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Messages - Adrian

Quote from: Traveler_2649 on May 29, 2024, 16:50:36I found the forum a few months ago, but decided to join to maybe ask for advice.

I've been doing the Gateway Tapes, hatha yoga, chakra meditation, and yoga nidra with some results, but I want to refine my techniques. The information here is great and looks promising. I'm glad this forum seems to cover all the bases in a constructive way.

I feel like I've stagnated in my progress lately, but I'm trying to not get discouraged. I try to avoid trying the same techniques over and over, so as to not "burn out" from lack of progress.

Welcome to the Astral Pulse forums. Here you will find a wealth of information going back 22 years on these subjects. Everyone here is very committed to inner exploration and very happy to help with any questions etc.

I cannot add much to the excellent advice already given, but I highly recommend you take a look at the Frank Kepple resources page:

Frank Kepple Phasing Resources
Quote from: LightBeam on May 22, 2024, 15:40:36The hominid were altered genetically to create homo sapiens, so all of us are hybrids. 

Yes, every human being, homo sapien, originally evolving on Earth is an Anunnaki hybrid. The genome of genetic earthly human beings contain several hundred unknown genes that do not appear anywhere in the evolutionary genetic record of life on Earth.

Much can be said of these genetic modifications - there was more than one giving rise to the diverse races and distinct features on Earth -but as LightBeam said, ultimately we are first and foremost infinite, eternal Spiritual Beings, we are God, Source experiencing each "life" as a very narrow holographic projection of the ALL.

As an aside, "Anunnaki" is not the name the ET's call themselves, but rather am ancient Sumerian word meaning offspring of "Anu" a "god of the sky" - ET - and earthly partner "Ki" representing the ancient homonid.

The ET's named their new genetic creation which became homosapien, the "Adamu" which gave rise the biblical story of the first human called "Adam". This first modification took place in a location the ET's called "E'Den which gave rise to the biblical "garden of Eden".

The Old Testament is actually a much abbreviated and altered text based on much older extensive ancient Sumerian texts such as the account of the "great flood" as detailed in "The Epic of Gilgamesh".
dontco - if you would like a much more complete insight into the answers to your questions, you are most welcome to download my book "The Meaning of Life".

Simply go to my website, link in the footer of this post, go to Book Downloads, and click the download button for the book.
Brilliantly and eloquently stated as always LightBeam.

The human experience is the evolution, transition, from ego to Divine Love, and from duality to Oneness. The ego focusses on, and relates to self, mostly through material possessions and gain, service to self. To evolve and progress, a human Soul must transition from a service to self to primarily service to others, out of Unconditional Love, and from the desire for material possessions, transitioning to Oneness with Source, which includes All that Is.

Most humans transitioning from Earth have yet to accomplish this evolution, which is why the Astral exists - the "astral body" is the Soul, which is still weighed down by duality. The Soul, and therefore astral body is transient, and when evolution is attained, the Soul dissipates, and we  exist as pure Eternal Spirit, as pure Mind, Spirit and Consciousness, One with Divine Love. 
I remember Robert as a very kind and considerate person who was always willing to help people. I also remember him as a devoted single parent. Back then his book was not that well known, but over the years he greatly expanded his work with his typical dedication undoubtably helping countless people along the way in achieving their objectives in inner exploration and much more.

Unlike most people, Robert knew from experience what awaited him after the transition from the Earth vibration, and I am sure that even after his final OBE he will continue to explore and help others where he is now.

This forum would not exist at all if it were not for Robert, so let this forum and his dedicated work be his legacy.

Onwards and inwards Robert, and enjoy a well earned rest first.

Quote from: Mustardseed on April 19, 2024, 11:52:03Thanks again Xanth so very impressed how you stayed so faithful over the years...respect..I hope all is well in your personal life and look forward to engaging a bit more...can I post a picture I drew describing a Astral Experience I had in this thread? just to keep my post to one thread for now is not really artwork but a visual rendition of the things I saw...a picture dream diary of sorts...I have found that very helpfull...its a a dream diary 2.0

Xanth did a phenomenal job over many years keeping the public side of the forums running notwithstanding many issues, not the least of which were spam/bot accounts which would otherwise have overwhelmed the forums.

