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Messages - SeekingAnsers


I think we kneed a good place to talk Tarot, thirst of all id like to apologise for any dodgy spelling on my end (not my strong point[;)])I shall try to be as clear as possible. 1st id like to say to anyone who stumbled across here out of curiosisty to not FEAR the tarot cards, TV has made them sound like tools of the evil witch lol, but i ashure you any good Pyscic or Meduim will have a pack in his poket, there a exelent tool for anyone starting Meduimship because they devolop your intuition (as im training in Meduimship and have been strongly advised to take it up by MANY Pro's)

So anyway iv had my pack for a while now and iv learnt a good deal of meaning of the cards, when dismorning as i woke from my sleep and in a half awake half asleep daze i could see only black with a tarot card in the midle (diffrent picture to any in my deck) but i knew the meaning and then my girlfriend came in and started acting out the meaning of the card (in reality) and i was just laying and i said Tarot 3 or 4 times. this seemd very strange to me as now i understand all my cards since this expeirance! sound strange to anyone? im not mad i swear lol,so any advice on this would be lovly BUT im not the main cause of this TOPIC its a place to swap idea's spread's and opionion's on the world of Tarot so if you Tarot please add your to pennys

I have included this section for people curios or who have just purchased there own deck,If you havnt then i would really advise you should,theres somthing very "magical" about thease cards and i ashure you they DO work,I was certainly skeptical myself.Theres nothing scary about thease cards people are just afraid of them because of-

[:O](A)The pictures: The pictures have simply been keept the same from long long ago so they dont look quite a stylish and lovly as we would want today BUT i have now seen many of decks with newer nicer pictures that dont look so *Scary*

[:O](B)THE DEATH CARD ETC: Now this understandible puts alot of people off jew to fear of discovering DEATH, but let me ashure you that the Death card does not symbolize Death. it means New begining (in a extremly short version)There are no cards that mean your going to die or anything like that.

There most certainly nothing to be scared of from thease cards. they are just a amazing way of reading your futureand others,self devolpment and how to make a beter future by being prewarned of Obsticles

Down to buisness...
So if anyone was wise and purchased there new starter Pack (with Book-Essential)heres a good starter spread based on the Major Acrana's (wouldnt even think about trying to learn the minors just yet)

-<Step (.1)>- close your eyes and with your 3rd eye visulise the person and topic that wish to have some forsight on (i personaly ask the cards for the what im hoping to acheive in my mind as well as visulising the person, whilst your visulising start automaticly shuffling the cards however you feel comfterble untill you stop, then lay the cards down in the order as shown below in whats cald the ARROW SPREAD....

-<Step (.2)>- after shuffling the cards hold onto them faceing down, and from the top of the pile going down place them in place of the ARROW SPREAD going from 1-15


BLUE=The Past
GREEN=Future Outcome

-<STEP (.3)>- Refer to your book that came with the pack to judge the meaning of the indivdual cards and prepare to be suprised, in time you will learn the cards intermetly and you will understand them and start to use your intution as that is one thing thease cards train.

           WELL DONE..that was your 1st basic reading...EASY HUH?

Just incase you were wondering WERE thease cards came from,Well nobody knows, many theories and lots of evidence of origin to many diffrent places. mabye one day wel find out!

"you mentioned earlyer a starter spread based on the Major Acrana and not to use the Minor Acrana","what is that"?
Well the Major Acrana consists of 21 cards but the 1st card is number 0 so really its 22, thease cards are all about the MAJOR aspects of life *THE BIG THINGS* were as the Minor are all about your emotions and Security in the past present and furutre and how to help get beter.Well that sounds simply enuff to intergrate now BUT the Minor Acrana makes your 21 cards into 78! so your best off learning the meanings of the Major Acrana 1st nd get those drilled in.

My reason for doing this post is because people should know more about thease cards and that they most definitly DO work they are NOT dangeros we can ALL BENIFIT from them.In lament terms there a tool we can all use to help us greatly in life (i mean GREATLY) and it devolops your intution greatly as many Meduims have told me and told me to do, and whats wrong with honing your intuition (you know that things that tells you not to go out for a drive 5mins before the 8car pile up outside your house,when someones lieing,when your partners cheating on you etc.etc.)

