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Messages - Stealth Fist

hello everyone.

It was amazing!! The method that I use is that I try to stay concious while dream world approuches. I had three succesful attempts at doing this! My first attempt I could push myself mentally forward and then my second I simply turned my point of vision while my physical body remained at its place. Then the third felt as I was floating!! Only not outside my body, but in the inside as of still preparing for the ascension to go outside of it! But everytime i come close I either stop or blackout for some reasons.

I have made it this far and still I do not know how to go further. I have thought to simply to shoot myself out to a desired point where it is I want to be lets say near a  door or window in my room. When my body becomes asleep and I still have the time left to do so.

Has anyone else done it in this fasion. If so is there anyone out there that can help me to correct my errors[?]

Thanks in Advance,
Stealth Fist
Hello everybody.

It happened today I was tired and I was going for a nap. I had set my mind to project. My mind was still very concentreted and awake[:O]
Slowly my body as it where began paralyzed and I could move my consciosness forward! But there was something holding me back (Either it was dreamworld approuching because I began to see imagery or my fear) I felt the vibrations only at my feet. And what seemed ike only 5 minutes or so,2 hours had have passed!! And I had never fallen asleep i standed up when I stopped trying.

Please people I need some answers as to how I can improve this in order not to let my mind fade away to much in to dreamland and find a better way to push my self mentally forward. I know that this sounds odd, I really need you're help!!!

Thanks in advance,
Stealth Fist

hello everybody.

A friend of mine had a very dangerous OBE. He was sleeping and then he projected out of his body. When he was out he was very frightened.
He eventually got pulled somewhere.  He described it at as hell and while he projected he also thought that he was dying. I have a theory how this might have happened but am not yet sure. I think that his own fear "tuned" him to this realm, but fortunately his spirit guide saved his life to return him into his body.

I hope that you can give me some answers because I want to have a OOBE and I want to do everything I can to prevent such things from ever happening in the first place and help others so that they don't have to experience this.

Thanks in advance.
Stealth Fist

Hello everybody.

I was just curious. There has been a long debate if The Earth was hollow or not. Did anyone while OOBeing ever try and confirm this hypothesis??

Stealth Fist

Hello everybody.

I came accross a site which I think is worthy of the attention of those who have mastered OOBE. It includes various techniques related to interstellar space travel and of course other techniquese such as telekinesis. Hope you tell me what you think of it.

Stealth Fist


I was just wondering to hear what you think about this product I came accros. It says that when you use it you can astral project instantanly!! And that there are no side affects and that it is absolutely not addictive!! And of course that it is 100% legal.

Please visit and tell me what you think about it. Because I am really interested in buying this product!!

Hello, I am having trouble with the vibrations. When it comes to relaxing I have no trouble at all. I hope that someone can tell me how to move on from here.

thanks in advance,
Stealth Fist
Thanks Shoiro I'll keep that in mind not to be overexcited the next time I try and I will relax my body more.

Hoi Eeb, leuk om te zien dat er hier veel Hollanders aanwezig zijn[:D]

Stealth Fist

Greetings Frere,

Seeying with you're eyes closed is what is called clairvoyance. I am not sure do if it can help archieve an OOBE I hope that someone else can answer that question.

As for you second question I think that it is indeed you're guide talking to you, but I don't know what the focus is this dreams happen on. I hope that I have at least asnwerd a part of you're questions.

Stealth Fist
Greetings everyone,

Thank you all so much for you're replies!! I will keep it in mind when I try to project tonight. Perhaps I will see some even more results now!!!  Anyways I will keep you updated of my progress.

Thanks again,
Stealth Fist
I just thought that you might find these 2 sites interesting


Stealth Fist

PS. I Highly recommend that you explore this site in a more detailed way. They have some really interesting stuff!!!!
That's also a very good question darkangel13. When I get in contact with my spirit guide I will ask.

PS. I suggest you get into contact with you're spirit guide also.
Darkangel13 I have been wondering about the same thing, I have not yet experienced a OOBE but I will try this stuff out since one cannot be harmed while projecting.
Hello Birm and thank you for you're reply. I have been studying various forms of meditation I have leared that there are seven forms of them. I will list them down here and post a link to the site where I got them from for those interested as the site gives a more detailed explanation of each method.

Technology Induced Meditation

Sitting Meditation

Breathing Meditation

Mirror Gazing Meditation

Eye Gazing Meditation

Active Meditation

Soul Awareness Meditation

Sweeping House Meditation

And here is the link for the site

Stealth Fist
Beavis the dangerous part is that he almost described it as nearly dying as in losing his breath. He said that there was a lot of fear and anger. But maybe it was not dangerous at all, since you can't be harmed while in the astral. Because I know that my friend does not really understand the "mechanics" involved in projecting.
Hello people.

I also have another question when it comes to projection methods.
Since Robert Bruce mentioned in his treatise that once succes depends also as to how much active Chakras he or she has. Would it be wise to just spend some time let say 3 months or so (depending on how long it takes for you to open you're Chakras) and meditate for some time. I think when one follows this process it should be a lot easier then simply trying blindly to project out of no where and at some point in time when one tryes to visualize himself to project it should occure "naturelarly".
Seeying with closed eyes is what I belief is called clairvoyance.
Greetings Birm,

I have tried a similar technique once and had felt the vibrations for only a short second. I went to bed at night and concentrated on nothing but keeping my mind awake and my body asleep. It would seem that you have perfected the technique that I have been using I will get back to you if I have some results.

Stealth Fist

PS. I never did have a OOBE actually but I am going to byu Nova Dreamer soon and try projecting from a lucid dream. As far as I am concerned I think that, that might probably be the best method around.
Birm I very much thank you for you're reply regarding this subject. I have read the treatise for the most part i geusse I would have to do some more reading on thing such as Duality and mind splitting. I find Robert Bruce's work very fascinating because he really understand "the mechanics" involved in projection.
I think I have come across a site which I think might interest people who are interested in this topic. I hope that you tell me what you think of it.

Thanks in Advance,
Stealth Fist
I personally think that the best way to project is from a lucid dream using Nova Dreamer.
I agree with you Nay. I think while you are in the Astral you have to free you're mind.... from fear, doubt and disbelief.

Stealth Fist.
Thanks for you're input. I will first try good old training. And if I after a while don't see any results I will try the product.

Thanks again,
Stealth Fist
Dear Mica,

Thank you for you're reply. I have read  you're post. I have found it extremely helpful. I have experienced the vibrations now that I know what they are in general. I have had minor succes in an attempt to recreate them artificialy after using the Brain Wave Generator. I will combine you're technqiues and use Brain Wave Generator at the same time. Perhaps when I practice for a while, I will finally see some results!!!

Thanks for you're help.
Stealth Fist