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Messages - Capt. Picard

Western governments (particularly USA) have comitted atrocites in the middle east for the past half a century. Im not condoning terrorism, but the wars are complete bull and I can see how that might tinkle Muslims off. At the same time, you Angelic555 have a complete lack of understanding for the terrorists that your own terrorist government ticked off. I should also mention that al-quada was originally formed by the CIA to combat the Soviets in Afghanistan. So you see really here in unbiased reality, you have a similar mindset to the terrorists, as you are just siding with your own government/people/religion etc without addressing all the issues, but still finding time to adress your feelings on the issue (once again, much like a muslim terrorist might justify his own beliefs). And on top of that, the USA is also committed more war crimes than the muslims have. They are even putting muslim POW's on trial which breaks several international war rules, as these wars are apparently real wars, you cant just call the othersides combatants terrorists. Its called war-time propaganda. Please dont think Im comparing your overall morals to terrorists, im not, im just saying the overall tone of your mindset is basically the same, in terms of how you justify your beliefs on the issue.
How do you know humans could adjust? Is there other evidence we dont know of other than the evidence of bone and muslce mass loss in zero gravity?
That is a religious belief on the same level as believing Jesus will come back to save the christians and send everyone else to hell. There is no basis outside wishful thinking for this.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: How many..
November 13, 2010, 16:56:37
None but I have met 3 or 4 people in real life who were very interested when I told them I practice this. I tryed teaching them, I think one of them (girl from res when I went to school) did claim to have one OBE a few weeks later, but other than that no one I know actually had success with it.
It would seem like a waste to just wipe us all out, and this whole higher dimension junk I keep hearing, seems to delegitimize physical evolution as pointless, and to be honest, where is there evidence that a physical object like the earth is going to move into a higher "dimension", the earth already exists in the other dimension, I can go to an astral-earth plane any time during a projection. So if the earth turns into the astral, what will be the difference between the real earth and the astral versions of earth that already exist? If you think about, there is only one reality, and your perception of that reality is what changes, so by this logic the earth is already in the physical, ethereal, astral, mental etc etc etc.
Will deffinitly check it out, thanks for the link.
I've read about terraforming other planets like Mars before, but that has been the one thing that didnt make sense to me, was the gravity. Not only will it cause problems for holding the atmosphere together, but how will humans and other earth life live there with different gravity? Wouldn't it cause bone and muscle loss eventually just like space travel?
I agree with PR, I am also conservative leaning in my views, but I dont take advice from any mainstream news corporations, whether left or right they use misinformation and propaganda at every turn. And yes, I believe most Scandinavian countries are socialist, although, they seem to make it work for themselves pretty good, and most scandinavian countries are amongst the best in the world for HDI, economy, wealth etc. Anyways, if your country banned just FOX and no other mainstream news channels, I wouldn't view it as a good thing at all. It means your government is trying to shift the political spectrum to liberalism in your country, which tends to hate the traditional values and culture of the majority of citizens.
I cant see too many veterans liking that idea for some reason... Countries have their own holidays but I dont think they are all on the same day. I know the USA has one that does not coincide with Nov 11 in Canada, but I think the states might have 2 days actually. Anyways, I've always wondered what eastern europeans feel about remebrance day and veterans day etc, since most of eastern europe fell under communism following WW2 it might seem blatantly pointless to some. The holiday itself is cultural so you can't expect everyone everywhere to honor all soilders, just wont happen IMO.
I disagree, dreams and astral projections are way too similar of environments in my opinion to put such a drastic seperation between them, and lucid dreams and projections are pretty much exactly the same depending on how councious you are at the time. Even RTZ I often wonder if it deserves to be seperate from the astral, but it does seem more dense and unlively then the astral so I can see why a distinction is made there.
I on the other hand, am not very friendly  :x
Never mind, reread it I get what you're saying now.
There are many who can go far deeper into the topics you have brought up. Many on this forum even.
I've seen stereotypical "shadow people" outside of my house during projection a few times. Although every time they were by themselves, and the beings you seen sound like they have alot more detail that a shadow person.
Quote from: Alakazam on November 04, 2010, 20:33:19
I've actually attempted that with several videos (on homeopathy, not this). In my experience, the video makers are either so set in their beliefs as to make all discussion impossible or know that they're lying already and simply don't care.