I hope iv helped shed some light on this topic for anyone thats intrested and prehaps started a new hobby for someone who "wasnt".

Id just like to Add if theres anything you belive to be diffrent then please dont post saying this is wrong and thats wrong to each other, it just creates great confusion, i think thease work under any belief or system and some will be better than others jue to experiance so please Share your knoldge with a smiley face,not a angry one.AND REMERBER THIS IS JUST MY WAY THAT I USE AND WORKS FOR ME AND ID LOVE TO HEAR YOUR WAYS

If youve just read all this then thank you for your time xxx

With Love and Light
Good health

Samuel xx

I think we kneed a good place to talk Tarot, thirst of all id like to apologise for any dodgy spelling on my end (not my strong point[;)])I shall try to be as clear as possible. 1st id like to say to anyone who stumbled across here out of curiosisty to not FEAR the tarot cards, TV has made them sound like tools of the evil witch lol, but i ashure you any good Pyscic or Meduim will have a pack in his poket, there a exelent tool for anyone starting Meduimship because they devolop your intuition (as im training in Meduimship and have been strongly advised to take it up by a MANY Pro's)

And also I must BEG that those LOVLY LOVLY ADMINS (<CREEP>) DO NOT MOVE THIS TO PROPERCY AND DIVINATION. it is the wrong place with wrong crowd. (would be highly apreaciated) so anyway iv had my pack for 3days now and iv learnt a good deal of meaning of the cards, when dismorning as i woke from my sleep and in a half awake half asleep daze i could see only black with a tarot card in the midle (diffrent picture to any in my deck) but i knew the meaning and then my girlfriend came in and staring acting out the meaning of the card (in reality) and i was just laying and i said Tarot 3 or 4 times. this seemd very strange to me as now i understand all my cards since this expeirance! sound strange to anyone? im not mad i swear lol,so any advice on this would be lovly BUT im not the main cause of this TOPIC its a place to swap idea's spread's and opionion's on the world of Tarot so if you Tarot please add your to pennys

Thank you for your time and hope you add your opionion and get this topic going.

With Love and Light
Good health

Samuel xx [8][8D][8]

Very true aslong as we dont wave Love around for respect and use the books to build a over ego then spit completly disgusting coments at people that we know will hurt them unconditionaly. comensence mate, dont be decived
Jue to my free will Link mate, yes i listen all the time but if you could see what timless post really said and your bestmate was the person with it aimed at then you would have been to angry to.
and yes it confuses me too!!!

Timeless should be cald Heartless
Judgeing by coments you made about my bestfriend's decesed wife you delud yourself with what you think love is, dont kid yourself you think you know it all because youve cramed your brain full of books wrighten by humans on our plain and then listen to everyoneelses experainces and think that you know it all, you know nothing but therory, and since you lost you little friend who liked hurting people like you youve got a bit upset and tryed hurting myn in the sickest way posible.
Dont even think you have the slightest clue about what love is...

im sorry you lost your little friend now who will you hurt people with. frowing yourself around because your a gold memeber lol dont mean nothing to nobody.....
Well said nick, That is the way it is.....

Thanks Adrian great site, Big Heart-dispite what a few may think.

Love and Light
Well Death can mean death around you but as i said it was a very short sentance of the tru meaning,and yes change is scary so if your aware of WHY the change is going to happen you can prevent it,Hence-Perfect for self devolpment etc.
You really shouldnt be scared of the cards, i mean personly id rather know and know why its going to happen and then KNOW what not to do.
but your opionion is yours[:D]

Thank you for your input

Love and Light
The Yin Yang Spread  (69)

This spread is most beneficially used when dealing with a situation or an issue that has out of balance due to passionate or dis-passionate feelings. It also addresses how best to acheive a healthy balance in a situation in order to get it back on track and positivly and progressively moving forward again...

