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Messages - fatfooty

Quote from: LightBeam on August 04, 2021, 11:57:40
You have just identified your very limitations whether you realize it or not. They will keep you where you are until you open your mind. And who will witness your attempts for you to get embarrassed? They are strictly yours, you don't have to share them or demonstrate them with anyone that is not aligned with your beliefs. Everything happens within yourself. On the exterior, be kind to everyone, do everything with love and you will start attracting like events and people. In the interior within your mind you can practice AP, meditate, ask the universe for guidance, pay attention to all events in your life and think what are the lessons, am I learning them or am I blaming external sources.
If you don't understand what am I saying then there is nothing else I can do for you at this point, as you need to go through all grades first before graduating. We have provided you with the seeds to grow opportunities for knowledge ( you asked for suggestions and now you don't accept them). It's up to you if you want to take these seeds, nurture them and let them sprout. Or you  can ignore them and continue being stuck where you are. Eventually though every spirit learns, it just takes hundreds of thousands of life times if not more of challenges to get there. But you will.

I will not post on this topic any more as your time to understand is not here yet. Hopefully you will recall this information when you are ready in your own time.

Okee smiles if I choose to reply any different I probably wouldn't have those LightBeam replies so thanks buwahahaha :D
Quote from: LightBeam on August 04, 2021, 10:44:28
Read my first reply. Knowledge can not be given. It has to be achieved by each person via self learning and first hand experiences. Change your attitude, work on your believes, ask the universe to present you with opportunities to learn, recognize these lessons to extract knowledge. Everything that is happening to you is a lesson. Ask yourself, am I learning from each challenging situation, or am I blaming external sources. Take actions to become the best version of your character, forgive without repentance, and walk with love.

Oh I think you forgot the do the happy dance and the smile while you fart :P
I really hope life was this simple but I would look kinda silly if I were to try this in public. I live in a sad themed society and I am from a religious background as well. So I would feel very embarrassed and weird if I attempted such things. But hey thanks anyway...
Quote from: LightBeam on August 02, 2021, 10:49:44
-There is no one/or group of entities who controls the spirits lives and set up pain and suffering to watch and enjoy.

Are you really sure about this? Then why do I have this undeniable doubt that there is indeed someone maybe from far a far who is watching our very struggle while laughing their asses off of it? Your claim being valid depends on whether an all seeing eye mechanism exists or not, which is quite hard to investigate from a limited perspective. See now day computers are indeed like Galadriel once said, a mirror that can show everything to a degree, this is quite the case for a computer to be able of showing the lives of every human who roamed the earth. A computer if equipped with an all seeing eye software can indeed do this job and in real time as well. So a being with certain access to this device can indeed watch the very struggle of every man or woman and if they are the kind of ultimate scumm, they'll be laughing and enjoying it as well. The all seeing eye symbolism has been present since too long and I believe that with the rise of technology, that it can become a reality for the luckiest few if not it being the case actually.
Quote from: Xanth on August 03, 2021, 14:21:03
I'm beginning to see how you think now...

Haha are you sure? Did you simply trust what I said? I can be crazy sometimes, I can even not make sense at all, so how did you come to this weirdest conclusion?
Ok using a similar interpretation technique like yours, I would assume you wanted me to ask some questions in a previous post:
Well here I have this one for you that's been haunting me since a long while now:
How does meaning arise from meaningless symbols? Do the symbols of every alphabet have any meaning or are they just random pictograms and sounds?
There's another form to this question: Does "god" speak gibberish? Why? Because gibberish is the closest to the unknown...
Quote from: Xanth on August 02, 2021, 22:37:23
The only way to answer this is to not look at the "sickness and misery", but all of the good and light there is in this world.

Ignoring the negative things while they exist is not a good strategy to deal with life, it is a form of dangerous escape. Are you up for the thrills? However ignoring them while they DO NOT exist is different of course and I may agree with you that this is a good way to live. Being too positive can turn humans into silly dumb beings that do not think for themselves or the others. A little selfish moment could lead to a better realization of "the corruption" that is and can strike at any moment if neglected.
@Xanth @LightBeam

Thanks for your replies but I do not agree with everything you have said.

How do I know the non sense and bluffing?