Exactly. There is no actual science in the video. But it is, quite clearly, trying to pass off their non-scientific nonsense as legitimate science.

Except in that it can convince people that these people have actually done something that is scientifically legitimate. I consider "spreading false information" to be harm.

I didn't. While that's part of it, they try to dress it up as science.

Come on man, angels and stuff, it is so obviously unscientific I dont see why someone who is scientifically inclined like yourself would even attempt to debunk this or imply that theyre using "faulty reasoning" when theyre not using real science at all. There is no point, I repeat, no point in adressing this particular video from a scientific standpoint, as it is so blatantly obvious that this is just their personal beliefs.

What is the point of your debunking exactly? This is a website for discussion of various topics related to OOBE's and for discussing methods of practicing this. No one trys to push beliefs on each other and those that do usually dont last long. You can choose to not believe in the nonphysical but like I said, this website is mainly for disccusing techniques to reach the OOB state. If you dont believe this state is even attainable and that we are all lying, then you might as well leave now, if you want to put effort and hard work into reaching this state, our only evidence is our word, but without trying you will never know the answers you seek.
I base my "belief" off of a specific philosophical point. That your reality is whatever you are experiencing. When you are councious in a "dream" that is your reality. In the same way that other people's perceptions of physical reality are different, does that mean that some of those people aren't experiencing reality period? Reality is shaped by the perceiver, even wave particle dualty supports this, we just apply that same philosophy to our OBE's, as we are indeed councious and interacting with the "dream" environment. Anyways, I just want to ask, if different people within physical reality have different views of this reality, and wave-particle duality can be observed combined with quantum theories that state atoms may be created by the collapse of probability waves (both meaning the physical universe is not as solid as you think), is it that far of a leap to for us to assume that when OBE we are experiencing what we appear to be? That is, percieving a reality. Im by no means saying the nonphysical reality is proven to exist, but when we cant prove it real or fake, but we can experience it as traversable and interactive reality, why should we have to choose disbelief over belief?
I use marijuana regularly, but I dont think I have ever projected while high on the substance. Usually after a night of heavy smoking I go home and pass out with very faint to no dream imagery remembered. If I were you I would try projecting early in the morning after about 6 hours of good sleep, while sober.
I couldnt agree with you moe Naykid, Obama's speeches had no substance in them at all and most of the nation fell for it. Ultimately, I think democrats pose a greater threat to freedoms than republicans, although neither is great. They are really pretty much the same party and when the cameras are off Im sure they work together to please their corporate overlords. It just seems democrats have no respect for tradition, culture, or heritage, they constantly play the race card when its unneccessary and can never finish a debate without resorting to ad hominem attacks and attacks on their oppenents personal character. Then they preach tolerance and acceptance of everyone regardless of differences but rip your head off if you have a differing political view. Complete hypocrits and fake intellectuals.
What stipulation would place it in Focus 27 anyways?
yeah I  crashed my Astral StarshipTM into the pyramid a few weeks ago, effectively demolishing it, my ship then fell into the ocean causing a huge oil leak which has damaged the beaches. It aint lookin so hot right now.
Interesting concept, I have recurring dream landscapes quite often so the possibility of this being effective is high in my opinion.
I have similar issues with going far in the RTZ. I also try to go into space and to the moon often but usually something messes up somewhere. The one time I tryed flying into space I thought I had actually made it. I turned around to look back on the earth and noticed that every country was marked with a sign popping out of it lol, so I then realized this was not RTZ anymore. Ive also only been able to make it to the countryside outside of my town (10km or so) while in the RTZ before I notice major discrepancies. I am skeptical that thinking to change the environment or whatever even works in the RTZ, I think more often then not it just sends you to an astral plane similar to the physical environment you want to go to, maybe the RTZ dosent even exist (although confirmation experiments would say otherwise).
Yeah its def a sign of doom but the democrats arent any better really, so basically what Im getting at, is we are screwed either way.
Why not? You cant be harmed in the astral then what could harm you from a oujia board? Obviously harm was implyed if you warned him about messing with something? Is my question not valid?
Quote from: Xanth on October 26, 2010, 15:38:28
I agree completely.
Tell them that they're messing with something that they don't understand.

If they still do it... well, you gave it your best shot.  Meh.

So you cant be hurt in the astral but you can get hurt in the physical from the astral? Didnt expect this answer from you TBH.