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Messages - SteppenWolf

A friend who's astral travelled all her life typed this up about her experience in a place which seemed very low astral and where she got attacked - and how she got herself sorted out.

Anyone had anything similar?

Cheers!" border=0>

Hi Adrian -

Any thoughts on having an area of the forum (perhaps linked off the individual member profiles) where people can create a sort of journal to chronologically put in all their OBE experiences which they'd like to share?  

Obviously the Wiki idea had problems, though now I think about it... the absolutely simplest idea might just be to let people know that if they're interested in setting up a journal, all they need to do is use a Blogger service like and link to it from a cool link on their profile page.  Or if you can edit the profile form a bit, you cold just add another URL textbox with a label like "OBE Journal".

Use of a Blogger would mean that you don't need to install any more s/ware and each member can create a publically accessible OBE journal if they feel like it so that people can easily browse through.  Just I don't think anyone much knows how they could share them at the moment, even if they wanted to.

Always keen to add functionality...  :)

Richard :)

Hi Robert -

I gotta say (as I've probably said before) that "Lauràelle, The Ceremony & The Sword" is one of my favourite articles on this site because the OBE experience is so way out and incredibly cool.

Anyway, in the ceremony it talks about you renewing[/n] your vows etc and agreeing to rejoin your mates, but you had somehow just forgotten when you'd seen them before that.

So what I'm wondering is - have you meditated on the incident and found out where you knew those guys from previously?  Because it really seemed that you and those guys all knew each other from way back.  Or have you even meditated on what might have been your previous adventures with your sword, as it seems that this has been your sword from before the ceremony.

(Or have you even asked these chaps, seeing as you've seen them many times since.)

Just there seemed to be some loose threads in the story and I think the Astral Knights might be very interesting aspects of the whole thing!

Also on another note - have you identified the language on your sword?  And is it possibly Enochian?  (Just a wild guess...)

All the best from New Zealand,
Steppenwolf" border=0>

Adrian (et al.) -

Let me say the forum is great.  In fact it's AWESOME.  Really cool.  People wonder about something mystical and ta-da, a lot of the time someone with some kick-arse experience tells them the answer.  Brilliant.

However there are 2 pretty serious limitations with these forums.  Firstly, postings no matter how good get archived or deleted over time.  Secondly, the threads are sorted into several broad categories but underneath there there is no categorisation.  So if I want to read more about a specific subject - say experiences with meeting astral beings, I can search for vague keywords using the Search function, but chances are I'm going to be frustrated.

So I thought that perhaps all the good threads should be collected somewhere as a sort of "knowledge" database.  But then to do that, you need some sort of program like UBB etc and I couldn't think of one which would make that easy.

Then I remembered.  For posting messages you have message boards but for storing user-editable knowledge dynamically (with cross-referencing) you  use a Wiki.  A Wiki is a set of dynamic text pages which users can edit at will, expanding them further and further and further, cross-linking everything over the place by whatever topics they wish to define.

For more detailed information:
The Wiki Wiki Web:
Wiki web philosophy:

Some examples of Wikis in action: - a sci-fi Wiki - a collaborative project to produce a complete encyclopedia from scratch

You can even have a play aroud with editing content at the Wiki sandbox:

Also the EXTREMELY COOL thing about this is that within an Astral Pulse Wiki you could have a section for forum members' OBE experiences and people could voluntarily put all their most interesting OBE experiences in there!  And there could be sections for all sorts of things - in fact anything anyone wants as you can create whatever you like - all from your web browser.

Not that the Wiki is a perfect system, as no system is perfect.  Because all registered users can edit content, it is open to abuse.  However there are some protections and perhaps the latest Wikis offer some good rollback functionality.  The latest changes are always indexed and abuses shouldn't be too difficult to spot and fix.  Nevertheless, it does offer something which Astral Pulse desperately needs - the opportunity to have a knowledge database where all members can input.

And note that the Wiki would not replace the forums.  The forums are for general interaction - ie discussion, chat and asking questions - while the Wiki would be a permanent and evolving repository for knowledge, experience and whatever people think other people are interested in reading if they swing by.  So they each serve pretty different purposes.

I would really appreciate comments on this idea because I think it has a lot of offer us and people interested in reading and sharing knowledge about OBEs and general spiritual advancement.  Also I would really recommend that people visit the links above - the Wikipedia is a great example (even if the server is a bit slow).

