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Messages - Monk

I never called you a narcissist in the first place. I called that idea narcissistic:

Quote from: Astral Anarchist on February 27, 2011, 20:37:19
It would be nice though if it was possible to find a way to alter the laws of physics that govern this realty to our own will similar to that of the metaphysical.  =

Always with the never ending grab for control?

As for the regurgitation of text, please tell me the books that I've "spout" from. I'm curious.

I "spout" out "theories" because in my opinion, that is the best way to present information to others due to their differentiated belief systems and mental definitions, to present a possibility with no guarantee whatsoever.

But the same could go for you as well. Experience is subjective, knowledge is objective(at least in my understanding). No one can know anything just because of the nature of this reality(but I know you're going to denounce that as regurgitation from some obscure source that I never heard of).

If you would like to engage in an in-depth discussion of the above mentioned with me over PM, go right ahead, but degenerating a public thread is pointless.
How is that name calling? Pointing out an egotistical and possibly "dangerous" thought without wording or intending such to the individual themselves is now an offence?
Quote from: Summerlander on February 27, 2011, 15:33:21
In waking life, things don't happen that way in our physical world (apparently).
Apparently, you have been living in an eggshell. There are too many similarities between the two, to simply dismiss the case and focus on daydreaming. Are you so reviled by a little time and hard work that the two realities are somehow developed into a hell/heaven construct?
Quote from: Astral Anarchist on February 27, 2011, 20:37:19
I totally agree with what you're saying about the metaphysical being more of a malleable environment compared to the physical.  It would be nice though if it was possible to find a way to alter the laws of physics that govern this reality to our own will similar to that of the metaphysical.
How narcissistic of you.
Quote from: NoY on February 26, 2011, 11:46:51
all gods are the children of the spirit and some fancy them selves as the best one

Analogy: association of human beings - being the children of nature while some of them feeding the idea of superiority.

Equality from origination.

Vague but valid.
Likewise can be said about yours.
What's with this whole "professional projector" term? Seriously, is that the term to describe a hobby now-a-days?

Anyways, pertaining to trance, the simplest method to attain a state is to simply forget your body is there. *poof* Just do it. It's a little trick an associate and myself have and are developing to fully integrate the different realm bodies in terms of interaction. Maybe it's just your brain's filtering function letting more bypassed information into your current "perspective" since you forget all about your body or even your brain waves are increasingly going into Alpha, Theta or even Delta predominance; in any case, "we" found it to work.

Or you can just continue to read your book...  :-P
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Influence.
February 25, 2011, 00:31:05
Theoretically, not using all of that scientific jargon, you can to an extent give individuals "suggestions" on almost the entirety of thoughts that can be imagined.

However, the practicality that this can be done is to a minimal, as everyone has their own individual will, and unless they are that extremely naive, they will not accept any suggestions other than their own.
Maybe it's your "perspective" of your hands that is melting away?
Quote from: Timandra on February 23, 2011, 17:55:38
And still, even then there may be things you make up with your own mind.
You should be careful about what you dismiss as products of your mind in that realm.  :-P
I don't know what you're talking about it jumping and being too full. There are many other threads that are much more so longer than this one.

To the extent of my knowledge of "you", I have suggested everything that I am obliged to. So I have nothing more to suggest unless you wish to provide more information...

Instead of making multiple posts, you could just add information to your original one instead.

Simply put, nature doesn't need your help, that is all.

And no, you don't need to feel satisfied/energized at all. Technically all of humanity is a parasitic organism so I don't see how you are so un-accepting of it. I have seen unconscious energy vampires(those who don't know they are) attempting to feed and they fail in the end, drawing all the negative and very much in abundance energy around them, into their systems and becoming sick. With the purported inability to separate one's self form the world only comes from energy vampirism - intentional because you literally need it due to etheric system "leaks" or because you are using too much of your energy for whatever, such as healing.
(Btw, it's called the modify button in the thread, you can edit your post if you dont like it)

Why were you trying to heal nature in the first place?  :x

The reason that it doesnt work for you is because you are too open to begin with. An energy vampire you may be?
1: Those people don't need any type of healing at all. If you attempt to heal them even without their permission, you are just inviting trouble. They didn't leap onto you with the intention of needing help, so leave them be.

