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Messages - Kree

Quote from: Xanth on August 29, 2023, 16:20:53Feel the materials, the strands as you pull on them. Feel the pressure of the rope in your hand and the weight of your body lifting up off whatever surface you're on. You need to convince your conscious mind that this is REALLY happening

What exactly is the mechanism that initiates the transition here? If you could simplify the technique as much as possible, what would it look like? With the rope technique there's the sight, feel of rope, pulling sensation, and sense of movement. Now, I'm pretty sure you could do without most of these🤔, but people still only really talk of the rope technique rather than any sort of simplified technique. I don't get what's special about it? It seems to have just about the lowest success rate of all techniques from what I've read, and I think that's because it's so complicated and costs so much mental energy just to do it correctly. It's like trying to drift off while doing mental math.

I can't be sure, but ime techniques with just one or two focus points work best, unless you're really sleepy and need more stimulation.

Also Xanth I wanted to know if you're still sticking to your noticing and rundown techniques, or if you've found anything else? Have you experimented with Frank's technique of simply "going up"? Something I've noticed is that all these technique (e.g. noticing/rundown/frank's/tinnitus+blackness) somehow stimulate the third eye, through feeling the location or activating it through visualization. Is this something you've thought about or noticed?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Bashar
November 23, 2023, 12:07:30
Bashar claims aliens will make first contact in late 2026 or early 2027. If he wasn't certain, he wouldn't give such specific predictions. So to the sceptics, reserve judgement until then😊

He says it will be the same aliens who flew over Arizona in 1997 (iirc) with a mile wide spaceship, and had thousands of witnesses. They're a type of human hybrid, but not Bashar's race.

oh lol nvm, surprised people have already mentioned this here.

Quote from: Xanth on November 07, 2023, 10:17:48It's been a short while since I've heard anything from Bashar...

it's the copyright strikes taking down any videos of bashar.
There's basically only one place online you can listen to him,
this guy uploads hundreds of videos until he has to take down the channel again.  Though I have 200gb of bashar's videos myself and stream that daily😅
Nice. I had assumed the forum was gone for good.

In case yall need a new place to chat in the future, I have a ~600 member astral projection / psychology / spirituality discord. If any mods are interested they can mod over there too.

This place is more dead than I realized, I'm the only one online. Let me know if yall wanna just merge with the discord and rebrand it to the astral pulse. Xanth and any other admins can co-admin if they're interested.
We literally have events where we stream Tom Campbell's vids.  Give it some thought.

omg I thought I had only posted this a few days ago

Quote from: Lumaza on June 02, 2023, 19:40:02
What I do nowadays when I find myself in that "noticing" situation when I close my eyes to sleep, I immediately begin purposely looking deeper into the darkness. I look as far as I can down that "dark hallway/cave/tunnel" that I am entering. Pretty soon the feeling of motion will accompany the noticing, then I am off. I will then either enter the scenario there and then, awaken in a LD or just awaken the next morning after a good night's sleep. I am okay with all 3 of those!  :-)

That feeling of motion energizes me so much. Even just focused intent accumulates so much energy within me that sometimes I have to give up and go 2 or 3 days without sleep.
I've found that some energy work in the middle of the day can help.  Can make swimming out of body happen without much effort.  But even then energy work is a bit inconsistent in helping to phase.  It's like the energy body needs to be primed for activity, but it can't be overly active or the energy will leak out into the mind and the body and ruin everything.

If I was intensely focused on a math problem, of course that would make something like phasing difficult.  Yet with focused intent that's pretty much the exact same state of concentration and high mental energy.  So it kinda makes sense that concentration on any activity would make all this more difficult.  A feeling of motion has a similar effect in stimulating the mind.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on June 02, 2023, 00:44:45
Insomnia is a huge difficulty for me. Long ago, I gave up on the idea of laying down at 3PM or 8PM and meditating to a point of conscious exit; I just cannot relax to the necessary point. If I go to Monroe and spend three days in Hemi-Sync, yeah, I get there and can maintain the entrance point for the next three days...and it works...but that requires spending a week at Monroe.