Richard" border=0>
Hi -

Tried to upload an image to use as an avatar but whether it was a JPG or a GIF file, it always said "File type not allowed".  Seems a bit buggy !!!!

Richard :)
Just a funny thing happened a few weeks back.  A friend and I just got into kite flying for a laugh and so we were flying the kite down at the beach and while I was controlling it looking up at the sky I suddenly noticed that there were all these bright little dots pretty evenly spread out over my field of vision in the sky.  I yelled out to the others and enjoyed it for the few seconds it lasted.

Anyone had that before or any idea what it's about?

Cheers!" border=0>
That was interesting reading the werewolf thread at and it's got me thinking.

Made me wonder seeing as there are at least a couple of people in the forum who feel linked to wolves (not counting me as I don't feel too wolfy myself), whether anyone knows what the path has been through history of the werewolves and people who regard themselves as having wolf souls.

Like have these people congregated in any particular time periods in history for special purposes or causes etc?  Or is it purely a personal thing, just like being a Libra or a Scorpio?

I can't help thinking that the nature of "weres" would probably tie these people together somehow and probably in all sorts of interesting ways...

Hello -

This ritual group I've just joined recommend that I do a Golden Light meditation which you can see at this link and does seem pretty cool indeed.

Actually now I think about it it's more of a visualisation than a meditation.  Anyhow - this seems to be an energy-drawing exercise and I was wondering whether it's an alternative to NEW or what the difference might be.  Especially as these guys say it's pretty much all you need.  Though I can imagine some energy bouncing etc fitting into it and chakra stimulation beforehand helping.

Also this visualisation seems to really help with minor headaches!

Any thoughts?  Anyone done this a lot?  
Winged Wolf -

I was just reading your web page last night (very interesting indeed!) and it reminded me of a pretty serious person I know who remembers past lives and having had a dragon soul a long time ago.

Ring any bells with anyone else?


Before I came across New Energy Ways, I would often just focus on my 3rd eye spot between my eyes until I had a feeling of pressure there.  That was cool, except after a while I would feel this pressure during work and not be able to shut it off.  Really distracting!  

But what I am most interested to know is if anyone has ended up with an occasionally twitchy bridge of the nose or sinus area.  I never remember ever getting this before and now I get it on a regular basis.  Does anyone think this is connected?

Also it reminds me of another weird feeling - I'd often get a feeling at the outer corners of my eye which was just weird.  Maybe like something was oozing out of there?  Not totally pleasant but bearable.  Ring any bells?

The Wolf-Man
Salut! Grüße! Ciao! Gidday!

There seem to be a lot of people posting who have some really amazing AP histories with talking to their guides and going all sorts of places etc etc etc... and I would just love to hear more about their experiences.

I know lots of people have real problems creating a web page, and I was thinking that it would be so cool if every forum member here could have a bit of editable web space where they could put all their own experiences.  This of course would be really interesting reading and very inspirational for other people.

Now - that sounds like it would take a bit of work to implement.  But by far the simplest way to do it would be to set up a forum area for "Members' personal OBE experiences" and each person who wanted to would just post a single topic for their experiences and just add to it and add to it.  (Would be good if someone could write a bit of code to prevent other people posting in there though.)

Then all a member would need to do to link it into their profile would be to take the URL of their OBE log posting and past it into their profile.  So you could then look at someone's profile, click on the link and there you'd see all their wild experiences.  (Or at least all the ones they were willing to share.)

How does that appeal to people?

Richard - who just loves reading about other people's OBEs
G'day from Kiwiland, Robert!

I am a big fan of yours and have just joined the forums recently.  I'm a bit of a reincarnation nut too and I just know that a person like yourself just has to have discovered his previous incarnation by now - even if you prefer to play down such ideas because we are all one when you dig deeper.  (As a paid-up Theosophist I am totally sold on that idea too of course.)

However I think who you were last time round is just so interesting to see how things work in life - how some people keep steadily on the same track from life to life, while others make huge mistakes in one life and then redeem themselves in the next.

I enjoy reading your articles on your wonderful mystical experiences so much and would just love to hear about your past life feelings - if it is something you feel you could share.

Hey -

I am in contact with a guy who has a serious problem with getting too many visions.  He's a bit of a natural and it's nice that he's getting some insights into his past life but it's extended way beyond that and now everything is triggering them.  It seems his problem is that he can't turn this stuff off.  

Any ideas?

