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Messages - Futureset

Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Too high ?
September 27, 2004, 19:27:32
I like to know if someone had some sort of same experience when raising higher on the planes. Sort of this:

After a lucid dream, i tried again and projected downtown. but everything was hellish and dirty and black. even the trainstation was totally deserted and had broken walls. Like a bomb had exploded in the city. After i saw two white dragons flying trought the exploded buildings, i decided to follow them. Flyiing trough that building it was very cold when tresspassing it. When i came out on the other side the dragons were gone and the place looked more awful than before. Then i thought that for experiencing nicer enviroments you should fly upwards to more finer frequencies. I did this and floated at high speed upwards and everything changed around my from filth to shiny stars on a black night and with a light probing tree on the ground 20 meters below. I was amazed but at the same time i felt very heavy and some sort of gravity pulled me to the ground bfore the tree. There was sand on the ground and the whole space was like water. Suddenly i couldn't move when the gravity had pulled me with my knees on the sand. I could barely look at my hand and it turnd to sand or stone and i wsa petrified. Then i woke up.

I thougt that the cause of this was that i was gone to high and the frequency of my body was not syncronised with that one of the plane and had this sort of effect of paralizing the body with a mix of my own fantasy (turned to stone or sand). But i also read that the body can not ascend the plane whose frequency is higher than the one of the astral body.

anyone knows something or experienced something similar ?

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / method
April 28, 2004, 16:13:42
A month ago or so, i read a topic from some woman concerning a method for getting into trance easily. It works great for me! Since the first time. I don't remember who that woman was but i still say thanks to her.

It was sort off this method:

You lay down and settle yourself,
Then you imagine white energy at the bottom of your feets entering you from there and pass trough you whole body till it comes out of your crown.
Then from there (still feeling the energy floating above your crown)
You direct it down passing over your body in the air in a bow back to the bottom of your feet and then again trough you...etc
This 3 times or more.
Then the 3th time or 5 th or whatever, when it floats obove your crown you pass it again trough the crown and all the way down till it comes out of your feet and then in bow back up to your crown. this also 3 or more times. The time that the energy must pass your body must be 2 sec or so

When i did this the first time it really worked. I felt my body fully
relaxed and energized, then i went to sleep thinking about things as usual and then i fell into a trance.

The woman who gave that technique said als of using a love method or some kind: thinking about it or someone and that the love energy would help projecting. Maybe someone knows who she is.

I say thanks to her.

I know that all the answers are hidden in oneself, but still i want to know what you people think about this and maybe give some good advise. (please take the time for reading it)
I have a problem with an entity or magician, i don't know who he is or what he is. I just had this experience an half an hour ago.
Here's how it went:

My girlfriend woke up and i woke up too. It was the early morning and i've slept for almost 5 hours or so. She went to class and i stayed in bed and decided to do an excersise. I had the impression that it wasn't working so i gave up and turned over on my side. Then it happened. I went into trance to easy. I couldn't move my body.
But there was someone in the room and he stood before my bed by my head and talked to me !! for the first time an interaction with someone or something in that state and so real! He whispered my name. I was scared and tried to break the paralysis without succes. I've tried to move my feet but nothing !!! This fear was controlled by my subconsciouss entirely but i was conscious (hard to explain). Then he talked to me and said: When you're going 'live' you are gonna die. (i have a live set coming up in the future for the first time and after that there are also other sets coming). I was fully conscious and i asked him who he was. But i hadn't a voice and while trying to speak  without succes i whispered. That worked. WHen i asked him who he was he said: who do you think i am ? (his voice sounded broken and heavy). I said a name of a friend but he said no, then i asked him if he was A. Crowley. He didn't answer. and then i asked of he was myself, but no answer. It was quiet for an instant and i was feeling him before me doing some action and i desperate wanted to see him so i said: I want to see you but he didn't answer. Then i had the impression that he would show his face. I looked at a shadow at the wall and saw it. It was an individual who grabbed something from the bureau before my bed. I think it was the bach flower remedy from my girlfriend and the shadow took some drups. Then he stepped behind me on the windowsill (or how do you call it?) and i could barely see his face. I had the impression that he was closing his pants !!! What was he doing behind me ? and the he flew away out the window i think and i was out of the trance and could move again. Without interruption of conscioussnes.