Cards 1-5:The Present Position
These cards discuss the present issue or situation the person is dealing with

Cards 6-8:The Person's Emotional Sence of Security
Thease cards discuss wether the person is balenced or unbalenced emotionaly speaking,and were exzactly there are in an emotional sence

Cards 9-11:The Person's Physical sence of Security
Thease cards discuss what external forces are affecting the person physically in their present situation.Also how they are coping on a practical and Physical level

Cards 12-14:What Can be Done Emotionaly to make Progress
These cards state what can be done emotionally to progress the person on towards a more ballenced and empowerd outcome to the situation.

Cards 15-17:What Can be Done Physically to make progress
These cards state what can be done on a physicaly and practicly level that can progress the person on towards a more balanced and improved outcome to the situation.

Card 18,5,19:The long-term final outcome
When a;; of thease cards are interpreted together they will give additiobal aspects to the final outcome,either by verifying what has already been stated, or by introducing a new angle on the outcome.

----[18]-------[5 ]----[19]-----
[12][13][14][4 ][15][16][17]
---------------[3 ]-------------
---[7 ]--------[2 ]----[10]----
[6 ]---[8 ]----[1 ][9 ]-----[11]

YIPPIE!!!! you promise??[:D]
thank you for you strong observation, i really have nothing more that i can offer you as you have a very obvios small understanding about how the astral REALLY works.

its sad that you will all be sitting on the bench side dwelling in your own paranioa, witch i find quite bizzare that your on this site becuase you seek some type of higher exsistence yet your to scared to raise a finger. o well you carnt help them all. just a shame that your lack of "real" understanding damages the progress of those who wish to learn.

And James you kneed to start thining about advancing with your guide, your stuck in your own conditioning witch your guide is reacting to, it seems like you kneed some serios pointers, i did the same to my guide. they dont enjoy it very much it turns into a VERY slow learning process, nothing worse than being stuck with your guide and thinking its right....quite a prediqiment
lol rantboi good luck with that mate [:D]
i can just see you now with your sherlock homes hat and your magnifying glass!
if you really are dedicated to trying to find the "TRUTH" about pleaidians then im more than happy to lend you my tarkalien battle cruiser with my mutli dimensional phase shifter,and il draw you a map to pleaides, im sure theyl be more than happy to let you fly down and say hi!
dont know if itl have enuff power to get back, but just find my guide Mashway and im sure shel relay your findings back to me fru my magical means telepathy that goingslow has troble grasping. you really should learn to trust higher realm beings, esecially considering just how high they come from, what harm is a species that knows nothing more than peace and love, and if i was being used as a pupet then how come theve granted me the gift of energy healing overnight, when im down why do they comfort me?, when im happy why do they laugph with me?, when im tired why do they give me energy?. have they ever promised me the world-NO!, have they offerd me anything? NO,why isit that since contacting my guide shes arange little conincidences of bumping into people iv fallen out with and helping us to resovle our ishues, i now have no enemys, no dislikes, for spirtual growth cannot happen until were pysicly happy.
this really dosnt sound like the acts of a neg, in fact negs donot have the power to show me a quarter of what iv been shown because negs live on such a low dimension they do not have the power, they just drain energy and promise you the world. infact iv had many out of body training scenarios to show me just how powerless negs our to us, you mind has to become far more powerful to reach the higher realms than being fearful of a entites that can do nothing but *talk*, i could give you a million of my experiances that would show how there intensions are purely based on the advancement of man. they just want us to evolve itnto higher beings jue to all the pain and suffering in this world. do we really have to critisis such good hearted actions on a species that live to serve others?.
or is it jue to the world we live in that we find it so hard to belive, im so strongly conected to my guide id know if her intensions were bad for a start.
Why dont we just except this species for what they are really trying to do and just say thank you. instead of showing them so blaitently EXZACTLY why we kneed there help.
I dont mean to go on, but you just really are missing out on alot when you sit and sceptisise over somthing thats completly wrong. and you will miss out, and that seems a very sad shame to me. its every humans right to spirituly evolve with the assistance of one of the greatest teachers out there!

i hope in some way this has helped you to change your belives

with Love and Light

Sam and my Loving Guide Mashway

hmmm very "intresting" post there,
lets see... yes you are correct they can see the futre,
and there here to teach us...but its wrong when YOU ask about the futre...
il leave it you to work that out.......[:D]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / May15th Pole Shift
July 21, 2003, 11:20:07



Zebrima just to say thank you for posting/creating this topic i know exzactly were you are coming from, the lady you saw in your dream was a "Masked" version of Earths secret friends (so's to speak) and your  correct there is a plannet aproaching but it will not collide with earth it will JUST miss us and rip the north pole and south pole out of allighnment leading to the hour of change were all our continents will rip out of place and give earth a huge make over...

