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Messages - PeacefulWarrior

This is the first time I've logged in to AP in a LONG time. How are things going? I have "moved on" in some ways (I don't have the same kinds of questions or the desire to discuss OBEs in and of themselves...I don't mean to say I am not interested in things mystical) but still love to see people interested and engaged in the discussion of states of consciousness beyond the physical.

So, I send my love and express my desire to help end the suffering of all beings.

May all beings be happy. May God, both He who exists as our Father and our own inner God, bless you as you strive with honesty and diligence to expand through compassion and will power.

If I can guess what this is, my buddy will buy me lunch.  Help me out please!  Thanks!

My happiest moments are when I see through the illusion and realize that I can be in total and utter control of it ALL.  The difficult, however, is that when the glimpse is gone, I am back residing within the innumerable egos that tell me (just like they tell you), "You're not happy until you get_____," or "That person should not have done_________."  But, not to worry, we are here to overcome and overcome we must.

I am also the happiest when I realize everything that God has given me, namely a wonderful spouse and beautiful children whom I am to teach and guide so they can begin the work of awakening their true, inner selves.
I posted this in the Spiritual Evolution forum, but since nearly any topic is permissible here, please forgive me if I post it here as well since I think many of you will be interested in this.  I also want to say hello to any and all of my "old friends" here.  I've been around since nearly the beginning (2001/2?) and used to be a moderator here for a while.  Now, before I go on, once you really get into this post I must warn you that you might be a bit "turned off" by all of the mystical jargon.  I know had I run into a post like this when I first began frequenting these forums, I might simply though, "WTH?"  So, if that's the case, that's fine, this may not be for you, at least at this time.  Furthermore, please excuse the hasty manner in which I am throwing this out there; I had just finished an email when it came to me, "Hey, you should hop over to AP and put this out there," so my punctuation, diction, etc. isn't all one-hundred percent, but then again most people don't care as much as I do.

In years past I spent a great deal of time fretting over attempting to have the OBE with some success, but it was not until I re-focused on what I know matters most: cleaning my inner vessel (destroying my egos and trying to awaken my true, inner consciousness), doing compassionate service for others and trying to be mindful at all times, did things begin to really fall into place for me.  I'm happier than ever now and I am living my life in such a way that I am sad I ever put so much stock into "Astral Traveling."  Now, don't take me wrong, I'm not hear preaching for or against the OBE, it's a natural thing and has the potential to unlock so much, but it is one phenomena in one particular aspect, or vehicle, of the consciousness and is by no means the end all, be all of spiritual reality.  If you're naturally having OBEs, then attempt to meditate on why and be mindful of what you're doing in that state.  If you're doing so, or desiring to do so out of some egotistical desire, then BEWARE.

The following is an excerpt from an email to my dear friend Freedom.  He is a wonderful person I met some time ago when he saw the image of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life on my computer at work.  After a one hour conversation, we were recommending books and discussing profound truths.  Don't you love when things like that happen?  I suppose they happen online all the time, but nothing beats meeting someone in the flesh and realizing that there are no coincidences in life.

I also mention Frank in the treatise (I added some commentary).  I don't mean to judge frank, and I suppose I did.  I think, however, that his purely objective, rational view of the greater reality is a reflection of one who is developing his powers with the ego which, as some of you know, can be quite dangerous.

Love to all!

The email:

OK, I have a couple of minutes, so I am going to respond to a few things you wrote which I found interesting and compelling.  First of all you wrote, " I was told to stay away from astral traveling.  There is too much negative energy there."  The negative energy, including "evil" entities that one might confront would generally be negative aspects of oneself.  This is vital to realize. Winston Churchill's quote that "There is nothing to fear but fear itself," is actually a profound truth.  As you know, what must be conquered is our false-selves, our egos, and once we destroy the demons within our SELF, we realize our true, inner being.  In other words, it's about awakening the consciousness.  Every religion, every bit of knowledge is really just a tool to help us understand what must be done, but the doing of this "work" is up to us.  That's why I love that quote you shared.  The knowledge is key, but it's about overcoming knowledge in the end too and experiencing the absolute, limitless light and, thus, becoming one with the Father and even moving beyond that.

I have to start working on a presentation/training I have, but let me leave you with this.  I didn't write it, but it's a very objective description of "reality." I am not necessarily espousing everything you'll read here (I don't understand nor, obviously, do I have experential knowledge of these things, but I do intuitively understand them and I found this to be a very well-done, easy to understand explanation (enjoy!- oh yeah, and I bolded some sections and made some commentary...take the time to look this over, I'm anxious to hear how much of this is new and how much you've already heard...I assume you are more steeped in Buddhist/Hindu explanations but maybe I'm wrong):

The Ray of Creation

Before the dawn of the Mahamanvantara (the great cosmic day), Nothing (No-Thing/Eternal Siety) existed. All that was, was the Omeyocan (Nahuatl), the Absolute Abstract Space. It is here that the womb of the ocean of Divine Mother Space resides, waiting to be fecundated by the Eternal Cosmic Common Father in order to initiate the dawn of creation.
The womb of the Divine Mother Space is the Absolute, it is that which is the Siety, the original point of departure of everything existent.

The Absolute – Three Aspects

1. Ain (Hb: Nothing)- the unmanifested Absolute, the womb of the ocean of Divine Mother Space. This is where only the wind and the darkness exists.

2. Ain Soph (Hb: Limitless)- This is our atomic star that sends it's Ray into the world in order to be cognizant of its own happiness. This is the Star of Bethlehem, that which guides the path of the Boddhisatva. This is the original point of departure, where everything comes from in the beginning of the Mahamanvantara and where everything returns during the Mahapralaya.