Here's what he mentioned:

I have had so many memories/flashes I dont pay attention to them alot these days...In the past I have had such strong flashes/memories it has brought me to tears over feelings of something lost I do not know (in this life).

A while back I was looking at a site that was about excavation of old trench lines in Russia and they dug up the bones and uniform and equipment pieces of German KIA and I was "done" I went to my room in the house I flashed a young soldier talking in German to me...his face was covered in dirt, he wore his stahlhelm and gripped his K98 rifle and artillery was exploding everwhere...I remember GREAT fear and desperation....and it lasted about half a second..I thought about what I saw and broke down.  I've also had flashes of France, about the time of Normandy and The Bulge.

I'm getting worn out with all these flashes I always matter what I get em....for the past week at work I'll look at the guys I work with while we are on break and I flash and they are all wearing German unifoms and in a split second it feels like its 98 degrees out side...I feel like I'm living in two worlds...maybe I'll go crazy...


Anyone heard of burning moxa sticks to keep bad spirits away?  

A Chinese herbalist mentioned the idea to me yesterday when I was buying some moxa sticks for a dream pillow - as the sticks are the cheapest way to buy dried mugwort (one of the more amazing and lesser-known herbs).  

The idea was that tastes and herbs are divided into hot and cold, and spirits prefer cold - so burning mugwort (moxa) is heating and supposed to create an atmosphere that spirits just don't dig.

Take a peek:
(Note that the individual sticks are cheap as!)

Also found this on another page about artemisia (referred to as "wild sage") - ie Artemisia argyii or Artemisia vulgaris, both being common mugwort:
Sweetgrass... was used for perfume and was burned as an incense in any ceremony or ritual to induce the presence of good influences or benevolent powers, while wild sage, a species of Artemisia, was burned to exorcise evil influences or malevolent powers.
- taken from (search for "demon chasing")

I read about William Buhlman reliving his last moments as a crew member of a German tank in Russia and I thought that was so amazing!

Anyone else relived a past life moment like that?
Before I read Astral Dynamics, I'd noticed that I could just generate an "intense" feeling all over my body.  I first noticed it when I was imagining myself falling out of the sky, then I realised it was a distinct thing and got the knack of just doing it after a while.  I guess it's a bit like energy raising in many ways as while I'm doing this, my heartbeat gets stronger, body gets warmer (almost break out in a sweat in warmer weather) and I can feel a mild vibration in my legs and just have more sensation in my body in general.  However as opposed to energy raising, I'm not visualising energy coming into my body or moving around, and I'm not dragging it either.  It's more a general idea of expansion.

It's like getting your subtle bodies to expand or something, as I definitely feel some sort of expansion when I start and contraction when I stop.  Also it's hard work and seems to be most concentrated and natural during exhaling, where I automatically need to do a long slow exhale.  Usually I wouldn't do it for any more than 30 seconds at a time.

Possibly related to eastern chi energy-raisers who seem to drag energy in with the in breath and then push it to the extremities with their out breath?

Note the feeling can be concentrated in certain areas of the body - torso (especially in an area bottom of the spine), each leg, head, and if I concentrate on the head I feel a bit woozy and at night I know I won't sleep well at all.

Does this ring any bells to anyone?

Edited by - SteppenWolf on 19 March 2002  10:41:58
Actually in the past when I've been doing a lot of meditation and energy work, I've found that if I go and get hammered, there's a good chance of having a really vivid dream later that night, if not a weird low-energy kind of OBE.

Interesting the talk about higher and lower chakras.  Alcohol relaxes you and definitely allows energy to flow better.  (Ever noticed that you're also significantly more flexible after a few drinks?)  I know from experience that when I'm feeling lethargic and am putting off starting something difficult, a drink or two will get me up and at 'em!  (More than a couple of drinks will make a complete hash of the job of course.)

Steppenwolf :)
Hey -

Nice technique!  I'm just getting interested in Tattwa (Tattva) visualisation and searching for it, I came across this thread.  

About the Body of Light - I was quite impressed and I found an online copy and formatted it in case anyone wants to print it out.

Here it is:

Steppenwolf :)
Well it is definitely faster than it was when I first posted - pages seem to display in about six seconds or so for me now.

Out of interest - what country is the forum hosted from?  I am really surprised that you guys in Britain are getting pages up in less than 2 seconds, unless you have super-fast ADSL connections or something.  (Ie if you are getting up to 2 megabits then that's hardly representative.)

