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Messages - JestersJINX

Mm I've been doing that for a few years. Sometimes I feel like I have too much energy and have to "release" it.

I actually took it really slow last night. and I kept almost getting it, from memory of the sensation I've had before when I first accidentally projected, it was very close. It seems when the vibrations get very strong and the sensation nearly exactly from memory, my mind will speak, and it'll distract me. Seems to do that a LOt! its frustrating
I don't know any proper names to what I technique I use... I got it from a book when I was around 15 and just remembered it. The self hypnosis count down relaxation thing. I'm not very good getting into the trance unless it is accidental though.
If you felt uncomfortable it sounds more of a lower plane experience.

When I first heard about projection, and the possibility of going to the lower plane, the fear actually stopped me from projecting for a very long time. I still can't properly project even though I feel no fear of it anymore.

How do you enter the astral consciously?
I've been remote viewing for several years, and met a few more who has been able to remote view. None of us seem to have success with astral projection.
We have an underground river that flows north, a few miles away from where we live. The energy feels strange, dark, and uncomfortable. Would this be any way of a block in any kind of psychic aspect?
I've actually been trying to project for a few years.
I've had few success stories, and each of them only lasting a few seconds before I had either fallen asleep or woken up.

My first experience I was laying in bed and my father's cat decided to sleep on me. I was allowing my mind to drift and I felt a weird very fast sensation, and felt as if I was walking into the living room where my friend was watching a little girl. I snapped back and woke up and ran up to tell her. Including what she was watching on the television screen. I tried again, no success...

Another time, was when I believe I laid down, around the hour of twilight, and closed my eyes, and felt the same very fast sensation, but I was blind when my body had separated. I actually ended up returning to my body, and automatically tried again, it happened one more time, then the last I was able to see. This only lasted few moments of me looking around my room until I had fallen asleep and woken up several hours later.

I've had a few more like this, all happening around twilight for me.
Would that be considered common to have a set time of day that I could only project?

Any tips how I can possibly prolong my experience as well?

and Any stories of yourself projecting, what did you see or do?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / woops
March 30, 2010, 01:34:39
Actually posted this in the wrong place. but I do have a question!

Anything weird ever happen to you while you are sick?

OBE experiences?

My mother said when I was around 5 I used to speak about weird strange things after my eyes close while I'm sick, then I'd wake up and tell her things about it. I don't quite remember myself, any experiences for any of you?