Now, with all the bad luck in my life, this live set can change my life and i don't see how it will kill me seeing the situation now. although it is one of my fears of dying.That someone would kill me. i don't know. Maybe he used this against me, but i had the impression that that magician or who he was knew what he was doing and he seemed powerfull to me bacause he could control my magnetism. I don't know if he could but he seemed someone with power and i questioned myself if he couldn't be one of the black brotherhood.
But i really don't know what to do. What if i am really going to die ?
Not that i'm scared of that, i'm rather scared of losing my girlfriend that way.

I hear fom different people and read in books that telling your astral experiences or your dreams is a bad thing to do. Why ? Is it not good to share your experiences with others ? Or is it a sort of 'old saying' or belief that if you do tell that the inquisition may get to knew about this ? Or are they saying that it is unwise telling it to people who's development is not so advanced, or to sceptics for the 'foollabel' reason?
The masters say that the experience is ment for you only. I doubt that this is untrue, but can't someone who 'really listens' to the teller learn something to ? Of course they can !
I never experienced something negative or a slowdown in my development
when i tell my experiences to people.
Or maybe i am unconscious of it or maybe there are indeed reasons for the silence that must be kept. I don't know.

Last night i had an experience that confused me.
When i fully relaxed my body, i was in the usual state before going into trance. During this period, i had experiences where i could see trough my closed eyelids. I presume that in the hypnogogic state this is possible but i don't know the cause. But last night when i was thus in this state, i turned over on my side and suddenly that vision came ! What could be the cause, a sort of 'shaking' the energy to the right place or....anyone can help me ?

yeah well, i haven't thought that way, but you may be right.
He closed his pants yes[:)] or it looked like it. He was closing his belt. But i didn't feel anything sexual therefore. Or maybe it was some type of blast-off method and i have distorted it.
Imagine, being f*cked by a demon lol. If this was the case and he was playing with his d*ck on my head or using sexual magic, i would prefer a female.

what are you taking me for ? An idiot ? Why could it not be possible that it was him ? I tried to contact him telepathically asking for guidance and help a few times. So it can be. Why not ? and when i asked or he was me. I ment 'my shadow or my dark side'
And apart from this: yes, it would be great if i had the powers that he had, and still has.
What are sying with killing housemates and so ?
I wanna say that this is new for me and it scared me. As if you have never been scared of this in your first experiences ? Come on.
It would like to hear some of these experiences of yours, and be honest. If you wish to reply of course, and then i'll laugh.
I don't think it's funny. I don't think i'll read that stuff and attract more of these 'THINGS' like you or like them.
I will continue whatever will come, in fact i wish that he would come to me this night.
by the way, i was convinced that it was sleep paralysis or else i would have gone mad, but even then i could not kill someone. I'm not insane.
And i'm sorry for you if i can't convince you that you are a human being and not a 'thing'
can you give me the link of the site?
i wonder if it really works, if it works you'll be my savior.
thnk you

ive downloaded this abyss thing but it doesnt work, or are my headphones not good enough because i don't hear the low whobbling or doesnt this matter at all and must i concentreren

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Sleep Paralysis
October 01, 2003, 09:42:56
to make it a pleasant experience ?

WHen yu induce that state, you must mentally push the energy trough you whole body 5 sec. going down and 5 going up. (trraining) After a few days your body will get used to this new sensation and the vibes should then rise in frequency what makes it a lot more comfourtable and then you are ready to project. It is impossible to project while the vibes are intense and rough.