3. Ain Soph Aur (Hb: Limitless Light)–The Ray of Creation. This is the Cosmic Christ, Quetzlcoatl (Nahuatl), Okidanok (Gurdjieff), Vishnu (Sans), Kukulcan (Mayan), etc. This is the source of all life and light in the universe. It is the ray that sacrifices itself in order to give birth to the multiple realms and forms upon the eternal Tree of Life. It Sacrifices itself in order to undergo multiple transformations, becoming more and more dense, more complicated so as to give life opportunity upon various planes of existence.

The Ray of Creation begins in the Absolute and ends in the Inferno, Avitchi, Greek Tarturus, or submerged Mineral Kingdom.

It is within the Absolute that we find the first cosmos. That is, the first order.

The tree of life represents both a macrocosm and microcosm; it is a map of both the organization of the universe and of man. The Tree of Life (Hb: Otz Chiim), is the result of the multiple transformations, sacrifices, sufferings of the Ray of Creation. We use the symbol itself in order to comprehend and place all of the various activities of the Cosmic Christ in every region of nature.

There are seven cosmos, each with their own laws. The laws depend upon the density and complexity of the Ray of Creation. The ray always begins in the subtle departments of Spirit and descends gradually into the complexities and density of matter.

The Ray of Creation begins in the Absolute, with the Protocosmos.

Each cosmos has its own laws. The unique law, the law of the Absolute exists within the first cosmos. The Protocosmos is infinitely divine, ineffable. No mechanical principle exists within it. It is governed by one unique Law, the Law of the Will of the Father, the Law of Love.

The law of the first cosmos is converted into three laws in the second cosmos. Thus there are 3 laws that govern the Ayocosmos. When we get further and further from the central, spiritual sun, governed by the unique law, we penetrate into more and more complicated worlds with more laws.

The physical plane is where 48 laws reign. Below the crust of the Earth is the first infradimensional zone, governed by 96 laws. The density of this region has increased, as each atom possesses 96 atoms of the Absolute within its intimate nature. Below this, the second infradimensional zone exists which possesses 192 laws, and each atom possesses 192 atoms of the Absolute. Each zone within the infernal dimensions increases in materialism in a horrific way. These are the Klipoth.

There are three principles which exist within the Absolute. These are the three Gunas, which are called Satya, Rajas and Tamas. They are in perfect balance within the Mahapralaya, the Great Cosmic Night. When they are not in balance or repose, there is a spin into motion, a spin out of the Absolute, which is the cause of the dawning of the Great Cosmic Day.

Satya – Wisdom
Rajas – Longing
Tamas – Movement

The Ray descends from the Absolute, the Ain Soph Aur into the first Sephirah:
Kether unfolds into the next two sephiroth, thus manifesting the Holy Triamazicamno.
Triamazicamno (Gurdjieff: see Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson) : the Holy Law of Creation, the three primary forces; 1. Holy Affirming +, 2. Holy Denying -, 3. Holy Reconciling =
This trinity is the Logos. It is a tri-unity, one but also three. The Law of Three creates and creation itself is God.
As the Gospel of John describes it....
"In the beginning was the Word (Kether) and the Word was with God (Chockmah), and the Word was God (Binah)."
The trinity unfolds within every atom (Proton +, Neutron =, Electron -). There are three forces present in all things. These are the Affirming (man), denying (woman) and Reconciling (Prometheus, the sexual force) forces.
The Trinity is recognized in every religion:
1. Kether (Hb. Crown): The Father; Brahma; Huehueteotl; Wotan; Osiris; Tepeu-Kokumatz
2. Chockmah (Hb. Wisdom): The Son; Vishnu; Quetzalcoatl; Sigfried; Horus; Kukulcan
3. Binah (Hb. Understanding): The Holy Spirit; Shiva; Tlaloc; Thor; Isis;

The Logos is the Spritiual Sun which is One in Three. It is also the Divine Androgynous, Two in One. It is Ometecuhtli-Omecihuatl, the Lord (Nahuatl: Tecuhtli) and Lady (Nahuatl: Cihuatl) of Duality (Nahuatl: Ome). Thus it is Mary or Ram-IO and Joseph or IO-Sephas. These masculine and feminine principles conceive the universe with their holy sexual act.

The Logos is the Multiple Perfect Unity. It is the Holy Sun, RA. It shines within every Star and every Planet. The immensity of the light that is given by the Cosmic Christ (Logos) it is the force that creates. This immense amount of light is organized in every cosmos by seven principle Logoi. These Logoi are seven Cosmo-Creators or Archangels. They are Perfect incarnations of the Cosmic Christ, perfect Monads that are fused with the Logos. These seven Archangels are the Spiritual representations of seven universal principles. These seven universal principles are the means of the organization of the light that is being created by the Holy Triamazicamno. This is the Law of Seven, the Holy Heptaparaparshinock.

Heptaparaparshinock (Gurdjieff): The Law of Seven, Organization.
There are seven notes in an octave and seven colors or rays on the electromagnetic spectrum. "In the beginning was the Word (Logos)..." That Logos is sound, vibration, light, movement etc which is always organized within the Law of 7. There are three sephiroth that represent the Triamazicamno and seven sephiroth below that.
The Cosmo-Creators are one with the Logos. They are seven Logoi. Thus the Cosmic Christ manifests within the Triamazicamno and the Heptaparaparshinock.