You are quite correct this "problem" keeps ocoring every 2000 odd years (hence storys like noahs ark). you are recieving thease dreams because you are part of a large group of people who will be kneeded after the dissarstar to help show others the way. i would just love it majorly if you could contact me, i will assist you in your awakening (not long now)

Its just sad that many are going to read this and think nothing about it, just carry on and sighn me off for crazy. sadly theres nothing i can do to prove such avents for but when its to late, i can asure you i have been assighned a specific guide to train me at the moment for thease avents and have had many dreams and visions, and please dont sighn a "vision" off for imagination. a vision is more real than "real"

Im not implying you go run around like a headless chicken (why spoil your day [;)]) but go by a tent and be ready, and when you hear thos funny news reports, go to the country side (safest place to be) and if you live in america dont exspect your goverment to help you, they know whats happerning and have scraped all possible solutions because there are none (infact theve made lovly little bunkers for themselves lol-how cosy) and when it happens get AWAY from the sea

I can only Hope that you see this post Zebrima and you contact me fru the contacts on my profile

There is alot more regarding this topic of course that id be happy to discuss with anybody who is concerned, so please do not hesitate to contact me and ask what you like...(what iv said is merly the tinyest drop of infomation of whats going to happen)

Thank you very much for your time

With Pleidian love and light

Samuel xxx
Come on people iv been scRaping all night now and its time to move on.
I want the most intressting storys or some of the BIGGEST MADEST adventure or something MAJOR uv discoverd on the pendulum and i want everyone who uses one to get involved please




Niceone Sqeekz
Deffitnly on the right path, its not all lessons and i assure you u have nothing to worry about, the entitys others regard to come out of robert bruce books, i asure you this is somthing that whud never halm you in a million years. They dont even have the emotion to back it up. Sounds like your doing exelent, look foward to hearing about your progress in the futre,

remember progress comes from Asking Positive Qeustions,Not what u read ina book. goodluck

Samuel, Chanelld fru my loving Guide, Mashway
lol now this is the problem, there was more to the tiff than the public saw,
now you must  understand Mayatnik is not allowed to interfere, iv been told to instruck him to that,as i was told that by my guide b4 he told me he kudnt, this is somthing i must do, i havt to rebuild and re-teach, 13 was told in forum and in private just how much it offended what we were teaching, after many atempts of trying to make her aware she wud not, so she diliberatly went against after being aware of the disrespect. But jue to the many ways you can veiw her opoinion every1 started jumping in and it got out of hand,

Thats hard for people to see, she was treated fair for dispite her atitiude but after much comprimise i was instruckted to talk to her by my guide and kinda fliped MYSELF.
i understand what your saying, but its yesterdays news im afraid. u and many did not see everything. i have to rebuild the faith whilst Mayatnik starts his new job for the guides,
witch is 10 times harder than myn. My guide said that this is my job, we are given jobs goingslow,I have to now teach everyone because i am ready. but u see "13"s post has opend sooo much post towards all this mind,body,soul,astral wild life,low life crap (it isnt crap but does in no way apply here) and made the hole thing alot more confusing.

I hope you can begin to understand this. im trying to teach everyone the truth. but many people can make it very hard and get there own BOOK READ beleifs and confuse the hole thing. i hope this has helped

thank you for your intrest

Samuel,my loving Guide Mashway
BTW I work with some people who have problems reading and writing and you do a good job expressing yourself seekinganswers.

