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Messages - Shadow20205

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Help
October 13, 2003, 17:31:03
Well I have had two more obe, but lately when ever the vibrations come I get excited, Like "I'm about AP", and they disapear this has been happeningevery time I try can you help.

Thanx, [:)][:D][:)]
Does anyone know if chromokenesis is possible and are there any legidement tech. to succefuly achieve this skill.[:)]
Well this happened a few months a go in gym, I was talking to 2 my freinds I forget what he was saying, but He turned to point at someone and all of a sudden everything just like slowed down and you could hear every ones voice echo and everyone who was moving slowed to a hualt and just as quickly as it came it was gone. I asked if they saw, there like "yah, holy excrement that was awsome.", and I started going around asking my other freinds and they saw it to........Does any one no what it was[?]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Astral training
October 09, 2003, 11:05:44
Is it possible to have a traning or spar session on the astral mind. If anything is possible then I have an Idea all you die-hard dbz yu yu hakusho fans why don't you try to astral project then you could propably do all those immposible moves[:)].
I know what your thinkin, spirit energy is chi or ki, well guess what its not I wasr reading my Tia Chi Chi Kung book and i came across this diagram of the maridian points and Charkas and saw two seperate
energy storing Charkas,The Wie Chung
Now this is a type of I wouldnt say martial arts but can be used in energy training. ok Im gonna go warm-ups and "internal exersises"

Note: If you ar new to this art you must start up with a warm up every day and you have to be dedicated. Now to start with the warm ups.


1.)Relaxing your shoulders:
This will help you loose tension in your shoulders and arms.
Put your feet shoulder width apart, slowly raise your arms as if lifting a ball. Breathe in with the upward movment. Turn your arms gently to the side lower them back to the start, breathing out. Don't hunch your arms. Make at least 30 complete circles with your arms.

2.)Rotating the Hips:
Helps losen tension in the hips. With your feet shoulder width apart, rest your hand on your hips. Slowly rotate your hips 30 times to the left and 30 times to the right. Keep your head gently upright. Let your abdomen soften and your lower back relax.Breathe naturally.

3.)Strengthening the knees
This will help strengthen the knees for thse stances e will do. With your feet together, bend your knees and rest your hands just above them on your thighs. Slowly rotate your knees 30 times to the left and 30 time to the right. Try to keep the soles of your feet flat on the floo. Breathe naturally.

Now next we will talk about the stance that will be the base of most of the stances.THe wu-chi(state of pure openness) satnce, Im not gonna get in to to much detail but I'll explain wut it does


Stand still with your feet shoulder width apart. relax your knees, belly and hips. Let your shoulder naturally ease downwards. Your arms hang loosley by your side. Your fingers are slightly apart, naturally curved. Lower your chin a little and relax your neck. Look foward and slightly downwards. Breathe camly through your nose.

This stance is like being a tree rotted into the ground leting the energy flow in to you and clear block ages. do this stance for 5 minutes and gradually with each session increase to 20 minutes.
After you accomplish 20 minutes of wu-chi every day, you will do the wu chi in these sequences of position in order one after another.

Note: allway start up with warm-up and an initial 5 minutes of wu-chi.

1.)Holding the Belly:
With your feet shoulder width apart, slightly lower yourself as if resting your bottom on a large ball. Bring your hands in front of your lower abdomen as if gently resting a large ball agianst your belly - or as if you had a large belly on which your hands are happily resting. Your fingers are gently spread apart and your shoulders completely relaxed.
Stand like this for 5 minutes, gradually increase to 20 minutes.

2.) Holding the Ball:
You continue to sit on an imaginary ball. Your arms form a comfortable circle as if holding a ball between your open palms and your chest. Your elbows sink a little lower than your hands and rest on small imaginary balloons under your arms. Keep your chest and shoulders completely relaxed.
Stand like this for 5 minutes, gradually increase to 20 minutes.

3.)Extending to the Side:
Keep the same body posture and extend your arms out to the side, slightly in front of the line of your body. Relax your shoulders and slightly bend your elbows. You feel as if you are resting your hands on two ballons floating on water.
Stand like this for 5 minutes, gradually increase to 20 minutes.

4.)Opening Outwards:
Open your hands outwards as if pushing a large ball away from your face. Lower your self a little further, making sure that your knees do not bend forwards over your toes.

now to go a little in depth with the Wu-Chi stance:

Wu-Chi Inner Practice(Tree standing):
Standing like a Tree harnesses your inernal energy. Stand still, relax, let your centeral nervous system rebalance itself. Do not add other techniques, such as imagining the movement of Chi around your body or doing special breathing. These can create tension, obstruct the benefits of your practice and do internal harm. The inner work of Chi Kung is uncontrived: Be patient, relax, dont move. Your energy will work its own wonder naturally.

Now after every session you must seal your energy in your tan tien located 1/2 - 1 inch bellow your navel(belly button for those who dont know what navel means).