Each one of the seven cosmocreators emanates from itself zillions of Monads.
Monad: (Gr) from the Greek word Monas (unity). The Monad itself is the Intimate Spirit. It is our own particular Inner Being that manifests in the universe in order to reach absolute and complete self-realization. The Being is the Tree of Life, it must realize Itself in every region of the Tree of Life, Kether down to Malkuth and everything in between. The Monad is Chesed/Gedulah which is Mercy/Love. Within Chesed (the Inner Being) are the Divine Soul (Geburah: Justice) and the Human Soul (Tiphereth: Beauty). Thus the Monad is made of three principles:
1. Chesed: (Atman) The Inner Being that rides the back of the feathered serpent in order to enter into cosmic manifestation. It manifests be the sacrifice of its own Cosmic Father, one of the seven Archangels that rules creation. It descends through one of these seven rays according to the spiritual idiosyncrasy of that particular Monad. He is King Arthur.
2. Geburah: (Buddhi) The feminine soul where all of the most precious cosmic elements of the Being are placed. She is Queen Guinevere.
3. Tiphereth: (Tiphereth) The Human Soul. This is the reflection of the two previous aspects of the Monad which is sent by the Intimate to descend into the world to fight the battle of the antitheses. It is the reflection of the Human Soul that initially descends, this reflection itself is called the Essence or Buddhata.

The Buddhata descends into the world in order to give the Monad the chance to conquer the inferior regions of nature, namely, the four elements. These four elements are given to the Monad by DIVINE MOTHER NATURE. They are actually four principle elements that are called the four protoplasmatic bodies or vehicles. They are as follows:
1. Mind or Lunar Mental Body(Netzach)
2. Emotion or Lunar Astral Body* (Hod)
3. Vital Body or Etheric Double (Jesod)
4. Physical Body (Malkuth)

The Logos is not created, but is only potential in us. We must complete the three mountains in order to realize this within ourselves. This is the path of self-realization.

Quetzlcoatl was the Aztec Christ, represented as a serpent bird. It is said that he flew to the Earth with sparks on his wings. These sparks are the individual Monads. Our Monad has to create its Tree of Life. The Logos is only a potential in us. Its creation is the intimate self-realization of the Being.

Thus Divine Mother Nature has given these four bodies to the Monad for its work. These four protoplasmatic bodies synthesize into three seeds or principles because the vital and physical bodies are always connected. These three principles are synthesized within the creative mercury of any individual, within the sexual forces of Jesod-Mercury. These three seeds must be transformed into solar vehicles, the Solar Bodies, the Mercabah.

The Father Who Is In Secret has also placed three seeds of itself within Jesod-Mercury. These three seeds are the seeds of the Holy Triamazicamno, without which all creation would be impossible. This gives the creativity to the sexual glands. This gives the forces, if transmuted inwards and upwards as taught in the Arcanum AZF, and potential for the Holy Spirit to descend and create a Human Being from a Humanoid animal.
Thus we have three lunar seeds given by Divine Mother Nature and three seeds given by the Holy Father all synthesized within Jesod.

This is the rough ashlar of the medieval alchemists and masons. The brute stone must be chiseled into the cubic Philosopher's Stone by work in Alchemy. "Behold, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that will make men stumble, a rock that will make them fall; and he who believes in him will not be put to shame." Romans (9:33)

Our bodies are degenerated and we need to regenerate. We must cleanse our vehicles and create solar vehicles. This is only possible through Alchemy.

The Inhabitants:

The lowest types of inhabitants are those that dwell in the lowest and most complicated level of creation, the Tritocosmos. This is the Inferno of Dante, hell. Here, demons dwell. These levels are submerged within the crust of the earth (in the interior dimensions), but humanity has psychologically sunk down into these levels and are obviously bringing the worlds of 96 laws, 182 laws etc to the surface. Demons also dwell in the physical plane; any creature with ego is a demon.

The physical Plane (Malkuth and Yesod): four types of inhabitants: minerals, plants, animals and humanoids.
Currently, we are only inhabitants of the physical world.
As we work with the three factors, (Alchemical Birth, Mystical Death and Sacrifice for Humanity) we walk the path of initiation. We may complete the Minor Mysteries, but not enter into the Major Mysteries until we reach psychological equilibrium and begin working in Alchemy.

When we work in Alchemy the Holy Spirit descends (white dove) into us and raises the Serpents of Fire of Kundalini through each of our bodies, (physical, vital, astral, mental and causal) The serpents of Atman and Buddah never fell. The serpent rises slowly through each of the 33 vertebrae of our spine (33 degrees of Occult Masonry), in accordance with the merits of our heart. This is represented by the 33 years of the life of Jesus. (Any Buddha with 5 or 7 serpents raised up over its head which represents this process.)

The Holy Spirit first works in the physical body, and raises the first serpent within this body. This is the first initiation of Major Mysteries. When the Holy Spirit raises the second serpent, it is within the vital body and we complete the second initiation of Major Mysteries.

The Astral Plane (Hod): In order to be an inhabitant of the astral plane, one must possess the astral body. In order to possess the astral body, the Divine Mother Kundalini must raise the third serpent of fire/the third major mystery.
The solar astral body can leave the physical body at will and enter into the astral plane, the 5th dimension.

The Mental Plane (Netzach): With the 4th initiation of Major Mysteries the solar mind is created. This is when the initiate becomes a symbolic Buddha because the Monad has conquered the mind, it has defeated the four elements. It now is a Master of Nature. The Solar Mind is the path of John the Baptist.

*NOTE- I know people who can travel to the causal plane at will.  They are not necessarily destroying their ego so they run the risk of becoming a fallen Bhoddisatva.  I met a guy on the astralpulse forums years go who detailed everything and despised occult/mystical/religious explanations.   I'll send you something from him, it's interesting but at the same time scary to think of how advanced one can become.  -Dan

The Causal Plane (Tiphereth): With the 5th initiation of Major Mysteries the causal body is created and the Human Soul incarnates. We then possess the human soul (as Jesus wrote, with patience, you shall possess your soul).
The one who reaches Tiphereth reaches the Venustic Initiation. It is here that the new Master choose their future cosmic evolution:
1. The Spiral Path: when the initiate takes a very long "vacation" in Nirvana. This is the easy way out. This is the path of the Nirvani or Pratyeka Buddhas and their students are the Sravakas. This Master NEVER incarnates the Christ.
2. The Straight Path: those great souls who sacrifice everything, all of their secret occult powers and all of their dharma in order to assist suffering humanity in any way possible. These souls continue to walk the three mountains and incarnate the Christ. They always take up horrendous works because they decide to pay all of their Karma in a relatively short amount of time. They are called Boddhisatva (vehicle of wisdom; Chockmah and Tiphereth) or Son (second logos is the Son or Chockmah) of Man (superior Manas is Tiphereth).