Emailed Tom and his experience is the same as mine and again slightly faster now but trhe forum is still one of the slowest ones I've used.  Really would help if the pages were slimmed a bit and the Javascript could be dispensed with as I really wonder how people with 56k modems cope.

It definitely is a bit better than it was though.  And I don't know if you can simply assume the site is running ok for general users.  Personally I would check that out and especially find how it is for 56k modem people.

Richard :)
I first got into the Gateway tapes in 1998 or thereabouts after finding that the early Remote Viewers had used them to train with.  The main thing was that the TMI had some credibility, so I ordered Gateway Wave I and couldn't wit to try it.

I found Wave I to be quite good as far as unlocking a certain amount of potential from a completely non-gifted person (ie me) for the purpose of out-of-body travel. However I have to say that I don't believe that there exists any hemi-sync tape which gives you an easy road. They always require tons of effort and repetition - unless you're naturally gifted of course. I used the cassette version of the course, which I would say is probably ok if you have a decent tape player, though from what other people say, the CDs could well be heaps better.

"Wave I"
The "Wave I" series was good because it assumed no prior skills whatsoever and is pretty simple to follow with clear instructions included along the course of each tape. One downside is that it came with only the most basic instructions so most people don't really know exaclty what do do once they are getting interesting sensations, but are still are having no luck getting out. Definitely the most difficult part of the whole thing was finding 45 minutes worth of quiet to shut yourself away to try a tape most days (and preferably each day).

At the start of each tape session, you are taken through a few minutes of breathing exercises which require you to exhale through your mouth making an audible noise.  Note that I found this energy-raising breathing to be absolutely essential, so don't think you can just skip that part. I don't know if making the audible exhaling noise was particularly useful but I was happy to do it anyway. I did try some nights playing the tape without doing the energy-raising just to see - and the results were disappointing.

Practice - and some results
When I started, I practiced the tapes nightly for ten days or so, listening to them in bed with the lights out. I gradually moved from tapes 1 to 2 and 3, and then onto tape 5. They mentioned that you needed to achieve the "mind awake - body asleep" state before going on to tape 5, but what I think they really mean is that your mind should be awake but your body be so deeply relaxed that you have lost most of your awareness of it. (Some people report hearing themselves snoring but I don't snore so I never experienced this.) However you should definitely not be in a state of "waking paralysis" where your body is totally asleep! This state is rare, uncomfortable and also generally regarded as being pretty unhelpful for the purposes of astral travel.

When I finally tried Tape 5 of the series, I noticed that I got to a point in the tape where I would get a very light vibrating (or fluttering) sensation throughout my body for maybe 15 seconds or so. I didn't know what this meant, but certainly hoped it was "the vibrations" that astral travellers talk about as a precursor to leaving their bodies. The rate of the light vibration through my body was about 5 Herz - ie five flutters per second. However initially I didn't get this effect every session.

With more practice of tape 5 though, this point of vibration became easier and easier to reach each time until I sometimes didn't need the tape any longer to reach this point - I just needed to recall the feeling in my mind and the vibrating would come. Interestingly, one night I asked my girlfriend when the vibrating started if she could feel it as she lay next to me, and even though she was touching me and we were both lying very still, she said she couldn't feel a thing - whereas to me it seemed bizarre that she couldn't tell at all.

Also another sign that things were working well was that after the energy breathing at the start of each session, I would notice that I would be really hot afterwards - even if it was a cool night and I'd got into a cold bed. I believe that the energy-raising takes quite a bit of practice to get right (and for energy blockages to be cleared in the body), so this process can take maybe three or four weeks to perfect. Note that after a few tape sessions, you can definitely feel the energy as you are pulling it up your body from you feet - which is a good indication that things are going right. (And practicing it during the day helps too.) Personally I don't believe that dragging the energy right the way into your head is a great idea and I usually was happy to just get it into my torso. (Otherwise I noticed I would not sleep well afterwards for some reason.)

Extra preparation
I was reading all sorts of theories about Out of Body Experiences at the time and was trying all sorts of techniques. I changed my diet to minimise meat, starch and refined sugar and to maximise carrot juice and raw fruit & vegetable intake. Plus I would drink the 2 litres (7-8 cups) of water per day.  I also tried to do some yoga headstands each night which seemed to help.

