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Messages - Mustardseed

Quote from: Mustardseed on April 26, 2024, 03:49:27For 3 Days on my birthday late Autumn 2019 I had 3 experiences 3 nights in a row. It was like I was watching an animation of a huge cataclysm, almost like it was done like a cartoon...The whole world was caught in a huge "net"...and it separated the world in zones. Maybe they were borders...but it looked much like this picture I the same time thousands upon thousands of souls left as if in a was quite overwhelming and very emotional. I believe that I understand now 5 years later...what do you think . I am trying different ways to post it...patience pls PS I could use some help Xanth, I cant figure out how to post a picture...sad but true lol
Quote from: Xanth on April 26, 2024, 15:01:30There's an "insert an image" button to the right of the YouTube button on the ribbon at the top of the editor.  Click that, then place your image link there.  :)

Sorry Xanth...I am not a computer asks for a URL height with etc...
For 3 Days on my birthday late Autumn 2019 I had 3 experiences 3 nights in a row. It was like I was watching an animation of a huge cataclysm, almost like it was done like a cartoon...The whole world was caught in a huge "net"...and it separated the world in zones. Maybe they were borders...but it looked much like this picture I the same time thousands upon thousands of souls left as if in a was quite overwhelming and very emotional. I believe that I understand now 5 years later...what do you think . I am trying different ways to post it...patience pls PS I could use some help Xanth, I cant figure out how to post a picture...sad but true lol
Quote from: Xanth on April 20, 2024, 12:13:08Feel free to post your pictures!  :)
Thank you for the kind words Adrian.  It means a lot.  :)  <3 is a little funny as well---I remember when the "old Guard " were somewhat befuddeled at this new guy and his posts ...I cant help giggle at did well :-D
Quote from: Xanth on April 18, 2024, 16:14:32And a big thank you very much to you, sir.  :)

I've got a cron job running every single night to backup the database, so we'll hopefully never have a big loss of data ever again.

Although, that loss was probably one of the only times we ever lost anything.  That's a job well done, if I ever seen it.  :)
Thanks again Xanth so very impressed how you stayed so faithful over the years...respect..I hope all is well in your personal life and look forward to engaging a bit more...can I post a picture I drew describing a Astral Experience I had in this thread? just to keep my post to one thread for now is not really artwork but a visual rendition of the things I saw...a picture dream diary of sorts...I have found that very helpfull...its a a dream diary 2.0
Quote from: Adrian on April 17, 2024, 04:52:48Welcome back MustardSeed. Yes, I remember your excellent contributions a few years ago. As you say, global consciousness is evolving rapidly.
Thankyou...Yes it truly feels like we are actually realizing why we dream....and its spreading like a wild fire...
Quote from: Adrian on April 18, 2024, 02:53:08Yes, although I had Linux cron jobs setup to frequently backup the database, I was away for a while during which time a major database corruption occurred in the error logging table which had a 4Gb limit. I fixed the table and truncated the error log to get everything back online. I also then added a cron job to truncate that table every day to ensure it would not happen again, which it hasn't. Unfortunately however the existing backup schedules did not extend to the period I was away, so all I could do was restore the most recent backup. I then extended the scope of the auto-backups.

