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Messages - Yafey

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Don't miss!  [:D]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Human Society ???
February 24, 2004, 15:41:41
I was given these statistics not so long ago. A friend of mine gave it to me and said that a collegue of hers have found them on the Internet. So, i don't know if the information is reliable. But this is not of importance here. The correct numbers are not my point, though the whole situation is very close to reality.
  This is not some kind of a political, racial or religious proclamation

  "Imagine the whole world is reduced to a village with 100 inhabitants. Then pople will be represented there in the following proportion: 57 asians, 21 europeans, 14 americans (both North and South America), 8 africans, 52 women and 48 men; 30 from the white race and 70 from other races; 30 christians and 70 from other religions; 89 heterosexual and 11 homosexual; 59% from the global wealth will be possessed from 6 - all of them americans; 80 are homeless, 70 are illiterate, 50 are underfed; 1 dies, 1 borns, 1 owns a PC and only 1 is higher educated.

  With this idea the need of uniting, understanding, agreement and education is more than obvious and quite natural.

  Think about this:
if you wake up healthy in the morning, you are happier than 1 000 000 people that won't outlive the next week;
if you have never experienced war or have never been face to face with the loneliness of the prison cell, the agony of hunger so you are happier from 500 000 000 humans around the world;
if you can enter a temple without fear that you might be threatened, arrested or killed, you are happier than 3 000 000 000 humans;
if you are fed, dressed, and with a roof over your head you are more wealthy from 75% of the inhabitants of this planet;
if you have a bank account and money in your pocket you belong to the 3% fortuned people in the world;
if you are reading this you are not from the 2 000 000 000 people who can't read."

  First of all, it's obvious that we are incompetent to change all the worlds iniquities. I proceed from the assumption that we are the multitude but not the authorities.
  Than what? Is there something that we can do to make the world a better place? Is the problem rooted in the human nature? And isn't it too arrogantly to think ourselves to be a high evolved society? (And compared to what???)
  According to these statistics above, i'm one of the happy inhabitants. It is so because i have what to eat, what to wear and a roof above my head. I graduated school and have the opportunity to study at university. Also i feel free to go to church without fear.
  All this leads to the conclusion that i can contribute to change the situation.
  So do you.

  I would like to focus your attention your own life, family background and social environment. Because this is where you really act and you have some power there.
  So what you do there to make the world a better place?
  How to change our society?
  May be we should start changing ourselves first?

PS. ----------
I'd like to thank Volcomstone here. For one reason or another the post "Unleash The Dragon" was the motive for these thoughts.
I have a question related with the spiritual work. Have any body heard of "The Three Mountains"? What are they? I had an experience these days and i think it was related with the "First Mountain".
I'll appritiate any information.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hemi-Sync Free Downloads
January 13, 2004, 16:52:04
Here are two links, where you can download some free Hemi-Sync tracks in MP3 format:


Hi everyone!

Here is a link to the first Third eye topic -

Well, everything happened after an exceptional lucid dream that i had one night. Here it is in very brief manner:

I was travelling with a bus through a mountain village; could see everything very clear in details and everywhere was full of colours, bright colours; the path was climbing high - passing through the foot of the mountain; when looked up to the top i couldn't see i; it was covered with clouds and mist 'cause of its height; i even thought to myself that the mountains peak can't be seen from here 'cause it's in other higher plain, higher level; then i said to me: "I want to climb up to the top of this mountain!"; suddenly the bus disappeared and i found myself standing in front of three paths: one had to be chosen; i looked to this ahead first - it was a smooth road but full of curves and couldn't see its end; the one from the right was going down to the other part of the village; at last i turned to the left one and saw that was leading up to the mountain; my wish was to reach the top, so i felt that was the needed road; also i sensed something like waves or vibrations inside me when turned to this path; as if my intuition said: "This is your way - go!"; and so i made my first steps to the mountains top;.

 The next described happened with my full attention and awareness.

Everything changed after my first steps though. The outlines around became more and more blurred. After a second or two i could see nothing but an extraordinary "emptyness" and felt that i'm moving very fast forward.
Than suddenly a seat did materialize in front of me - same like in a pilot's cockpit. I somehow sat down and whole situation reminded me something from my childhood. I used to dream that i'm flying in some sort of flying in the air jets.
The flight ahead increased in speed and become much faster. Jokingly i began to buzz in my mind: "Hum, hummm, brrrrrr...rrrr..." like a playing child. But that noise someway surrownded me and the faster i moved the higher was the sound!
Much to my surprise while wondering with the noise the scene changed again.
The space ahead exploded with extreme bright colours and with a great speed i entered into the center of that colour explosion.
Everything was golden and yellow and moving in this tunnel i heard the noise again. This time was a high pitched hissing like air under pressure that comes out from a little hole.
Not far ahead a bright white spot could be seen and it was enlarging into a white circle with green, red and goldrn rays around it. (Now i can compare this only to these mandalas i found later; what i saw was exactly like these - )
The rays and colours vibrated and span altogether with the hissing noise and the flight forward.
In this very moment i scared and hesitation came to my mind. I was just to enter the white light when i felt myself lying in my bed but completely released from the sleeping physical body. Also the hissing noise remained strong in my head area.
What happened afterwards was an out-of-body experience - really amazing, because i met my newborn nephew (he's one month old and has been sleeping at this moment; if you have a child at home, try to met him/her in the astral - you'll be really surprised, i promise!).
After coming back to the physical i still could hear the sound and projected again.

