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Messages - vegaone

I will try all the suggestions given. Thanks

I hope God makes it impossible for D to spy or bother anyone.
Quote from: Xanth on September 15, 2016, 12:05:05
So what makes you think this "guy" is targeting you?

As mentioned I have seen him and spoken with him as well in the Etheric dimension. He wants, me to know it's him. If anyone doesn't believe me they're welcome to arrange a time with me for them to come and see for themselves.

Maybe we could create a group here of people who can OBE to the near physical whenever they want. To assist people being bothered in the Etheric. It can be a free or paid service. I myself, personally would pay someone to help in stoping this guy with first name initial 'D' stalking me.
Quote from: RobertForsythe on September 14, 2016, 18:04:02
Under certain circumstances the advice already given above would be good but since you have not provided anything close to enough info on this situation I don't think meaningful replies can be made.

I would like to know how this whole episode got started. How did you meet this person? Why would he be interested in your secrets? What sort of 'secrets' are you talking about? Are you a member of any occult group? What books have you been reading?

There are basic "Psychic self defense" methods for these kinds of situations. What have you tried so far?

I used to work with him and I discovered he was doing something very harmful to people of which I reported (to stop him) and he started targeting me from then on. He's the type of person that if he get's offended once he'll never leave you alone. I'm sure he's doing the same thing to other people as well because it's his nature.

I'm not a member of any occult or any other type of group.

I am researching daily on developing a way to be able to take pictures of the Etheric dimension. I have got an amount of success in designing a camera using things I already know about the Etheric but I need more information. Unfortunately I do not personally know anyone that can Etheric project whenever they want to except for this negative chap that is stalking me. I've tried a few things but they are not effective enough to stop him. I would love to be able to meet someone in person in the physical world who can OBE to the Etheric, I hope, I will.
Quote from: Lumaza on September 13, 2016, 20:56:25
If the "dark soul bugger" is your higher self in disguise it already knows your secrets!  :wink:

I have found myself, especially in the other realms, that sometimes a negative occurrence is a blessing in disguise. It took a while to understand that though. Not everything is "cut and dry" over there. Communication period is something you need to get used to. Communicating is done either through "Telepathy" or tests, quests and challenges. I very rarely get a simple yes or no answer.

Obviously you haven't been paying attention. It is an individual whom is living, I know exactly who it is and in which city he lives in. He has numerous times shown himself to me, he very well wants me to know it's him. People can steal secrets by spying on you which this chap does. If you could see, you'd know my soul is very, very, bright. It's what keeps me alive.

If you think the chap helps, I'd be fully OK with you having him go to you instead.
Quote from: Lumaza on September 13, 2016, 18:20:04
Vegaone, perhaps this "chap" is a blessing in disguise. Perhaps it is the "inspiration" behind your experimentations and new explorations. We don't always have to look at it as a negative. It seems to be creating a deep desire in you to learn more. I see that as a positive.

Once again, changing your mindset, changes your reality!  :-)

Well, the trespasser is spying on me. I really would like to name him.
I appreciate the replies given. I tried the suggestions, unfortunately the chap is a total pest and determined. Finding him still trying to do what he can to harass me I started practicing OBE again but it's so hard - still working on it. I've also started designing a camera to be able to take pictures of the Etheric and I've 40% designed it based on things about the Etheric I already knew. I only need a little more information and I may be able to finish it. Obviously if I do no-one would be able to ever bother anyone on the Etheric plane again. I would appreciate it if anyone would be kind enough to share a little detail of their experience, specifically of what materials when passing through on the Etheric were more dense and less dense, if they could see themselves in a mirror and how artificially produced light looks different if at all while in the near physical dimension.

Greatly appreciated to anyone that can also help with this information sought.

Thank you
Quote from: Xanth on August 30, 2016, 01:36:22
You're not "too attached", you just don't realize exactly what you're trying to do!
You can't force any of this.  The more you "force it", the most your physical body is going to tell you off.

Relax... realize you're a consciousness in a river and allow the current to take you away.

You're simply not allowing that process to take place.  ALLOW yourself to flow.

Instead of forcing I decided to just let the vibrations continue which became more intense to a maximum but I found myself still mostly stuck to my head, I think the other parts of my body are much easier to separate. When concentrating on leaving my body that concentration causes me to be attached to my physical brain. If I don't think I just lie there doing nothing and without the thought method I use to induce the vibrations, the vibrations stop. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

I can get to the vibration stage quite easily but on trying to leave my physical body I find I am still too attached to it, stuck to it. If I really force it I get to the stage where you can hear the buzzing noise but I refrain from continuing so as to not risk it as the amount of strain on my physical body at that point is relatively extreme. Any advice welcome.

I am being regularly harassed by a very evil pompous individual on the Etheric (near physical) dimension whom is still alive and I know exactly who it is. I have been attempting to Etheric Project myself for a while now but it isn't as easy as I hoped. I'm still practicing.

I would very much appreciate it if anyone can answer any of these questions:

1. Would cameras be able to record anyone on the etheric dimension even faintly?

2. Is there any material on the physical plane that is not possible/impossible to pass through while etheric projecting?

3. If someone is willing to discuss with me about coming and seeing for themselves that would also be great.


I'm learning to OBE. From my experience of times I've woken up in the Etheric dimension (near astral) I found it feels the same, it was like I was still lying there in my physical body but I was out. How can you tell you've separated from your physical body when it feels so much the same?


Learning to OBE.

When you want to OBE to the Etheric dimension (near Astral) do you put your physical body to sleep first or just lie down and exit with the physical body still in an awake state ?


I'm looking for Etheric projectors in England for something of importance please pm me if you are able to project easily without too much struggle and I will give details to discuss....

Quote from: ThaomasOfGrey on November 05, 2015, 03:15:14
What is it doing that bothers you? Do you see this entity?

Making verbal attacks, and the scum is also assaulting me.

I'm not sure how but I audio recorded the negative soul saying something once, it's not very clear but is a violent comment.

I've seen him yes, after being awoken during the night and waking up on the etheric plane.

I am being harassed by a very evil pompous individual on the Etheric (near physical) dimension. I would appreciate any advice to deal with the negative soul bothering me.

I am currently practicing towards being able to project myself.

Thank you

If one is in a sleep paralysis state is it possible to project to the Etheric dimension with enough effort?

Quote from: Bluefirephoenix on February 25, 2015, 09:42:17
Why not kinda open up here what is it you really want. That might be more helpful for you.

There was nothing dishonest about my post.
----- -----

The research is looking into the vibrational relation of etheric and physical materials. I'm looking for someone to tell me the physical materials that are more dense when felt while on the etheric plane obviously to find out which physical materials have the highest vibration.
Quote from: Szaxx on February 24, 2015, 22:58:45
EP's are one thing beginners seem to a experience initially. Why don't you learn the art yourself and obtain the relevant info you seek?
The basics require you to stay mentally awake as your body falls to sleep. Once you do this the rest is natural and your instincts tell you what to do.
Be determined and have no fear of anything you experience, this will test you. There's no danger at all despite the crxp on some sites.
A 4 year old can do what you want, its that safe.
Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

I tried, unfortunately I was not successful.
If anyone reading this can etheric project at will anytime please send me a private message. I am seeking someone to help me with a little scientific research which would be mutually beneficial. Thanks.