Why thank you i do try. I do see but u see she has not spoken to Karek and to claim things like that is terrible, Guides pick things up like that up before they have to say it. My guide never got angry but I did so i put a mix of the 2 together, if u continue to learn the pendulum ul learn WHY it has nothing to do with spirit body or mind, but till then i just have to fight a 1sided war lol, thanks for your open mindedness, its gratly kneeded, im taking alota slate here lol. I will keep replying for my guide till my fingures fall off [xx(]. heres somthing for you to think about witch is very true and certainly somthing U will understand.

Wisdom does not come from a book........ some of the greatest wisdom
came come from the mouth of a child......and it can come from Channeling, even when a person has NEVER read a book in their
lives.....and that's how many channelers are

Originally posted by SeekingAnsers

Originally posted by Tisha

Well, it appears that while I was typing away, SeekingAnsers made it clear he/she was still in the discussion.  HM.  SeekingAnsers, before you can teach, especially in a written format, you truly do need to learn how to spell.  

ALSO, you're new here, so you probably don't know this Forum is chock-full of very experienced people who can spot a fruad a mile away . . . and trust me, 13 is not a fraud. 13 appears new to the Forum also and I don't know him/her from Adam or Eve, but I've got a good feeling about him/her.  I doubt many people here have concluded he/she is a fraud.

However, I DON'T have a good feeling about what you're supposedly "channelling."   You feel very young and credulous and inexperienced to me, someone who would likely be too easily sucked in by a lower life form, or a teacher who is admittedly a talented channeler and an experienced oracle, but who has too much Ego to stick around and converse with other talented people who happen to disagree with him (a common affliction with students of the esoteric - - - these little snits seem to be a way of life!).

Heaven only knows why Mayatnik is allowing you, his student for whom he is responsible, to run amok on this Forum.  A good teacher would have you move more slowly, and spend more time in study and practice, rather than set you loose on an online Forum, acting like a channeller of some teacher-to-the-online-masses (please stop, I'm embarrassed for you).  You actually have a long way to go.  The Astral entity might be doing all the talking, but the channeller needs to be wise.  And wisdom does not come cheap or easy.

OK, now I'm really off line - - good night all, have fun with your pendulummmmmmzzzzz!

tis because of dislexia if thats ok, i try to make it as readerble as possible, and as i said before your trying to intergrate your knoledge with somthing completly diffrent,and it wont work and lead you to the conclusions u are obvisly reaching,iv learnt what i know from my guide, iv met my guide face to face, i know what they are.iv not learnt everything from a robert bruce book, (nothing against him, its just he teachs somthing completly diffrent) and anyway im not told to do this by Mayatnik, im told this is my next job by who i meet and cumnicate with fru teleapty, so what your trying to say is someone with dislexia has to wait till his next life time to reveal the truth to people because of his spelling!!!. and yet u seem to b portraying me as "young" and "ignorant".hmmm, im getting quite confused as how many diffrent ways im going to have to word this and say it before you understand that this is very diffrent to what you know.

Samuel, and my loving Guide Mashway

Originally posted by Squeek

Hmm very interesting Tisha.  Sad to see you leaving :(

I think I agree with that actually.  I don't see why they would lie in the first if they have nothing better to do with their time.  Be they evil, good, or just regular, the answers shouldn't lie.  Maybe we should ask Mayatnik about this.


PS - How do you get a name out of them?

Sqeek Guides will Never lie to you, they test you to make sure ur taking in there ansers and not just blinly beliving it, its all part of prepairing your mind and to build your knoledge, you dont just sit you exzam and come out as a telepath with full contact with your guide. nothing is serverd to you, you have to earn it if you really want.

i feel i must explain what status is, status is somthing you earn the more you work out and learn, and the more status you have the more you can be told, were as Mayatnik had 8years of status he can anser things in full blown pages of useful infomation, were my infomation that my guide channels fru me is cut majorly down to what the person "KNEEDS" to know, but if im ever lost i always Mayatnik to turn to, to help you,

Sqeek you are getting the wrong impression of what this is all about, i sugest u read old posts m8, this page is a test for us to learn and not a good place to jump in on to gather opinoins,

this really has nothing to do with higherselves,spirits,subconcios, thease coments have only been put by people trained in diffrent subjects who are trying to make sence of this with what they know. rule 1. forget what u do know to learn this (dont forget it period.just dont try to intergrate it with this or youl be as confused as "13". thanks for your time on the posts.