So, I look for the moments of opportunity during my sleep cycle...and that is still problematic; very difficult to predict or control. The best periods during my nightly sleep cycle are described as WBTB moments or opportunities...either after two, three or four hours of sleep or early in the morning, as wake-ups and conscious exits from there. I understand that that presents difficulties with the work schedule, but that's where we have to find a method and a way to fit it in somewhere in your schedule...and experiment.

What you have written makes me think that you know and recognize that 'window of opportunity', you need to keep searching for those opportunistic conditions and what works specifically for you. And also realize that these conditions will change over time. It is a haunting challenge that demands we continually search for it, as a greater part of our learning.

Keep in mind that a properly formed Intent is always helpful and possibly necessary to success.

So we have "the window of opportunity" and "the switch". The 2 core concepts of phasing no one ever talks about
If I'm in a motivated period where I'm practicing, I can sometimes maybe catch a glimpse of the window. But where's the switch? I know it's there somewhere. I've always thought it's somewhere deep, maybe near the back of the head, but lately I've been noticing that slightly above the eyes has the strongest "sleep" feel. I'd be shocked of anyone's actually found the switch, I've almost never seen anyone talk of it.

Quote from: Lumaza on June 02, 2023, 19:40:02
What I do nowadays when I find myself in that "noticing" situation when I close my eyes to sleep, I immediately begin purposely looking deeper into the darkness. I look as far as I can down that "dark hallway/cave/tunnel" that I am entering. Pretty soon the feeling of motion will accompany the noticing, then I am off. I will then either enter the scenario there and then, awaken in a LD or just awaken the next morning after a good night's sleep. I am okay with all 3 of those!  :-)
Actually.. I wonder if this could be creating an unintentional focus on the switch, as it's somehow connected or is part of the third eye. Maybe the switch isn't something you can find, but something to which the third eye can lead you :-o
That would make so much sense. Of course you can't just find it, there wouldn't be any natural cause/process for it! But when you're falling asleep, and your eyes defocus, and your vision shifts from your eyes to the third eye.. it would make sense that the switch is triggered as a result of this process itself..
By far my biggest difficulty with phasing is insomnia. A focus of any kind on anything at all ensures I will stay awake. Lying on my back has the same effect. I might stay wake for 10+ hours if I just lie on my back.

The only times I've been able to phase have been when I'm particularly sleepy and repeating numbers or some repetitive action which I then subconsciously keep repeating at a point where I momentarily lose consciousness. I've realized that this specific point of losing consciousness is key to phasing, and absolutely nothing else seems to matter in this practice. It's like a big wave that will drown you in an instant, unless you catch it and ride the wave. But if it takes me hours to fall asleep then that wave can come at any second during those several hours, making it near-impossible to be ready for it. The wave inevitably comes, eventually, but I just pass out from exhaustion.

So I'm wondering if I should try switching from these traditional sorts of techniques to something more difficult and ambitious, but maybe more reliable, though idk how realistic they are. Tom Campbell supposedly does this, and sometimes mentions he's always living in multiple realities. Remote viewers do this too, to various degrees. Maybe working on that could somehow translate into phasing progress. And maybe even just the point consciousness state through meditation is be an approach worth exploring, but I've always dismissed it as impractical. Frank used to say how he finds meditation unnecessary, and he was the most successful projector I've ever read about.

Just looking for yall thoughts
Quote from: shineling on August 23, 2022, 04:10:40
I know a good way of loosening up when you want to AP. I do it when I'm almost asleep or deeply resting to facilitate exiting. It's hard to describe but I'll do my best...

While your laying there resting you sorta "excite" your skin. It's almost like if you were raising the temperature on your skin and about an inch into your flesh.

This really helps me exit even when I'm not that asleep.
I think I know what you mean.  I used to do that a lot as a kid to help get out of bed.  But I think that's more of an energy raising technique.  If anything, I think this should centre attention on your physical body.  I'm curious how you use this project.