When doing tape 5, I would also try to visualise things in my head - usually a flower in an imaginary garden setting - and then at the deepest point of the tape I would try to maximise the energy inside myself in a static way which I've later found is similar to the "Middle Pillar Exercise" of the Golden Dawn. I also began to believe that the clearer I could visualise an image in my head after the light vibrations had occurred, the sooner I might leave my body.

A high point, then losing my commitment
One night after about 4 weeks I had a minor breakthrough. Near the end of tape 5 I was doing everything I could to focus on an image of a flower and I managed to make the image quite vivid in my mind's eye. Then suddenly and very unexpectedly I felt my entire body somehow moving across the bed and realised I was moving in a very slow spiral fashion, parallel to where I had been lying. I was so taken aback that while I tried to keep focused on the image in my mind, I was so spooked that my concentration went right out the window and I ended up back where I had been within a few seconds.  Damn!  But at least I had actually triggered the projection reflex.  No noises, no visuals, just the distinct and unexpected feeling of motion.

Understandably I was pretty excited about this as that was the single weirdest experience I'd ever had in my life, but then the next night I tried the same thing again and I just couldn't get to the same point, nor the next night either. (Unfortunately you have good days and bad days.) Around this point, I suddenly needed to do a lot of overtime at work and stopped practising every night. This soon put paid to the good work I'd done up until then as after a while I even lost the knack of getting the vibrations so easily, because I had gotten out of practice (especially with the energy-raising). Since then I haven't managed to regain the discipline to start all the work all over again, though I dearly wish I had. I will try again some time in the future, but it is a really big committment.

I would say that the Monroe Institute's tape course is definitely worth trying and as I have never regarded myself as being spiritually or psychically gifted in by any stretch of the imagination, I definitely feel it helped me see that advancement in this area is really possible. However it can be such a difficult regime to follow - especially if you have difficulty getting 45 minutes worth of peace and quiet to be by yourself to do a tape most nights. And if you don't think you can stick at it for three weeks at the very least, it's unlikely to end in success unless you're gifted in some way.
However - the best thing is that there are some good progress indicators along the way:

- Being able to relax until you lose most of the sensations of your body - and yet being still conscious

- A definite feeling of energy moving up your body as you do the energy-raising techniques (maybe towards the end of the first 7 sessions)

- Feeling quite hot after the energy raising (maybe within the first 14 sessions)

- Having a wave of fluttering vibration - light or perhaps intense depending on the person - two thirds the way through a tape 5 session (maybe towards the end of the first 14 sessions).
Adrian -

Just for some more feedback - I have checked in to the forums from my work (at a government office in NZ) and even though we have a terrific bandwidth there and perform large downloads at great speed, the forum pages still took 14 or 15 seconds to load, just as they do at home where as I said I have a fast cable connection.  (128kbps)

When I browse through the Yahoo groups I subscribe to, the pages load in a second or so so this should put things in perspective.  I also had a look around at and pages with 7 or so postings take about 3 or 4 seconds to load.

So there really seems to be a problem here.

Here's a possible gain you might make: One thing I have noticed is that your server disables local caching of any data from your server.  Every time I go to a different page i nthe forum (running IE6) it reloads every single item on the page - including every single graphic!  Since when are graphics not cached at least for a day or so?

As a web developer, I would definitely suggest looking at some of the caching-related headers the s/ware is using.  Smilies and tool icons etc definitely want to be left up to the browser to refresh when it wants.  It's really very wasteful for people to reload all this stuff each time they visit a page.

Now - I suddenly thought that perhaps you are running Opera 7 and that I should give this a go.  So I've just installed it and it takes just as long - but gives some interesting stats at the bottom of the page:

When loading this page: had to load a total of over 180k of data including 37 images. had to load a total of over 115k of data including 31 images.  And this topic only has two posts.

Ok - here's another big issue which will slow down the text being made available to the web viewer as soon as possible.  I noticed that in Opera it said that the HTML was loaded within a few seconds but a lot of the waiting for for images.  Now - this means that in the source that not all images had their sizes specified in the HTML.  On inspecting the source, yes - this is the case.  The following images are not sized in the source and this causes the browser to have to wait until it can sort out how big they are before it can display the page:

images/ap_200.jpg - the astral pulse logo
images/button_logout.gif - the logout button image
Also any smileys on the page (may be impossible to specifiy sizes for these depending on your s/ware)

Ok - and now with a bit more playing here's something that really makes a difference: disabling Javascript!!!