Well although I created the forums and kept it running including over several major platform, server and Linux migrations and generally kept things running behind the scenes for over 20 years, despite ever increasing server and software incompatibilities which could not be resolved with the data centre it was hosted with, I recently handed over the reigns to Xanth who did, and is doing an exceptional job in migrating, upgrading and managing the forums for which I am grateful.
You did an amazing thing here literally saved my life, and created life long friends. Life is strange though. As you may or may not remember I had Astral experiences and Lucid dreams since I was a child of about 3 ...I lived with that all my life . I only found out it was not normal in 8th grade. The teacher asked about what we all dream. When the turn came to me I was very confused and said that I did not understand as I dream what I decide I will dream If I want to go to circus I go to circus...I was so confused, and then everyone started laughing. I learned the hard way ...thousands of dreams...and it was not till 2003 I found out I was not a freak...thankyou from my heart. I mostly posted about teaching people to control their dreams and make it stop...and there was that Channeling God thing...but now I am actually having some experiences that are rather I am back ad look forward to posting. Thanks again for all your has been truly appreciated by many more than I think you realise
Quote from: Adrian on April 17, 2024, 04:52:48Welcome back MustardSeed. Yes, I remember your excellent contributions a few years ago. As you say, global consciousness is evolving rapidly.
Thankyou the days when I posted I was trying to understand the in my later years I live by them...whatever happened to the 900 first post...did you ever find out why they were lost? Thanks again for all your effort with this platform. you really have my respect
From my Diary:
Became lucid lying down and rolled out of my body and stood up and started to slowly spin as I do while i moved further away from my body looking for a door or window... i observed a floor square like a door and lifted it and there was a stairway going I decended i started rolling power balls in my hands to light the room and shot them into the downstairs cas a cellar of sorts and there was a chair of very basic hewn wood...I sat down on the chair and immediately I was surrounded by a circle of light and had the sensation of moving up very fast..I came to myself in front of what seemed to be a conveyor belt in a slaughterhouse... moving large slabs of meat to a floor above...I stepped on the belt and slowly went up...up at the second level i was in a huge circular hall of sorts...a dome...and along the wall stood maybe 20 grey the belt flattened out i noticed humans with clipboards and plastic labels marking and assigning the meat. Suddenly I started focusing on the slabs of meat and realized it was human body parts...legs arms intestines...all being sorted as in a harvest that moment one of the guys with a clipboard and white coat suddenly saw me and looked at me and are not supposed to be here...then he looked at the greys at the wall and they started moving toward me...I decided to leave....end Diary
Quote from: Nameless on April 09, 2024, 16:26:17Hi MS, glad to see you back with a purpose. I sense these particular events are a bit disturbing for you. I could be projecting my own past and present concerns though. I can't say I have had numerous events similar to this but a few. I have the sense some of them do not like to be found out as in when they notice WE do SEE them. I have questions for sure but often don't know how to pose them. It's fascinating on the whole but discretion and self-preservation are necessary tools.
Hi...all. Just so we are on the same page. I am very at ease now. I am almost 70 and have lived with this condition all my life. It has always been there in the background. I have used it a lot for various purposes...mostly to find out where people are really at. It appears that my WILDS are partly my subconsious "higher" self showing me what it observed
Throughout my life I have met many "entities" but never met one I could not control. I met several ...many of them repeatedly, but they all left when I asked them to.
In the scenario I am about to post...I was a bit shook up...and for the first time...I had to exit...It was quite intimidating. Its takes me a bit to write it down...hang on
Hello all. Well here goes. I have had Astral experiences all my life as a child and young man and now as an old man
Here is from 2007 Diary
I am outside my body watching it on the bed...over me stands a blonde beautiful woman...slightly bent over...I am in both my body and outside...I watch myself asking or rather demanding the woman show me her true self...and then I shift to watching outside as the woman turns into a Grey he (it) sees me outside the body he disappears in a glimmer of a implosion

Last Saturday I met that entity again...and
Hello everybody. This is my first post in many years . I hope there are still some of the olĀ“timers here. I would like to re engage with the forum, and explain how my journey took twists and turns. We have all come a long way. Recently I have had some WILDS that all end up in the same location and I would like to discuss...if we are all starting to dream similar dreams...My best regards to you all Mustardseed
Hi everybody...I wonder how many of the old timers are around, but to those of you who are interested...I have been doing well...learning to use my lucid dreams in my actual life ...and I am about to dox myself and speak openly about my experiences...wish me well
Hi everyone out there...i have decided to get involved again...i dont know why...but I am...lots of years have gone by...I had time to think reflect and pray..i am ready to Channel Him...again. This is not because i want to, but because He asked me to...anyone of you who remember me say hi..those who do not..hi. Life is a crazy ride. I love you all and if you have a question for God...feel free to ask...regards Mustardseed
Quote from: Xanth on May 03, 2015, 15:11:52
People DID meet Frank, the image of him on the Frank Kepple Resource was taken on one such occasion.
This means he DID live in the UK at some point, and because he met someone, I highly doubt he would have used a fake name.
There is no IP address on file here for him anymore.  It would have been wiped after one of the several server/software changes.

If he was a fake with a fake name... it doesn't add up.  Everything he did on this forum goes completely contrary to the idea that he was a fraud.

I can't speak regards to how he felt towards RB, Adrian, etc...
I'm not too keen on RB myself.  He's only serves his own pocketbook, which I can't really fault him for though.
What I can fault him for is being a fearmonger and spreading fear.  He reduces people's spiritual progress, he doesn't help them.
My firm opinion is to stay away from most of what Robert Bruce has to say, but make your own decisions.

Adrian... what I can tell you about him is that he's one of the nicest people I've ever met.  We've had extensive chats and I've never once felt any ounce of animosity.  He's extremely kind and VERY understanding.
I never said he was a fraud....I am not called Mustardseed are probably also protecting your identity...having a screen name....

As far as I understand his morals are not called into your emotional retaliation, and namecalling is not really called for Xanth, I always had a good connection w RB...And stil do, we are all different, but in my opinion he had a somewhat volatile attitude to those who did not see eye to eye with him...that was all

Good to see u r still around.....didnt we have a few heated arguments as well Xanth? I think I remember 😏
Yes...been looking for him for a while now.....seems its building up , but I still need a bit of time.
While I cannot tell you where or who he is...I can tell you a lot about him as a person, and whoever said he was a he.....there were a few of us back then who PMd a lot, the posts were conviniently "lost" so was a bunch of my own posts. What I do know is that he had a temper, he was volatile, and very upset at RB, his reaction was to use his focus areas as a skeleton , to avoid the more mystical approach that RB advocated. I chatted with him on several occations and he was very upset with RB, Adrian and myself.....he told me he had health problems in 2003 when I joined the forum. He claimed to live in switzerland! Near a border...good luck
That was quite a time wasnt it...
It all started with a song I heard on the interesting song to say the least. As I listened I was very moved and felt that wierd trickle in my spine and around the base of my spinal chord, that I had way back when I channelled God.

