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Messages - SereneMelody

Quote from: Xanth on June 04, 2010, 12:45:15
Gotta relax the eyes more and stick to a passive awareness.

I've actually been having a problem with that as well. When attempting phasing/projecting, my eyes sometimes slightly open, and it ruins the experience, so I have to start over. It can be bothersome.
Your answers helped a lot, thanks.  :lol:

So I shouldn't really try projecting until I'm familiar with the higher levels...? And I should just let it happen.

Quote from: Chris J. on June 01, 2010, 22:53:12

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Read the whole page of the link you sent yesterday, but I'm only now replying. I'm pretty sure I was already in the focus 10 area, but from what I'd heard, I thought the goal was to aim for sleep paralysis. Never mind that then.

I practiced projecting again this morning, and I was wondering what the next steps are, besides practice...? I'll describe it here. A lot of my body senses faded away, but I could still slightly feel my physical body. There's a part thats a bit hard to describe though; I seemed to be thinking intensely, or having thoughts, but it seemed to go by a bit fast, or something like that, because I forgot just about everything I was focusing on.     
I was disrupted there, because I had to get up for school, but I'm confident if I had kept going I would have gone deeper. I was starting to get into the mind awake/body asleep phase.

I have a few questions; these might be the last ones

1) At what point do you project (OBE)? Somewhere deep in focus 10... correct?
2) Although I was starting to get deeper into it, I didn't feel even a slight tingle, or anything like that. How can you tell when you're supposed to project?

Sorry for my newbie ways, lol. I hope I'm not the only one who was/is stuck in such a low stage.

Thanks.  :-)

Quote from: Yin on May 30, 2010, 18:32:49
you will know based on what you see, it is actually rather hard for me to explain.. yesterday when I was doing it it physically felt like there was a ring in my head being pushed forward against my forehead. I would not base it on the feeling however so much as what you see with it, at the beginning you will start to see flashes and swirls among all manner of other nonphysical artifacts, at this point you will be "noticing" and viewing with your third eye.

I can get into what I consider deep relaxation, but it isn't sleep paralysis, because I can snap out of it. Is there something I'm missing, or does it just take practice to bring awareness into the third (inner) eye? And I'm supposed to be trying to achieve sleep paralysis, correct?

Thanks for taking the time to reply.  :-)
Quote from: Yin on May 29, 2010, 18:18:29
Frank would always say that thought is a primary energy, I never really actually understood this until a little while ago, basically, hold concentrated thought at the point where the chakra resides and it will be stimulated, this is going to be difficult at first, but, it basically is what made me consciously aware of it. Except for me the thought was charged senses that had as much energy into the imagination as I possibly could.

Is there a way to describe the feeling you get when you use the third, "inner", eye, or is it different for everyone? Still a bit puzzled.  :?
Thank you.
Quote from: Chris J. on May 28, 2010, 23:23:08 get things back on topic, is there anything else we can help you with?

Yeah, when I practiced projecting earlier today, I felt a strong tingling/thumping sensation in my right foot. Am I getting anywhere near close...? Another question; (sorry for all of them) how exactly do we "open", or use, our third (inner) eye? I don't really understand how to use it. Sorry if how I phrase the questions aren't very good.

Thanks again.  :-)
Quote from: Chris J. on May 28, 2010, 22:28:19
Yes, that sounds great!  :-P

shifted, stretching, no... phasing

That pretty much sums up your whole conversation.  :-P

Quote from: Yin on May 28, 2010, 21:17:43
You don't need to believe in energy centers so long as you direct concentrated thought along the path of your third eye chakra to stimulate it which is generally associated with a feeling of drifting upwards.

Thanks for posting. I thought your eyes must be open though to see yourself as floating. With your eyes closed, are you able to sense a floating-like feeling?
I just joined recently, and I'm wondering if any of you could give advice on projecting (OBE). I've only been at it for 2 days, and I haven't felt any tingling sensations, etc. Not that I really expect to get all that far in a few days of trying. Any of you have any advice while projecting that I should know... :?? Also, if you guys could answer these questions, much appreciated  :-):

1) (This is probably a stupid one  :-D) When projecting, should I keep my eyes closed or open?
2) Should I practice phasing first, or projecting? Which one is easier?
4) Anybody up for explaining what the "inner", or third, eye is?
3) Any advice?  :lol:

Not sure I even believe in all of this, but I suppose I'll never know unless I try; keeping an open mind. Thanks in advance.