The initiate who reaches Tiphereth is called the Melech (pl. Malachim) or King. As we know when Christ is born (within the Boddhisatva) three Kings come from the east. This is symbolic as there are three types of Melech:
1. The Black King: the initiate who has reached Tiphereth and still has ego.
2. The White King: the initiate who is completing the second mountain, no more ego.
3. The Yellow King: the initiate who is resurrecting or resurrected, perfect Christified Master.

When the Yellow King resurrects, he becomes an inhabitant of the Third Logos or Binah. As he completes the last three tasks of Hercules, he completes the three supernal Sephiroth:
1. Binah: Third Logos; Nirvanakaya
2. Chockmah: Second Logos; Sambogakaya
3. Kether: First Logos; Darmakaya

When the Darmakaya completes these tasks, s/he enters into the mysteries of the absolute and becomes and inhabitant first of the 11th Eon (Ain Soph Aur). Then s/he becomes an inhabitant of the 12th Eon (Ain Soph) and becomes an Ain Soph Paranishpana, one who has incarnated their own Star. Finally, the greates mastery is that of the Paramarthasatya. This Master becomes an inhabitant of the highest, the No-thingness, the illuminating void. Only Master Aberamentho (Jesus Christ) has attained this in this corner of the universe. He reached the level of the Sacred Anklad or perfect objective reasoning.
This is an excerpt from an email I recently sent to a friend of mine which I thought some of you might enjoy.  I miss my old Astral Pulse forum buddies, although it looks like the place has changed a great deal.  God bless all of work on overcoming your egos and awakening your consciousness (I'm trying too!).

OK, I have a couple of minutes, so I am going to respond to a few things you wrote which I found interesting and compelling.  First of all you wrote, " I was told to stay away from astral traveling.  There is too much negative energy there."  The negative energy, including "evil" entities that one might confront would generally be negative aspects of oneself.  This is vital to realize. Winston Churchill's quote that "There is nothing to fear but fear itself," is actually a profound truth.  As you know, what must be conquered is our false-selves, our egos, and once we destroy the demons within our SELF, we realize our true, inner being.  In other words, it's about awakening the consciousness.  Every religion, every bit of knowledge is really just a tool to help us understand what must be done, but the doing of this "work" is up to us.  That's why I love that quote you shared.  The knowledge is key, but it's about overcoming knowledge in the end too and experiencing the absolute, limitless light and, thus, becoming one with the Father and even moving beyond that.

I have to start working on a presentation/training I have, but let me leave you with this.  I didn't write it, but it's a very objective description of "reality." I am not necessarily espousing everything you'll read here (I don't understand nor, obviously, do I have experential knowledge of these things, but I do intuitively understand them and I found this to be a very well-done, easy to understand explanation (enjoy!- oh yeah, and I bolded some sections and made some commentary...take the time to look this over, I'm anxious to hear how much of this is new and how much you've already heard...I assume you are more steeped in Buddhist/Hindu explanations but maybe I'm wrong):

The Ray of Creation

Before the dawn of the Mahamanvantara (the great cosmic day), Nothing (No-Thing/Eternal Siety) existed. All that was, was the Omeyocan (Nahuatl), the Absolute Abstract Space. It is here that the womb of the ocean of Divine Mother Space resides, waiting to be fecundated by the Eternal Cosmic Common Father in order to initiate the dawn of creation.
The womb of the Divine Mother Space is the Absolute, it is that which is the Siety, the original point of departure of everything existent.

The Absolute – Three Aspects

1. Ain (Hb: Nothing)- the unmanifested Absolute, the womb of the ocean of Divine Mother Space. This is where only the wind and the darkness exists.

2. Ain Soph (Hb: Limitless)- This is our atomic star that sends it's Ray into the world in order to be cognizant of its own happiness. This is the Star of Bethlehem, that which guides the path of the Boddhisatva. This is the original point of departure, where everything comes from in the beginning of the Mahamanvantara and where everything returns during the Mahapralaya.

3. Ain Soph Aur (Hb: Limitless Light)–The Ray of Creation. This is the Cosmic Christ, Quetzlcoatl (Nahuatl), Okidanok (Gurdjieff), Vishnu (Sans), Kukulcan (Mayan), etc. This is the source of all life and light in the universe. It is the ray that sacrifices itself in order to give birth to the multiple realms and forms upon the eternal Tree of Life. It Sacrifices itself in order to undergo multiple transformations, becoming more and more dense, more complicated so as to give life opportunity upon various planes of existence.

The Ray of Creation begins in the Absolute and ends in the Inferno, Avitchi, Greek Tarturus, or submerged Mineral Kingdom.

It is within the Absolute that we find the first cosmos. That is, the first order.

The tree of life represents both a macrocosm and microcosm; it is a map of both the organization of the universe and of man. The Tree of Life (Hb: Otz Chiim), is the result of the multiple transformations, sacrifices, sufferings of the Ray of Creation. We use the symbol itself in order to comprehend and place all of the various activities of the Cosmic Christ in every region of nature.

There are seven cosmos, each with their own laws. The laws depend upon the density and complexity of the Ray of Creation. The ray always begins in the subtle departments of Spirit and descends gradually into the complexities and density of matter.