Samuel and my loving Guide, Mashway
Originally posted by Tisha

Folks, I've learned a lot from this string.  Especially the last few pages, when it started unraveling (pun intended).

See how easy it is to be misled?   Frankly, the title of this thread "AND THE TRUTH SHALL BE KNOWN" set off danger signals in my head.  Was I the only one?  It sounded so evangelistic.  I'm not challenging the power of the pendulum or any other divination tool - - for goodness sake I'm a witch, that's what I do, work with oracles!  What I AM SAYING is that human perception, human interpretations, are imperfect, and we all have to be VERY careful about hopping on the bandwagon, even the New Age bandwagon.  Sometimes we're TOO credulous.

First, Mayatnik urges us not to adopt what he/she says blindly, that we should explore things, challenge them, and learn the truth for ourselves.  However, once faced with a genuine challenge to her presumptions (thank you 13), she gets defensive, her student gets all huffy (ego alert! ego alert!), and both parties (?) leave the discussion.

What you were witnessing was a challenge to a cherished Belief System.  Stick around, it happens a lot!

In the mean time, for those of you who wish to continue work with your pendulum(s?) - - what's the plural of pendulum? - - - please keep this in mind:

A.  There are a lot of Beings out there on the Astral, good, bad, and indifferent.  Just because it's talking to you doesn't mean it's smart.  Or good. Or that it has your best interests at heart.  You will have to determine it for yourself over time, by verifying what it tells you.  STAY AWARE.

B.  Higher beings do not get offended.  Taking offense is an affectation, and Higher Beings are simply above it. If your Astral Friend displays pride, self-importance, offense, or any other ego-driven impulse, you're dealing with a lower being who's getting his jollies off, jerking you around like a puppet for his/her own entertainment or ego-needs (what lower form wouldn't love to be worshipped!).

C.  Higher beings don't lie.  They just won't do it.  There is no motive.  They don't "test you" by lying or misleading you.  So if an Astral being jerks you around, thank it for its time and bid it adieu.

BTW, It's OK to banish unwelcome Astral visitors.  Really.  In fact, banishment a good way to communicate your unwillingness to host them again. Think about it first, though, before you burn your bridges.  Banishing something and asking its advice later can be pretty embarrasing.

ANYWAY, despite the way this thread is ending (?), I do think the information is very valuable (perhaps we could move it to Divination and Prophecy?) and we should keep it as a "sticky."

Good night, tomorrow I'm on a jet plane, won't be back for many-a-day . . .

No i am here was just away.

and i can see you are easly decived aswell, this has nothing to do with astral beings im afraid. all you are doing is to help decive people, i appreciate your a witch and i strongly belive in there true power, but im afraid what you have enterd is something very diffrent and the knoldge i get is not from spirit or man. it appears we were both wrighting are posts at the same time lol. i do apreciate your input, but anything learnt from witch craft is far from what is being taught here (i mean that in no offence, but there are to very diffrent things that do not fall into one another).as for Mayatnik he was teaching me to teach everyone,iv just been away. i hope this has clarifyed things for you. youve simply wanderd in on a conversation at the wrong time. [:)]
ps. guides always test you to prepare your brain to be ready to understand the true truth, again you are mistaking for somthing out of robert bruces books, (nothin to do with this, trust me lol, i have full mental cumnication with the species,but i cannot reveal there identity because its for people to learn fru there tests)
Samuel, and my loving Guide,Mashway
Hi [:)]
I must appologise for not posting, iv been away,
odear it looks like "13" just drowned herself in that last post, im pleased with you all! you know how to spot a fraud,
me? atitude problem? bad temperd guide? i asure it cudnt be further from the truth. but please remember the guides are far far more intelegent than me or you, they can spot a fraud a mile off, so im orderd to deal with it, im afraid "13" is victim to far to many books,
and i asure everyone, u can ask what u like ive not implyed otherwise.
your guide is your learning experiance.but we carnt start changing the rules to the process of asking, im sorry,but the guides wont "play" as desired if you do.