I am certain now that these forums are hosted on a great hosting service, one which I also use for my own website, excellent server infrastructure running the very latest backend software, and the latest forum software, together with Xanth's excellent technical expertise, it will all run much more smoothly.
Quote from: Mustardseed on April 17, 2024, 11:34:49Thankyou the days when I posted I was trying to understand the in my later years I live by them...whatever happened to the 900 first post...did you ever find out why they were lost? Thanks again for all your effort with this platform. you really have my respect

Yes, although I had Linux cron jobs setup to frequently backup the database, I was away for a while during which time a major database corruption occurred in the error logging table which had a 4Gb limit. I fixed the table and truncated the error log to get everything back online. I also then added a cron job to truncate that table every day to ensure it would not happen again, which it hasn't. Unfortunately however the existing backup schedules did not extend to the period I was away, so all I could do was restore the most recent backup. I then extended the scope of the auto-backups.

Well although I created the forums and kept it running including over several major platform, server and Linux migrations and generally kept things running behind the scenes for over 20 years, despite ever increasing server and software incompatibilities which could not be resolved with the data centre it was hosted with, I recently handed over the reigns to Xanth who did, and is doing an exceptional job in migrating, upgrading and managing the forums for which I am grateful.
Quote from: Mustardseed on April 07, 2024, 02:55:17Hello everybody. This is my first post in many years . I hope there are still some of the ol´timers here. I would like to re engage with the forum, and explain how my journey took twists and turns. We have all come a long way. Recently I have had some WILDS that all end up in the same location and I would like to discuss...if we are all starting to dream similar dreams...My best regards to you all Mustardseed

Welcome back MustardSeed. Yes, I remember your excellent contributions a few years ago. As you say, global consciousness is evolving rapidly.
Quote from: LightBeam on March 27, 2024, 12:53:06if anyone is interested, below is a link to a documentary called "That Sugar Film". IT really gives a perspective how BAD sugar is, but sugar is hidden in so many products and it has so many names. People are not even aware that they are consuming excessive amounts of sugar. This guy from Australia did an experiment and started consuming "healthy" food as many people think is healthy but accumulating so much sugar from them daily. he monitored his vitals, blood results, behavior and weight during the time he switched to this typical diet which kids also are fed. the film is very entertaining to see him switching, the way he starts feeling with sugar highs and crushes, he travels to America to confront the large companies that advertise products as healthy or do not acknowledge that sugar destroys people's health. Overall very entertaining, but it opens the eyes if anyone is not aware how people get deceived and brainwashed by advertising and government guidelines for food intake. This directly affects the brain, emotions, behavior, etc, and also overall physical health.

Unfortunately that YT video is not available in the UK.

However, this is absolutely true and very important everyone should realise that sugar is highly detrimental to the body in so many ways.

Among the very worst is potentially "high fructose corn syrup" which is increasingly disguised as "glucose-fructose syrup" and is now in almost everything to sweeten it, particularly in the USA. Not only is it a particularly adverse sweetener, it is most probably GMO as well. It is highly advisable to read the ingredients before consuming anything.

Fast food, processed food, meat, dairy and alcohol are also all potentially harmful to the body. The best diet has proven to be whole organic plant based.

Edit: I realise my comments regarding food choices in general may prove to be controversial for many. I would add therefore that is this my own opinion based upon my own experience and research.
Quote from: Xanth on February 23, 2024, 11:47:47I wanted to explore the notion that we are "created in the image of god", because I don't think for a second it means what most "religious" people think it means.  I believe most religious people believe this means that god looks like us - head, two arms, two legs, etc.

I believe it means the exact opposite and also means that we are much more powerful than most people want to even consider.

To say that we are created in the image of god, means the spiritual part of us - which I identify as being what we REALLY are - a small bit of consciousness we call an "awareness".

To me, it means that, since we are part and parcel of consciousness that *WE* are gods.  We are creators of this world as much as any other being which inhabits this world.