Quote from: omcasey on August 23, 2022, 12:11:12
Wow. That is absolutely brilliant.

I use present attention to shift, but things like fall within its scope, in the present attention you begin to "notice" things. - things like differentials, such as temperature, textures, sensation. But, yes, you can go right to certain things you like to notice, too. I can so often forget this so I just want to say thank you!

And thank you to the OP who asks the question. ( excellent ).
So you basically use the noticing phasing technique, but instead of focusing on visual changes you focus on changes in sensations on your physical body?
Frank Kepple seemed to believe that the top of the head was a key element in projection.

He said it's like there's a sensor that extends downwards into the body from the top of the head to enable physical-body sensations, which, if you instead directed up, would do the opposite.  So one of his techniques was moving "up", with attention placed on the top of the head.

I've been wondering for a while now what variation of this "directional movement" technique would be most effective. There's:

  • Frank's moving up from the head technique
  • Feeling movement in any random direction with the whole body
  • Feeling movement in any random direction with the whole bed/room/house
  • Moving in any direction with a greater sense of strain with the rope technique
  • Spinning
  • Moving in two opposite directions simultaneously
  • Doing any of the above within imagination, e.g. skydiving / riding a lift

Most would suggest all techniques are best done within imagination as the physical just interferes, yet with the rope technique you're climbing an imaginary rope superimposed on the physical.  Frank's technique puts focus on the physical head.  And in my own experience the sensation of movement is felt most strongly when I imagine my physical body moving, I would assume because of etheric energy gaining inertia.

So is "forget the body" bad advice?  Is it best to focus on the crown chakra like Frank suggests?  What has been your experience?
Quote from: Volgerle on August 16, 2022, 10:58:24
If you count "SPIDER"man as animal.  :-D

I once became Spiderman and was swinging between high-rise blocks shooting my net out from my arms and then also did some sommersaults hanging on it in a kind of big city back yard.

(I used to read spiderman comics a lot as a child, that might be the reason why it worked?)

Spidermaning sounds like a good exit technique.  I've been wondering if it's a better alternative to the rope.
Just wondering.  Has anyone tried living as a cat or something during an AP?  I think it's generally difficult to throw away your humanity and fully become some animal.  I always used to see life as a cat as heaven.  No worries, sleep anywhere anytime, no clothes, always comfortable, etc.
Quote from: Nameless on August 01, 2022, 17:26:33
This is a very good question Kree. I can't say I have a definitive answer for you but will note my personal observations and think you might be on to something.

I have long noted that my most active times have always or nearly always been at my most tired. I am not talking just being sleepy but being exhausted, totally wiped out with anxiety, worry, extreme activity, illness and such over a long period of time. I think it is because of a natural disconnect experienced at those times. When I am well rested and life is smooth I actually need to do a bit of meditating and work to get the same results.

I think this speaks to how capable we are of 'not thinking' and letting our minds just tiptoe around at any time. Which is why many people need to be very relaxed (sleepy) and others can walk and talk at the same time.

My experience has been the same.  But the sleep switch gets triggered most easily at a time when I'm tired enough to take a nap, but not tired enough to actually sleep fully.  I think Frank Kepple's talked about getting through the sleep barrier or something, I'll have to reread his posts again.

I'm hoping that, with enough experience, sleep won't be necessary.
I know ideally you need like 6h of sleep or to be a little tired to maximize your chances of phasing, but, from what I read, the most experienced phasers don't seem to have this limitation.

I've started taking practice seriously again and what I've recently noticed is there's a "sleep switch" that activates 5-30m in.  I think that's what's responsible for falling asleep / losing consciousness.  It's a sudden event, like a punch to the face, with the sole purpose of beginning sleep.  I'm assuming this is the key to phasing, but I know how people like Tom Campbell can phase while walking/talking in the physical, so perhaps the key is something else.