2:You are receiving so many feelings from individuals because you are overtly too open and are divulging into matters that you don't understand. You're having what I like to call "etheric buzz". Just too many emotions/energy flying about the place. You need to ground yourself and/or close your energy system off to the world.

If you use your intuition you can do these on your own without any more help. Plus it's a learning experience.
Interpretations of colours must never be left to general impressions. There are many other "varieties" of a colour and thus go into describing the whole spectrum of thought pertaining to that colour. Like astral said, it can be the awakening of the communicative/spiritual side of you but don't jump to conclusions just yet...
Quote from: Blue Sparks on February 21, 2011, 22:53:07
I also had something odd happen in a dream (maybe it wasnt?). It started as a woman entering my fathers house and she started asking me questions, this dream felt unusually real and not as outlandish as many of my other dreams. I conversed with the woman briefly and denied to give her information she asked. Next thing i remember all i can see is a surrounding white light and a blue circle in the middle with sparks coming out, I seemed to be very aware and conscious at this moment but the experience was becoming too real and strange so I forcefully awakened myself

Is that all of the information you can provide us?
You could have dealt with this with your own mind initially, but you chose not to. Plus anything dealing with anything paranormal all has it's points of origination with "it's all starts in your mind". It's the basis for everything. But things do indeed get complicated fast.

Although what you must realize...... IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ASTRAL PROJECTION...

You messed around with the etheric realm - which to some is an extension to the physical realm - and now you have to deal with the karma you've created.

Funny thing you say that we are all human. Being human has nothing to do with biological speciation. Being human is being what you think you are. The key is there, it's just that you are too inexperienced to deal with it...
Now you've entered the big leagues. Most individuals practicing in the occult would not even be able to deal with this on their own. These beings have sucked enough etheric energy from yourself and/or the others around you to pose a legitimate risk to one's life. It's too late to do the "stop believing routine", too late to ask for help from friendly entities, too late to even ask help from local occultists.

Get out of your house and go to your local library or any other place that has internet access. Research online forums and whatnot for Lifelong occultists who have much experience with demonic entities and ask for assistance. If there is a large number of known occultists whom you trust within your locale, ask for their assistance as well. Asking even a local Catholic priest wouldnt do harm. (Also if you know of anyone who can do long-distance "psychic" work, ask them to investigate if the area has a "portal" of sorts still present)

This affair has gone beyond the "safe zone" of being able to handle it on your own. it must be dealt with en masse, or you will be risking your health.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Web Domain
February 21, 2011, 16:09:07
looks soo 1998
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Web Domain
February 21, 2011, 15:51:45
I though that site was yours, after some snooping, in the first place, but I guess not any more...
Dont fall asleep  :-P
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: how do...
February 21, 2011, 15:48:24
Because it has nothing to do with how your brain functions...
The "all in your head" excuse can be transgressed into an interpretation of "it's all in your mind" excuse for the modern western society. From that you can theorize basically anything pertaining to the nature of OBE's and AP.

Postulating as whether different objective hypotheses and their "wrongness" is the exact same thing as postulating various subjective beliefs and their "rightness". The problem is that you can only prove what's "true" to yourself and not to others; go beyond that and you're just asking to be proven wrong. The article is not wrong nor right and is only a reaction to this phenomena from the scientists perspective. It's the exact same thing as anyone else's perspective reaction in the sense that it's something mystical/"beyond us".

The only thing an individual can do objectively is look at it and consider the possibilities. Anything else goes into the speculation department...

The End  :-P
Aren't the terms "mental" synonymous with "astral" in varying perspectives?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Grays
February 20, 2011, 10:48:49