What are your thoughts on that statement?  "Created in the image of god"?

Just curious to what we projectors think about this concept.

The idea of God being an anthropomorphic deity "up there" somewhere probably originates from the "image of God" mentioned in the bible and taken literally.

As you say "made in the image of God" refers to our Spiritual, Divine and Eternal reality.

We not merely "Gods", we ARE God, Source, The One the All, human consciousness on Earth, and the Astral for that matter, experiencing God as if through a very narrow holographic projection that humans call "life". Through Spiritual Evolution, through experience, and the transition from duality to Oneness and ego to Love we Experience progressively more of the Whole, until ultimately waking up from the collective dream, finally home.
The dream came from your subconscious mind. The Higher Self would never, ever project such a scenario into your consciousness. The dream is thereby entirely symbolic, possibly externalising a hidden, but unfounded fear that you possibly harbour, in this case a nuclear war. The "physical world" is an illusion and has no basis in fact. There will never be a nuclear war.

My advice is never watch or read the so called "news" which is nothing but a projection of fear, not Love. Focus instead on your own universe - we create our own reality - and only on Love, never fear

Congratulations Kodemaster on your publication. I live in England and have visited Wales several times, particularly the North around the Snowdonia area. It is a beautiful and diverse country with friendly people.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Expansion
February 05, 2024, 03:02:29
What a wonderful and highly relevant topic.

LightBeam and Xanth: Perfectly stated and I absolutely agree.

Yet, the transformation from from the pervasive influence of the ego, to All Encompassing Love is progressing apace, and will gain momentum.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Expansion
February 04, 2024, 02:55:11
"You are not just a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean within a drop"

Yes, this phrase encapsulates the very nature of our existence and relationship with Source very well. The same truth has been reiterated down through the ages. The messenger who came to be known as "Jesus" said: "the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You"and "In that day you will know that I Am in my Father, You In Me and I In You."

As for expansion, yes, this began many years ago - to the extent that time exists of course. Many often ask when the Golden Age will "arrive" - well it is already here, now, and accelerating, being felt by increasingly more people. Ultimately, to some degree, the experience you describe will be reality for everyone. Those experiencing it now will continue to do so with increasing intensity, until the illusion of "Earth", "matter" will be known for what it is, or rather is not.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Jesus dream
January 23, 2024, 02:41:33
Your dream was likely indeed symbolic. The physical attributes in the dream were a metaphor for a Spiritual transformation in readiness for the transformative era which have now entered.
Quote from: LightBeam on January 11, 2024, 09:15:47The current situation demonstrates that humans need to evolve further to eliminate greed, selfishness, violence, etc from their personality traits and increase love, compassion, equality, unity.

This is it exactly. Humanity needs to continue to move, Spiritually, from "service to self" to "service to others" -away from the influence of the ego, towards Oneness with Unconditional Love. This evolutionary process is ongoing.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Biological Children
January 06, 2024, 05:09:39
I have three sons I raised alone for 20 years, which was a blessing in many ways. They are now in their 30's and all happy and healthy.
Quote from: LightBeam on December 20, 2023, 19:32:10If I may I would like to use Xanth's story to point something out. It appears that at the moment of the breakdown, Xanth you knew that you were done with this. One way or another you knew that it was ending and you could go no further. And knowing supersedes believing. Knowing is absolute in the moment of manifestation.

Excellent point LightBeam. Knowing is absolute. Or to put it another way, Belief is of the Mind, Knowing is of the Heart.
Quote from: Nameless on December 20, 2023, 13:32:43Yes LightBeam, you are perfectly correct and thanks for reminding me of this. Finding the joy and happiness of just knowing is difficult in this physical existence. All too often for me I'll say. I may not always respond to these little gems in comments but they never fail to bring me great joy. Love!

Hi Adrian, happy to see your comment. Hope you are doing well.

Thanks very much Nameless. I am here most days and will post when appropriate. Xanth has done an exceptional job to keep the forums running. I am very well thanks.

LightBeam: Once again excellent comments and observations, and also those by everyone here.
Thank you for this excellent post LightBeam - all very true.

