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Messages - solarity

Quote from: Xanth on June 18, 2010, 15:21:36
It's funny how people use that terminology...
That really is *THE BEST* way to describe the action of getting into that state.
You SLIP into it.


kind of like how you slip into a comfy pair of clothes? or different slipping.. hmm.. like a slip and slide?

Quote from: toolbaras on June 19, 2010, 04:33:15
Yes when images poped out I started to become one with them. I began to feel that they are getting bigger and I'm being sucked in there but then it stopped for no reason :( (well maybe it was a outside noise because it is pretty loud on the street)
By the way is it ok to do phasing at night?

1-2 hours before you will go to bed, many people prefer and seem to have more success in the morning but then there are others who's entire nonphysical travels are done at night. I will repeat this though, the time of day has nothing to do with your success, it is at which points in your sleep cycle(i'm talking asleep and awake) you try to do so that will have varying factors which will be detrimental or positive to your attempt at phasing. Everyone has a different sleep cycle, some people are even nocturnal so, I'd say it depends on the person relative to their cycle.
Quote from: Tongo on June 19, 2010, 09:13:48
so how long does it take the average phaser to get to the right state?

however long it takes, I can safely that from everything I've read it can from 5 minutes or so up to 2 hours and sometimes they can't even do it that day even if they're very experienced. So I would say it depends on the person at that time and the conditions set at that moment. I would in the end not even count time as a factor for it has no bearing on whether or not you will phase. Only the time at which you do it is reflected on your state at that moment due to your sleep cycle.
Quote from: Stookie on June 18, 2010, 11:42:41
Perfect, flawless, whole, god-like... whatever you want to call it. Maybe not on the physical level, but our true being is. Every one of us. There is nothing to attain, we're already there. It just needs to be realized.

We can't attain anything nonphysical, nonphysical is not capable of "gaining", it is only a concept based upon physical matter due to density.. We are what we are, as we will always be. Of course then the realization and full understanding of what this encompasses should be one's goal. So yes we are in agreement.
Quote from: Psilocybillus on June 18, 2010, 19:37:25

I ask because I can go up to 15, 20, 25 minutes without anything happening. It's supposed to become like the physical world, right? It's supposed to feel like I'm actually in my front yard on a Saturday morning and not like a conscious imagination? Well this never happens! What gives? I know that the first few times A person can have the "holy crap I'm not making this up" realization as Frank stated, but it never happens to me! More practice, I guess?

Since you're interested in frank sometimes it would take him an hour or more even after all the experience he had to reach the mental state needed in order to phase. There actually was some one who had success phasing into f2oC by jumping on a trampoline, I believe it was Selski.
her brain rewired itself so that the part that wasn't missing would control the functions. I do not know why proof is needed for this. I was under the impression the vast majority here already believed the mind exists nonphysically as well and interfaces with the brain such that we may interact with the physical. This belief will lead to even more questions, but, they will be answered as time moves along in this universe.
that rundown seems too complex to me, but its up to the person I guess

edit: Additionally, I have no idea how anyone can't think this is a phase into f2oC
Quote from: Xanth on June 17, 2010, 19:56:18
That's really my entire point against any sort of belief of "ascension".
We're NOT physical beings... this idea of ascension makes no sense when I hold it up against my belief system.

The next step to this which we call life IS the astral... there's no skipping it, there's no jumping around it.
It is what it is.

How exactly do you take physical matter into a non-physical environment?
Because that's what we're talking here when we say 'ascension'.
You're going "There" without your physical body dying "Here".

I might just be rambling... so ignore me.  hehe

~Ryan :)

no, it's very true. We take the same consciousness to the astral that we have with the physical, that is why sometimes in the lower belief territories babies will be found unconscious and the like. Surely these murderers that are to be found have not ascended to a greater level of murderous intent as their "evolution". The only real definition of ascension would be a gaining of a greater scope of awareness really.
that is under the notion that we are physical based. What will happen in that case if such is true is it will evolve us physically to be able to perceive consciousness on a deeper level, however conscious itself will not change, only our ability to interact with it. Regardless the idea that such an energy somehow has the ability to alter what has taken million of years of evolution to accomplish in a short period of time seems rather "magical".
I dislike the idea of 2012 being a change of state of consciousness, it reeks of geocentric beliefs. Unless we are to say that every planet and every physical universe that harbors life has a major event of conscious evolution based upon conditions set that are unknown that are supposed to occur in an unknown time range which will leap an entire civilization into a higher state for no reason other than the fact it has been a certain number of years? Even though the consciousness we take with us to the nonphysical that is focused in the physical is and will always be the exact same, for consciousness is consciousness, nothing more, nothing less.
i dislike the word perfect.. for everything is neither perfect nor imperfect, it simply is at is. Perfect is only relative to one's self in their comparisons of what is perfect and that which is not, it is an empty definition that has no real meaning. I would say when you start comparing yourself to others you lose sight of your unique self, so, I'd not even begin to delve into it.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: WTF SGU!?!
June 15, 2010, 07:46:47
yeah SGU.. how could you do this to us! ... >.> ... <.<
I like chopping carrots, *chop chop chop*
if you're going to sticky it clean up the original post
kundalini is a natural process
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Question
June 13, 2010, 18:06:32
well the answer is still no of course, so not wrong as in like omg you're wrong!!, I guess I'll edit it since I don't want to get into a random argument
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Question
June 13, 2010, 17:58:22
unless of course Zorg is talking about a guy named christian, and asking if a concept can be this person, then it has nothing to do with religion at all
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: hi
June 13, 2010, 17:50:07
what if I want a divorce?
when something like that happens I just tell myself.. well what's the worse thing that could happen, I die?, and I'm cool with that.. since the end result would be the same. The brain controls the body so it would be the brain/mind interfering if anything.
doesn't look like any one cares to shell out the money to find out
Quote from: apollo_kitty on June 13, 2010, 12:25:53
And Thank you Solarity for the explanation of the music playing or not. I just woke up so I'll definitely be trying that!

:lol: :-D

an easy way to turn it into a nonphysical related thought is picture the music playing from a scene in your imagination. I don't know the actual type of music you're playing so I can't give a specific example, however you could potentially make just that song/music into a rundown of its own. Really simple example.. instead of the music playing from whatever, picture its being played in a concert by the actual artist.

I will be on my space shuttle watching as everyone gets raptured.
me thinks you are trying to herd them to their own little playpen
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members Pictures
June 13, 2010, 09:51:52
he was obviously crouching to dodge enemy fire, you can press "c" to stand up now TL.
not at all, you're certainly ahead of 99% of the others, in my opinion.
Quote from: apollo_kitty on June 13, 2010, 01:51:07
Thanks for the replies. I tried it this afternoon and was able to do it for a brief moment, but by the time I realized what was going on I was back in myself again.

Is it a bad thing to have music playing very quietly in the background? I usually always have music on in the back as I find it nearly impossible to do anything without it on... but I have read quite a bit that says silence free of distraction is paramount to starting it all off... Any thoughts on this?

It is hard to say, the music as a physical based thought will keep you focused more so on the physical, so I would at least try to turn it into a more astral nonphysical oriented thought. Keep in mind that all sound emanates from within, so, if it makes sense while its playing try focusing on the sound "within" and not the vibrations that are being translated into a sound thought for you to enjoy. This will turn it into a positive aspect to me, as you will start looking within yourself, as the sound is not truly coming from the physical. That is the best advice I can give you if you want to listen to music. As pr said, disassociation from the physical is important as the more you dissociate with the physical the more you naturally associate with the nonphysical.