again i know to many my post seemd harsh, but frauds with to much knoweldge kneed are dangeros,because there just drill people who want to learn with *rubbish*. many as i know from this forum have already relised this. i mean just check "13" last post, read and read again and you will eventually see.I do not blame "13" because as my guide says, she is a victim from to much knoledge

please remember you do not have to worship your guides at all, But to frow dissrespect at someone aiming to teach you, well whud that insult you?,i,e continualsy ask negitive qeustions and to test and to acuse etc.etc

i wish to teach you all still as i know how to teach you. but 1st you all must see "why". guides do not get angry and frow rages.that was "me" plus the infomation being channeld.

and how do i know this about "13"?? because she says shes spoke to Karek, witch is far from the truth,i asked my guide Mashway and she instantly told me this was not true in a very firm insisting mannorism, that is just a her being "lead down the garden path". they teach those who will be willing to learn and not frow it in there faces. again you will all qeustion this at 1st. but just re-read her last post and it WILL become clear. you are all doing so well, it has been placed by me to help train thos who still wish to learn. just do not be decived.

you see progresion is achieved by positivity. please put your trust in this fact. stop trying to qeustion and prove your guides.
you will only stop yourself dead in your tracks. there are guides that anser for you to learn. they do not want to keep having to provethemselfs. (whud it anoy you?)
KNOLEDGE IS THE WAY FOWARD. put the 2 together and you can blindly see the anser is, Trust,Qeustions,Knolegde.
otherwise you will be stuck at the point were "13" is dipiste she belives otherwise. please donot give up on your pendulums. you are all doing so well, lets move on from 13. i want to hear all your personal experiances. i want us all to progress, as we all can. we just have to beware of thos who have to much knoledge and dont know how to apply it. (as they always claim to be correct) i do not say i have telepathic guide for fun, to decive you all, im here now because i have to continue the mission to teach, this forum is far from finished. all we have to is have learnt from "13" is a "lesson". so please learn from it.

I really look foward to the futre of this forum now, i want us all to stop and share are most mindblowing and brain teasing experiances.

you are all exelent pupils, and i wud not worry about Mayatnik hes just very busy with certain "jobs", but im more than qualified to teach you all.
and you all will sucseed.

anyway its time for people to make there choice, to continue and to learn from people like "13", or to discontinue jue to the complexity of the learning procsess.

Remeber its time to ask everything from are guides fru the pendulum
(im not sure why im being told to tell that to everyone,something to do with too many people asking to many negitive qeustions)

thank you all for your time. i greatly look foward to hearing from you and your opinions on what has transpired.

with love and respect

Samuel, and my loving Guide Mashway
Originally posted by 13

Thanks Mayatnik. I understand what you're saying and will take the instructions you provide at face value and see how my own work with the pendulum develops. My goal was not to cast doubt on the truth of your methods - I just have a regular habit of open questioning. I find that, especially in areas of higher knowledge, any time questions are discouraged the knowledge is suspect and does not stand on it's own merits, relying on 'authority'. But I recognise the need to adhere to a system to get the proper benefits, so will continue with the instructions as you have given them above. I am always interested in learning more, friend, and will let you know if I receive a Sign as mentioned by your guide.

well thats no problem at all 13, you no iv just had a great idea!! how about you go start a topic on your magical new method and dont post your ways here to cause absulate caos to the people who actully want to learn how to use the pendulum proply,

After a long talk with my guide and checking with MAYATNIK's guide, Mayatnik and me were both told by our guides that they were very pleased with all the posts from the people serios about learning, and as the guides read your post both of our guides said they were VERY upset with ur ignorance to THEIR tool, we are under instructions to teach people this method and suffer from great difficulty when they read other people discribing there way of playing GAMES with it, This method is not for games, its for learning. Then after bein told how to use this tool, uv insisted u prefer it as a toy. i can asure you, you cause great problems for us when people who just want to learn stumble across jargon like this, i suggest you goto page1 and read the history behind your "TOY".