Once I did this, the text will now display on any page within 4 seconds (though the rst of the images still take ages longer to load).  

Adrian - do you have your javascript turned off?  (Also are you using any non-standard cache settings on your browser?)  Ah well, I have always been suspicious of Javascript-based drop-down menus.

About the Javascript, it seems so detrimental to the average user to have such slow JS menu code there that I have to wonder if it would be better to rip them out and replace them with straight HTML or (at the very least) something which doesn't slow down page loading.

Note that you can't easily recommend that people disable their JavaScript as it is not an easy thing to find - especially in Internet Explorer.

Well, hopefully you will find some useful suggestions there.  In the end I now know how to browse the forums a bit faster, but it seems a bit slack if I have to disable my JavaScript each time!

Best regards,
Richard :)
Adrian -

The site is *unbelievably* slow.  Painful?  Definitely!  Every page says it was generated in less than a second, but the pages take about 20 seconds or longer to load.  Even each graphic is slow to come down.  You must have a bandwidth bottleneck somewhere - if not on your server then perhaps the ISP is maxed-out at peak times.  (Now is a bit of a peak time)

I have a fast cable connection and it's like I've gone back to 14.4 or worse when I access this site.

Perhaps you are using the same provider as the server, Adrian - hence your good response.

All I can say is if this speed problem continues, I just won't have enough patience to look at anything in this site and neither will anyone else.

If you don't trust us, why don't you ask some e-mates in different countries to have a surf around.  There really is something terribly wrong!!

Cheers and good luck!
Richard [:)]
[ Web developer ]
Spotted in the BBC site too, but luckily they're not silly enough to bother interviewing the ultra-skeptics as they're just too unreasonable.

I don't mind if people make the unscientific assumption that these experiences are in the brain, as long as they look into the phenomenon more.  Once they find a way to cause it to happen eaasily, there will just be too much weird stuff for them to mark it as only hallucinatory.

Interestingly the CSIOP actually do good work for the spiritually minded as because they are so dead-against absolutely everything paranormal and are so unscientific, they discredit themselves totally in reasonable people's eyes.  Perhaps that's the intent by people like the Great Randi?  Acting so badly that you'll drive people to look into it.

Cheers!" border=0>

Actually I just asked the chap who rescued her exactly what he did and how he got her out of there and he said:

Golden Light of course, and just being there provides
an orientational frequency reference for the person
who has become lost.

Change the frequency the lost one is holding by
sharing via resonance and they shift through the
sub-realms.  It's kinda like getting a jump-start.

Those lower astral beings lock people in their realm
by lowering and fixing frequency. If one aligns with
the Light, then the frequency is shifted to higher
rate of vibration.

I really don't quite know where he found out all about that stuff but he has done lots of work originally with the Golden Dawn (which his totally disavows these days) and the BOTA (Builders Of The Adytum) and that's where his astral travels and later clairvoyant perceptions started happening.

All pretty interesting stuff.

Cheers!" border=0>

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Astral Mapping
September 08, 2002, 19:55:20
The idea is only monumental when you imagine trying to have the whole thing mapped out.   The creation of the internet was a monumental task, but all it took was for someone to lay out the framework and for anyone who was interested to contribute.  Contribute they did and now it's jammed full of info.  It's by no means the complete repository of all information, but does that mean it wasn't worth starting?  No way.

Adrian - if you can find a way to allow people to add information to an open-ended repository then that's all people need to add their info.

Once again, I reckon that a freeware Wiki-Web would be the simplest solution.  And there are now ASP versions around like this one:
(So no worries with yukky old Perl cgi scripts which I know you don't like.)

Of course if you can find something better then that would be terrific.  It does however need to be something which can be infinitely added to and structured and restructured in a fairly organic way.

Also as far as structure goes, people can just give any old names to the areas they find just as random names have been given to vast tracts of the Earth.  If they're misleading they can be changed.  The cool thing about using a Wiki is that nothing is set in stone and is always open to review.  Even a forum area could be set up to discuss amendments etc before people made serious changes.  And different indexes could be made for them by plane (for those who see the plane grid) or verbal/nonverbal level or whatever.

In the end, it's easy to say "It's too hard!" or "Where would you begin?" and beginning a large task is always psychologically hard, but a lot of the time you only just need to kick things off and let momentum build.  I imagine that a lot of the regular astral travellers would be quite keen to describe their regular astral haunts etc and compare their experiences in these places.

Cheers!" border=0>