I have learned from experience not to ignore that are the words..

"Losing My Religion"

Oh life, it's bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no, I've said too much
I've said enough

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, I've said too much
I haven't said enough

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper
Of every waking hour
I'm choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool
Oh no, I've said too much
I've said enough

Consider this
Consider this, the hint of the century
Consider this, the slip
That brought me to my knees, failed
What if all these fantasies come
Flailing around
Now I've said too much

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, I've said too much
I haven't said enough

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
Try, cry, why try
That was just a dream
Just a dream
Just a dream, dream


I really felt someone wanted to speak and so I decidee to listen
Hello everybody
Oh bigger....its bigger than you and you are not me...the lenghts I will go to...the distance in your eyes...oh no I said too much I said it all....thats me in the corner.

As my life changes once again in the most profound of ways, I have decided to take up my AP presence for a very specific purpose....I would like to ask for your patience and love as I try to explain what I have been up to for so many years, and form a sort of fellowship of old friends.

Some might remember me, but very few I expect. I started out a long ago on the AP...time happened ....and now I would like to come back....wiser...older....and hopefully with a good deal more understanding and love.

I will start my new conversations shortly, and would appreciate any comments anyone wants to add but will as I always tried to do...stay away from heated arguments and unkindness....I would like you all to try your best to help me be

My best wishes to you all ...old friends and new

Regards Mustardseed

Ps....I was not sure about the thread name and had to think I changed it to what I really will be doing. This could be quite a ride....and I know it will raise eyebrows and maybe a few sharp comments. If it gets too rowdy I ask that the moderators step in......I believe it can be done and I have my mind set
Hi all

In recent years it appears that abductions , ufo observations, demonic activity, as well as certain astral phenomena are on a dramatic increase. Each beliefsystem has their own explanation and very specific terminology, and extensive arguments and much negativity is wasted as a result.

I have had several experiences in my life with differet re occurring entities, and have questions......

I would like to propose a system of classification of different entities to cross reference demon-elemental-alien- and see if they are the same and act the same. It is a conundrum that astral travellers have learned to deal with these entities, and where most UFO enthusiasts seem very fearful and Christians as well for that matter, certain abduction have now been foiled and maybe we could add experience.

It is reported that most abductions happen in certain focus areas and it is theorized that bineural beats as well as electric bypass are used, to make people exit. The marks on the body are well known among shamans as well.

So whatta ya think. I will start with my own observation of 2 specific beings that i have encountered on numerous occations

Regards Mustardseed

PS here is an interestink link
Ok we are 2....already a force to be recogned with
Quote from: Stookie_ on September 18, 2012, 11:48:13
I've mentioned this several times in the past, but I think it's possible that a lot of "aliens" are elementals that have fallen from their path, whose goal is to experience the physical world, but can't, so they use, trick, and deceive humans into believing they are all kinds of things they aren't, like gods/creators, or technologically advanced civilizations. They want our attention and for us to give up our will, whatever it takes, so they can come off as good, bad, scary, evil, or neutral. The best thing to do is not give them any attention at all - they feed off it, and if they don't get it, they'll eventually fall back into their necessary path. These are also the beings behind a lot of channeling, ouija boards, & automatic writing. Again, they'll tell you anything, as long as they get your attention (and eventually, your will).
Hi Stokes :-)
Long time . Well I thought of that and really is that not exactly what christians say demons do and are. You say patata i say potatoe :-)
Not giving them any attention is good advice for some. Not all. If you would have told me that at 20 years of age suffering from sleep paralasys and having very unwanted abrupt obes at any given time, and thats part of my story mind you....telling me "not to give them any attention" would be as empathic as Barbra Bush coining the phrase ...."just say no" :-)

If we respect people we accept their experience, if there is a read thread why not look call it what you want...i think its worth a try lets not get seperated into mystic and rational or elemental devil demor or alien who gives a s...what they are called...the question is do they act as a spicies or several species..wildlife what how with who why...lots of questions

I will start the threat...let me think now what could we call it...:-)
Yea well i was proposing comparing PAST experiences to see if we could find common denominators :-)
Dear Xanth
How are you. I find that a very subjective and rather disparing comment, :-)  apparently for some it DOES matter. Just like astral experiences there are people who struggle to integrate this new reality and with due espect who are we to say abductions are not real.

In any case I would like to get in touch with folks who are experienced dealing with unwanted attention in the astral dimension. This is basically what it is all about.

As I mentioned this site has chosen to be a apologist type of site, but since Frank introduced his adapted Monroe model, there has been a schism in the AP and any who consider a mystic approach is often sort of marginalized.

People suffer with this Todd and any help is .....a help:-)

Do you yourself have anything to give , i suppose you have had a lot of astral experience, if so pls share

Regards Mustardseed
Lots were lost early on at least 3 yrs i think, Adrian would know if they are in the archice :-)