Well isn't it obvious? If it's not instant or close to instant yielding results then why shall I ever look for the non physical or the uncommon? If there is no magic in it just a mere copy of the sick physical reality that is built on endless demands of give me this expensive sum for your desires then why shall I ever think about it? It's the potential value of the other worlds that draws me to this area of thoughts, what else then? Sorry if i'm being arrogant in my speech to you but that's how it is and how I see it now. I know that I have personal desires and I won't be satisfied unless (may be) I have them all fulfilled at little to no cost of course. Because this world business wasn't my creation, a system of greedy trades that do not care about the well being of the minority or that of the individuals, I do not buy into this sick system of beliefs. >:( If you ever wanted something and your desire for it was eternal are you willing to keep paying for that thing forever to obtain it? This doesn't make sense at all, it's just another form of slavery, and thus I believe that (some??) desires shall be free to obtain as long as there is no one complaining. May be the non physical is the answer to my quest or may be it's technology, I still do not know it for sure...
Quote from: Xanth on July 20, 2021, 20:15:20
To add to Naykid, it took me well over 10 years to figure this stuff out.

Nobody here is going to pull you out, but what we CAN do is help guide you and answer your questions.
So far, you haven't asked any.

Tell us what you're currently trying... maybe what books you're reading... maybe how long you've been trying for... and then we can actually help you.  :)

You know what, I am not a big fan of reading long books, my biggest wish is to figure out a way to get directly to the exact point that I am missing, while skipping all the non sense and bluffing. But although I do not like it, I still have to browse through and read some internet articles, I only read an ebook if I find it interesting enough, call me lazy or crazy, I take no offense...

Also I see no point in struggling for an answer. Why shall I struggle to get to my wish or desire? Is it to prove my worth? But to prove it to who? Is there a higher council or entity that governs our lives? Then where are they now? Why they keep running a desperate world full of sickness and misery? Is it for their own enjoyment? Those suckers do not deserve their status and this doesn't make any sense to me...
Quote from: Naykid on July 14, 2021, 15:13:14

Next time you're trying and you feel stuck, ask someone to help you.  I did that once and was immediately grabbed by my ankles.  Of course I freaked out like a bonehead but I don't think I actually believed anyone would, it wasn't even something I thought about, it just thought, "help me, I'm stuck!" and someone did. I started yelling and kicking my feet and my husband said I was kicking my feet and making noise so he nudged me and brought me completely out of the experience.  I don't know why it scared me so, but there ya are.   :-P

The people around here obviously have no clue about these mystical teachings of astral projection or similar, that's why i said i feel stuck, so my only escape plan is that i could ask for help on the web T_T :cry:
Quote from: Nameless on July 11, 2021, 18:31:04
To go out of your body you must go inward. To my knowledge people who get pulled out have already reached projection point.

The three spatial degree of freedoms that i'm actually aware of are the usual left right front back up down axes, i find it difficult to figure out the fourth spatial dimension, that is inward outward, except when i close my eyes and go visually blank...
How would one browse the akashic records using a computer, is there an app or tool for this, like an akashic browser may be?
This did not go as expected, still unable to project, is there anyone who cares for me in this world? lol :P
Could someone please pull my astral body out of my physical body? I feel like I am stuck here... Also I am not a big fan of jumpscares, so please be gentle :P

I am going to bed right now, I'll try and wait for a real experience :)
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Reincarnation
October 20, 2016, 19:50:32
Quote from: Xanth on October 20, 2016, 19:32:29
You call it "being alive".

This reality which we call the "physical reality" is nothing more than one of an infinite number of "astral" realities.

Do you mean that there are some other ME living different lives in some other realities? And what if I can shift my focus to them? Can I become one of them? Is this how it should be?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Reincarnation
October 20, 2016, 17:37:22
Quote from: Xanth on October 20, 2016, 17:28:55
You can project just fine.  You do it each and every time you fall asleep at night and are, in fact, doing it right this very second.  This physical reality experience you're having is every bit a "projection" as anything else.  The problem isn't if you're able to project or not... the problem is your extremely narrow definition of what constitutes a "projection".  You've had thousands.

I am projecting all the time? Why I am not aware of this?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Reincarnation
October 20, 2016, 16:06:54
Quote from: Xanth on October 20, 2016, 12:58:08
Reincarnation is an interesting topic.

I've come to believe it's kind of like this:

Think about your life as you know it right now.
Now think about everything that's PHYSICAL in your life.
Your body, your children and partner (if you have), your material possessions.
Now think about everything that's NON-PHYSICAL in your life.
It's harder to put these things into language... but things like your feeling towards others, the intent behind the actions you've taken and the words you've spoken.

