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Messages - Tenacious

Ok, so when I am awake, and fully alert, sometimes I will get a pressure on my forehead, right above my nose, in between my eyebrows.  I'm not exactly sure why, but I noticed that when I was in class today, thinking about how to solve those damned physics problems, It come about.  It was as if I knew how to do it, even though I'm so confused in that class.  That's not all though!  They happen at very odd times during the day.  I'll be driving and for no reason, I'll get it.  I'm not sure if it is a warning, a sign, or if someone is trying to help me...sometimes it's so intense that I actually reach up and touch it to make it stop. (which by the way doesn't work [:P])  Any ideas?
I found a picture that suggests that witches are real.

This is a picture of TISHA and two friends. hehehe

Sorry Tisha!  You know you're my insperation [:)][:X]

(she's the one on the far left...)
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / Chill's posts
October 21, 2003, 23:25:49
I get a very odd ... when chill posts messages, any advice?

there is a screen shot.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A Good Way To Relax.
October 05, 2003, 18:11:18
Here is a nice way to relax :

(this is not really a technique, it is a story, read it and have fun!)

Hello all!

I wanted to take the time out of my day to stress a very important subject here on these forums.  I feel it is every members personal obligation to keep sanity on these forums.  As you all have noticed, these forums have been "attacked" if you will.  So here comes so words from a nuetral.

To all of those who come here to share ideas, please do so.  It is simply amazing to share beliefs with others and have opinions posted here on the Astral Pulse.  However, I, personally, will not in any way make your belief into a horrible subject.  I vow that I will never, in any such form, discriminate your ideas and beliefs.  Be it relegious, or not.  I feel that it is very important to find your inner self and then share with others.  Maybe others on this forum feel exactly the same.  Others however will not feel exactly the same, and yet others will try to put you down.  For those of you that feel that your are always right, think again.  We are not here to argue over who is right or wrong.  We are here to share experiences, to share beliefs, to share thoughts.  Please do this community a favor and do not try to persude me, or us, that there is something that we feel there is not.  This type of ignorance should not be tolorated on these forums, and we will seek an adminstrator to justify our claims.  If you feel you need to preach to us, please don't.  If you feel that we are "bad" people, hey who are you to judge?  Basically, what I am trying to say is that No one on these forums should judge or be judged.  Seeing that this is not real life, it is easy to judge someone without even knowing them.  Even in real life, people judge before they actually know who the person is.  I also vow that this site is for information.  We come here to learn as well as teach.  This is a school for the "gifted" if you will once more.  We are not here to try and prove points that are irrelavent.  Please hear me out when I say that I will not reply to someone who is trying to pick an arguement, for there is no reason that I should argue my point to you if you will never understand where I am comming from in the first place.

Also those of you who just come here to spam, maybe you should look in the mirror and ask youself why you are doing such a thing.  You need to act professional and you really need to lose the childish act.  I am not the one to hold back my comments, and I will seek any admin, even Bruce, to resolve that pointless situation.

Ok so now that I have got all of that out, I wanted to let you know that I love this community because I learn so much here.  The people here are great, like a big family to me.  Thank You Astral Pulse for being there for me.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Chakra Pulse?
September 23, 2003, 22:17:46

I was outside tonight laying down looking at stars and I noticed that I had a pulse in my stomache.  It went along with my heart, but I have never noticed this before.  I felt my stomache to see where it was, and it is right above my belly button maybe an inch or so.  It was rather strong too.  Any help would be appreciated!

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Necklace and Dreaming
September 21, 2003, 22:18:25

OK here is a question that is burned into my mind.   I wear a necklace of relegious status (Saint Christopher-the saint of protection during traveling.)  Now then, I have notice that when I wear it during sleep, I do not remember dreams or I do not dream.  However, when i remove the necklace, I dream all the time.  Why is this happening?  Do metalic objects keep us from the astral/metaphysics state?  I hope some one knows!  Thanks for the Anticipated replies!


PS: To admins, I am sorry about posting this in the wrong section.  If you wish, move it to the Religious section.  However it does have to do with AP [:)]  Thanks! -T
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Two years ago today.
September 10, 2003, 21:59:46

As you are all aware, Two years ago today is when a horrible tragedy happened.  I wanted to take the time to express my condolences to all of those who have suffered a great loss due to the actions of a few people.  I also wanted to point out that this is exactly what hate is defined as.  Please take the time with me to share your thoughts and feelings, as I know we can not turn back time.  However we can reflect upon history.  I will be attending school tomorrow with my American flag attached to my window to show that we will not forget what has happened, and that we, not the U.S., But the people who do good in the world, will prevail and show these people we are not afriad of them.  I want to thank the world of good people for showing that there is still hope for humanity.  I also wanted to share that people all over the world should have a candle light rememberence, not for the U.S. but for those who have died and those who survived.  I am going to start a memorial service starting next year here in my town and havew the newspapers publish it.  I hope you do the same.

Thank you for the time to read this.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Proof of AP in religions...?
September 07, 2003, 20:53:29

I just so happened to be reading info and i found a great quote I wanted to share and start a discuaaion on! here is the quote:
"If there are people who don't have much interest in religion, they will see negatives."-The Dalai Lama

Is this proof of AP beliefs in Religions or what?

To all who have stopped to look at my post:

What I have always wanted to know just so happens to be in Allanon's field.  So here is my Question for him and you too!  Can Satan hear you when you are praying to god?  The reason I ask is beacuse I have said prayers to god, asking him to stop me from AP'ing if he doesn't want me to.  Signs have not pointed to no.  At least I still get all of the normal symptoms associated with it.  Can the devil listen in on your conversation with god or not?  Thanks for the responses I anticipate getting.

Hey all!

