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Messages - polejam

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: any tips
October 20, 2011, 21:01:39
Thought I would post another update  :-D

Well I practiced the WILD method for a while and didn't really make any progress. I got sick of waking myself everytime when I would either fall back to sleep, or just lay there feeling like I wanted to sleep. So I stopped practicing that method for a while. Funnily enough I had another experience, I woke up one night and I swear I felt a hand reach down and try to pull me out. I got the whole vibration WHOOSHing sounds and I felt like I was so close to popping out but then it just stopped. Strange.

Anyway I've decided to start practicing again and I'm coming at it from a new angle. I'm going to treat it similar to my meditation practice as in a daily steady practice without 'too much' expectation. What I've been doing is using my concentration that I've developed with meditation, and just set my focus upon moving my energy body "upwards". This seems to be effective and some low pulse vibrations will start pretty quickly. Then, continuing with my applied focus I start to drift into the deeper states of relaxation and can reach the hypnagogic state. This is about as far as I've gotten so far, the deeper I drift into relaxation, the stronger the 'energy body' movements / vibrations become. And I'm just doing it during the day too, I haven't been trying to do it whilst in a 'sleepful' state.

Well I will keep up the practice and I understand that this might take a while. I suppose it's just going to be a practice of getting myself deeper into these relaxation states, until I reach the state that I can project from. Thanks so far for the help, if anyone has any other advice or experience i'd love to hear it.

EDIT: Just found this link
Seems like this method I am trying should work ok, just a matter of getting deeper into the relaxation. Nice to read a "map" of it too, it says the OBE should come after the really big vibrations have stopped?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: any tips
February 23, 2011, 19:29:31
yes the goal i would have in mind is that of being able to project at will

would you mind saying a bit more about projecting / OBE through meditation? are there any links that have some info about this?

i was just thinking is it easy to project in a state of samadhi? like it is with a deep SP..

i am assuming i am practicing WILD because i am trying to stay conscious and reach a deep state of sleep paralysis to project.
from my experience:

i have gotten a few waves of vibrations where i can feel the energy body moving

once you experience the wave of vibration in its fullness it settles down and you seem to enter into an even deeper relaxed state

i think it is just about staying relaxed through all this and when you are deeply enough asleep it will be easy to project out
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: any tips
February 23, 2011, 03:16:41
so i have been practicing 'falling asleep consciously' i believe it is known as a WILD?

well i have been practicing meditation for a while, and had some great experiences with different energies, but lately been working alot on my concentration

it is interesting to note that i have found that staying conscious while falling asleep and meditation are fairly similar in their procedures

it is almost as if they just require a different 'intent', it takes a bit of trial and error to find that 'intent'. which i had a similar experience with meditation

i am making definate progress deeper into the falling asleep procedure and staying conscious, after my experience with almost projecting i have a good idea of how deep into the sleep paralysis, or body sleep i need to be. it is just like the meditation, and i am reaching and progressing into deeper states of sleep paralysis, very interesting!

i thought i would just use this thread to post a few updates of this journey, hopefully it might come in handy for someone
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: any tips
February 20, 2011, 19:22:01
so ive been keeping up the practice pretty well and making some steady progression deeper into the vibrations / sleep paralysis

but this morning something pretty amazing happened i thought i would share

well i woke up real early to go and collect some water and when i got back i decided to have a small nap. tried to meditate and do the whole fall asleep consciously thing but just felt tired and wanted to get some sleep.

so i kind of just let myself fall asleep but tended to stay conscious 'on and off' through it anyways.

i ended up hopping out of bed and just realizing, hey im in a dream, i ended up lying back down and and found myself attempting to project. i was lying on my side and i found it easier to begin spinning myself in circles.

so i spun and spun and really quickly i started spinning around in circles like crazy. it got really intense and i knew this was projection. i stopped spinning kind of amazed at the intensity and then did it again. one thing i noticed was when i came close to exiting my ears started popping? anyway i started spinning again and it was just amazing how easily i could start it and begin the whole exit process. it got really intense and i stopped again.

i was kind of surprised how easily i was finding it to begin projection and also a little overwhelmed by the intensity of the exiting procedure. so i kind of just sat there baffled for a while and didnt end up doing it again. im thinking i must of somehow gained some consciousness while i was in a real deep state of the whole sleep process. after experiencing this i think i have a much better idea of where i am headed in order to begin exiting, when i am doing the meditate through falling asleep / vibrations thing (entering from a totally awake state).

well just thought id share this, an exciting experience!
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: any tips
February 07, 2011, 06:24:25
a little update

this morning was interesting. i woke up and decided to try projecting so i normally roll onto my back to kind of keep me awake. well i did the usual and the vibrations and stuff began and eventually got bored and decided to go back to sleep so i rolled over and started to fall back asleep. but i just noticed if i kind of meditated i kept myself fairly conscious. so i did and really felt the whole sleep process begin but i kept myself awake and conscious through it. i went through a couple of big vibrations maybe 3 pretty intense ones and ended up in this really deep state. wasnt sure what else to do lol so i kind of kept lying there tried a few exit techniques but didnt do too much so i just kept myself conscious it was very interesting. i ended up going to roll over and realized that i just kind of rolled out of my body lol but then i snapped back in.

very interesting and exciting! feel free to add any tips / comments, but i think just practicing is whats most important.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: any tips
February 05, 2011, 19:57:47
cool thanks for the posts

i have been practicing more and am starting to get more comfortable with the vibrations and stuff and maintaining a more relaxed state and also kind of feeling like i am falling asleep when i feel like i can actually feel my "energy body" moving

i get to this point where the vibrations kind of reach a 'climax' if you will and then they kind of back off, but i am left with this feeling of being more a part of my energy body than my physical, and also a more deeper state similar to sleep

so then i continue focus upwards, and the sensations begin building up again, but this time they are different, it feels alot more like my legs are kind of getting pulled off of some velcro and then i feel like i am kind of floating with my whole energy body. then i start to feel the vacuum sensations again and so far get distracted at this point.

definate progress, it seems like the whole projection process comes in waves, sort of. ive just gotta keep focused and relaxed through each wave until i achieve separation, as far as i can tell. will keep up the practice and post up any nice progress!
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / any tips
February 01, 2011, 17:48:14

I have been practicing meditation for a while and have recently found that at certain times, if I put all of my focus upon the roof, as if I am trying to float up to it, then I will begin to feel as if I am being pulled out of my body, with alot of vibratory sensations.

Basically I will put my focus on the roof, and then will begin to feel some vibrations begin, I maintain my focus until they get stronger and stronger until it feels I am just getting sucked into a vacuum cleaner right out of my body. I tend to lose my focus a little here, mainly because I become excited as to how it will actually feel when I do leave my body.

I was just wondering how close I was to projecting, and if anybody had any tips for this process? I would assume I just have to keep on practicing until I can hold my focus of the roof through the whole experience, without losing my focus. As when I lose my focus the sensations seem to 'slow down'.

Well just thought I would share this to see what other experienced projectors thought and could tell me. I am very excited to visit the astral realms! Hopefully soon!