Reality? For those who are ready to kill or spend their lives fighting for a piece of land or property? For those who allow their minds to become cluttered with doctrines, misinformation and deceit? For those who prefer to cultivate animal instincts rather than intellect? "

"My motives are based on the fact that he loved me enough to create me."

Can you prove by yourself that you are created because of God's love by your own reasoning as if you don't have a Bible?

"has given me a purpose for my life and I want to fulfill that purpose"

Can you prove by yourself the purposes of your creation? Why do you FEEL the NEED to fufill that purpose? What is the reasons that you are created? For what purpose does it serve to God?

"I love him because of who he is"
Who is God? Can you quantify God qualities by your own observation and reasoning? If someone is extremely intelligent, would he create something complex without a purpose?


"The original autographs that were written were perfect. But in transmission and translation, there is some stuff that has brought about these difficulties"

Are you sure that you are reading the ORIGINAL autographs? How many translations and distortion the version of your Bible you are reading? Shouldn't you SEEK the ORIGINAL or the EARLIEST scribe possible?

Your claim of Bible is PREFECT, does it include the truthfulness of the fact that the world is created within SEVEN DAYS and the earth is just less than a million years old. Does it include the fact that the Earth is the center of solar system and the sun and the rest of the planets orbit with respect to the earth rather than the sun?
I am AMAZED if you still have such belief.
God isn't an IDIOT.
Do you think God is stupid or clever?
Are you sure of your answer?
How clever is God?

You already admit that there is some errors in the book of God. And you quote that the highest number is 40.
Is it much easier to write a book than designing a living human being? How much intelligence is required to design a living universe than just writing a book?
How can God make such obvious errors in a book yet able to design complex universe?

Aren't those imply that Bible is the book of God directly implies God is an idiot? An insult to God?

If there is 40 errors in a book of God, then how many errors are there in designing life and the whole universe?