When your physical body here ceases to function (you die), those things which are PHYSICAL stay here.  They don't come with you.  Those things which are NON-PHYSICAL come with you.  
The non-physical things strip away EVERYTHING physical.  The parts which you identify as YOU, are gone.  Only the meat of your experiences, the Intent behind what you've learned is what moves on.

Those things probably aren't lost entirely, they're just not important.  Yup.  I said it.  Beyond using them to gain experience, the things which are physical ARE NOT important.
Then what is important to your life?  What's important is how you interacted with the physical things.  Did you interact with a Love-based Intent?  Or did you interact with a Fear-based Intent?

I think that when you die, what you are right now ceases to exist.  What is beyond that, I couldn't say.  

So you mean my body will rot and go back to earth dust but my other self my mind and my spirit will survive the death event?
Will I come back as a new child in a new family in a different country (because here it sucks)?
Will I have a different life like I become social lucky and briefly a good gentleman or is it gonna be same as this miserable life of mine? It's also funny when I think about it :D
I have another question sir :) If it happens so that I cannot astral project in this lifetime which is 99% the expected scenario, will I have a better success rate in a next lifetime?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Reincarnation
October 20, 2016, 11:51:47
Please answer me!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Reincarnation
October 18, 2016, 18:26:28
The website at claims that we have all evolved from lower lifeforms and that all of us have past and future life times.

So what are your views on reincarnation?
Do you think it's possible for someone to live life again and that reincarnation is what happens after death?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Perception
September 27, 2016, 18:58:25
Does your perception of reality change after you project?
Do you get new senses? Could you please describe them?
Quote from: RobertForsythe on September 25, 2016, 16:34:26
fatfooty, that link you gave goes to download that looks very fishy to me.

Why don't you just quickly summarize a few of the key points?

To say you don't believe in Satan is like saying you don't believe in gravity. Satan is just an anthropomorphized version of a naturally occurring force that is pervasive throughout creation.

Satan (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן‎‎ satan, meaning "enemy" or "adversary"; Arabic: شيطان‎‎ shaitan, meaning; "astray", "distant", or sometimes "devil") is a figure appearing in the texts of the Abrahamic religions who brings evil and temptation, and is known as the deceiver who leads humanity astray.

Many people find opposition to be scary and being led astray to be evil, thus these characteristics are ascribed to him.

That link works, you just need to wait 5 sec and click the skip button that should appear on top of the page.

Satan is a natural force? Do you mean that we are evil by nature? Explain more please : )
Quote from: Nameless on September 25, 2016, 14:24:26
N/A and

Are you sure?
This website claims that he exists and that he's indeed our true creator!
What should I believe? I'm super confused!
Quote from: LightBeam on September 25, 2016, 13:42:12
Why do you think it's a he? lol
He is by common sense a masculine figure, a fallen angel from the heavens but I don't believe this crap.
May be you should read the information on this link:
Does he exist?
Is he evil?
Is he scary?
Did anyone meet him while astral projecting?
Root:      under-active   (-62%)
Sacral:   open         (-6%)
Navel:   under-active   (-56%)
Heart:   under-active   (-19%)
Throat:   under-active   (-25%)
Third Eye:   under-active   (-50%)
Crown:   under-active   (-50%)

I'm bad in everything!
So today I went to the barber shop to have a haircut. I felt something that I can't explain when the man held his hand on my head. It was like a pressure all around my brain. It wasn't painful (may be some very little pain) but back then I felt like I was going to die and I thought I couldn't breath for a while. I should tell you that I was born asthmatic. I had this same pressure thing last year and I felt like something was moving inside my brain specifically at the back of my head. So now that I had this feeling twice (or perhaps a little bit more) I have no clue what it is. The feeling does bother me even that there was no pain.
I should add that last year I felt another pressure in my heart. Also I had depression and my doctor diagnosed me with schizophrenia. I take a medecine now. It's called risperidone. But I feel like I am a normal person. Even my doctor reduced the dose for me.
Oh by the way, yesterday when I tried to meditate, I lied in bed, closed my eyes and I saw a blurry white screen. I got some weak vibrations on my head. I couldn't hold the vibrations so I just stopped.
I think I will ask my doctor about the pressure but before that may be you know what it was.
I read on some website that opening the third eye have similar symptoms. I didn't open my third eye neither I did succeed at astral projection but I'm trying to see the astral world and may be I'm activating some chakras doing that but I really have no idea what chakras feel like.
So what was it guys the pressure thing? Am I just having a hallucination? Or is it really something that matters?
Please tell me what you think.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Astral World
September 01, 2016, 22:20:47
Does the astral world look like the physical one?