 The reason i mentioned the third eye chakra is that when i scared and felt the hesitation facing the white-light circle two things happened: i realized that i'm in bed (sleeping body) and at the same time could see the whole scene; similarly felt an intense vibration sense in the head area and some sot of knowing that the previous described took place "inside" me.
 Some days later i had three OBEs in half an hour and they all began in a same way. First the noise, then conscionce "concentrated" in the head (if i may say so) and then some special words hat i use for strenghtening the vibrations.
 I noticed that a split with a renticular shape (like lens profile) is opening. In the center of it there was a hole enlarging and i could see through it.  (See the bottom)
 When the the opening came to an end i could see through it very clearly and the objects that i saw were amazingly real.
 Also i went to the places i saw without separating with the physical body - just a little effort forward when the hole opened completely. I'm not a psychic so it might be a clairvoyance, i don't know really.

 Thanx to the guys that answered me in the first Third eye topic. Sometimes i feel these spirals and vibrations too but only when i'm with my eyes closed. Guess i'm close to it.

 One more thing. The days between the experience and the OBEs i finally got some Hemi-Sync cassettes: INNER JOURNEY, INTO THE DEEP and EINSTEINS DREAM. I'm almost sure they did some influence on me.
 Here is a link where you can download a perfect piece, thanx to Adrian and altOxFF:  


Hi everyone!
These days i had an extraordinary experience, but i'm not sure what exactly hapenned.
Please, if someone had experienced the opening of the third eye chakra to explain the process.  [B)]

Hm, i wonder something...
We are waiting here a child to be born [:D] and i thought about the opportunity to meet with he/she in the astral. Is it possible?!?
I would like to ask a  question important to me:

May i help or heal a person in his physical body while i am in the astral?  If yes, how am i supposed to do it?
Hm, what kind of energy work you did exactly before?
to Moonburn33:
What do you mean?
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Golden Shield
February 24, 2004, 19:20:28

So, it's a question of concentration and training on the matter - protecting shield for example?
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Golden Shield
February 24, 2004, 17:33:38
What is the difference between making a protection shield and imagining a protection shield?
I find this information very interesting. Where did you get it from? I also feel some sensations from time to time even one night i tried to figure out what was it but no success.
I shall try again soon.[|)]

I'm a little bit into astronomy and i heard about an interesting theory about Pluto.
It says that Pluto, Haron and Quaoar is a triple system and that in fact Quaoar is not exactly the 10-th planet but a Pluto's moon.[8)]
Hey, i experience this very often! But i still don't know what is it. Sometimes there is also a sensation like movement (like i mentally move) into this emptiness. But the further i go into it - the bigger the emptiness gets. And i see nothing there, only blackness.
If you discover something about it, please let me know?
You may send me an e-mail.
These courses are very well done.
I use some of the techniques given there and they really work.
When you finish the courses you'll be different.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Progress
February 10, 2004, 17:05:52
Not so easy in the real life out there ...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Boobgate
February 10, 2004, 16:43:01
I agree with Cube. [^]
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Voice guided cd's
February 10, 2004, 16:04:24
You may try with the PeerToPeer programs.
You can even find the Gateway series with it.
Hm, i don't know, it could be. Why didn't you go to the kitchen and observe what was going on there? The cat might be still there, on the table.
It's always better to prove it by yourself, by your own. I believe that's the way the true knowledge comes to us.
Don't stop tryin', [:)]
Yes, there is a way.
You have to work upon your awareness through the day. Try to be aware of what you are doing through the day, for instant when you wash your hands or going for a walk. Try any action you want and be aware about what is happening and what you do, how you react and why. This is something like internal observation, without thinking about the thing itself, only watch.
This is an exercise that developes the ability to know what you are doing at an exact moment, and the more you practise it the more you get rid of the sleep cycle.
At the begining, you will not be able to do this for a long time, and when you are trying to astral project you will be somehow 'self-awakened' from the sleep process.
A man i trust once said, that children nave the ability to See;
Today, in our house there is a two month old baby, and more i watch him, more i understand what that man toled me.
I also met him in the astral, and that was one of the most astonishing things i have ever experienced.[B)]
Hey, calm down, please!
This topic is about the egos. Volkomstone seems them as a Dragon, why not? This is a personal experience, isn't it?
The way you act shows the manifest of the egos, dont't you think so?
One of the first things (my opinion) that one have to do in the astral is to work upon overcoming the egos, cause if one doesn't, then nothing there is thruth. Only self projectings - egos.

The evil ones and the good ones have no colour to me. This colours are only opposites that are basicly physical and are terminable.

Don't forget, that the Material force is represented with the Dragon (in Bulgarian language we have more propriate word - 'Lamia' or 'Zmey' ). But it is not Bad, cause we need it. I already feel, my intuition says, there is a plan.
So, the Dragon is needed and His purpose is Good in my eyes.

Also, i believe that everything comes from One Universal 'Being', and the only purpose we consider some things Bad, is to define our true origin, as a part of thi 'Universal Being'

So, are you quick to emotion? Is it hard for you to see other points of view? Do you get confuzed about your own feelings?

Explore every minute of your life, and discover the huge part that egos take into it.

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Astral Mozzies
February 09, 2004, 11:08:32
Hm, i think you are right that these were some sort of astral parasites; but don't worry, cause i think your mother in the dream represents your higher self, your higher being; also, obviously as a result you learned how to raise the energy in the astral; the physical injure is weird - once i had a dream, that there is a wasp nest into my palm; when i got up, there was pain in my palm; but dont think it was coincidence.
Not long ago, i had an OBE and when i realized where i was i saw a fat worm feeding with my right hand!! Nasty feeling, no doubt; I used a conjuration on it and the worm dissapeared.
Parasites are always there i think; Basicly this is their way to 'live'; To get rid of them you have to fight with the egos.