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Messages - jimbola

Wow what an interesting BB. I chanced across this place when looking for info on David Blanes latest endurance feat entitled "above the below".
You all seem to be well versed in astral projection and oobe's, I cannot claim the same thing but do recall when I was a very small child being paralysed in bed, fully awake and very scared. Also many times as a child until I was maybe about 6 I would have vivid dreams/experiences I don't know which of floating around my house, always out of my bedroom and down the stairs, into the kitchen and back up again. I have no idea what the truth of these experiences is but would be interested to hear your views on that and learn more about what you discuss in these forums.
I look forward to reading more of your stuff.

Are the beliefs of Muslims any more valid than those of christians?
Oh dear, "prove that flowers exist"
Go and see your local florist who I am sure will be able to provide you with a shop full of proofs. Alternatively I believe churchyards may have some examples.
I am very glad that you have all now engaged in a serious debate and are not merely accepting of eachothers word. You are proving to your credit that many members here are not as naive or gullible as I was led to believe initially.
So how do you intend to back up that statement?
I suppose another interesting question is how would you define god?
Unfortunately your assertion that you have met god is NOT proof, it's just your word, so I have every right to discount it as part of my silly little opinion.
Well I thought you had wasted enough time already but since you insist then no, your claim to have met god is not good enough proof for me, frankly I do not believe you, have you got video evidence or something?
Nagual, ultimately I do agree with what you have said, your last comments cannot be disputed. I choose not to believe in god because as far as I can see there is no evidence to support such a theory, I will only ask for proof of gods existence if as has happened I am poo-pooed and told that I must disprove the existence of god. The fact is that there are many things which cannot be proved conclusively and I may or may not accept them as a reality. A "god" in the traditional sense is to me a far fetched notion and for this reason I reject it.
The website that you have viewed on my profile is not owned by me, it is just comedy, I will change it.
I have not sought to offend anyone here, but merely challenge the beliefs that on this website are treated as fact, balance is essential but I accept that I have adopted a heavy handed approach, what mystifies me is just how offended some people have become that I dared to disagree with them that god is a reality.
May I now refer you all to to title of the thread which is I gather asking us our opinions, I quite legitimately gave mine. Unfortunately the small minded thought police do not accept that I am entitled to that view and have sought to discredit me. Now I accept that it is your right to hold whatever opinions that you like, just that I disagree. I disagree with the assertion that there is a god and I disagree that you believe you do not have to prove his existence.
Nagual, i'm sorry I did not realise that you actually wanted me to translate the words into another language, a gullible person would believe anything, for example the hapless victim of a poor conman would be gullible.
Why would anyone try to measure gamma rays with a spoon? they would not, it has never happened, you cannot compare silk with sandpaper. The blind eye crust thing-is it not conceivable that your willingness to believe let you be tricked into beleiving something that just never happened, have you ever heard of charlatans?
I am not trying to tinkle anyone off, you are clearly doing that to yourslves.
Please don't presume to tell me what I would and would not think, if I am shown proof I will certainly look at it with an open mind. Away you go then, if you can prove it i'll believe it.
For the secon time I will answer your question yes, god does in my opinion only exist in the hearts and minds of the gullible.
What part of that don't you understand?

The Wright brothers flying, the television, all tangiable solid inventions, scientific developments such as gene therapy so we may "play god", I can believe in anything like that, I am happy to accept that someone may one day do the "impossible" and invent a machine which removes the fluff from my belly button automatically on a daily basis, a god however is an entirely different concept and science is proving every day that the universe can be manipulated in many ways by humans without god being involved in any way. You seem to imply that I am narrow minded because I refuse to accept the notion of a god in the face of no evidence whatsoever, I could accuse you of the same for your harbouring of the opposite view, I would even go so far as to say that you have been brainwashed by religious organisations who put far fetched ideas into peoples heads with a view to controlling them.
I can state whatever I like if it is my opinion, you say that if there is no proof of something then that is not sufficient grounds for discounting it as a reality, I believe that in certain cases such as this that would not be strictly true. A key being in your pocket is entirely believable, I consider that god existing is not.
No my friend, if you wish to have people actually believe in the reality of what you tell them then you must prove it otherwise it's just gossip or hearsay at best.
And to answer your question yes, god does in my opinion only exist in the hearts and minds of the gullible.
Whats the matter anyway, do you not like alternative opinions?
Thanks mate.
"How can you state that something does not exists until proven so...?
Surely you can see the flaws in this one. Please prove that there is a god.
Read carefully. My assumption that english is not your first language was based on the fact that you clearly did not understand what I was saying. You basically called me a hypocrite because you did not understand what I was saying so I returned by calling you an imbacile (thanks for the correction, which dictionary do you use?) now it is true that I cannot prove a negative, well heres news for you I don't have to, you must prove the positive. There is no proof that god does exist. This is not a useless fight, you are simply offended because I have challenged your views to which you have no logical basis.
This website is simply not balanced if it is frequented only by people that will frankly believe anything.
I just checked out that website, now that really is comedy. Dare I say bunch of freaks, bloody silly.
This really is too much, stars becoming silent? I wish I could have heard that.
Earth calling...
The point is i'm being asked to prove that god does not exist, lets be honest about where we are all coming from, you know that I don't believe there is a god and I presume that you do. Well there is no proof that god does exist. You prove to me that he does exist then, have you any concrete evidence of gods existence?
I presume English is not your first language.
No it does not you imbasil, there is documentary evidence to support the existence of Jesus, whether he was the son of god or indeed whether there is a god is in my opinion nonsense. It's the same as if I claimed to be the son of god, I clearly do exist but there is no god and so I am not his son, comprende?
Did Jesus exist-probably.
Was he the son of god-unlikely.
Does god exist-only in the hearts and minds of the gullible.
There is not and never will be proof of the existence of god.
What's this 2012 business then, are you just pulling dates out of the air, nothing happened in 1000, nothing happened in 2000 and i'm positive that even less is likely to happen in 2012, or 2013 for that matter. The only demons are in my pants after a curry.
...Furthermore (sorry), do you know why the clergy wear robes? Well it's quite simple, to make you believe them. Psychology is the key here, conformity and obedience. We will naturally prefer to follow the group/congregation (conformity) and will be much more willing to accept what we are told by what we percieve as an authority figure. We identify authority figures by their dress, such as policeman, security guard or in an experimental environment a scientist in a white coat. In this case we identify the authority figure by his robes, it's a calculated and deep rooted attempt and subsequent success by the church to control us through the use of psychological techniches in this case the trait of obedience.
Ahem, religion especially christianity is nothing more than an emotional protection racket, believe in Jesus or go to hell is the message, might just as well be "give me your money or I break your legs", for this main reason I reject it on principle. I have never been religious, I don't believe a word of it at consider it totally harmful to the world at large. Organised religions are about power and control and seek to serve themselves and not others.
Is Christianity not just a watered down version of Judaism anyway? Jesus was apparently king of the Jews after all, so christianity is based on a compromise and not on true faith. "Ooh that Judaism is a bit full on, I know lets make it a bit less radical and call it er, Christianity" what a crock of poo.
I for one do not need a god in order to know the difference between right and wrong and I suggest that no-one else does either, don't carry on being a sheep, you must go out and be the shepherd instead, don't accept something just because you are told it by a man in robes, seek the truth and the facts and this way you will find enlightenment.