The single most powerful factor is BELIEF. Belief that a desire is already true Now, in this moment. And not will become true in the future, which never arrives as there is no future, only the Eternal Moment of Now.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Xanth for keeping the long Astral Pulse forums legacy alive. I know how difficult it was to update everything so it works properly, and Xanth did a phenomenal job.

I created the forums originally over 21 years ago and have kept it running since then no matter what. I have no doubt whatsoever that these forums are now in the best possible hands, with an excellent future on this important subject.

I am here every day and follow the forums with interest.

So thanks again Xanth for keeping these forums alive and well.

Quote from: Mario Sousa on March 05, 2012, 09:31:53
Romero has dozens of vídeos doing impossible feats. I will try to see if I can get one.But it wont proove a lot to a skeptic. You see, some years ago I posted a vídeo on a board and there was a guy telling it was fake! I filmed myself, and the guy was calling me a liar in my face.It is amazing, but its true.
You see, Romero has no problem whatsoever in being filmed at public events, as he has no problem that people send there someone to check the authenticity of the experiences, he does encourage this to happen.
Romero has closed up the teachings to a very restrict number and kind of people. But as a person he is very accessible and I will ask his permission to place a vídeo on the web.



I knew Romero very well from FH.

Romero is genuine and his abilities are genuine.

People that have negative things to say about him either 1. Don't understand him. 2. Jealous of his abilities. 3. Sceptics who do not believe that Magic is real - it Is.

Please send my best regards to Romero when you see him.

Kind regards,

Quote from: KarmicBeats on April 25, 2012, 17:54:01

You are correct a certain amount of this has to do with belief and expectation.  I have been asked where this info on frequencies comes from.  Some comes from EEG and other research.  Some comes from spiritual and philosophical beliefs.

There is science that says brainwaves can be entrained with binaural and isochronic beats.  It is possible to have your brainwaves in the range normally seen during sleep, yet you are awake.  We call that an altered state of consciousness.

Generally delta range is considered to be healing and theta is associated with the range monks are in when in deep meditation.

It is science that says relaxation and lowering stress is beneficial to health.  So is a positive outlook.  Meditation and the various aids to it can help to relax and reduce stress.

As for any specific meaning such as astral projection, lucid dreaming etc.  People report having better results for certain things with certain frequencies.  I started out with the idea of just making stuff and stating what beats and frequencies were used.  But then I realized most people are not going to do the amount of reading on the subject I am doing, and most are not going to look through a list of frequencies and try to make heads or tails of it.  They will not get into the technicalities.  They just find this stuff works and want someone to make it for them with a bit of guidance for them as well.

Often times when I listen to binaural beats and when I am making them I go with what feels right to me.  I know that when others use them they are going to be attracted to what feels right to them.

My personal experience is that meditation to delta or theta range defiantly helps me sleep at night.  I favor 4Hz beat with 136.1Hz base. That gets me into the "zone" :-D

I have not been able to lucid dream, astral project or any of those things just yet.  So I can only go along with what others report.

When I first started making binaural beats, I tried various base frequencies in the range of 100 - 200Hz, because that was recommended in some of what I read.  I tried the frequency of OM 136.1Hz and found that most pleasant. And, it is still my favorite base frequency.  I make videos with other base frequencies as well because these frequencies are believed to have different effects and because different people might have different favorites just as I do.

I personally feel that all specific abilities attributed to BWE arise from the actual expectation of the end result.

This is simply an observation - not negative.  If a BWE tracks was not labelled as "Astral Projection" for example, then the listener would not be "programmed" to expect Astral Projection.

In broad terms, there is no specific frequency range for Astral projection of anything else, but rather that at a specific frequency and combination of sounds  - and everyone is unique - an expansion of consciousness can take place at which point a wide range of metaphysical abilities become available.

I rarely use Binaurals, except as "spatially dynamic" binaural beats which are in harmony with the base sound track. Actually, Isochronic and even Monaural beats are much more effective, but they can also be intrusive so while invoking an expanded state of consciousness, they can also disrupt that consciousness as well - but not necessarily.  So when I use Isochronic and/or Monaural beats I integrate them at a Subliminal Frequency - that is to say - the Subconscious Mind can detect them but not the Conscious Mind.