Sealing your Energy:
At the end of each Chi Kung session, it is important to seal into your body the energy you have generated. This applies to the foundation postures and all positions and movements of Chi Kung. This position seals your energy into a reservoir just below your navel in the Tan Tien, wich means The sea of Chi in Chinese. It is pronounced Tan Tien("dan dyen").

Posture for Sealing yourEenergy:
Stand in a relaxed, upright position with your feet shoulder width apart. Place your right hand over your Tan Tien. Then place your left hand comfortably on top of your right hand. you can lower your eyelids, but keep your eyes open to avoid losing wour balance. Rest in this position for between two and five minutes. Breathe naturally.

The Mind in your Practice:
Its okay if you want to watch T.V while you do your Chi Kung or music, but make sure its light music and not violent T.V.

First Year Session layouts:


Relaxing the shoulders        30 Circles
Rotating the Hips             30 Each way
Strengthening the Knees       30 Each way
Wu-Chi Stance                 5 - 15 mins.

Foundation Postures:

Holding the Belly             5 - 15 mins.
Holding the Ball              5 - 15 mins.
Extending to the Sides        5 - 15 mins.
Opening Outwards              5 - 15 mins.

Closing Practice:  
Wu-Chi                        2 - 5 mins.
Sealing your Energy           2 - 5 mins.

If you got any questions I'll be happy to answer them.

Im not sure what this was but last night after seeing all of these post on OBE I decided to try it agin becuase I have been unsuccessful in getting an OBE so I was laying down in my room with all the lights out I was really tired an Idecide to meditate now halfway into my meditation I was half awake and half asleep and all of a sudden I heard these High pitch noises and high pitch voices and then there was a flash and I felt a very very strong pull that I thought somebody had yanked me up and then I thought I was looking at my celling and light fixture right in front of me then I got excited and it kind off faded away after that it felt like I just woke up out of a trance i felt really weak and very tired, was it an OBE?
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Help
September 20, 2003, 16:44:17
Hi Ummmmm ok I'm not new to this stuff but Im having some problems I ve been doing chi training for about 2 1/2 years like tai-chi, chi-kung ,but last month I was in a kitchen fire and latley I ve notice that I cant harnest as much energy as I could before the accident, and I wanted to know is this becuase my energy is more concentrated on healing or that my charkas have been damaged. please respoond Thanx [:(]
Well isnt the back up dangerous if you cant/or dont know how to ground or get rid of it.[;)]
Well what if you fall asleep meditating? can you still be meditating while your asleep. Or if you program your-self or meditate at the same time every day for a month and then you start going to sleep earlier then would you meditate while sleeping every night at the time you used to.[;)]
Well I see this is the right place to ask my  ?  . I was in study hall and I closed my eyes about to go to sleep and I saw this vivid image of the auditorium I was in. Well I looked down and I could see my self sitting there and I look up and theres an bright light and a figure. That was just staring in my direction with a percing gaze, then I heard a whisper in my ear somebody call my name which is weird because theres no one close to me who can whisper in my ear......does anybody know what this was?[|)]
You should never give up you can't develope up a skill over night (mabey some can it realy depends on you),but it takes time and effort(and you have effort, Dont you?) mostly time though.[:)]
OOO....realy can't wait I know its gonna be good.[:)][:D][:)]
Is this a useful skill or is it something that you can say you just have.[:)]
Well Last night I was having this realy fast spinning sensation and my eyes started to flicker after I got I mages and I had to try to force them to stay close, but the flickering wouldnt stop. So i just opened my eyes for a little bit, like 3 sec. and the flickering stop and I was still in a meditative state.[;)]
Well when I tried to AP last night I thought I was spinning in my bed and I could here the wind pass my ears.[;)]
If time is connected with light then by moving faster than the speed of light you would be racing agianst time its self now if you go faster than ime would you vanish your self out of existence or would you be stuck in a time frame where every thing is frozen.[|)]
One of my friends says that he went with some of his friends to this like convention and they smoke some (of that good excrement) and they could see the energy as clear as day.[:)][:P][:)]
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / HELP!
October 15, 2003, 21:10:11
Yah Claustrophobic.[;)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Flat Earth
October 15, 2003, 20:59:05
Interesting point of view they have.[:)][;)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / It's Opposite Day!
October 15, 2003, 20:55:29
No I would say you crashed a plane loaded with explosives into a moutian filled with nitrate.[;)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / shocking
October 15, 2003, 20:51:19
Mabey next time hell think twice before interupting your exersises.[:)][}:)][:)]
Well foas theres a diffrence between running fast amd runnin faster than the speed of light.[:)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / It's Opposite Day!
October 15, 2003, 17:51:52
[:D]LOL yad etisoppo etah I

[;)].sdnoces ti ekam ,taht hctarcS

.sruoh rof siht od dluoc I nuf yllautca si siht gnidik tsuj LOL

.siht htiw em erutrot uoy tsum yhw

.hsilgne nialp gnidaer elbuort hguone evaH I ,naM
LMAO.........and what you call this cult LOL.[:)][:D][:)][:P][:)]