Please do not disrespect the SPECIES that cumnicate with us fru this tool its not the point of this topic and sends out a terrible message from Mayatnik and ME. i hope this is clear and understood, i think what your after has more realtion to a ouji board, thank you for your time and intrest but PLEASE go read the hole of page1.from there if u want to learn please come back and post it will be more than a pleasure to teach you. i dont think your aware of the upset uv caused to the Guides. thease things arnt for us to control nor to pretend we can, it is not your higherself you are speaking to as many are starting to learn, it is a Species that WILL take offence and will use me to strongly defend its proper use, all they want to do is reveal these instructions to EVERYONE so that people can learn freely with this reliable method they have given.

I know many shall look at this and think im being a tad harsh but please remember i have full mental cumnicational skills with my guide and she is not happy to see such abuse of there tool.
I have been asked to type this by instruction of my guide.

Samuel. and my loving guide MASHWAY  
Originally posted by SeekingAnsers

Originally posted by cainam_nazier

This you may find interesting.  As suggested above I have been using the pendulum while reading. In fact while reading this thread.  For the most part I get a good solid "yes" or "true" swing.

The interesting part comes in when I read comments that are geared towards a certain individual.  Almost all of them have produced a "NO" responce.  However I am not saying that these statements geared towards the individual at the time are false.  But the feeling that goes along with it is that the "NO" answer is in regards of how it applies to me.

Which gives me an idea for anyone else who maybe doing the same.  The "yes/no" responce given while reading may not always be a "true/false" reading.  But rather it strikes me that the "true/false" reading is only how it applies to you.  Thus being that the statement is not "false" but rather it does not apply to you.

Most recently this happened when Mayatnik gave a specific comment to 13.  When I read over it I got a "no/false" but not because it was not true but because it was not intended for me.

Ok very intresting but not sure were uv got that infomation. i must point out that your guide is not there to serve you blindly, she will test you, its far more worth your benifit reading whats here for yourself, thats what its here for. it wud be terrible if you were tested on a peice of infomation you really cud have benifited from and you get stuck behind everyone for a few weeks untill you work such a problem. i advise you check some of our previos posts it will help you to understand others experiances

thank you

Samuel.   and my loving Guide: MASHWAY
 xxxx               xxxx

Originally posted by Parmenion

Dear Mayatnik

I never realised the pendulum could be used to such great effect. Thank you for your time in sharing and explaining the process.

The pendulum was actually one of the first things I took up when I began to learn about the metaphysicall/occult. I never had a problem with it. It worked quite well from the start. I thought to make mine personall and simple so I tied a gold ring I used to wear for years to the end of a piece of wax string.

Looking at the rapid growth of this thread I imagine I underestimated the potential of the pendulum (probably because it was simple). I actually stopped using it alltogether when I recieved a few answers that were certainly NOT what I was looking for. I had never been given false information before and was stunned at what I was being told. I decided to brush it off as my subconcious playing tricks with me, even though I suspected otherwise. Your thread here has given me the inspiration to get back to using the pendulum and do a little digging for the truth.

I have a question or two. If they have allready been answered please forgive me, but this is a long thread and I'm a little pushed for time now. If my questions have been answered allready please ignore them, I will get a chance to read the entire thread later on.

>>> Can your thoughts, beliefs or expectations influence the way the pendulum works at all??

>>> Is it possible ,without intending to, to actually be communing with an external entity and not your higher self??

Appreciatively yours,


to your 2 qeustions m8.
I advise the best thing you can do is when it comes to your pendulum try to forget the rules you bound yourself to (not disbelive them at all) just try to free your mind of ALL rules and boundries for your convisations

to qeustion 2 (now theres a EXELENT qeustion) you are defintly on the right path by asking such a qeustion.
mabye you shud think EXTREME and then ask a few qeustions about your guide. you never know what you might find to be true.

(just to reasure you im pass the stage of the pendulum i have full mental cumication with my guide, and we all can be, we just have to learn and work out the right things 1st)

goodluck on your journey
kneed help just email me.