In terms of frequencies - it depends on the nature of the track. I agree with you that 4Hz is a good frequency for e.g. Meditation because it is on the borderline between Alpha and Theta.  For metaphysical and psychic abilities nearer 8Hz is better, being in the mid-Alpha sort of range.  This is the range of for example drumming and other sounds in "native" cultures for this reason.

Another fallacy, in my opinion, is the tendency to "ramp" frequencies up or down, i.e. to start at a high frequency and ramp down to the "target frequency".  The brain will entrain to any frequency very quickly and does not need, in my opinion, to be "guided" there.

Another tendency in BWE tracks that I personally disagree with is the use of multiple frequencies which serves no real purpose if there is a specific objective.

At the final analysis there are no hard and fast rules, and every listener responds differently.  I have been making BWE tracks for at least a decade, and have yet to find the "holy grail" of BWE, although I know what I wish to accomplish and have the technology to achieve it.

Ultimately any BWE track should be "captivating" to listen to - so the user does not get bored quickly - harmonious, and integrate powerful BWE to entrain the Consciousness without BWE techniques that are actually intrusive and disruptive on the Consciousness. It is a very fine balance and nt an "exact science".

My starting point is the right ambient music and/or sound, and I build on that.

I have recently for example been experimenting with Buddhist Mantras, because they alone are designed to invoke BWE, and then I have integrated 4 or 5 different, subtle BWE technologies.

I have two tracks of the "Om Mantra" to which I have integrated 4 types of BWE which are largely unnoticeable.

In Love, Light and Service,



I have created a range of BWE tracks with the very latest "technologies".  Most of my recent ones are "phased-shifted ambient music and sounds".

No I am not going to promote them :)

The observation I would like to add to this topic however is this:

I never make claims that these tracks serve any particular purpose.  I have been creating BWE tracks for years and at the final analysis they all serve a single purpose - an expanded state of consciousness. Different people expect and react in different ways, which is why I have created such a wide range of tracks and "technologies".

However, as has been so well stated in this topic thus far, I personally do not see how specific tracks can be created for specific purposes. To the extent that a specific track with specific claims works it is due to the Expectation - the Mind - of the listener as opposed to the characteristics of the track itself.

Astral Projection, OBE, LD etc are all Expanded States of Consciousness and Vibratory Frequency, once achieved the rest is for the individual - the possibilities are infinite.

The word "Astral Projection" is actually a misnomer based in duality.  We cannot "project" anywhere because we already exist Every-Where.  So what is known as AP, OBE, LD and so on is a Projection of Consciousness Within the All - we do not "go" anywhere or "leave our body" - our focus changes.

So what does this have to do with BWE?

Well quite simply, anything that can invoke an expanded state of consciousness, whether BWE, early morning awakening, meditation or some other approach will bring the possibility to Perceive beyond the narrow band of the physical waking consciousness - after that it is down to Mind.

I hope this does not sound too enigmatic, but the point I wish to make is that BWE is a means to an end, not the end itself.

In Love, Light and Service,

Quote from: Apollos_Flame on April 10, 2012, 07:03:37
Hey guys sorry I don't know if The Astral Academy is even linked to Astral Pulse but I have a problem and thought I would give it a shot as I have had no response through the contact page.

Basically I payed for The Astral Academy through Paypal and registered. When I try to login it says I haven't activated my account. I haven't got any emails from the Academy asking me to activate. I then thought maybe I have put in the wrong email when I registered and contacted the Academy thought the contact page. I explained my problem and put my correct email address and also ticked the option so a copy of my problem would be sent to my email. I didn't get a copy or a reply. I'm pretty confused what is going on. I am just flagging it up here because I'm not sure if my message even got through...

Thanks and sorry if this is the wrong place.

It looks as if you did not receive the activation email fro some reason - often this sort of email ends up in a spam folder for example.

I have now activated your account and you should be aby to login.

If not, please contact us.

Kind regards,
