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Messages - Timandra

Hi Dcon. Welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)
Welcome to the Astral Pulse Carla!  :-)
Hello SoCKrates, welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)
Hi Melissa! Welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)
Hi, welcome back!  :-)
Well, a while ago I saw this screen in the hypnagogic state: I was putting 2 large crystal spheres in my shoppingbag.
And last week I suddenly remembered that, while I was putting 2 large glass marbles (but much smaller than these crystal spheres) in my shoppingbag.  :lol: They are toys from my niece and nephew and I had planned to use them in a photo later on.
It may be what I saw earlier, but they are not crystals and I haven't got a real one yet.  :-)
I don't think I have one, I seem to go to a different place everytime.
At least I don't remember that I have been to a certain place twice.
Hi Jamie, welcome to the Astral Pulse.
I have the same experience as you, not many people to share my thoughts about the serious things of life.
Luckily there is this forum which is great to share and discuss.  :-)
Hi Kahuna, welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)
Quotethx alot  have anyone met anybody in this island ?

The problem is that not many people manage to project there, I don't think there have been a lot of meetings.
I want to visit API too, but I always end up somewhere else.  :-)
Hello, welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)
Welcome to the Astral Pulse Ricky!  :-)
Great experience! Congratulations!  8-)
Quote from: Summerlander on May 27, 2011, 12:51:10
Have you seen the animation where Jackie Chan projects? Maybe it was really him! :-D

I once saw a guide that looked like Jackie Chan.  :-D
He was very calm and kind and walked by my side with his arm around my shoulder.
Hi Ident, welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)
Welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)
Hi, welcome to the Astral Pulse Rihatsu!  :-)
Welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)
QuoteYep. Just like the series Sliders! You guys ever seen that?

I used to watch that! As a matter of fact I have been thinking (when I watched it) that we could be shifting into paralel universes all the time, without noticing it, everytime we make a choice/decision. And that that is how creating our lives works. 

And to me the astral also looks like physical world mostly, and sometimes with some pleasant extra's. And one time it was like a fairytale, with so many bright colours.  :-)
It's May 22nd 01.30 in the Netherlands and we are still here, no earthquake.  :-)
Quote from: djed on May 17, 2011, 22:07:40
Having finished the 90 day course by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer, I carried on practicing what I had learnt, energy raising and storing, primary energy centers stimulation and Trance meditation in the afternoons 3pm – 4pm. I am now on my 107 day. I had given up hoping to astral project so had just started to read Stephen LaBerge's 'Lucid Dreaming' and decided I would content myself with lucid dreams which I occasionally still have. This morning I awoke at 4am got up and made myself some tea & toast, read some of 'Lucid Dreaming' and made the suggested affirmation ' next time I'm dreaming, I will remember I am dreaming'  At 5am I lay back for about 10 minutes doing some energy raising etc. Then lay on my side to sleep... don't remember anything else until I feel myself come out of body, I am in the etheric (RealTimeZone).
I say 'I am out' floating in my bedroom and I go on the route I had planned on about 'Day 80' when I was trying to exit. Floating out of my bedroom, down to the basement lounge and see the concrete birdbath which is outside in the garden superimposed on the perception of the lounge, like a 'mind- split'
I am then back in my bedroom and dive out of the window to the street, all this is quite dark, but then as I begin to fly it becomes normal daylight. I am flying over 'bush' (woods/forest) and come down by three young girls aged about 6=8 yrs who are sitting in the grass. There is a guy sitting by, about 30yrs, I guess their father. Being occupied, he doesn't see me, but one of the girls looks straight at me and smiles and tells the other girls. There is no fear in them, just fascination. I leave them and find some other people in their early twenties. I go up to one of the women and just touch her breast there is no reaction from her but the others are humorously fascinated. She says to me' what's your name?' I say I am just a dreamer' I ask her if she has a boyfriend and there is a sort of shock from everyone and quiet and she looks down hearted and sad and I realize I have asked a sensitive question, so with compassion I give her a hug to which she responds gratefully and I leave. I am floating through the bush and hear someone giving a lecture which sounds like archeology of the area. I have difficulty in remembering any more of this section. Now I am flying over a river and see a large trout and decide to dive into the water, it is murky and low visibility. I try to touch the fish but he is too quick, I try to surface but can't find the way up. It is now dark yellowish patterned no movement I try commands, no good, I try spinning round, no good. I call God for help and am out ok.
I decide to go home but see a small girl outside a large house and follow her inside. I see an elderly person half asleep so don't go into that room but hear people talking in another.
There are several women sitting on a couch and armchairs, they look at me fascinated, no fear. I am intending to explain that I am dreaming in the astral, but as I sit down on the couch opposite I softly come back to the physical and wakeup. It is 6.15 am, one of the longest oobe I have had, and this is after 10 years of not being able to.
Cheers djed

Wow, congratulations! Ten years is a long time, good that you're back!  8-)
Hi, welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)