You know, I just have to ask this:  Can animals AP too?  Is it possible for me to ap, and for my dog to ap with me? As we all have heard, AP'ing is a natural thing, even though you are not aware of it, so is it possible for me to see my dog ap'ing with out him realizing it?

Hi all!

Is it possible to actually know where someone is on earth?  Say I lost my brother in Chicago, but I was in Ohio, would i be able to find out where he is during meditation/ap/obe?  I was thinking about this on my drive home from work(thank god i didn't try to AP during my drive! :) )  But I just wanted to know!  Thanks for the replies I may/maynot get [:O]

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Hi
August 07, 2003, 20:38:55
Hi- I'm a new member here!  I have been reading posts here for some time now, and I decided to join.  Let me start my question with some background.  When I was younger, I had many deja-vou's.  I would be doing something, and have a deja-vou, and i remember everything perfectly.  I remebered things that I had dreamed of, and the dreams actually came true.  This is when I decided to start researching what was going on with me.  I stumbled into this site and read lots of info.  Ok now heres my question [:D].  I have just begun the art of meditation.  The other night i was meditating, and all of the sudden my body felt VERY heavy, especially my head.  Next, it felt as if i was in a train station, or a crowded place with a lot of people talking.  They were not talking to each other, but to me.  It was only for a sec. because this made me snap out of my meditation.  Can anyone explain what has happened??  

Fuuny this should be the message I answer to when I first get back from my 'Vacation'

For me, jewlery hinders my efforts.  I wear a silver necklace with a saint on it.  (something my mom gave me and haven't stopped wearing it since I got it.)  Anyways, I received it after I first learning how to project.  I noticed, even if I were going to go to sleep, I could not even remember my dreams.  Now, if any of you remember me, I have been telling you about my 'Visions' that I recieve while sleeping.  These completely stopped when I wore the necklace to bed.  I have since taken my necklace off while sleeping, and my dreams are back!

Anyways, the point is that jewlery may or may not affect your exits.  This is something you should experiment with.  If you can't project while wearing jewlery, take it off (unless you have braces ;) )  Good luck!
I wanted to add to your discussion so here goes! [:)]

I have been hypnotized 1 time in my life.  That was about 2 years ago now.  It was to quit smoking, and it worked!  I completely believe that hypnosis works, no matter what anyone says only because it was an experience I had.  However, the hypnosis did not work for VERY long.  I feel that it was the hypnotists fault for not getting everyone to a hypnogogic state.  I was partially there, but not to a point where it would have REALLY mattered.  It takes quite a while for me to get to a relaxed state like that.  Anyways, the hypnosis wore off, partially due to me for wanting to smoke again (**Smacks Head**), and I'm back to "normal".  I think that if you're going to do this, make sure you know ***HOW*** deep of a trance you need!  Otherwise you may have a lot of troubles!

LOL!  All these people that smoke pot makes me want to light a bowl. LOL!  Oh and Beavis, i'm glad your friend [;)] [;)] is making progresss!
Originally posted by TheWanderer

Oh come on, "experts"?  You're at the stage that you will believe anything to see your wife one more time, and I can't blame you.

First off I'd like to start off by saying that this man has had a very tramatic experience, and your "pfft" attitude is probably not going to help at all.  The reason that the Astral Pulse is here is to help other without making them feel like they are completly wrong, in every way shape and form.  I understand your reasoning, but common, Can't you atleast word your statement a little more wisely?

Originally Posted By TheWanderer

Kill this person to see if this person kills himself. OK...

I'm not arguing with you, and in some way, shape or form you could actually be right, but I believe it to be highly unlikely.

Again I have to stress that you feel you are an expert and are degrading the members here.  I'm sorry, but even trained Phd's can 't answer everything correctly.


I'm sorry to hear about your wife kamil.  I find that my loved ones await for me on the Astral plane, as my Grandfather has spoken to me in my dreams lately.  Very Vivid and exciting.  So to answer your question, Yes, you can always find what you're looking for. [:)]

Way to make my head hurt!!!!!!!! [:D]
Not only that, Jeff And Nick, but I'm too lazy to scroll all the way down the page!!!! LMAO!

Sometimes I feel more relaxed when sick than I do when I'm not sick.  When I get sick, everything becomes easier to concentrate on.  If you don't believe me, check it out next time you have a fever.  Relax and see how fast you can get into a trance.  Works well for me!  Only problem is- I can't always stay sick! [;)]  Good luck!
Sleepy is right, many odd things happen.  The thing is, the effects are different for everyone I have ever seen post here.  The best advice I can tell you (since I have not AP'ed yet) is that I tell my self that nothing can harm me.  If you reassure yourself that you are completly safe, you will be relaxed.  Just ignore the "tugging" and go on about your business.  If someone is trying to communicate with you and they are trying to pull you out, once you're out, you can communicate with them freely.  However, it won't help you to ponder why it is happening to you, it's just best to accept that this will happen to you and to let go of it until you are free.  Good luck with your journeys and keep us updated!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / squeeeeeek
November 16, 2003, 23:10:14
I'll bring some e-beer, no age limit! :P
Wow, that's pretty interesting stuff :)  I have a few questions for you now!  (1) Who are the "Zeta"? (2) Did you hear your voice or someone elses? (3) did you AP?  That'a about it!  Can't wait to get your response!

Very Interesting Indeed!

I have to say, I'm extremely impressed with your coding.  How long have you coded?  Also what types of languages do you use?  I use to program, way back in h.s.  Those days are gone [:D]  Thanks for making Our experiences more enjoyable with your logger!
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Empathy
November 16, 2003, 19:34:16
Hum, I'll have to further develop that :)  I love when people are happy, thats why I always like making people laugh, it makes me feel ten times happier than those around me.  Sometimes I even get "happy-hyper"  It's quite amazing.  :)  Thanks for th tips!