The Ray of Creation begins in the Absolute, with the Protocosmos.

Each cosmos has its own laws. The unique law, the law of the Absolute exists within the first cosmos. The Protocosmos is infinitely divine, ineffable. No mechanical principle exists within it. It is governed by one unique Law, the Law of the Will of the Father, the Law of Love.

The law of the first cosmos is converted into three laws in the second cosmos. Thus there are 3 laws that govern the Ayocosmos. When we get further and further from the central, spiritual sun, governed by the unique law, we penetrate into more and more complicated worlds with more laws.

The physical plane is where 48 laws reign. Below the crust of the Earth is the first infradimensional zone, governed by 96 laws. The density of this region has increased, as each atom possesses 96 atoms of the Absolute within its intimate nature. Below this, the second infradimensional zone exists which possesses 192 laws, and each atom possesses 192 atoms of the Absolute. Each zone within the infernal dimensions increases in materialism in a horrific way. These are the Klipoth.

There are three principles which exist within the Absolute. These are the three Gunas, which are called Satya, Rajas and Tamas. They are in perfect balance within the Mahapralaya, the Great Cosmic Night. When they are not in balance or repose, there is a spin into motion, a spin out of the Absolute, which is the cause of the dawning of the Great Cosmic Day.

Satya – Wisdom
Rajas – Longing
Tamas – Movement

The Ray descends from the Absolute, the Ain Soph Aur into the first Sephirah:
Kether unfolds into the next two sephiroth, thus manifesting the Holy Triamazicamno.
Triamazicamno (Gurdjieff: see Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson) : the Holy Law of Creation, the three primary forces; 1. Holy Affirming +, 2. Holy Denying -, 3. Holy Reconciling =
This trinity is the Logos. It is a tri-unity, one but also three. The Law of Three creates and creation itself is God.
As the Gospel of John describes it....
"In the beginning was the Word (Kether) and the Word was with God (Chockmah), and the Word was God (Binah)."
The trinity unfolds within every atom (Proton +, Neutron =, Electron -). There are three forces present in all things. These are the Affirming (man), denying (woman) and Reconciling (Prometheus, the sexual force) forces.
The Trinity is recognized in every religion:
1. Kether (Hb. Crown): The Father; Brahma; Huehueteotl; Wotan; Osiris; Tepeu-Kokumatz
2. Chockmah (Hb. Wisdom): The Son; Vishnu; Quetzalcoatl; Sigfried; Horus; Kukulcan
3. Binah (Hb. Understanding): The Holy Spirit; Shiva; Tlaloc; Thor; Isis;

The Logos is the Spritiual Sun which is One in Three. It is also the Divine Androgynous, Two in One. It is Ometecuhtli-Omecihuatl, the Lord (Nahuatl: Tecuhtli) and Lady (Nahuatl: Cihuatl) of Duality (Nahuatl: Ome). Thus it is Mary or Ram-IO and Joseph or IO-Sephas. These masculine and feminine principles conceive the universe with their holy sexual act.

The Logos is the Multiple Perfect Unity. It is the Holy Sun, RA. It shines within every Star and every Planet. The immensity of the light that is given by the Cosmic Christ (Logos) it is the force that creates. This immense amount of light is organized in every cosmos by seven principle Logoi. These Logoi are seven Cosmo-Creators or Archangels. They are Perfect incarnations of the Cosmic Christ, perfect Monads that are fused with the Logos. These seven Archangels are the Spiritual representations of seven universal principles. These seven universal principles are the means of the organization of the light that is being created by the Holy Triamazicamno. This is the Law of Seven, the Holy Heptaparaparshinock.

Heptaparaparshinock (Gurdjieff): The Law of Seven, Organization.
There are seven notes in an octave and seven colors or rays on the electromagnetic spectrum. "In the beginning was the Word (Logos)..." That Logos is sound, vibration, light, movement etc which is always organized within the Law of 7. There are three sephiroth that represent the Triamazicamno and seven sephiroth below that.
The Cosmo-Creators are one with the Logos. They are seven Logoi. Thus the Cosmic Christ manifests within the Triamazicamno and the Heptaparaparshinock.

Each one of the seven cosmocreators emanates from itself zillions of Monads.
Monad: (Gr) from the Greek word Monas (unity). The Monad itself is the Intimate Spirit. It is our own particular Inner Being that manifests in the universe in order to reach absolute and complete self-realization. The Being is the Tree of Life, it must realize Itself in every region of the Tree of Life, Kether down to Malkuth and everything in between. The Monad is Chesed/Gedulah which is Mercy/Love. Within Chesed (the Inner Being) are the Divine Soul (Geburah: Justice) and the Human Soul (Tiphereth: Beauty). Thus the Monad is made of three principles:
1. Chesed: (Atman) The Inner Being that rides the back of the feathered serpent in order to enter into cosmic manifestation. It manifests be the sacrifice of its own Cosmic Father, one of the seven Archangels that rules creation. It descends through one of these seven rays according to the spiritual idiosyncrasy of that particular Monad. He is King Arthur.
2. Geburah: (Buddhi) The feminine soul where all of the most precious cosmic elements of the Being are placed. She is Queen Guinevere.
3. Tiphereth: (Tiphereth) The Human Soul. This is the reflection of the two previous aspects of the Monad which is sent by the Intimate to descend into the world to fight the battle of the antitheses. It is the reflection of the Human Soul that initially descends, this reflection itself is called the Essence or Buddhata.

The Buddhata descends into the world in order to give the Monad the chance to conquer the inferior regions of nature, namely, the four elements. These four elements are given to the Monad by DIVINE MOTHER NATURE. They are actually four principle elements that are called the four protoplasmatic bodies or vehicles. They are as follows:
1. Mind or Lunar Mental Body(Netzach)
2. Emotion or Lunar Astral Body* (Hod)
3. Vital Body or Etheric Double (Jesod)
4. Physical Body (Malkuth)

The Logos is not created, but is only potential in us. We must complete the three mountains in order to realize this within ourselves. This is the path of self-realization.

