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Messages - thirdeye26

I have checked out the rest of the videos as well, and things were working pretty much fine for me :)
@Fresco I did not have any issues while signing up.

Hey guys,

I stumbled upon this a couple of days back; and I found it to be quite informative.

It is a collection of 5 videos on out-of-body expriences.
The guy who made these videos has answered 240 astral projection questions.

I have managed to go through just the first 3 videos. I plan to go through
the other two this weekend.

The only drawback is that the videos are around 100 MB; and it will
take some time to download them.

But the video content makes it really worthwhile.
I got this when I was browsing. It is supposed to be a picture of a ghost, but honestly, I think it is just a shadow. Nothing creepy about it. What do you think?
Doing group work per month for the healing of the earth is a great idea. But, I sincerely feel we must begin with ourselves. First, we must heal ourselves... only then will we be able to heal others.
Are you talking about binaural beats? Well, binaural beats do work for some people, but then you ought to do your homework too. I mean, you will have to do your daily practice of meditation, relaxation, and focusing in order to reach a state of mind favorable for astral projection.

To answer you question about whether you can astral project, yes you certainly can. But you need to put in a lot of effort.
You seem to be having  a real gift. I don't know why you don't want it. Since you have been given the gift, oughtn't you to research it, learn more about it, fine tune it, and control it. There is nothing to be scared of. I think you have the ability to astral travel, meet deceased loved ones, and learn important information from them.
Here is yet another interesting article for you regarding sleep and lucid dreaming. Doesn't say much, but makes interesting reading nevertheless.
Night or morning?

That depends on you. If you tend to fall asleep during the practice, then do it in the morning.

Age is a factor?

Not really, though kids can astral project easily because they do not have the thought limitations that adults do.

Current emotion yeilds success or failure?


Can't project if you're covered in a blanket?

I am not sure of this one.

Negative emotion attracts negative beings that'll block you from projecting.


Achieving AP takes an hour.

I think the experts can achieve it faster.

You have to lay down with palms facing up.

Since that helps relaxation, I guess so.

I think it is an astral creature that was trying to bully you because you were so scared. I don't think it was a negative entity. It seems you have a gift; so I guess you have to learn to live with it. Astral projection is natural; so you have nothing to be afraid of. Actually, the experiences you are having can be really enjoyable. I suggest that you read some books on astral projection and enhance your knowledge of it. You will then stop feeling so scared.
1 out of 2 people die in AP, eh? Now why did you say that????

Ok, getting back to your present post... yup, you do have a point about listening to newbies and forgetting all the old techniques. Seeing auras is something similar. The more you try, the more difficult it becomes. The minute you let go, it all comes back to you.

Thank you so much for your response.

Dear GreyTraveller, yes, that is what I have been assured by many...that it is not possible for anyone to take control. But in my case, I think I am a bit too much attached to my body and have a big phobia of separating from it.

Dear Tiny, I did have anesthesia once and don't remember what happened during the surgery (a minor one) I remember waking up giggling and telling jokes and even the doctor was laughing.

Err.. personalreality, where did you get those statistics?
Congratulations on having your first OBE. Well, the first experience is always confusing. OBEs get clearer and clearer with practice. As for mirrors, I heard that they are always scary in mirrors and dreams. They reflect the weirdest things.
I know exactly what you feel. I guess I cannot call myself new to these forums. I have been around posting and reading, but still I feel there is a lot of exploration to be done. I am just taking it easy.
So, one of my major fears is that if I leave my body,  I will not be able to return to it. In other words, I might die. To others harboring the same fear, I recommend the following article.
Welcome to Dreams! / Doing dream work with the dying
February 18, 2010, 12:12:51
The dying have some great vivid and even lucid dreams. And I found an article recently that talks about how to help the dying deal with their dreams, or in other words, do dream work.
Six months is not really a long enough time to get desperate. Please don't get disheartened. Also stop wanting it so much because it creates stress. Know that you are slowly but surely moving toward your goal. I wish you all the best.
I have nothing against Sylvia. I have never seen her, never spent any money for a reading, and I have read only one of her books, "The Other Side." I still don't know whether I ought to believe most of what is written in that book. I have done a bit of Googling though, and I came across this interesting site. I guess anybody with the slightest interest in Sylvia ought to have a look at it.
You normally get these vibrations when your astral body is just about to leave your physical body. Sometimes they are scary; but most of the time, they are nothing to worry about.
I really love those beautiful pictures of the park and squirrels. I thought squirrels were shy creatures that kept well away from human beings, unless you rescue the babies and raise them.
Hi David... I wonder if what you are proposing is possible. I mean, an expert astral projector might be able to project into your bedroom. But you will be in your physical body. I wonder if, with your undeveloped psychic senses, you will be able to see the astral body of the projector who has come to see you. I wonder if you will be able to able to hear his/her words. You might sense them in your subconscious. Or if you are asleep, you might remember it as an absurd fragment of a dream (which is not the proof you are looking for.) That's why, my friend, you have to find your truth yourself.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hi everyone
February 13, 2010, 05:48:18
Hi Plater, welcome aboard! You will find plenty of like-minded people here to talk about things such as the third eye. I am just a month or two old at these forums and enjoying myself here... learning a lot. I haven't visited the astral yet... but maybe one day I will.
I have the same problem so I can sympathize with you. The first thing you have to do, if you still want to AP, is to get rid of fear. The best way to get rid of fear is to gain more knowledge about whatever you are afraid of. Read, read, and read about AP. Join forums and groups on it. Take a course on it. Interact with like-minded people. And then see if you don't sense some change in yourself.

If you feel better APing as part of a group, you could take a course. Check out the following link:
I have had similar experience; and I quite know what to make of them. I was lying down and for a split second my mind became blank and I sort of whooshed upward and I felt as if I was leaving my body and my entire being was screaming "not yet! not yet!" It happened twice... dunno what it means. We do have these weird experiences sometimes.
Congratulations! Most first OOBEs are short... they get longer as you get more and more practice. But this is a really great turning point. I wonder about the suffocation. I have read about a condition called astral blindness, but nothing about suffocation. I guess it is some personal thing... I am not sure though.
OMG!! This is so fascinating that I don't know what to say. These alien guys were trying to time travel, eh? I wonder if we on earth will also learn the technique, if some of us don't already have. How fascinating would that be!!