I can usually manage to maintain consciousness through the event, but the act of me noticing the switch seems to snap me back and I don't transition anywhere, or at least not properly.  Yet if I don't notice the sleep switch then I, of course, inevitably fall asleep.
Quote from: Lumaza on April 15, 2022, 17:16:27
after a few minutes, I don't feel anything any more. I just mentally traverse down the darkness that I see before my eyes and allow it the freedom to show me what I need to see or teach me what I need to learn. I see the darkness before my eyes as a "tunnel, cave, hallway, etc., something that I can mentally enter.
Would you say the key element here is the "seeing" whatever is "shown" to you, or is it the "feeling of movement" that's more important?
Do you intentionally create the sensation or does it just happen by itself because that's your intent?

I image you could even do this with eyes open, if the sensation is all that's needed.
You need to hire a hypnotist to use this book??

Is this basically just a mental rundown?
Quote from: omcasey on March 09, 2022, 21:42:55
Hello, Kree.. where lies your confusion? did you watch the video? read the thumbnail up there? I know it is sort of hard to wrap your mind around, just trying to get clear where your confusion is. In a nutshell what this is, is contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Our galactic neighbors. Beings in other reality-frequencies. I am able to tune into them, if you will, receive their signal(s) and bring them in a visual format through the crystals. Much in the way someone might through other apparatus, more technological devices, such as a radio, or satellite, or computer device.

You channel aliens into a crystal and take pictures of their eyes?? :-o
Quote from: Nameless on March 05, 2022, 19:14:59
Ask your guides/helpers for motivation. I find them to be far more creative than I could imagine on my own.

Interesting suggestion.  I've never felt like I have any contact with them.  But I'll try it🤷‍♂️
I'm confused. What is this?
When I first started practicing about 10 years ago I had crazy high motivation for about 2 whole years.

At this point it's hard to stay motivated.  I sometimes get motivated for a week or two after reading some forum threads, but then it just disappears.  I got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome a couple years ago and that makes it even harder to maintain motivation and to do the practice itself.

What are the best sources of motivation/inspiration?  Any YouTube channels? Or anything else?  I feel like if it's on my mind more often it will be easier to stay motivated, but it's not exactly a topic that gets covered much on YouTube or the internet in general.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Progress
November 19, 2021, 17:40:42
This morning I did the "moving left" technique, or whatever you'd call it.  I completely left the physical in under 5 minutes.  I thought I was in my room but couldn't really see anything, I may have seen glimpses of my room but it wasn't clear.  I wonder if this was the void, a LD, or what.  I heard loud buzzing in this state, which I assumed was binaural beats from my headphones, but only afterwards did I remember I had no headphones on or anything.  I also heard a very loud voice of a man talking about astral projection, I completely ignored what he was saying as I just found it annoying, lol.

The most annoying thing, though, was that I felt I couldn't do anything from this state.  I tried to move but I couldn't tell if I was going anywhere.  I kept trying to swim with my non-physical arms, but nothing happened.  Moving left more also seemed to not have much effect.  The arms felt very real, and definitely non-physical, so that's something.  Maybe I should've climbed a rope or something.  The experience lasted only a few minutes, but when I came back my sense of time was off.  It felt like I was gone for at least an hour.

My memory's a bit patchy, but what might've triggered this was biting my teeth together in a weird way (not sure if physically or not as I can't replicate the exact teeth-contact sensation).  I let the teeth touch → rolled over (again not sure if physically or not) → felt myself moving left → saw a slight flash and then.. → separation into the buzzing NP environment.

Side note:
I am a bit surprised I achieved this without meditating, as Tom Campbell would have you believe deep meditation / point-consciousness is paramount.  I didn't meditate, I still had physical focus prior to separation, I didn't go through sleep paralysis, I didn't do any relaxation at all, I didn't do any visualisation, yet I still phased into the NP without any effort :-)
I'll add, in previous attempts I'd often get rapid heard beat when I felt "close", yet this time I just felt a little hot, and that's it.
Quote from: Lumaza on November 07, 2021, 16:46:14
I am glad you asked that question. I don't use elaborate techniques anymore. Nowadays, I ride the directional focus as far it wants to take me. Meaning, that a simple focus on a forward direction or and direction is normally all it takes to end up some where else. It doesn't take long at all either. This the result or should I say, the reward, for the last 10 years of almost daily practice that I did and still do today.