Quetzlcoatl was the Aztec Christ, represented as a serpent bird. It is said that he flew to the Earth with sparks on his wings. These sparks are the individual Monads. Our Monad has to create its Tree of Life. The Logos is only a potential in us. Its creation is the intimate self-realization of the Being.

Thus Divine Mother Nature has given these four bodies to the Monad for its work. These four protoplasmatic bodies synthesize into three seeds or principles because the vital and physical bodies are always connected. These three principles are synthesized within the creative mercury of any individual, within the sexual forces of Jesod-Mercury. These three seeds must be transformed into solar vehicles, the Solar Bodies, the Mercabah.

The Father Who Is In Secret has also placed three seeds of itself within Jesod-Mercury. These three seeds are the seeds of the Holy Triamazicamno, without which all creation would be impossible. This gives the creativity to the sexual glands. This gives the forces, if transmuted inwards and upwards as taught in the Arcanum AZF, and potential for the Holy Spirit to descend and create a Human Being from a Humanoid animal.
Thus we have three lunar seeds given by Divine Mother Nature and three seeds given by the Holy Father all synthesized within Jesod.

This is the rough ashlar of the medieval alchemists and masons. The brute stone must be chiseled into the cubic Philosopher's Stone by work in Alchemy. "Behold, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that will make men stumble, a rock that will make them fall; and he who believes in him will not be put to shame." Romans (9:33)

Our bodies are degenerated and we need to regenerate. We must cleanse our vehicles and create solar vehicles. This is only possible through Alchemy.

The Inhabitants:

The lowest types of inhabitants are those that dwell in the lowest and most complicated level of creation, the Tritocosmos. This is the Inferno of Dante, hell. Here, demons dwell. These levels are submerged within the crust of the earth (in the interior dimensions), but humanity has psychologically sunk down into these levels and are obviously bringing the worlds of 96 laws, 182 laws etc to the surface. Demons also dwell in the physical plane; any creature with ego is a demon.

The physical Plane (Malkuth and Yesod): four types of inhabitants: minerals, plants, animals and humanoids.
Currently, we are only inhabitants of the physical world.
As we work with the three factors, (Alchemical Birth, Mystical Death and Sacrifice for Humanity) we walk the path of initiation. We may complete the Minor Mysteries, but not enter into the Major Mysteries until we reach psychological equilibrium and begin working in Alchemy.

When we work in Alchemy the Holy Spirit descends (white dove) into us and raises the Serpents of Fire of Kundalini through each of our bodies, (physical, vital, astral, mental and causal) The serpents of Atman and Buddah never fell. The serpent rises slowly through each of the 33 vertebrae of our spine (33 degrees of Occult Masonry), in accordance with the merits of our heart. This is represented by the 33 years of the life of Jesus. (Any Buddha with 5 or 7 serpents raised up over its head which represents this process.)

The Holy Spirit first works in the physical body, and raises the first serpent within this body. This is the first initiation of Major Mysteries. When the Holy Spirit raises the second serpent, it is within the vital body and we complete the second initiation of Major Mysteries.

The Astral Plane (Hod): In order to be an inhabitant of the astral plane, one must possess the astral body. In order to possess the astral body, the Divine Mother Kundalini must raise the third serpent of fire/the third major mystery.
The solar astral body can leave the physical body at will and enter into the astral plane, the 5th dimension.

The Mental Plane (Netzach): With the 4th initiation of Major Mysteries the solar mind is created. This is when the initiate becomes a symbolic Buddha because the Monad has conquered the mind, it has defeated the four elements. It now is a Master of Nature. The Solar Mind is the path of John the Baptist.

*NOTE- I know people who can travel to the causal plane at will.  They are not necessarily destroying their ego so they run the risk of becoming a fallen Bhoddisatva.  I met a guy on the astralpulse forums years go who detailed everything and despised occult/mystical/religious explanations.   I'll send you something from him, it's interesting but at the same time scary to think of how advanced one can become.  -Dan

The Causal Plane (Tiphereth): With the 5th initiation of Major Mysteries the causal body is created and the Human Soul incarnates. We then possess the human soul (as Jesus wrote, with patience, you shall possess your soul).
The one who reaches Tiphereth reaches the Venustic Initiation. It is here that the new Master choose their future cosmic evolution:
1. The Spiral Path: when the initiate takes a very long "vacation" in Nirvana. This is the easy way out. This is the path of the Nirvani or Pratyeka Buddhas and their students are the Sravakas. This Master NEVER incarnates the Christ.
2. The Straight Path: those great souls who sacrifice everything, all of their secret occult powers and all of their dharma in order to assist suffering humanity in any way possible. These souls continue to walk the three mountains and incarnate the Christ. They always take up horrendous works because they decide to pay all of their Karma in a relatively short amount of time. They are called Boddhisatva (vehicle of wisdom; Chockmah and Tiphereth) or Son (second logos is the Son or Chockmah) of Man (superior Manas is Tiphereth).

The initiate who reaches Tiphereth is called the Melech (pl. Malachim) or King. As we know when Christ is born (within the Boddhisatva) three Kings come from the east. This is symbolic as there are three types of Melech:
1. The Black King: the initiate who has reached Tiphereth and still has ego.
2. The White King: the initiate who is completing the second mountain, no more ego.
3. The Yellow King: the initiate who is resurrecting or resurrected, perfect Christified Master.

When the Yellow King resurrects, he becomes an inhabitant of the Third Logos or Binah. As he completes the last three tasks of Hercules, he completes the three supernal Sephiroth:
1. Binah: Third Logos; Nirvanakaya
2. Chockmah: Second Logos; Sambogakaya
3. Kether: First Logos; Darmakaya

When the Darmakaya completes these tasks, s/he enters into the mysteries of the absolute and becomes and inhabitant first of the 11th Eon (Ain Soph Aur). Then s/he becomes an inhabitant of the 12th Eon (Ain Soph) and becomes an Ain Soph Paranishpana, one who has incarnated their own Star. Finally, the greates mastery is that of the Paramarthasatya. This Master becomes an inhabitant of the highest, the No-thingness, the illuminating void. Only Master Aberamentho (Jesus Christ) has attained this in this corner of the universe. He reached the level of the Sacred Anklad or perfect objective reasoning.
As a child I had a strong imagination.  Our imagination is POWERFUL and perhaps one of the most vital parts of our selves for we create ourselves and our reality with our mind, or imagination.  As I grew older I realized that I am a very intuitive person and have a powerful imagination.  These things, combined with a strong moral code, pushed me to continue to seek out more about the nature of reality until I realized my (our) divine destiny which is to realize ourselves through the help of the Masters, or the Gods, namely Christ and His/Our Father.
In my opinion it's you, another aspect of you, but always you guiding.  You can give up control of your intention or will to other intelligences, but only if you will it to be (sort of a contradiction, but what's happening IMHO is that we use will our will away).  Sort of like when one gets mad and does something terrible and then, later, in her right mind says, "I don't know...I was mad."  You "were" mad eh?  So who are you now?  You gave up control.  You let the spirit of anger possess you, but you allowed it, you willed it, to be so.
I believe that you're experiencing fluctuation or "loosening" of your energetic body (the subtle, energetic copy of your physical body...imagine a template of your body but made of energy).  As your subtle body begins to detach these sorts of feelings are common but subjective, meaning each person might experience them in a slightly different way.
Drugs are a short cut and will never cause true spiritual progression.  Your will power, meditation, focus, etc. these are the true ways to unlock your true potential.  Doing drugs doesn't make you a "bad person," so don't think I'm judging you, but experience as well as the teachings of many masters has led me to this conclusion. You, of course, will have to discover this truth for yourself, but you have been warned now.
I think the main point most people miss in regards to the OBE is that the OBE is not something unnatural, it's not some crazy thing you can do and that will threaten your body or mind anymore than riding in a car or reading a book or going on a hike into the mountains.

Can you die while reading a book?  Sure, you could get to the climax and get too excited which could cause trigger a pre-existing heart condition!  Does this make sense?
That was fun to read and I'm happy you had the experience which you obviously enjoyed.

I just want to say two things. First, always remember that these experiences are happening primarily "within" yourself.  In other words, yes one can leave his or her body and actually travel in the "real world" but as we enter the "astral," you are entering different dimensions, or planes, and although they can be objective and meet sentient beings, you are traveling into the "inner worlds."  Secondly, the true work, the true excitement, is here in the tangible, waking world where one can love and serve others.  We decided to come here, to inhabit our physical bodies, and to be part of this fallen world in order to prove ourselves and, eventually, ascend back to that perfect place but, this time, knowing duality.  The bottom line is that there are worlds without number, but we must not let our desire for projection to over ride our desire to rid ourselves of our ego and darkness or evil.

I don't write this directly to you, these thoughts simply came to mind while reading your post and are probably intended for me more than you or anyone else in particular.

Best wishes to all!
Interesting post Rozzy.

To answer the original question, I say NO.  We will not forever live in our "astral bodies."  We will live forever, we will have a body, but the details to those questions require a long, involved conversation.  I will say, however, that I believe (know) that we have and will have a full-spectrum of bodies including a "spiritual" and "physical" body.  It's not quite that simple, but for now that's sufficient to know for those of us who have not ascended and do not understand-or need to understand-more.

I hope that helps in some small way in your quest to discover more truth.

By the way, I've been away from the forums for some time and I don't know how the karma system works, but I want some good karma!  (;
Greetings everybody! 

My laptop battery is about to die, so I am going to make this quick.  I'll try to come back to this post later to amend this brief response.

From what I've studied, most belief systems that truly put one on "the path" look upon the OBE as an important but NON VITAL experience toward true enlightenment.  In other words, as one attempts to purify himself or herself of evil, darkness, ego, etc. then certain things will happen, one of which is the creation of various bodies, including the astral body in which the being (us!) can explore the astral worlds.  Beyond the astral there are other, higher dimensions and to enter those, other "bodies" or vehicles are generated.  So, you will find information about OBE or spirit travel, but this is not the primary focus of the religion or belief system.

I hope that helps!
Quote from: Venus_Goddess_of_Love on April 04, 2008, 19:19:44
One more thing I want to say on this is that, I personally believe that our purpose for a visit back in time or forward, or anywhere has to somehow help us in our evolution.

Very well said!  One thing most people interested in the OBE phenomenon and other "extraordinary" phenomena do is lose focus of what truly matters: spiritual evolution.  Part of spiritual evolution is the overcoming of suffering and fear which, inevitably, leads to selfless service which is primarily concerned with relieving the suffering of others and demonstrating compassion towards them.  If an experience, thought, etc. is not moving one forward toward this goal then it is moving them backward.
What a great post.  To think, all she had to do was just break free and who knows how long she had been in that little "strong hold"?  How many of us live our lives like this, put away in some little strong hold?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Violinist & DJ
February 08, 2008, 00:02:52
I always enjoy the melding of sounds/genres. 
Almost all of these kinds of issues have to do with the fact that you're "thinking too much."  This likely doesn't happen when you're just going to sleep, right?  I'm not saying it's not real, or it's not happening, but it's likely some subconscious thing that you'll have to overcome.  Some part of you is holding you back.  I could be wrong, but it's worth thinking about.
The link (found below) is great.  I've always enjoyed reading Frank's thoughts.  I tend not to believe everything that anyone has to say, but I think a lot of what Frank says is spot on.  In essence, he's continuing what Monroe started but, I think, looking at things much more objectively which is fantastic.  I need to begin meditating more often.  I've been so caught up with other things in life which are, by all means, important (education, work, etc.) but I don't want to lose myself in the temporal world.  Great link though.  Any more like it?