Constantly using different kinds of focus targets leads to many different experiences. That is why it is good to explore in every way, shape or form that you can!  :-)

I'm wondering now, have you noticed any benefits to doing energy raising (e.g. New Energy Ways)?
Quote from: Lumaza on November 07, 2021, 08:03:42
LOL. "He", "Lionheart", is me! That was a name I first used years ago here on the Astral Pulse.  :wink:

I had suspected this but was confused for a while.  Always wondered where he went, as I've been here since 2012.

Quote from: Lumaza on November 07, 2021, 08:03:42
and it really does work! It teaches you how to "hold" your focus for a extended period of time. Even though you are focused on a "physical bodily" action, it is your "etheric body" that is having all of those sensations. I used what I learned from the Phantom Wiggle and various other proven techniques to create my Doorway thread. I started the Doorway thread with simple focus targets like Geometric shapes and color. But soon I implemented the 6 pt directional focus into it. I still use that today. Like they say, "if it's not broken. don't fix it"!  :-)

With your etheric body so loose, do you even need such elaborate techniques?  I would think a simple falling/rising sensation should be enough, or something like what Frank used to do.
Quote from: Lumaza on November 02, 2021, 16:14:22
Thank you for the fill in Nameless!  :-)

I have talked about the Vehram system and how I utilize it in my Doorway thread. You can also find some great info utilizing a six point focus here in this thread.

I have searched the internet for any updates or info on the Vehram system and have not found very much. I found more info and conversation about it doing a search on this very Forum here, the Astral Pulse. Use the search engine on the top right hand of the page here using the search title "Vehram system". Do your search from the home page though. Otherwise your search will only give results from the sub-forum you are currently in. I know most people know that. I am not so adept on the computer, so I have to find things out the hard way, but "trial and error". A lot of "error" though, lol!  :-D

Ohh I remember this thread, just reread it all.  Damn, I forgot about those Lionheart posts.  He basically says to just spend more time in the NP while awake by creating tug-of-war sensations in all 6 directions from the body.  And that this will make any attempts much more successful.  Can't believe I stopped doing this.  But now I see even less reason to read the entire "Vehram System" book as I feel I now know all there is too it, lol.  Thanks for linking this, I'm now motivated again.

(btw, how I usually search the site is I google: "vehram" points
More readable than with in-site search, but idk if it gets as many results.)
Quote from: Nameless on October 24, 2021, 20:42:27
Hi Kree,

Here on the pulse there are a couple good threads discussing the Vehram System.

And here: (there may be more)

Also try an internet search. Highlight this -> Vehram System and right click with your mouse and click internet search. Hope this helps.

Lumaza asked to me to give you these links. He's a little indisposed right now but will be back when he can. I know he would love to discuss this with you.

Good to hear.
I've looked online but could find little.
I had the pdf a year ago but lost it. I've been interested in the rope technique but the Vehram system seems to be a more advanced version of the same "tug to get out" concept. I wouldn't be surprised if the underlying mechanism behind the techniques is the exact same.

I've read the "Vehram is brilliant" thread but it wasn't very helpful. iirc there are 6 points— I'm assuming for every direction you can move in—and for an OBE you need to pull on at least one of them.

What else is there to this? Can this be used on its own to "phase" from an awake state, or is it solely an "exit method" requiring trance/body-loosening/hypnagogia?
I'm considering learning to sleep while sitting. Sitting seems to be the best position for meditation, but OBEs need complete relaxation, which is harder to achieve when sitting.  If I get used to sleeping sitting, maybe I'll have the perfect OBE position.

Does anyone do this or have any thoughts?