Quote from: Stookie on January 21, 2008, 10:23:08
Sorry, I wasn't trying to make things complicated. I think the whole theory hinges on the idea that EVERYTHING is consciousness. The entire physical world and everything around you, your body, thoughts, feelings, desires - is consciousness. The experience of separation, that you are independent of the world you live in, is held only in perception. In this sense, there is no "out there". You don't travel, but just change the focus of your awareness somewhere else in the spectrum of consciousness. The physical area of consciousness is described as having a "slow vibration", making us percieve the world as separate. The further "inward" you go, the faster the "vibration" (vibration might be the wrong word), the less physical and separate it is. Eventually, there is no separation between you and anything else, the stereotypical "becoming one with the universe".

Don't take my word for it, it's all just descriptions of something indescribable. Stay skeptical. There is no agreeable science when it comes to astral projection. You just have to follow your gut.

If you have time, go here ( ) and scroll down to FRANK'S MODEL OF THE WIDER REALITY. It may answer some of your questions.
Dream #1- I saw myself getting free tokens from an arcade machine.  The next day my parents announced that we were going to be attending my sister's soccer banquet.  When we went I discovered the arcade.  Before long a coin/token got stuck and the guy opened up the machine and handed me a bunch of free tokens.

Dream #2- I was living in Italy and I had a dream of my family at Medieval Times (I had never been there and neither had my family).  A few weeks later I received a letter from my mom in which she noted they had gone to M.T. for dinner.

Dream #3- Early in the am I had the most frightening, realistic series of dreams in which Middle Eastern terrorists broke into my house, destroying things, yelling about jihad, etc.  That was Sept. 11th.
Quote from: Brolyson on November 12, 2007, 17:32:04
You've written down some very important areas that I would like to emphasize:

The Laws are at work, your life is going exactly the way it is because you have been living your life unaware of the Universal Laws that are at work. The best thing you can do right now is to identify these Universal Laws and make changes in your life according to their flow. Perhaps the obsession of your OBE is driving you away from what is also of utmost importance in your personal growth and evolution, your Inner Body Experience. From my experience, I've found OBE much more enjoyable while being at balance with my inner self. It's like breathing in and breathing out, some breaths are held in, some are held out. Knowing yourself can intensify any experience as a creation of yourself in the now. The "past" is only a polarity of movement and can be worked on right now within your self.

Your past, from your childhood to your failed marriage, thus leading to your search for self is where you are right now. The Laws are telling you that you have much work to be done with your "past" in the now before you can move forward. This is working on your foundation, keeping what is "good" from your past, and ridding that which is bad and does not serve you now. By "good" I mean that which serves you now, and by "bad" I mean that which does not serve you now. By "ridding", I mean "fixing" or "coming to an agreement with self" as to how you currently think and feel of the situation at hand.

Think less on obsession, and focus more on self experience, your experiences will speak for themselves.



First of all, I couldn't have said it better than Jeffrey did, excellent suggestions mate!  I too found myself getting a bit obsessed about OBE and instead focused on the spiritual covenants I've made with God (whom I call my Heavenly Father).  As I become whole as a person, the OBE experience didn't necessarily become easy for me to achieve, but it was put into context.  I say focus on doing the right thing (as trite as that sounds, it's true and we face choices between good and evil every day), on your family (in your case perhaps the children you have from your first marriage), on helping other people, you physical well-being, your career, etc. and I think you'll find the OBExperience will come into focus.

Best wishes!

Quote from: Awakened_Mind on November 13, 2007, 06:56:48
I generally only feel comfortable talking about it with people who I begin relating to in a spiritual way. It's not something that often comes up as topic of conversation otherwise. Some people I think just aren't ready to hear it, so telling them prematurely can have a negative impact on their thought of it.


I too feel more or less comfortable talking about AP to people, but I usually couch the conversation in terms I think they understand or relate to.  I rarely use the term "astral projection," for example, but instead use "out-of-body" or "spirit travel."  Regardless, some people are going to consider you crazy but there are a lot crazier things going on in the world such as the killing of others of ideologies, diamonds, etc.
Very interesting projection.  I think there are different kinds of records, some more personal than others, all of them connected to some extent.  Thank for sharing!
PS- I've been away for a long time.  What's up with thie KARMA rating?  Me want karma!
Isn't it nice to hear that fear is normal?  I like the responses of those who say to just give it time, that's the best advice.  I would only add one thing: visualize this happening again (leaving your body) and how you want to feel, and then how you WILL feel.  This will help prepare you consciously and sub-consciously to dispell the fear when you go through this experience again.
Welcome to Dreams! / Another dream came true
November 16, 2006, 15:08:12
I have had about 5 dreams like the one I had yesterday morning.

I am off work for a month (I am a year round teacher) and my wife called to wake me up and remind me to work in the backyard.  I, being the wonderful husband I am, rolled over and slept for about 15 more minutes. During that time I dreamed I saw a gopher snake (indigenous to Southern California) and it bit me on the hand.  To make a long story short, as I was cleaning up the side yard I lifted up an old bucket and lo and behold, there sat coiled up a small gopher snake.  Since I am not afraid of snakes I picked it up to move it to a safe place and it bit me on the hand. 

It hit me a moment later that I had just seen this take place in a dream, albeit in the dream the snake (and the backyard) looked different.  What do you think?